General News about the Sussex Family, Part Three: August-September 2020

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I’m sure this has all been a whirlwind for Harry... he’s been in a very structured environment his whole life... first by being born into the royal family, then at boarding school, in the army, and as a working royal. I don’t think he really had to think much for himself. Sure, he developed projects that he worked hard at and it was obvious he truly was passionate about (Sentebele and Invictus Games) but I don’t think he’s ever had to think about many deeper issues like racism, politics, and other things that Meghan is really interested. I think that it’s great that he’s learning and growing, but he really seems out of his comfort zone and following his wife around like a puppy, just echoing her viewpoints of things.

Ially struggle as time moves on. The positive of all of this is that they do love each other and have a beautiful little boy together.

Is he really learning and growing or is he swapping one life where he was told what to do, for another? I honestly feel that he's parrotting what Meghan says.. If he were to embark on a course of study, he might come out with teh same "new" beliefs in the end but as things are, I can't help feeling that he's made himself believe that he is now thinking the same as Meghan.. and Im not sure he has really thought about these issues and worked out his OWN take on them...
I sort of wonder if were he to return to the UK, or mabye just in a few years, he might revert to type and become more conservative or at least more someone who wasn't really into political issues...

If He IS as mentally stressed as he was giving off towards the end of last year, I do think that a quiet structured life would be good for him, to try and stabilise.
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I’m sure this has all been a whirlwind for Harry... he’s been in a very structured environment his whole life... first by being born into the royal family, then at boarding school, in the army, and as a working royal. I don’t think he really had to think much for himself. Sure, he developed projects that he worked hard at and it was obvious he truly was passionate about (Sentebele and Invictus Games) but I don’t think he’s ever had to think about many deeper issues like racism, politics, and other things that Meghan is really interested. I think that it’s great that he’s learning and growing, but he really seems out of his comfort zone and following his wife around like a puppy, just echoing her viewpoints of things.

I think Meghan is firmly in her element right now... she finally has a platform to Use her voice and say and do things that she didn’t when she was a little-known actress on a cable tv show. She really got everything she wanted: the fairytale princess wedding, skyrocketed to fame, a platform to push her political and social agenda, fans and followers who adore her, and now a California mansion to build her new brand. Harry is the one who lost out... he lost his extended family, the only life he’s ever known, structure... I hope that he is able to come out of this. I fear that he is going to really struggle as time moves on. The positive of all of this is that they do love each other and have a beautiful little boy together.

I think that sums up the position very well.
I think that sums up the position very well.

True, and IMO it does rather emphasise the fact that Meghan got most out of the marriage.. and I suspect that Harry's more in love, or more dependent on her, than she is on him. She did get the fairytale wedding, the tiara (on loan), the royal role, the country house.. And then she has ALSO managed to get a partial or full escape from the duties and restrictions that went with that life... She has managed to leave the UK where she doesn't seem to have been happy,. to go back to the US, now famous and rich, and to get her name in the papers and on the net, taking part in political group discussions because - well because she IS a royal.. And possibly, when things improve she and Harry will be able to make their living "selling their royal brand"

Harry has become less popular in the UK.. H e may have wanted to get out of his royal role...but apart from freedom and his wife and child, what has he got in return? [...]
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True, and IMO it does rather emphasise the fact that Meghan got most out of the marriage.. and I suspect that Harry's more in love, or more dependent on her, than she is on him. She did get the fairytale wedding, the tiara (on loan), the royal role, the country house.. And then she has ALSO managed to get a partial or full escape from the duties and restrictions that went with that life... She has managed to leave the UK where she doesn't seem to have been happy,. to go back to the US, now famous and rich, and to get her name in the papers and on the net, taking part in political group discussions because - well because she IS a royal.. And possibly, when things improve she and Harry will be able to make their living "selling their royal brand"

Harry has become less popular in the UK.. H e may have wanted to get out of his royal role...but apart from freedom and his wife and child, what has he got in return? A house in LA? [...]

All widely discussed prevously @Denville.

As to what Harry got out, I presume it was security and love that companionship that he was yearning. Everything else was the price for that security, love and companionship. Let just hope it all lasts and they are happy forever.
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For a guy who wants privacy and once said "Every time I see a camera, every time I hear a click, it reminds me of my mother", he sure didn't hesitate to move to paparazzi central and do projects that involve cameras and social media.

