Introductory/State Visits to Sweden, Norway, Faroe Islands & Greenland: 2024, 2025

If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Love how Josephine and Vincent took part in the run! They also took part in a soccer event.

Lovely photos. Mom and dad look proud.

From the DRF day 2.

More from day 2

For someone who has been labeled as not a fan of running, Jospehine does a great job participating in the runs! Smiles throughout!

I think Vincent is also aware of the cameras, trying his latest soccer tricks.
Let see if the media criticises him again, as they did after the royal run where he celebrated finishing his race with the Ronaldo pose.
Sometimes I think the press and watchers can be too critical.
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Unless I'm very much mistaken the vest King Frederik is wearing is seal skin. - The Greenlanders only hunt adult seals, hence the dark-grey skin.
Captain Obvious here explaining: Cups, or whatever the young are called in English, have white skin in order to be camouflaged in the snow, while adults hunt in the grayish water and as such have grey skin.

Looks like Josephine is aware of, and quite like, the attention.
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For someone who has been labeled as not a fan of running, Jospehine does a great job participating in the runs! Smiles throughout!

I think Vincent is also aware of the cameras, trying his latest soccer tricks.
Let see if the media criticises him again, as they did after the royal run where he celebrated finishing his race with the Ronaldo pose.
Sometimes I think the press and watchers can be too critical.
Looks like the kids are enjoying themselves on the trip. Also, wonderful that they are allowed to be kids and have fun. Nothing sadder than seeing royal kids made to look, act, and be like little stepford level royal robots. They are 13 years old and probably enjoying getting a little spotlight with their parents on this trip. Nothing wrong with that. And just goes to show that Mary and Frederik have always made sure to include all the kids in things including spending individual time with has never been just about singling out the heir and labeling each child in a pre-dertmined role already. Good for them!
Very much agree Izzie. I'm glad they are included. Last time they went they were 3 so I'm sure they will remember this trip even more.

A nice article. Frederik meeting with 3 people from Greenland who were born the same year as him. In Greenland they have a word for his, Peqaanngu.
Frederik met them in 2009 and again this year, they all pose for a photo.

"- The royal house means a lot to the Greenlanders, and it is Frederik's merit for many, as Greenland is close to his heart, says Jens Møller to TV 2."
Today's photos on the Royal House's Instagram:

The royal household shared a video:

From yesterday, fun and educational for sure.

Day 3
Arrival in Attu- 10:00 am
The Regent couple arrives in Attu on the Royal Yacht Dannebrog, where mayor Ane Hansen and members of the municipal council receive the Regent ouple. Attu is located on a smaller island with the same name in the municipality of Qeqertalik.

Visit to Attu-10:30 am
The Regent couple will be shown around Attu and will, among other things, visit the settlement's church, school and kindergarten. Along the way, the King will unveil a memorial for Attu's 200th anniversary.

Kaffemik in Attu- 11:15 am
The Regent Couple takes part in a kaffemik in Attu, where there will be choir performances and by arctic sports practitioners, among other things.

Sometimes I forget the travel needed between each place in Greenland. It's on my list of travel.

They got some wonderful gifts.

Such wonderful photos from the DRF.

the closeness with the community shines through
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The skull that King Frederik got, and which had carvings on it, stems from a guy like this:

A Hvalros in Danish. They are big, heavy and notoriously bad-tempered!
Imagine a hippo on a Monday morning, before he has had his morning coffee, who has had no sleep and who is suffering from toothache and whose wives have been nagging him all morning and you have a pretty good idea what I mean.

The scarf Queen Mary got stems from a muskox.
They are by no means sheep and as such are not sheared. You either pluck the inner-fur from the ground - that's a big task!! Or you shoot the critter and use, among many other things, their inner-coat. As their inner coat is designed to keep them warm and comfy in minus 50 C storms it's a pretty warm scarf the Queen got herself! - It's also deceptively expensive.

