General Questions and Information about the Danish Royal Family

If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
I’m sure it is a consequence of each royal patronage lasting for only 5 years at a time. Then the organisations that wants to keep a royal patron will have to apply again…

The new system (wich is already implemented in Norway) gives room for more organisations getting a time-limited royal patron… That way, i’m sure the royals will have more time to spend on their specific patronages, than what would have been the case if they took on hundreds of new patronages, who would have barely seen their patron.
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I wonder what affect the physical assault on the Danish Prime Minister while out and about in Copenhagen … on Friday evening … may have on the Royal Family.
When Mary and Frederik were here in Sydney the security around them was quite astounding.
Even the removal of the metallic rubbish bins in the street … using angle-grinders to cut them away … before Mary’s arrival to open the Lynggaard shop.
(I was there and watched them.)
Maybe just a one-off random thing never to be repeated, but how easy it seems to have happened.
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The PET officers may stand a bit closer for a while, but that's about it, I think.
It's the balance between having a life and being protected.

An opportunity-attack like the one yesterday are rare, because the would be attackers are seldom prepared.
The PET officers may stand a bit closer for a while, but that's about it, I think.
It's the balance between having a life and being protected.

An opportunity-attack like the one yesterday are rare, because the would be attackers are seldom prepared.
That’s what I thought Muhler.
Some of what I’ve seen here in Sydney seems over the top.
Aside from the ceremonial aspect … many well-dressed motorcycle outriders etc for a bit of pomp … continual overhead helicopters, continual rubber-duckies zooming up and down in front of Admiralty House with scuba-divers throwing themselves off into the water every few feet, many secret service personal wandering the streets.
These last things were when President Bush senior was here, in my suburb. Talk about drawing attention, it all looked a bit silly and overdone.
I hope the Prime Minister feels secure enough to go about her life without thinking she is vulnerable to anyone/anything at a moment’s notice because this has happened once.
Sometimes things like this make us wake-up a bit to who is around us and to what is possible, and it’s a good lesson to up your alertness.
A curiosity I just read on a website:

King Frederik X was supposed to be called Christian, since Danish kings are alternately called Frederik and Christian - and his maternal grandfather was called Frederik. But, according to the book "Under the Beam" by Jens Andersen, the queen and Prince Henrik decided at the last minute to change the name to Frederik, so that there would be an equal number of Frederiks and Christians in the Danish line of kings - that is, 10.

A curiosity I just read on a website:

King Frederik X was supposed to be called Christian, since Danish kings are alternately called Frederik and Christian - and his maternal grandfather was called Frederik. But, according to the book "Under the Beam" by Jens Andersen, the queen and Prince Henrik decided at the last minute to change the name to Frederik, so that there would be an equal number of Frederiks and Christians in the Danish line of kings - that is, 10.

I thought the reason always given was that Margrethe reigning considered herself to be a "Christian" in the positioning of things? (That was after she named her kid, but still. Aside from which she was very happy to name Fred after her beloved father and make him happy.) But I suppose if it's in Frederik's book... must be at least partly true?
Gyles Brandreth has written a new book and quotes Queen Margrethe in it …

… When I visited the Queen of Denmark at her palace in Copenhagen, she said to me: 'Being Queen involves a lot of repetition — the same ceremonies, the same functions, the same routine. Sometimes you think: 'Here we go again!'

'But my parents taught me something useful that I have tried to pass on to my two boys. Whatever you are doing, be aware of it and stay involved.

'I have to listen to a lot of boring speeches, but I have discovered there is nothing so boring as not listening to a boring speech.

'If you listen carefully, the speech is very rarely as boring as you thought it was going to be. 'You can disagree with the speech in your head. You can think: 'He's saying it very badly,' but don't switch off. It is much better that way.'

This reminds me of an anecdote I read about Diana speaking about her Royal duties.
She said, “it’s like going to a wedding everyday, and you’re the Bride”.

(I don’t think she meant that in a good way.)
A curiosity I just read on a website:

King Frederik X was supposed to be called Christian, since Danish kings are alternately called Frederik and Christian - and his maternal grandfather was called Frederik. But, according to the book "Under the Beam" by Jens Andersen, the queen and Prince Henrik decided at the last minute to change the name to Frederik, so that there would be an equal number of Frederiks and Christians in the Danish line of kings - that is, 10.

And eventual firstborn son of Prince Christian will be called Frederik
Is not the monarchy of Denmark the only monarchy to have sovereigns who have alternating regnal names?
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