International Jumping de Monte-Carlo: 2006 - 2019, 2021 - 2024

If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
So glad PA is giving her the chance to become an adult member and worthy representative of the Grimaldi clan.
Her voice is indeed very similar to her mother's, whereas Stephanie's voice is much higher, almost childlike.
Stade 2 - France 2

The video with Charlotte

What a great video! And Charlie!!! She Has such a nice deep voice, and all her faces lightens up when she speaks... Although, at the same time, it's strange to listen to her speaking french, i imagined her much more an english speaker rather than french... :flowers:
Thanks you Fortimo!!

I´m not a French speaker so if someone else would like to translate it would be much better. This is more or less what she said.

"I took up horseriding when i was very young. I´ve done this for long. It´s a pleasure to participate in the Monaco Championship.
It´s been difficult because i could´t train during the week, it´s been dificult to take up competition again".

-Do you aspire to become a profesional?
"For the time being i wish to get good results in amateur competitions, and then we´ll see. Why not?"

"It´s a pleaure to support this sport, i hope next years, thanks to the Global Champions Tour, which is a Championship organized around the world, i hope my participation may contribute to make this sport more popular".

She´ll be in Portugal in 10 days and in Brazil at the end of the month.

She also does swimming and jogging.
FINALLY - excellent video!! :ROFLMAO: Thanks for giving us a chance to hear her really speak for a few minutes (not just a one or two word comment like at the fashion show). She does sound a lot like her mother - her French, of course, is much like a native. ;) She was very poised and mature. She still had her wrist support (you could see her trying to hide it under the table), so she can obviously still compete, despite her injury. Love it! :lol:
And she looks shy in front of the camera, just like her father Stefano did.
her voice is really deep...charlotte looks like she really enjoy the enviroment , not like alex, in the photos he looks really serious, cold and distance, maybe the horse isn't his thing.
he has the same pose charlotte has when she is in a sociality event, alex looks like he enjoy that, not is different she is her thing ans he isnt.

in the interview she looks a a little bit shy, and the anchorman talks TO FAST
It is amazing how much she channels her mother! Beautiful, well spoken and very confident! I hope she continues to do more within Monaco's official duties!
Where's Alex?

He was not in that Event- International Jumping Show of Monte Carlo.
Yeah, he is too serious in that photo. And we don't see him as much as we used to hanging with Charlotte. I hope everything is ok.
Monaco Pro-Am Cup - 25 June 2010

Great novelty of the International Jumping of Monte-Carlo: a special team competition. Charlotte Casiragui is the patron of this show and she is competing for Gucci with Edwina Alexander.

On Friday night, right after the competitions for the world ranking, 14 teams will compete, for a period of 1h30. A specific course will be made by Frank Rothenberger, the course designer of the International Jumping of Monte-Carlo. Each team sponsored by a company is made up of one professional rider and one amateur rider.
Just after the coruse walk, the competition will start with amateur riders, with a 1m30 course. Then, it’s the professional riders turn, with a 1m50 course. Therefore, each rider jumps one round and the cumulative result of both riders in the team is taken into account.
This competition that links professional and amateur riders emphasises the family spirit of this sport. On this occasion Piaget will give to each winner a watch from his latest collection.

Before the Grand Prix du Prince on Saturday, the Monaco Pro-Am Cup will surprise and delight its spectators. It will definitely be a highlight of this 2010 edition of the International Jumping of Monte-Carlo.

Pro-Am Cup TEAMs
  1. Gucci Edwina Alexander & Charlotte Casiraghi
  2. Triumph Project Lauren Hough & Bart Soetaerts
  3. Piaget Steve Guerdat & Maud Raimbert
  4. CTM Luiz Felipe De Azevedo & Maddalena Valenzano-Menada
  5. Amade Alvaro De Miranda & Margaux Chouraqui
  6. Pastor Immobilier Roger-Yves Bost & Ludovica Francesconi
  7. Olympe Capital Malin Baryard-Johnsson & Emilie Broman
  8. Eurodocument Philippe Rozier & Jennifer Aplin
  9. Ascoma Jutheau Husson/Haras de Preuilly Richard Spooner & Antoine Boulanger
  10. PVN Real Estate Ben Maher & Florence Bellm
  11. Ery Management S.A. Daniel Deusser & Katia Rybolovleva
  12. Knight Vinke Sheikh Ali Al Thani & Faleh Al Adjmi
  13. Grand Hôtel Les 3 Rois - Grand Hôtel Bellevue Denis Lynch & Flaminia Straumann
  14. Scuderia La Principessa Gianni Govoni & Alessia Rossi

