Branches of Al Nahyan:
Descendants of Zayed the first/the great (ruled Abu Dhabi from 1855 to 1909):
His eldest son, Khalifa, refused to rule
His successor was Tahnoun, the second son, who died childless (died peacefully or was killed by his brother and sucessor Hamdan)
Hamdan ruled and was killed by his brother Sultan
Sultan ruled and was killed by his brother Saqr
Saqr ruled and was killed by his brother Khalifa (the eldest son)
Khalifa again refused to rule, Khalifa's only son Mohamed also refused to rule
Hamdan, Saqr and Mohamed (son of Khalifa) form three diffrent branches
Sultan had four sons, three of them form branches (Shakhbout, Khalid and Zayed)
Shakhbout ruled after the death of Saqr (1928 to 1966) and Zayed, the founder of the UAE ruled (1966 to 2004). Zayed branch owns the throne.
when you see an Al Nahyan named Saqr, take note that he is a member of the Saqr branch (Saqr killed Sultan, and Sultan's descendants rules Abu Dhabi since 1928, they don't give "Saqr" name to his sons, this branch is totally marginalized from power)
Hamdan had a son also named Hamdan, and Hamdan (the son) had Mohamed; this branch is an ally of Saqr branch (Hamdan was killed by Sultan and Sultan was killed by Saqr) and of the Al Maktoum (Hamdan's daughter Latifa married Rashid Al Maktoum, her son Mohamed bin Rashid is the ruler of Dubai)
Mohamed branch is the second most powerful; Mohamed bin Khalifa had seven sons: Hamdan, Mubarak, Tahnoun, Saif, Khalifa, Surour and Saeed; when you see a family member named "bin Mohamed Al Nahyan", he is from this branch.
Example: Khalifa bin Sultan bin Hamdan bin Mohamed, Mohamed bin Tahnoun bin Mohamed, Nahyan bin Mubarak bin Mohamed, Salama bint Hamdan bin Mohamed...
Shakhbout had two sons: Saeed and Sultan. Saeed had Tahnoun, Sultan had Khalifa. "bin Tahnoun bin Saeed bin Shakhbout" and "bint Khalifa bin Sultan bin Shakbout" are from this branch
Khalid had Mohamed, Mohamed had Khalifa, Sultan, Hamdan and Abdullah. "bin Mohamed bin Khalid" is from this branch