International Jumping de Monte-Carlo: 2006 - 2019, 2021 - 2024

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Mom N Me said:
Sorry guys -- in advance --
I admit that Charlotte is a very nice looking young woman, but IMO I have to disagree with the posts that say she looked really great at this show. She could have done a whole lot better than ripped blue jeans and the casual look. I know it was a horse show, but come on... these events are a tad more formal than this. it would have been great if she was out shopping or hanging with the friends.

My first thought was she looks like she just woke up and rolled out or had one of those infumous College All Nighters last night. Then came the pic of her giving out a winners cup -- my first thought was What would your Grandma say about that! It would have worked if she was just a spectator, but representing The Family...

I do have to give props to Caroline -- she looked FAB in her outfit!

But did you see how some of the other women with her, especially during the prize-giving, were dressed? Most wearing jeans too. It was mostly very jeans-and-casual, so I think she was dressed appropriately for the occasion.
And both sne and Felix changed later, as others around them did.

There are pics of Reuters too if anyone wishes to post them. The bonus about reuters is the no-watermark thing.;)

My favorite pics so far are the ones of Caro, Char, Julie, and Felix at their table laughing together. It was great when Char passed her phone over to Felix (I wonder if it was Cecile on the phone, how cute!) And then Char puts her head on Julie, very sweet. [OT, I've always wondered who is older, Cecile or Felix, or maybe they are twins because they look so much alike and could easily be the same age, don't you think?]

It is always a pleasure to see Mama and Daughter enjoying each other's company. They seemed to be having a great time that day. Also, I love that Charlotte focused more on her comfort than style, as usual. She's always been a comfort-girl. She wears what she is comfortable in. I appreciate how Caroline lets her have a free-reign too, letting her wear whatever she wants.
Charlotte was dressed like everybody else, so why not wear her favorite jeans? The only thing that sort of bothered me was her blouse, which was cut in a way that it seemed like she was not wearing a bra. I hope she was wearing a bra because I don't think it would be appropriate at all to be at such a photographed event and not wear a bra. But other than that, I think she was fine. Well, she could also watch out in the future that her undies don't stick out from her jeans; the world does not need to know what color panties Charlotte is wearing, very unnecessary information, haha!;)
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New boyfriend?

There are tons of new pics of Charlotte at the International Monte Carlo Horse Show. She is with a new guy who appears, from their interactions, to be her date. Did she and Felix break up? How did I miss that news?
I thought that WAS Felix with her at the Int'l Jumping show?
The guy at the Jumping is indeed Felix; they've been together for at least a couple of years now...
More of Princess Caroline and Charlotte from Isifa


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Princess Caroline and Charlotte look stunning in all of the pics posted by everyone :)

Thanks tbhrc for the information regarding the past Jumpings. I wonder why Albert hasn't attended any of the competitions, maybe he'll be on the closing night. Also where are Andrea, Pierre, and Alexandra since they always attended the Jumping in the past.

Very nice to see Charlotte smiling in many pictures. My favorite ones are those of Caroline with Charlotte. Great seeing Juliette/Chrissy Maillot again after 2 years or so.

When does the Jumping end?
Oh yes, that is Felix, he seems a pretty nice guy and they seem to have an stable relationship which is great. Im sure Caroline is very happy for this.
monaco70s said:
Also where are Andrea, Pierre, and Alexandra since they always attended the Jumping in the past.
... When does the Jumping end?

Andrea and tatiana are on a boat somewhere (the nude sunbathing pics in the AC thread). I don't know about the others you mention. Someone saw Ernst there, so it is surprising not to see Alex too, as Alex is almost always where her papa is.:)
It's nice for Charlotte to focus entirely on comfort rather than style, but it's a loss for us. In previous public events, especially two , three, even four years ago, even in comfortable-looking clothes, and appropriate for the occasion, she could look so dazzling ! A little detail here, another one there, and she created a new style all by herself. I am thinking of the red (I think) scarf, the white shirt, some perfect earrings or necklace that gave a real sparkle to her face, brought out the shape of her face or drew our gaze to her eyes.
I wonder if its the norm in europe to smoke infront of your children. It seems the concept of second-hand smoking is regarded with little respect.
Lamyah said:
I wonder if its the norm in europe to smoke infront of your children. It seems the concept of second-hand smoking is regarded with little respect.