I think the Amade team will be the ones to watch. But of course, I'm slightly biased towards Doda. :ROFLMAO: :cool:
Doda has been paired with someone who is a part of the Casiraghi social circles. this Margaux is also a Sciences Po student. Anyway, on topic, today Charlotte and Troy were eliminated on the 1m25 course.

See results: Jumping International de Monte Carlo (MON)
I was watching - she's consistently posting better results with Tintero than with Troy. 37th and eliminated on Troy, 14th on Tintero. Why can't she see what everyone else can? :ermm: She is obviously a better match for Tintero. With Troy her results are, at the best of times, pretty bad. With Tintero, she's actually okay.
I was watching - she's consistently posting better results with Tintero than with Troy. 37th and eliminated on Troy, 14th on Tintero. Why can't she see what everyone else can? :ermm: She is obviously a better match for Tintero. With Troy her results are, at the best of times, pretty bad. With Tintero, she's actually okay.

I can't remember who owns the horses (what farm), but both horses have qualified for the various events, so she must continue using both no matter how she does, until/unless the owner(s) pull the horse.....if he's not hurt, there will be questions about his future (sold, destroyed, etc), which never reflects well if all anyone cares about is the purse and not the horses well-being, too.
Troy had been doing better. He did great at Cannes but is now sliding back again. I think he is challenging Charlotte to be the alpha horse and he is winning so far.

I watched that slow motion video again and noticed some things. I don't think Charlotte was riding off balance when she put her feet back. Troy likes to drag both his front and back hoofs along the top of the rail. She was kicking him to make sure his back feet went up. Also, she doesn't appear to hold her reins much different with Troy. He was just fighting her. He appears to be awry.

Tintero on the other hand seems to have lots of heart and likes to jump. He jumps several inches over the top of the fences.
Charlotte Casiraghi attends the 15th Monte-Carlo International Jumping on June 24, 2010 in Monte-Carlo, Monaco
Those are fabulous pictures. Even though Charlotte didn't do well with Troy for the 1m25, Monaco had a couple of good wins Thursday. For the 1m15, Wenceslas Thomel was third place and Wilfried Rico was 7th, both prize spots.
In the 1m25 from which Char was eliminated, her Monaco mate Florence Bord was 6th and 7th place. Go home team!!!

Troy had been doing better. He did great at Cannes but is now sliding back again. I think he is challenging Charlotte to be the alpha horse and he is winning so far.

I watched that slow motion video again and noticed some things. I don't think Charlotte was riding off balance when she put her feet back. Troy likes to drag both his front and back hoofs along the top of the rail. She was kicking him to make sure his back feet went up. Also, she doesn't appear to hold her reins much different with Troy. He was just fighting her. He appears to be awry.

Tintero on the other hand seems to have lots of heart and likes to jump. He jumps several inches over the top of the fences.

You do not know about how to treat horses. She is being too hard with Troy. When you try to force a horse, the horse won't respond well. You have to build a relationship of trust and ease the horse to want what you want.
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. I don't think Charlotte was riding off balance when she put her feet back. Troy likes to drag both his front and back hoofs along the top of the rail. She was kicking him to make sure his back feet went up.

