General Questions about the Princely Family of Monaco Part 1

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A similar discussion was brought up and it was said that the reason that Caroline's and Stephanie's children do not have titles is because the title is passed down only through the male line. That was changed with the 2002 constitutional amendment allowing one of Albert's sisters to inherit should he remain childless.
That's a topic I'm curious for a long time. I always read in this board that Camille is considered a classic beauty here. But I always thought that all of Stephanie's side of the family(Steph, Louis, Pauline and Camille) are a mixture of classic and exotic beauties. In my opinion, the only 100% classic beauty in the family is Grace. Also I think that 100% exotic beauty is the kind of beauty that Charlotte and Alexandra have. Based on that, I get to an obvious conclusion: we all have different patterns to define a classic or exotic beauty. Camille is blond, milk skinned and blue eyed, what is certainly a sine of classic beauty. But I think she has other stuff that are not classic. For example her lips. Her mouth is a lot bigger than the mouth of a classic beauty. She has an exotic mouth. Her nose is not classic either, and it goes on with some features being and others not being classic. So, here's my question: What's your definition of a classic/exotic beauty? Do you personally only define by the colors? If not, which kind of features do you consider classic or exotic? If you have trouble in explaining the theory, you can explain using examples.

p.s.:I'm not talking about any kind of beauty as being good or bad. Just as being different, and each person has it's favorite one.
I agree,Caroline and Charlotte of monaco have this undefinable beauty which is surrounded by a timless aura and charisma,womaen like Catherine zeta-jones and monica bellucci have too this type of beauty :heart:
Originally posted by meganjoston+Dec 30th, 2003 - 10:34 pm--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (meganjoston @ Dec 30th, 2003 - 10:34 pm)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-baezid@Dec 30th, 2003 - 8:48 pm
thanks much!!!! question is french the 1rst. leguage of monaco????? sorry if my questiopns sound stupid but i don't know much about royals....
French is the official language of Monaco. The two main languages there besides French are Italian and English (spoken by foreigners). Monaco also has its own traditional dialect which is a blend between Italian and French and is very similar to Provençal. [/b][/quote]
Was is the dialect called and albert is an HSH not an HRH.
I've got two questions, closely related: do you know the names of the Grimaldi-Casiraghi dogs? I know some of them but would like to know more...
Secondly, do you have suggestions about a name for a female dog? I found a puppy yesterday and can't think of a nice name...any idea is more than welcome; thanks in advance.
We have a thread on royals with their pets in the Royal Chit Chat forum. Have a look there for more ideas.
Thank you very much, I didn't know that...gonna check there.
I think there was a poll running a few months ago on this board. The majority of replies didn't think he will ever marry. Royal watchers don't think he will marry either. I believe Leyla, a poster on this board, has also said the same thing. Prince Albert, however, in an interview last year on Hello magazine said that would like to have a family someday. Time will tell, I guess;
Originally posted by rarotonga@Apr 13th, 2004 - 12:26 am
Prince Albert, however, in an interview last year on Hello magazine said that would like to have a family someday. Time will tell, I guess;
He did say that. However, he is often asked questions about marriage and family in interviews because he as viewed as "The Great Bachelor Prince." It is normal for him to be asked these questions. For years now Albert has been replying using the same answer. He always says that he wants a family and marriage very much, but so far no marriage.
I think Rainier has refused all the ladies Albert has been serious with. IMHO, this will be the year Albert becomes The Prince of Monaco. Rainier's health is steadily failing - which is sad.

I think Albert is no fool. I think he will marry quite soon after he becomes The Prince if for nothing else than dynastic reasons.
Lalla, I agree with you. Imagine all those years of training. They have to make sure that 700 + years of the Grimaldi dynasty lives on.
What type of woman do you think Albert would choose to marry?
Maybe he will surprise us someday
pick from the hollywood again albert- like papa heheh :lol:

got to be Natalie Portman! (ok im just joking here heheh B) , with that age difference :eek: )

but yes, the Natalie Portman kind- classic beauty, clean image, or shall I say the Grace Kelly kind ;)

How about you guys? If we're to pick from hollywood, who are your bets?

This is just for fun ok ;)
Has he ever been pictured doing anything that might make you think that he is gay? Has he ever been pictured with men that look or act gay? I do hope that he is not, but he starting to worry me a little bit. I know that it is not any of my business, but I am quite curious.
Originally posted by *Elle*@Apr 14th, 2004 - 6:21 pm
Has he ever been pictured doing anything that might make you think that he is gay? Has he ever been pictured with men that look or act gay? I do hope that he is not, but he starting to worry me a little bit. I know that it is not any of my business, but I am quite curious.
What exactly constitutes "looking or acting gay???"