It's even in Europe rather strange that public figures smoke in public. Prince Filip of Belgium e.g. likes to smoke cigares but he never does this in public. Queen Beatrix is also a heavy smoker, but NEVER does this in public. So, it's indeed a bit strange that they do it in Monaco...
From the pictures that I have seen, it looks like it was miserably hot at the horse show. And, given that it was a horse show, it means that it was also very dusty and somewhat grimey. I think that had a lot to do with the choice of clothing by all parties. I don't think that Charlotte has gone forgotten how to dress appropriately. It was most likely just a very hot day that they, being human, were trying to survive. Even Caroline looked a bit frazzled by the heat to me.
New ones from EPA/ANP

Prince Albert II of Monaco applauds winner of the 11th Monaco International Show Jumping competition, M. Philippaerts of Belgium (not in the picture), Monaco, Saturday 24 June 2006. The show jumping event, held outdoors at the quay of the harbour, is for the first time, one of the six qualifiers of the Global Champions Tour. EPA/ASM CORBIS OUT


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julianneneville said:
From the pictures that I have seen, it looks like it was miserably hot at the horse show. And, given that it was a horse show, it means that it was also very dusty and somewhat grimey. I think that had a lot to do with the choice of clothing by all parties. I don't think that Charlotte has gone forgotten how to dress appropriately. It was most likely just a very hot day that they, being human, were trying to survive. Even Caroline looked a bit frazzled by the heat to me.
It is indead very hot here at present. In fact the hottest it has been this year. Very humid too. I don't know about the dust. I was down there yesterday and I didn't find it that dusty.

I also didn't find there was much security. We almost walked into the Vip area and I didn't even have tickets. As a normal tourist you could walk along the port and mingle with the jumping public with no problems. I like the jumping better at the port, but security wise it must be a complete nightmare.
CasiraghiTrio said:
Johana, I can say with certainty that Juliette is very serious in show jumping competitions, I believe much more than Charlotte ever was. Juliette is a former young champion for the whole of France in one of the jumpings categories, CCE or something. Charlotte always competed in CSO, but Juliette is in CCE, which must be a more advanced category, I'm guessing. I think Julie still competes and probably is in town for the competition. Char doesn't do it anymore. She's a full-time scholar now, but it seems that she is being groomed to take after her mother as a patron and possible future President of the association. That's what I'm hoping will happen anyway!
About the Maillots, yeah, they are rich, you're right. You probably also know who their dad is, so I won't repeat that. It's been stated numerous times everywhere relating to Charlotte, so there you go. But about your question on their studies. I am pretty sure Julie studies in Paris somewhere. I don't know about Chrissy. We haven't seen Chrissy in pics for ages, have we? Or has anyone? I don't remember seeing Chrissy for quite some time. the last I can remember was in 2003 when their dad received the Legion d'Honneur.

I don't think you got it right. Are you sure your aren't confusing Juliette Maillot and Valentine Pozzo di BOrgo?. Valentine was charlotte's jumping pal, and she is the one who has rich parents ( they own some luxury hotels) and the one who was one level above charlotte in jumping.
Juliette Maillot is the daughter of the director of the Montecarlo Ballet and she is friends with charlotte since both of them were small children but I have never seen her ride a horse. Also, her father, Jean-Christophe Maillot, who got the Légion d'Honneur, three years ago is an artist not an bussiness man so, he is probably well-off since he is very prestigious but he isn't a milllionaire like the Grimaldi, Hannover or Niarchos.

you can read here a short biography of juliettes Maillot father. As you can see he is a succesful artist, probably very well of, but in no way a millionaire:
Born in 1960 in Tours, France, Jean-Christophe Maillot studied dance and piano at the Conservatoire National in that city before joining Rosella Hightower's International School of Dance in Cannes. In 1977 he won the Prix de Lausanne. In 1978, he was invited to join the Hamburg Ballet, where director John Neumeier created principal roles for him in many works.
In 1983, Jean-Christophe Maillot was appointed as choreographer and director of the Ballet du Grand Theatre in Tours, subsequently one of France's National Choreographic Centres. He choreographed some twenty ballets for this company, and in 1985 he founded the festival "Le Chorégraphique". In 1992 he was awarded the title of Chevalier de l'Ordre des Arts et des Lettres by the Minister of Culture, Jack Lang.
In 1993, H.R.H. the Princess of Hannover invited Jean-Christophe Maillot to become director of the Ballets de Monte-Carlo. There, as principal choreographer for a company of fifty dancers, he has continued to make new work: among his creations for the Ballets de Monte-Carlo, are Bêtes Noires, Home, Sweet Home, Dov'è la Luna, Vers un Pays Sage, Roméo et Juliette (performed almost 100 times), Recto Verso, L'Ile, Cendrillon, Entrelacs, Oeil pour oeil.
In addition to his own work, he has broadened and enriched the company's repertoire by inviting the most important contemporary choreographers to work in Monte-Carlo, as well as maintaining works by George Balanchine and from the Ballets Russes, closely linked to the history of the Ballets de Monte-Carlo. For the Printemps des Arts 2000 season in Monaco, he recently created Opus 40, to music by Meredith Monk, set and costumes by new-yorker painter George Condo.
Jean-Christophe Maillot is also regularly invited to stage his works for companies all over the world, and is one of France's most frequently presented choreographers: his ballets have been performed in London, Rome, Madrid, Paris, Brussels, Lisbon, Cairo, New York, Mexico, Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo, Hong Kong, Seoul, Manila, Tokyo, and Brisbane. On the 19 November, 1999, Jean-Christophe Maillot was awarded the title of Officer de l'Ordre du Merite Culturel of the Principality of Monaco. Jean-Christophe Maillot is founder and president of the Monaco Dances Danses Forum.