What can poor Harry do? [...] He can't speak in public, because "he still is a prince and RF doesn't talk". He can't become a media producer, because "he hates the media and it's close to being a pap himself".

Reading all this, I cannot feel anything but the wish they will stay happy and do what they do (whatever that is) because they won't be able to please people anyway. So better to just please their fans.
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What can poor Harry do? [...]He can't speak in public, because "he still is a prince and RF doesn't talk". He can't become a media producer, because "he hates the media and it's close to being a pap himself".

Reading all this, I cannot feel anything but the wish they will stay happy and do what they do (whatever that is) because they won't be able to please people anyway. So better to just please their fans.

These are judgement calls for H&M to make, and these are precisely the types of things they (one hopes!) thought through before stepping back from the BRF.

[...] How they go about it and how successful they eventually are, remains to be seen.
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What can poor Harry do? [...]He can't speak in public, because "he still is a prince and RF doesn't talk". He can't become a media producer, because "he hates the media and it's close to being a pap himself".

Well, there is one thing he could have done: stay in the UK and serve its people and the people of the Commonwealth in the job he was born into. To paraphrase Queen Letizia of Spain, see the "Spanish royal family summer" forum for context, it is not what he wants to be, but what he has to be.

Having said that, I agree Harry is not William; he is not in direct line and is probably not going to be king or regent. I think there is a legitimate discussion to be had on the role that royals in collateral lines should or should not have, and whether they should have private lives. But, that discussion notwithstanding, in the current British custom/practice, Harry, as the only second son of the future king, was expected to be a full-time working royal for life and he not only gave up that job, but also went into exile in California apparently giving up his own country too and its people.

I guess most British people nowadays really don't care [...]and I don't pretend to speak for them, but, if some of them feel let down, I would understand it too.
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What can poor Harry do? [...]He can't speak in public, because "he still is a prince and RF doesn't talk". He can't become a media producer, because "he hates the media and it's close to being a pap himself".

Reading all this, I cannot feel anything but the wish they will stay happy and do what they do (whatever that is) because they won't be able to please people anyway. So better to just please their fans.

Why please their fans? If they want to lead a certain kind of life, why not opt to please themselves? That's what they are doing in any case.

And as he has claimed to be so stressed by cameras and newpapers following him, surely a private life would be best for him.
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Posts discussing the Sussex finances have been edited - a reminder of the Mod note posted a few days ago:

It is time to MOVE ON from the discussion of finances, and the endless bickering of how the couple are a) financed, b) the nuance of "financial independence", and c) how they paid for their new home. Everyone's opinions on the matter have been made well, WELL known over the past eight months.

Posts which ignored the previous moderator note on the matter have been removed. Further posts on the matter will also be removed, with warnings sent to those poster who continually ignore moderator direction.
Is he really learning and growing or is he swapping one life where he was told what to do, for another? I honestly feel that he's parrotting what Meghan says.. If he were to embark on a course of study, he might come out with teh same "new" beliefs in the end but as things are, I can't help feeling that he's made himself believe that he is now thinking the same as Meghan.. and Im not sure he has really thought about these issues and worked out his OWN take on them...
I sort of wonder if were he to return to the UK, or mabye just in a few years, he might revert to type and become more conservative or at least more someone who wasn't really into political issues...

If He IS as mentally stressed as he was giving off towards the end of last year, I do think that a quiet structured life would be good for him, to try and stabilise.

I think that you may be right... that is to say, I HOPE that he is learning and growing, but as of right now he seems to be just parroting what Meghan says and believes. One of the Zoom chats they did together he was consistently looking over at her almost as if looking for approval.
Meghan is to speak at a virtual summit When We All Vote, which has been set up to encourage voter participation in elections in this Presidential election year.

It looks like that is her "pet cause" now.

Interesting to browse the DM comments and see not only Brits, but Americans, Australians and Canadians commenting on how inappropriate they think that is as long as she is still doing it as "the Duchess of Sussex".

Some interesting background also on the organization behind the virtual summit.

When We All Vote was launched in 2018 by several co-chairs, including Michelle Obama, and is described online as on 'a mission to increase participation in every election and close the race and age voting gap by changing the culture around voting, harnessing grassroots energy, and through strategic partnerships to reach every American.
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To be fair, Harry has shown more restraint. Most of the recent controversy involved Meghan going solo as when she basically invited herself to the 19th's event.

In fact, Harry has been fading in the background lately under Meghan's light. Even their biography Finding Freedom was in the end all about Meghan.

