International Jumping de Monte-Carlo: 2006 - 2019, 2021 - 2024

If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
I may be the only one who thinks this, but Charlotte is looking alot less like her mother and more like her late father these days. That coy smile she's giving reminds me so much of him.
I agree with you, Kells, however she is always beautiful , her father was very handsome
Yes, Kells.. i always though that she resembles Stephano.. !!
I like that Charlotte, Caroline and Athena are photographed together - the press seems to try to make so much out of some rivarly between Char and Athena....silly. I'm sure she is not close to her, as she is with other heiresses her age (Eugenie, etc), but I never believed that they had some sort of jealous rivalry going on, either. If there is any competition, it's in the jumping ring.....
Getty Images has many pictures of JUMPING MONTECARLO DAY 3, with Prince Albert, Princess Caroline, Charlotte and Ernst yesterday
Yes great finding! The pics are great. Charlotte looks stunning. I love when she smiles. Caroline is looking beautiful too. Ernst and Albert look good too.:flowers:
ISIFA and BELGA have new pictures of Charlotte and Albert giving prize to the winner. I saw Alex Dellal. Charlotte is the new wonderful young first lady!
Charlotte was just giving an interview together with Albert on Stade 2 at France 2 about the jumping. (The show is still going on until 18.45)
When she speaks she's even more resembles her mother.
I'll try to find a clip about it on the France 2 website. There will be a rediffusion this night at 3.55.
Charlotte was just giving an interview together with Albert on Stade 2 at France 2 about the jumping. (The show is still going on until 18.45)
When she speaks she's even more resembles her mother.
I'll try to find a clip about it on the France 2 website. There will be a rediffusion this night at 3.55.
I really hope that you can find it! I would love to hear it. Thanks for the info!
Yay!!! I will love you forever if you do! I can't wait to hear more of her voice! That clip from the fashion show was not enough, but she sounds so confident and beautiful!
ISIFA and BELGA have new pictures of Charlotte and Albert giving prize to the winner. I saw Alex Dellal. Charlotte is the new wonderful young first lady!
Is there a picture of Alex attending? I can't recall having read he has been present when Charlotte has participated in riding events before. He increasingly appears to be a significant other in her life.
LOVE all the pictures!!

Me too!

Charlotte is just beautiful, and she looks so much like Caroline and then Caroline looks so much like Grace. The pictures are really nice of everyone and the men looked great also. Very nice event.:flowers:
He looks excited lol. Cool that he was there, I was wondering where he was. Charlotte looks great and Caroline's outfit is interesting, not in a bad way, but I would never peg her the type to wear that. They both look good though.
She looks so adorable! She really looked nervous at some points in the video, but she seemed really eloquent and her voice is really husky, way deeper than her mom's but still lovely. And so cute the tap Albert gives her at the beginning! Thanks
Glistening Seas

:rose2: It doesn't appear to be any rivalry at all between Athina & charlotte like someone said just in the competition.

:butterfly: As a matter of fact, it appears what they do really share is a the loooove of all things horse-y! it's how it comes accross which is probably why they are always writing about it --there's lots of horse lovers in the world. :globe:

:rose2: They always appear relaxed and really into enjoying the hard work that goes into getting the horses and things prepared that go into a competition such as these.

:butterfly:Both Charlottes and Athina's horses are beautiful and together with their persons they really stand out in the competitions and with the fact they enjoy the challenge of it all is what makes them a pleasant favorite as part of the shows.

:rose2: More often than not those shows aren't just about the money they are more for the enjoyment of the thrill and challenge of the competition, just to see how all that hard work allows a person to place in the rankings.

:butterfly: Athina's mother was a gracious lady thru-out life and would have been really proud to have her child be such an accomplished individual whom would at least have the motivation and the drive to rise up to the challenge that these competitions require, if only for the enjoyment of being there.
:rose2: Most of Monaco's history is intertwined with theirs so it seems only natural that they would have a friendly rapport.

She looks so adorable! She really looked nervous at some points in the video, but she seemed really eloquent and her voice is really husky, way deeper than her mom's but still lovely. And so cute the tap Albert gives her at the beginning! Thanks

I'm having a hard time watching it for some reason, but I saw that part and it was sweet. I think Albert looks proud and happy for her. Her voice is more mature than I expected and I thought she sounded more like Caroline, but I'm probably not a very good judge of that since it's been awhile since I've heard Caroline. Caroline always looks very elegant and poised and I think her daughter is taking after her. I bet Charlotte has many of her expressions and maybe that's also why she reminds me so much of Caroline. :flowers:

":butterfly:Both Charlottes and Athina's horses are beautiful and together with their persons they really stand out in the competitions and with the fact they enjoy the challenge of it all is what makes them a pleasant favorite as part of the shows."

Glistening Seas, I think so too, I had actually got them confused :rolleyes: in some jumping photos. I thought it was Charlotte on a different horse before I realized it was Athina? :rolleyes::lol: I think Athina turned out very well too--she seems to be a happy and well adjusted young woman.:flowers:
^I pretty much agree. Caroline's voice is lower pitched as well but not quite as low as Charlotte's, however something about the way she speaks is so reminiscent of her mother.

I can't believe how shy she looks though! Or maybe that's just my interpretation, but certain facial expressions she made just came off as so coy; its actually quite endearing considering that she can appear haughty at times in pictures. Just goes to show there's nothing like live action. My impression of her now is so different, I had been basing alot of what I thought about her off pics, since that's really all we had to go on.
The picture keeps freezing up on me at the moment so I can only hear most of it at. She sounds very self assured as someone else mentioned without seeing the footage, but that sounds sweet and probably why Albert gave her the little nudge:). She sounds like she did very well.:flowers:
Hello to all and thanks for all these magnificent pics.

I realised something. In horse riding events we have again the "old" Charlotte, smiling, happy, relaxed, natural. THIS is her field. The "upper society" life partying, etc, is less for her, and this is why she is always distant and cold.
somebody can help me i have mac, and i can't see it... so beautiful surprise i came to a school trip and i found this beautiful surprise to have an interview of cha
i think she will become more public figure, with more interview..
She does sound like her Mom so much her voice is a little deeper than her moms
Thanks for the video. Charlotte is a splitting image of her mother. Even her voice it is sounded like her mom also.

Fantastic video thanks!! Her voice is very sultry and she is quite poised for a young woman her age. Bravo. So good to see her with her Uncle Albert. This is a great image for Monaco!!!
Fantastic video thanks!! Her voice is very sultry and she is quite poised for a young woman her age. Bravo. So good to see her with her Uncle Albert. This is a great image for Monaco!!!
I agree 100%. She has her mother's voice and this is a very good image to Monaco.:flowers:
Greatvideo, great Charlotte. VERY MATURE, SELF-CONFIDENT, A NEW STAR FOR MONACO. She reminds me her father , Caroline made a wonderful job with her
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