Harry and Meghan: Wedding Suggestions and Musings

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As far as we are aware neither the Obamas or Trumps have been invited. Why the ongoing debate on the "what ifs"? The media, especially the tabloids publish nonsense before anything is confirmed and everyone has to debate it while knowing nothing yet.:bang:
Meeting someone does not make you my best friend forever, I meet people all the time and they do not come home with me ever......so if there is a problem with that then it is not my problem.

I have met tons of important people down to a former president when I worked in politics and even ambassadors, movie stars, all in another life time, not one of them became my BFF.......

I just don't get this attitude that a former president must be invited to the wedding as if he is the star of the wedding.........so what if Harry and Obama worked together for a charity, no big deal, it does not make or break relationship ever. Harry has worked most of his adult life for charities and knows most of them on a first name basis......does that make all of them his own personal friends.......don't think so! He needs those high powered, high profile people to come to help him for they have the bucks/money and they can help his cause. Why the total outrage if a former president is not invited by some here, who is going to be blamed if the former president does not get an invite......done with this conversation period.

I think that is the root of the issue..... in your mind the only people invited to a wedding fall in two categories: either friends or family. And us suggesting the Obamas attend, makes them friends.

No one is suggesting they are friends :flowers: Simply colleagues.

If you are having a small intimate wedding, family and friends would be invited. But when you have a large wedding, you often invite colleagues. Look at the Cambridge wedding. Yes there were people they had to invite, which wont be at Harry's, like commonwealth heads, politicians and many foreign royals. But there were also people from other aspects of their lives, not just their friends and family

-William's commanding officers in the military and others like the admiral of the submarine service which he was commodore of
-their former landlord in Scotland
-celebrities like the Beckhams who he knew through charity work

None of these would be considered friends. Celebrities like the Beckhams he would have met on occasion at events.

So suggesting Harry and Meghan would invite co-workers and colleagues doesn't seem a stretch.

Would you be shocked if suits actors were invited? If not, how are the Obamas or any other people Harry has worked with any different?

Besides family (if no kids but bridal about 100 guests likely) as well as broad spectrum of friends and spouses, still plenty of room for colleagues, and representatives from charities and more.

Those invited to the evening party will likely just be friends and family.

Isn't she called simply Lady Fellowes rather than Baroness Jane Fellowes ?

Lady Jane Fellowes, Baroness Fellowes. But correct, not Baroness Jane, as we would not refer to someone as Duchess Kate.

Suggesting that Harry's aunt might do a reading? Why is that obscure? By all accounts Harry and William have a relationship with their mother's sisters.

Not obscure.

Simply seems to some way too much emphasis is being placed on 'to honor Diana he should.....'. Their choice of a person to read should be based on someone who they are close to, and who they want part of their day. If that is one of his Aunts, that is great, but should choose it because of his relationship with that Aunt. Not with honoring Diana.
Move over Princess pushy, there is now a 'prince pushy' on the scene :bang:

Duchess of York will be invited to Harry's wedding | Daily Mail Online

Daily mail coining Harry as 'prince pushy' suggesting Fergie will indeed attend the wedding because he is forcing the issue.

Notice they say that the compromise will or may be the evening event. Once again they are playing the safe card. Since we aren't likely to know or see photos of those at the evening event, we would never know.
A few posts discussing Trump comments not linked to the wedding have been removed.
Move over Princess pushy, there is now a 'prince pushy' on the scene :bang:

Duchess of York will be invited to Harry's wedding | Daily Mail Online

Daily mail coining Harry as 'prince pushy' suggesting Fergie will indeed attend the wedding because he is forcing the issue.

Notice they say that the compromise will or may be the evening event. Once again they are playing the safe card. Since we aren't likely to know or see photos of those at the evening event, we would never know.

I guess this "row" just shows that Harry likes Sarah after all and thinks she should be at the wedding. That is not surprising to me as Harry is close to Sarah's daughters and seems to be in good terms also with both Andrew and Sarah.

Actually, Sarah's being banned from RF events is pretty much ridiculous considering that she and Andrew practically live together. I don't know if they will ever formally remarry, but I can see her being "brought back into the RF" in same way when Charles becomes king.

I won't add to the redundant "will they, won't they" debate, re: Trump and Obama attending the wedding. I will just say that I'll be surprised if the Obamas aren't invited and in attendance, particularly Michelle.

I, on the contrary, will be surprised if the Obamas are invited given that they are not personal friends of either Harry or Meghan and there is no reason really to invite them.
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I guess this "row" just shows that Harry likes Sarah after all and thinks she should be at the wedding. That is not surprising to me as Harry is close to Sarah's daughters and seems to be in good terms also with both Andrew and Sarah.