Never in my life did I hear about such a technique. Probably because it doesn't exist. You don't kick a horse mid air to make sure its feet go up! It would be useless and bad for your balance.
You're right. I don't know anything about horses and I am not suggesting that Charlotte was in any way abusing her horse but I do know that horses are very skittish. Isn't that why jockeys and jumpers carry whips? It doesn't take much to get a prey animal's adrenaline going. I also think force is way too strong a word. I don't think you can force a 1000 lb animal to do anything it doesn't want to do. They are just battling for the leadership position in the team. I am sure Charlotte is trying very hard to build a relationship with Troy but he is a professional horse and not a pet. I have a friend who has a border collie. It is very smart, mischievous, and stubborn. Constantly testing you and wanting to be the leader. I have a feeling Troy has that same kind of personality.
^Well, I am not an expert either, but I've been learning a lot lately about how to bond with horses. For the first time in my life I am learning to be around them and feel a connection. You really have to be gentle, and alert of course, and it's important for a novice like me to just let the horse show me what he/she wants/likes. That is how you build trust. You're right about skittish.... they are among the most sensitive creatures. I feel sorry for Troy. Somehow there is a disconnect between him and Charlotte. She's not understanding him somehow. Or she doesn't want to understand him. It almost seems like she doesn't care about what's going on with him, as long as she can make him do what she wants and make her look good. Maybe part of this stems from frustration. But whatever the case, it's not good. The bottom line is they are a bad match. I think we all agree on that! One side of the argument assigns blame to Troy, but the other side (mine) assigns it to Charlotte, the rider. But fault is beyond the point. They are a terrible match, period.
Oh, my God! I've been watching the tour live on GCT and I feel embarrased on behalf of the invitational 1.15 riders.
I know I've been critical with Charlotte riding skills before but, really, she is Queen of Amazons when compared with what I'm seeing right now.

I know the only reason the tour has this "special invitational" shows is for the sake of publicity and added glamour, but there should be some kind of limit about how bad a rider can be even if he has the most glamourous name on earth.

Really. A couple of the 1.15 riders were decent, but most of them were painful to watch. Bags of potatoes bumping on the saddle, fat unfit riders, people haging on the reins on every jump, unbalanced horses running like mad with their weight on the bit and dragging feet, jumps taken from so far away that the rider is left hanging...
Most times they save their necks because they are rich and have great horses.But those people don't even have national level.
They should be riding social un-official competitions at their riding clubs. Having them at such a high level international event is grotesque.
Oh, my God! I've been watching the tour live on GCT and I feel embarrased on behalf of the invitational 1.15 riders.
I know I've been critical with Charlotte riding skills before but, really, she is Queen of Amazons when compared with what I'm seeing right now.
I know. :eek: It's obvious that many of them do not have a good understanding of their horse. Half of the time I'm having to shut my eyes because I can't bring myself to watch. Like that guy who just got eliminated (was it Mohd Ghassan Qasar?) because the horse bucked him into the fence. I saw that coming from a mile off. Not a good rapport with his horse at all. :ermm: And the way he pulled on the reins and the bit! :ohmy: :ermm:
Thanks for the pictures.

Who is the guy with Caroline??? He is not Alex.
She's playing with her hair. ;) ;) I'm tempted to say she fancies him like mad. :ROFLMAO: I know I'm terrible but I believe in body language, even if you do only catch occasional glimpses in pictures. She is, at the very least, very friendly towards him. Looks like they get along great. :flowers: Whoever he is though, he shouldn't smile like that. It's kind of scary. :ermm: I don't mean that in a bad way and I know everyone has their days but just... :ermm: And his hair! :eek: Boy needs a good haircut! :ermm: Okay, I'm done being mean now. :lol: Thanks dazzling! :flowers: :D
You can still have a great rapport w/your horse and have a bad ride - it's amazing what "spooks" horses (they have peripheral vision) - the flash of a camera, umberellas, decorated jumps, water under the jumps - when they spook, it's sometimes difficult to rein them back in and bucking, shying at jumps, run outs can occur.....and, sometimes greener horses are freaked out by new arenas and so many horses and people, noises - that can cause all of the above, too. Of course, some combinations of horse and rider just don't work - it's frustrating when you've tried to work w/a horse and they just won't respond to you - then, someone else gets on and has a smooth ride; can't take it personally, but you learn what type of horse temperament works for you (and them). Horse shows are stressful for both horse and rider - horses can certainly sense the tension, and instruction can get sloppy, which confuses them - greener horses NEED instruction, so if the rider is not calm, they are in for a bad ride.....
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