Lamyah said:
I wonder if its the norm in europe to smoke infront of your children. It seems the concept of second-hand smoking is regarded with little respect.

Yes, it is vary common. I think that nearly every smoker smokes in front of children. We don't care that much about it.
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Horse Show Question

I read that le jumping takes place on Port Hercule? Where on the port is there room for a horse show? Does this mean it is no longer held in the Chapiteau in Fontvieille, or am I totally confusing le jumping with another event?

I agree it's too bad about the smoking. When we were in Europe, I marvelled out how much more healthy and balanced their way of life was: organic produce at every market, people walked/biked instead of getting in their cars, less chaotic pace (love those three-hour lunches!), more emphasis on family, no junk food, no obesity epidemic like there is here in the US. But there were smokers everywhere! Go figure! Maybe the overall healthier lifestyle will offset the well-documented, deleterious effects of smoking??????
Hello to all of you!
This is the first time I post here...I'm really happy to see the new photos of Charlotte with Felix.
It was a long time since I didn't see Charlotte at a jumping event!
More photos from Zuma Press
(Mandatory Credit: Photo by Manuele Mangiarotti/LaPresse/ZUMA Press)

The first part could be called "Table Party":p

Wonder for what was Felix teasing


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Mandatory Credit: Photo by Manuele Mangiarotti/LaPresse/ZUMA Press

Second part could be "Shopping Tour"

Felix is really funny guy..Having fun with papparazzi's once again:D


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debby said:
I read that le jumping takes place on Port Hercule? Where on the port is there room for a horse show? Does this mean it is no longer held in the Chapiteau in Fontvieille, or am I totally confusing le jumping with another event?

Debby, the Port Hercule is the new location for the jumping. This year is its premiere at that location. Yes, in prior years, it was always at Espace Fontvielle.
it's nice to see many pictures of charlotte and felix together!! I miss seing them together...looks like charlotte had a blast with her friends and felix in this event..
Lamyah said:
I wonder if its the norm in europe to smoke infront of your children. It seems the concept of second-hand smoking is regarded with little respect.

If you smoke, you smoke everwhere... that is normal because you consider doing something "normal", so why avoid doing it in front of your children??
It would be an hypocrisy...
Most of smokers do not care about the non smokers, so why hidding??

And Caroline's childred, at least the boys, smoke, Andrea is a heavy smoker..
Some more pics of Albert from abacapress:

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fandesacs2003 said:
If you smoke, you smoke everwhere... that is normal because you consider doing something "normal", so why avoid doing it in front of your children??
It would be an hypocrisy...
Most of smokers do not care about the non smokers, so why hidding??

And Caroline's childred, at least the boys, smoke, Andrea is a heavy smoker..

Yeah, it's pretty pointless to discuss Caro's smoking anyway. She has been smoking most of her life and she clearly has no desire to attempt to change that, so we are not going to influence her with our statistics and debates and discussion about it. It's who she is and who she wants to be. Her kids are used to it by now. Now her smoking around Alex, that is perhaps something to "call" her on, but Caroline and her sometimes-foolish choices (i.e. smoking when she was pregnant) have been discussed at length, I think. I reiterate what I said before: That's what Caroline does and there is nothing we can do about it.:(
Ianna said:
Mandatory Credit: Photo by Manuele Mangiarotti/LaPresse/ZUMA Press

Second part could be "Shopping Tour"

Felix is really funny guy..Having fun with papparazzi's once again:D

In the sedond picture she remembered me a lot to her aunt Stephanie.
Deadline Press Part 1

Deadline Press Part 2


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Deadline Press Part 3 & APL / Corbis


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tbhrc said:
Deadline Press Part 3 & APL / Corbis

Oh my God, mother and daughter are radiant, pretty, wonderful. You that they have a very strong relationship, it is so obvious ;)

Bravo dear Caroline, I think that she managed to be father AND mother, and also friend with her children.
It so happy to see them happy
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