Actually, Sarah's being banned from RF events is pretty much ridiculous considering that she and Andrew practically live together. I don't know if they will ever formally remarry, but I can see her being "brought back into the RF" in same way when Charles becomes king.

I, on the contrary, will be surprised if the Obamas are invited given that they are not personal friends of either Harry or Meghan and there is no reason really to invite them.
You are assuming this "row " has actually taken place, and not something the tabloids thought up to fill up column inches.
I have not read anything to indicate that Harry and Fergie has had much contact over the years other than that one ski trip. So I'm not sure if that's someone he'd go to bat for. I'm sure there are more important thing than Fergie he can spend his time on.
Actually, Sarah's being banned from RF events is pretty much ridiculous considering that she and Andrew practically live together. I don't know if they will ever formally remarry, but I can see her being "brought back into the RF" in same way when Charles becomes king.

I doubt that.
I don't believe Charles likes Fergie any better than Philip does.
And he is bound to be less indulgent of Andrew than the Queen has been.
I, on the contrary, will be surprised if the Obamas are invited given that they are not personal friends of either Harry or Meghan and there is no reason really to invite them.

This is so weird - because I actually thought they were friends. Obama showing up at the Invictus Games and Harry's warm friendship with Michelle O - I thought they were friends. Especially with Obama doing that interview with Harry recently. If they weren't friends or at the very least quite friendly with one another, it seems odd that Obama would still be doing so much with Harry AFTER his presidency ended. That screams "we're chaps who started off as work friends, but now are more than that".

Because now that Obama is no longer president, if they were only work colleagues, I'd expect that they wouldn't be working together anymore.

Additionally, when Harry went to Chicago - he and Michelle did those surprise visits with kids at the school - if Harry wasn't friends with The Obamas, why the continual events together?

It just seems to me that a Senior British Royal wouldn't need to do things like that with a former president unless he truly wanted to. It suggests a friendship, imo.

Whether that translates to an invite for the wedding is anyone's guess I guess - but I could see Harry not inviting them to the ceremony, but giving them a reception invite, since the press wouldn't see that. It would avoid the drama with the current potus.

I was kinda surprised to see so many saying Obama and Harry weren't friends when I honestly thought they were. Ditto with Harry and Michelle.

I guess not everyone saw it the way I did, lol. :lol:

Obama was not involved in charities when he was POTUS. His job back then was being president. Now that he is no longer president and is focused on humanitarian work, it is natural for him to have events with other people who are also involved in humanitarian causes like Harry. That doesn't mean they are personal friends. Again, I don't see any evidence that they are.
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Obama was not involved in charities when he was POTUS. His job back then was being president. Now that he is no longer president and is focused on humanitarian work, it is natural for him to have events with other people who are also involved in humanitarian causes like Harry. That doesn't mean they are personal friends. Again, I don't see any evidence that they are.

The thing is--we just don't know how close of friends they think they are. They may considered themselves work colleagues who never socialize outside of a work (charity) environment or they may have dinner whenever they are in the same city and talk by phone or skype every week. Unless they tell us, we will never know. There is nothing to tell us one way or the other and the speculation is crazy--it all seems based on individuals' interpretation of "what is a friend."
On a romantic note, do you think Prince Harry liked the month of May for the Royal Wedding because both May and Meghan begin with an M?
Obama was not involved in charities when he was POTUS. His job back then was being president. Now that he is no longer president and is focused on humanitarian work, it is natural for him to have events with other people who are also involved in humanitarian causes like Harry. That doesn't mean they are personal friends. Again, I don't see any evidence that they are.


I disagree though. I'm just pointing out that some of the claims that they aren't friends don't seem to be fully substantiated. My claims aren't either - but I do think the continual relationship does point to there being a friendship there than there not being one.

Given the politics now, they could get an invite to the ceremony, or H&M might decide not to give them one due to fearing a reaction from 1600 Pennsylvania Ave, and just give them one to the reception to avoid a lot of drama.

Personally, since I do believe they are friends, I hope they get an invite.

The thing is--we just don't know how close of friends they think they are. They may considered themselves work colleagues who never socialize outside of a work (charity) environment or they may have dinner whenever they are in the same city and talk by phone or skype every week. Unless they tell us, we will never know. There is nothing to tell us one way or the other and the speculation is crazy--it all seems based on individuals' interpretation of "what is a friend."