I don't think it's fair --or right-- to generalize or stereotype an entire group of people by certain looks, styles of dress, or "types" or "kinds" of actions.
He has a very hard thing to do. Whatever woman he chooses to be his wife, she will be compared with his mother. That is unfair to her but it will happen. Of course, the guy could have just been unlucky. It happens.
I know that it sounds stereotypical, but I also think that saying that Albert is gay is very stereotypical also. I never meant to offend anyone. When I look back it is a very stereotypical comment. I shall refry my question. Why do people think that he is homosexual? Is there anything that he has done or said to make people think that he is homosexual, other than not being married?
Originally posted by *Elle*@Apr 14th, 2004 - 7:20 pm
I know that it sounds stereotypical, but I also think that saying that Albert is gay is very stereotypical also. I never meant to offend anyone. When I look back it is a very stereotypical comment.  I shall refry my question. Why do people think that he is homosexual? Is there anything that he has done or said to make people think that he is homosexual, other than not being married?

I totally disagree. I don't think that asking if someone is homosexual is a stereotype; it is a yes or no answer. Yes he is or no he isn't. But trying to define a homosexual look or way of acting and behaving is stereotypical because it judges certain superficial looks or ways of dress or actions. That is the difference.
Ditto, Alexandria. There has also been comments about his being gay based merely on the fact that he was seen leaving a Parisian gay bar. My friends (guys, girls, in -betweens, etc.) have gone to gay bars for the shows, and will likely go there again. Does that mean that we're all gay? No. If we took the time to understand people and not judge them based on stereotypes, then we could certainly have less hate in this world.

I also agree with Dennism's comments...It's the same thing for William's future bride whoever she may be. William's and Albert's wives have big shoes to fill. I think it was the same thing for Carolyn Bessette Kennedy as well. Everyone was just so eager to see if she could live up to Jackie O's style and elegance.
I hope Prince Albert marries
a. Sheena Easton - some stiff upper lip Englsih might go down good.
b. Natalie Cole - more laid back 'merkun music would go over well (with me).
c. Gunilla von Bismarck - gold digging in reverse ;) ?
Originally posted by Alexandria+Apr 14th, 2004 - 6:24 pm--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Alexandria @ Apr 14th, 2004 - 6:24 pm)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-*Elle*@Apr 14th, 2004 - 7:20 pm
I know that it sounds stereotypical, but I also think that saying that Albert is gay is very stereotypical also. I never meant to offend anyone. When I look back it is a very stereotypical comment.  I shall refry my question. Why do people think that he is homosexual? Is there anything that he has done or said to make people think that he is homosexual, other than not being married?

I totally disagree. I don't think that asking if someone is homosexual is a stereotype; it is a yes or no answer. Yes he is or no he isn't. But trying to define a homosexual look or way of acting and behaving is stereotypical because it judges certain superficial looks or ways of dress or actions. That is the difference. [/b][/quote]
It is really an old cliché that I personally can't stand. We like to think that the world has evolved but I still hear it where I live all of the time: A man or woman who has never married by a certain age, must "butter their bread on the other side." It is always said in a snotty manner too! :angry: That is one of the most ridiculously ongoing stereotypes. It just makes me want to scream. Heaven forbid, that a person may not have found someone with whom they want to share their life or that they just not be interested in marriage for the moment or ever. :rolleyes:

There have also been comments about his being gay based merely on the fact that he was seen leaving a Parisian gay bar. My friends (guys, girls, in -betweens, etc.) have gone to gay bars for the shows, and will likely go there again. Does that mean that we're all gay? No. If we took the time to understand people and not judge them based on stereotypes, then we could certainly have less hate in this world.

This is another thing that drives me crazy as well. The assumption is automatically made, that since Albert was in a gay bar, he must be gay. He couldn't possibly have any gay friends or simply have been having a drink. Gay people go to regular bars with everyone else, so why can't people who aren't gay, go to gay bars? I've been to several gay bars in my life with friends for drinks, or even because I wanted to see a particular entertainer featured that night. Does that mean that I am automatically gay, or that I am testing the waters? It means that I was out with friends at a gay bar, having drinks and a good time.

Typical judgements based solely on complete ignorance.
Jacqueline, I think that you have summed up the Albert situation quite well. I agree with you entirely.
Albert has been with Alicia Warlick for a number of years now (at least four). She has accompanied him to the last few Rose Ball events. In a Larry King Live interview not that long ago he hinted that he wasn't far off from getting married. I think from all that I have read, that Alicia is in very serious training for the 2004 Olympics. There is a lot of talk that they will announce after the Games are over.

Whenever he does it, I have a feeling it will be like Prince Felipe, and be rather out of the blue.
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