HSH Prince Albert Current Events 4 : April 2005 - May 2005

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Sometimes though, do you think that maybe he has found the one and let her slip by? I am not talking about all the models and pretty women he has on his arm, maybe they were the "One" or someone else. Sometimes if you wait too long it does slip by. I know I sound like a storybook but its possible.

It is going to be hard for his wife no matter what her background is, thats for sure.
There is a woman on the Franco-Iberian board who says he hasn't had a serious relationship since Mary Wayte (sp?) in the early 1980s. Does anyone know if there is any truth to this? Does that mean that Alicia Warlick and Tasha Vasconcelos were just for show?
I am not sure why you asked me but what I heard was it was the press and all it was to much for her. Larry King asked him last year did he plan to marry? His answer was 'obvious yes' etc. And has he been close? There has been some relationships had they gone on a little more they probably would have headed that way. Not an exact quote but what he said.
i was just saying "hi",i'm sorry, did mean to confuse you
semisquare said:
i was just saying "hi",i'm sorry, did mean to confuse you
Its okay anything can right now my mind is off thinking of other things I misread it. Well atleast I think I had the right answer for you.
I know this will sound odd, but can anyone conceptualize the media problem for me? Is it that the women don't like what's written about them or that people will be looking into their pasts or that photographers will follow them or some combination?
I don't know if this is true or not, it's just what I think. I don't think women are prepared for the constant media attention that they are thrust into. They think it will be all right but then they are constantly followed and questioned, they get tired of it since it's not something they would normally deal with in their lives. And with Albert there is a lot of attention, especially on private, personal matters. They could also be nervous about their past. Who knows. So there's my idea. :)
pallas athina said:
There is a woman on the Franco-Iberian board who says he hasn't had a serious relationship since Mary Wayte (sp?) in the early 1980s. Does anyone know if there is any truth to this? Does that mean that Alicia Warlick and Tasha Vasconcelos were just for show?

I think it was Marlene Koenig (sp?) who posted on the Franco-Iberian board about Mary Wayte being Albert's last serious girlfriend.
Maybe they need to develop a school that bred and trained men and women as royal consorts?
P.Albert 's secret daughter

Have you seen picture about his secret daughter yet?
Guido said:
Have you seen picture about his secret daughter yet?
I've sat here for a while trying to figure out how to answer that question. Are you talking about Jazim from John Glatt's book?
Yes, there is a link to a Swedish article and picture of her at the F-I board. I can't say whether or not she looks like him. I know the story is old and Glatt's book is supposed to be less than possible, but apparently the article is saying that he would find it easier to recognize her now that his father is gone.
so its really true he has a daughter. imo she kinda of favors him.
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No, he denied it, but he has never submitted to a paternity test because a California court threw out her mom's case for lack of jurisdiction. The only place she could try to have it done is in Monaco and that for certain isn't happening if Albert doesn't want it to.
if he ever were to do that here's my questions:):
are you truely happy with being a ruling prince?
since your country is the 2nd smallest in the world, are you given the same amount of respect as if your country was the largest in the world?
are your sisters truely close to one another?
do you really want to marry?
if so, had your true love came and gone because of the stress of your position?
and are you use to all the coverage you get from the press?
and by the way i need a job(still)and i'm a massage therapist-will you hire me?
thx for your time
Info on Jasmine Grimaldi

In an episode that had royal-watchers recalling the early life of the prince's paternal grandmother, Princess Charlotte of Monaco, in 1992, a California woman, Tamara J. Rotolo, filed a paternity suit against the prince, claiming that he was the father of her illegitimate daughter, whom she named Jazmin Grace Grimaldi. However, the case, which went to trial in 1993, eventually was dismissed by Superior Court Judge Graham Anderson Cribbs, who claimed that there was "insufficient contact between Albert and the state of California to justify hearing a suit there" (Evening Standard, March 24, 1993, page 20), agreeing with an assertion by the prince's lawyer, Stanley Arkin, that the California court had no jurisdiction. In court papers, Prince Albert admitted that he had been with Tamara Rotolo in Monaco on "a couple of occasions" in July 1991. (The child had been born approximately nine months later, on March 4, 1992.) As reported by a local newspaper covering the case, "Arkin asserted that the Riverside County court had no jurisdiction in the case since the romantic encounter supposedly occurred in Monaco and Albert has had no contacts with California that relate to the issues in the suit."
An earlier paternity suit, brought by Bea Fielder, a German topless model whom the Daily Telegraph described as a "sex-film star", reportedly also was dismissed. A blood test reportedly proved that the prince was not the father of Fielder's son.

THis is jasmin in 1993. Does anyone think she looks like the Grimaldi side?
I got this pic from Corbis.
THis is jasmin in 1993. Does anyone think she looks like the Grimaldi side?
I got this pic from Corbis.

Perhaps, she has something...But i can be wrong.
Really, i wouln´t like if she was his douther. For me, if Albert has a child, he have to marry with a woman who loves him and have children with her, not in that way.
Arranged--it's the best thing--he can have a wife and family, and still fool around with whoever he wants!
I do see some of a resemblance but I would have to see a frontal photo as well.
I don't see Albert asking for an arranged marriage. It goes against the whole basis for him not getting married. Only time will tell but if I had to guess is that he has been keeping someone on his Christmas list that we don't know about.:D
I think the picture of jasmin resembles the grimaldis when they were younger especially stephanie & a little pauline.
Any news on when/if there will be an enthronement ceremony for Albert?
pallas athina said:
I can't tell about the girl. I'd like to see a frontal picture of both her and her mother. In other news, this was posted on other boards.

I hardly believe it. I don't think Al waited this long to have an arranged marriage.

The article on NY Daily News is very hilarious. There are some discussions on the F-I board that HSH might pull what JFK Jr. did - marrying after his mother passed away. As HSH has said many times, it's not impossible for him to be getting married at 50, so he has, conceivably, 3 more years.
Here's a question. Do you think the woman he marries has to be of child-bearing age/capability or could he marry for love someone who was infertile?
pallas athina said:
Here's a question. Do you think the woman he marries has to be of child-bearing age/capability or could he marry for love someone who was infertile?


All these stories popping out: the supposedly illegitimate daughter in California, reps scouring high society ladies on both sides of the Atlantic for an arranged marriage - not because he's really wants to get married but because he just wants to get the having an heir duty out of the way and carry on his dalliances, sibling rivalry. Boy, you can tell we're definitely heading into summer when the publications are running out things to write about.
Can anyone clarify something for me please, if possible? I have read several articles in which it was stated that the royal family "would be in mourning for three months until July 6th"...I'm not clear on that. What does this mean, exactly? That the press should not bother the Grimaldis for three months so they can grieve...or what exactly? Sorry, but I'm not familiar with the customs...
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