It is said that after a while a married couple resemble each other, that is evident here:
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@Muhler do they speak a different language in Greenland or is one the King can understand and speak? I know little about Greenland and I'm not googling it this late. Most of what I know is science stuff I've seen in YouTube, like they have sharks with low metabolism that are over 400 years old (?) and Greenland is the location of the meteorite that hit Earth 12k years ago and melted the ice ending the Pleistocene age literally drowning everything and causing all the global flood legends mentioned in history.

And yet, I didn't research if their language derived from the Vikings like next-door Iceland.
@Muhler do they speak a different language in Greenland or is one the King can understand and speak? I know little about Greenland and I'm not googling it this late. Most of what I know is science stuff I've seen in YouTube, like they have sharks with low metabolism that are over 400 years old (?) and Greenland is the location of the meteorite that hit Earth 12k years ago and melted the ice ending the Pleistocene age literally drowning everything and causing all the global flood legends mentioned in history.

And yet, I didn't research if their language derived from the Vikings like next-door Iceland.
Short answer on the phone
There are two languages in Greenland and they have nothing in common with the Nordic languages except for a few modern Danish words.
More later.
Here are some more photos from Sisimiut today, July 2:

** gallery **

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A very busy day 4, as we can see has gone so well. Vincent, I think, in his first solo event with just dad.
The "on the job training" is excellent. Vincent and Josephine are doing so well!

Program for day 4
Arrival in Sisimiut-09:45 am
The Regent Couple arrives to Sisimut on the Royal Yacht Dannebrog, where Mayor Malik Berthelsen and members of the municipal council receive Their Majesties. There will be a qajaq presentation in connection with the arrival. Sisimiut is Greenland's second largest city with almost 5,500 inhabitants.

Visit to the Sisimiut Museum-10:50 am
The Regent Couple will visit the Sisimiut Museum, where there will be a presentation on the Aasivissuit-Nipisat world heritage site. The World Sea area was inscribed on UNESCO's World Heritage List in 2018. The area consists of the two main sites Aasivissuit and Nipisat, which tell a story that stretches over 4,200 years. In Aasivissuit – Nipisat you can meet, among other things, Inuit winter houses, reindeer hunting areas and ruins from the colonial era.

Visit to Hundebyen- 11:30 am
The King visits the Dog Village in Sisimiut, where His Majesty is introduced to the company Milak Production. The company has created a sustainable, local production of dog food.

Presentation of ATV tracks-12:00 noon
The King is presented with the upcoming ATV trail between Sisimiut and Kangerlussuaq by Mayor Malik Berthelsen.

Visit to Handicap Center Pissassarfik in Sisimiut- 11:30 am
The Queen visits Greenland's national disability center Pissassarfik. Pissassarfik offers professional guidance, advice and training in relation to physical, psychological, speech-language and cognitive disabilities.

Reception at Kulturhuset Taseralik- 1:20 pm
The Regent Couple attends a reception in the Culture House Taseralik in Sisimiut hosted by the municipality. The cultural center Taseralik, which was inaugurated in 2008, contains, among other things, a theater hall, music school, cinema and exhibition facilities.

Visit and tour of Sisimiut- 2:10 pm
The Regent Couple will be shown around Sisimut and will, among other things, visit the so-called love trail that goes around the town's lake, and be presented with the town's new swimming pool project. In addition, the King initiates a family run, which is organized by the local cross-country club.

Visit to KTI Tech College Greenland- 2:45 pm
The Regent Couple visit KTI Tech College Greenland in Sisimiut and take part in a tour of the school. The school focuses on educational opportunities within, among other things, construction, raw materials, iron and metal, and upper secondary education. In addition, KTI collaborates with the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) on the operation of the Center for Arctic Technology, including the Arctic engineering education, which is targeted at work under extreme climatic conditions.

Kaffemik in the sports hall- 3:30 pm
The Regent Couple will take part in a coffee meeting in Sisimiut's sports hall, where there will be presentations from the city's associations, among other things.