I agree with this. Unless we see them all hanging out somewhere in a casual setting, it's hard to know one way or the other.

That's why I'm going based on the chemistry between them all when we do see them together and how natural and happy they all seem to be doing work together or hanging (like they did at Invictus).
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I, on the contrary, will be surprised if the Obamas are invited given that they are not personal friends of either Harry or Meghan and there is no reason really to invite them.

Status. ;)
The thing is--we just don't know how close of friends they think they are. They may considered themselves work colleagues who never socialize outside of a work (charity) environment or they may have dinner whenever they are in the same city and talk by phone or skype every week. Unless they tell us, we will never know. There is nothing to tell us one way or the other and the speculation is crazy--it all seems based on individuals' interpretation of "what is a friend."

The crazy interpretation is how you and other posters view our posts :ermm:

We aren't suggesting they are friends- on the contrary, we AGREE WITH YOU, they are colleagues. Colleagues plain and simple. Friendly colleagues perhaps, but they are colleagues.

What the debate is, is whether you invite colleagues to weddings or not.

Talking royal weddings, and many commoner weddings, the answer is Yes.

I, on the contrary, will be surprised if the Obamas are invited given that they are not personal friends of either Harry or Meghan and there is no reason really to invite them.

There is as much reason as there was for say the Beckhams to be invited to the Cambridge wedding. Not friends, simply met at some football events.

On a romantic note, do you think Prince Harry liked the month of May for the Royal Wedding because both May and Meghan begin with an M?

As sweet a thought as that is, seems like it was likely just a practical choice. With all the royal events, the Cambridge baby and so on, it was the most practical option.
Ok, non-presidential wedding guests:

I sure hope Wendell Pierce is invited. He's the actor who played Robert Zane on "Suits" --- Rachel's father.

More importantly (for me), he was Bunk Moreland on "The Wire."

How cool is that, having The Bunk at your wedding!!!

Outside of usual suspects like the Van Cutsems, Guy Pelly, Chelsea Davy, the Grosvenors, etc, who do you see as more wild card guests?
:previous: Elton John cancelled his Vegas shows for that weekend. Not that I think he is a wild card guest. I pretty much expect him to be invited.
Yes based on how they have both spoken of each other it's obvious they are friends.

I do expect to see Michelle Obama, though not, for various reasons, Barack. I also think that many of the Suits cast will be there. In my view the fact that Victoria Day in Ontario on the Monday made the date part of a long weekend was why the 19th was chosen. I also think the Beckhams will be guests.
Ok, non-presidential wedding guests:

I sure hope Wendell Pierce is invited. He's the actor who played Robert Zane on "Suits" --- Rachel's father.

More importantly (for me), he was Bunk Moreland on "The Wire."

How cool is that, having The Bunk at your wedding!!!

Outside of usual suspects like the Van Cutsems, Guy Pelly, Chelsea Davy, the Grosvenors, etc, who do you see as more wild card guests?

Pretty sure the cast will be invited.
I sure hope Wendell Pierce is invited. He's the actor who played Robert Zane on "Suits" --- Rachel's father.

More importantly (for me), he was Bunk Moreland on "The Wire."

How cool is that, having The Bunk at your wedding!!!
And Harry walked across Antarctica with Dominic West. McNulty/Bunk reunion!
:previous: Elton John cancelled his Vegas shows for that weekend. Not that I think he is a wild card guest. I pretty much expect him to be invited.

I heard about this. He had two shows up on the 18th and 19th apparently and now those dates have POOF disappeared off the tour. He was a friend of Diana and seems to have a nice relationship with William and Harry. Not surprising that he will make himself available to attend.

Also Camilla Tominey says KP told reporters her dad is walking her down the aisle on Austalian TV today. So I guess that settles that.

I most definitely think the Branson clan will be there. :D
We don’t know a lot about this wedding, because very little official announcements have been made. Everyone should know that there will be tons of speculations out there until the day of.

Who, in their right mind, would be against the bride making a few remarks at her own wedding?
Wonder if Usain Bolt will be invited—any thoughts? I think yes.
I think Usain will be there too. Also Jess Stone.
I've heard that Chelsy will probably be invited, but not Cressida.

In another thread it was being discussed the leaked info that Meghan will be saying something at the reception in tribute to Harry. That's nice. We won't be seeing or hearing anything about it, if so, aside from unverifiable leaks.

Those who think President Obama won't be at the wedding, I would imagine you feel that's due to security reasons. We might be surprised though. If Barack isn't there, perhaps Michelle Obama and Jill Biden.
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