Reception on the Royal Yacht Dannebrog- 5:45 pm
The Regent Couple hosts a reception on the Royal Yacht Dannebrog for invited guests

Mary wore her newly Greenland honor

more articles
beautiful photos
@Muhler do they speak a different language in Greenland or is one the King can understand and speak? I know little about Greenland and I'm not googling it this late. Most of what I know is science stuff I've seen in YouTube, like they have sharks with low metabolism that are over 400 years old (?) and Greenland is the location of the meteorite that hit Earth 12k years ago and melted the ice ending the Pleistocene age literally drowning everything and causing all the global flood legends mentioned in history.

And yet, I didn't research if their language derived from the Vikings like next-door Iceland.
Follow up from earlier post.
When the Greenlanders arrived in Greenland around the year 1000, the Scandinavians landed in the south and set up colonies.
There were already a few people in Greenland, but the incoming Greenlanders had spend the past 1000 years basically pushing and fighting their way across northern Canada, so it was de facto a conquest. And the few original inhabitants were wiped out, either killed off, bred out of existence or pushed so far away that they eventually succumbed to the harsh environment and died out. Their culture and language was probably closely related to the natives living in Canada at the time.
The Greenlanders trekked down along the west coast of Greenland and then up again along the east coast. But the east coast remained pretty isolated and sparsely populated and by the time the Danes (and Norwegians) returned for real in the early 1700s these two parts of Greenland had developed different dialects and to some extent seemingly also different cultures. I don't know to what extent these two languages differ, I imagine it's akin to the difference between Swedish and Norwegian.
But around 1100 or so the Greenlanders and Scandinavians met. It seems likely that the first contact was based on some sort of trade or bartering, perhaps with the odd conflict here and there. But certainly by 1300 all contact with the Scandinavian colonies was lost. It's unknown what really happened.
It is likely however that only a handful remained, because the climate gradually became colder. So the last handful were again likely either killed off or evacuated and it's not unlikely that the last ships went down. Or they simply died from starvation.
But by the early 1700s the Danes returned and claimed Greenland as a colony. But there were very few Scandinavians there, a few missionaries (they had great success BTW. Christianity is strong in Greenland.) a handful of administrators and the odd ship looking for provisions, so the Greenlanders were only to a limited extent exposed to European diseases. Partly because it took a while to even get there, so if someone on a ship became ill, they would either die before reaching Greenland, infect the whole crew, in which case the ship was toast or recover enough not to be contagious.
And the Greenlanders lived in very small communities with great distances between them so interaction was pretty sparse and irregular. In fact it was expected that visiting hunters had intercourse with the women of a hamlet they visited to avoid inbreeding - that was a well known and well established practice even by 1900. QMII once made a reference to just that practice while celebrating a Danish polar explorer. She has a mischievous sense of humor.
Anyway, that isolation saved the Greenlanders from the horrors of widespread epidemics.
In fact and IIRC there were only some 5.000 or so Greenlanders on the whole island around 1900.
Vincent will forever be my favorite. There is just something about this young man from the time he was a toddler. He was adorable 🥰 still is. Look at that smile!
I think it's safe to say that you won't be the only one who is infatuated with Vincent. On this trip and in the future. :lol:
Greenland is very important strategically
You said it!

They have renamed the Thule Base, but it is still an increasingly important base for USA in particular NORAD the early warning chain, alerting USA from missile attacks across the North Pole, and increasingly so also SAC Strategic Air Command, defending USA from incoming incursions.
Denmark in general and Greenland in particular has next to no influence or even knowledge about what is going on at Thule. Except, it is not unlikely that Danish F35 fighters will be stationed at Thule - they have certainly looked into the possibility. F16s were tested and could, albeit with some difficulty, operate in Greenland.
Because as the ice recedes the North West Passage between the Atlantic and the Pacific may in a few years remain not only open but practical as a large scale shipping route for most of the year. And that needs someone and something to keep an eye on things and if necessary being able to enforce the will of the Danish/Greenlandic or Canadian governments.
For that reason new Danish arctic patrol frigates will be build as fast as possible - the funding has been allocated.
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