I read it if anything it's more about Harry. IMO.
Yay! encouraging people to vote is a useful occupation.

I get annoyed when some famous person gets up there and espouses to me that I should get out and vote. As if they *need* to tell me what I should or shouldn't do. I find it offensive. Now, a teacher that is teaching civics and government of the US to their students that spends the time to teach kids just what our right is in being able to vote in elections concerning the way our government is run is excellent. "Joey Dreamboat Starlight" who is renown for smashing guitars and drunken brawls and destroying hotel rooms on tours standing up there telling me I need to go out and vote makes me sick.

To vote or not to vote is my right and my decision to make. I know my right. i don't need a star or a rock idol or a married in duchess to tell me what I should do or shouldn't do. None of their freakin' business.

Meghan doing this just really, really rubs me the wrong way. Sorry folks for the rant. ?
I get annoyed when some famous person gets up there and espouses to me that I should get out and vote. As if they *need* to tell me what I should or shouldn't do. I find it offensive. Now, a teacher that is teaching civics and government of the US to their students that spends the time to teach kids just what our right is in being able to vote in elections concerning the way our government is run is excellent. "Joey Dreamboat Starlight" who is renown for smashing guitars and drunken brawls and destroying hotel rooms on tours standing up there telling me I need to go out and vote makes me sick.

To vote or not to vote is my right and my decision to make. I know my right. i don't need a star or a rock idol or a married in duchess to tell me what I should do or shouldn't do. None of their freakin' business.

Meghan doing this just really, really rubs me the wrong way. Sorry folks for the rant. ?

I don't have a problem with campaigns encouraging people to vote, but I have no illusion why Michelle Obama and others do it.

This virtual summit is meant to close "the age and race voting gap". No one of course would dispute that encouraging minorities and young people to vote is a commendable course of action, but it is no coincidence that the groups they want to encourage to vote are precisely those who, according to polls, are most likely to vote for the Democrats and do so disproportionately. I am pretty sure there must be Republican PACs out there which must be also encouraging Evangelical Christians, rural voters and, surprisingly, working class white men (the GOP's newly found "constituency") to go to the polls.

In other words, it has nothing to do with civics. It is just politics and electioneering, basically a campaign strategy. And it is clearly partisan and that is why it is delicate when the Duchess of Sussex engages with those kinds of organizations.

And while it is true that many readers commenting on the DM are right-wing, I must admit that their comments in this particular case were spot on. Her title is not recognized in the US, so I assume that, when she speaks in political events in America as the Duchess of Sussex, she is not speaking as citizen Meghan Markle from California, but rather as a princess of the United Kingdom and member of the British royal family or, even if the royal family had completely disavowed her and her husband (which they have not yet), in the worst case scenario, at least as the wife of a British peer (which Harry also is, in addition to being a prince). It is just plainly bizarre that a British duchess, and even more so a royal one, would get involved in and try to inflluence a US election.
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I have no problem with Meghan encouraging people to vote. I’m doing that in my own personal life. The groups she’s working with seem to be really great organizations. However, what I have an issue with, and it seems like many people have an issue with, is her styling herself as the Duchess of Sussex while doing it. It rubs me the wrong way for her to be using her British title and style to make any kind of political statement even if not explicitly endorsing a candidate, because it’s very clear that royals do not publicly involve themselves in politics. I’m actually a bit surprised that she has been allowed to do so... maybe they didn’t consider that she would get vocal politically again (which surprises that they wouldn’t consider It since she’d been so vocal before her marriage). Can the royal family make her use “Meghan Markle” instead of the Duchess of Sussex when talking about political matters?
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i get annoyed when some famous person gets up there and espouses to me that i should get out and vote. As if they *need* to tell me what i should or shouldn't do. I find it offensive. Now, a teacher that is teaching civics and government of the us to their students that spends the time to teach kids just what our right is in being able to vote in elections concerning the way our government is run is excellent. "joey dreamboat starlight" who is renown for smashing guitars and drunken brawls and destroying hotel rooms on tours standing up there telling me i need to go out and vote makes me sick.

To vote or not to vote is my right and my decision to make. I know my right. I don't need a star or a rock idol or a married in duchess to tell me what i should do or shouldn't do. None of their freakin' business.

Meghan doing this just really, really rubs me the wrong way. Sorry folks for the rant. ?

I agree!!!
I get annoyed when some famous person gets up there and espouses to me that I should get out and vote. As if they *need* to tell me what I should or shouldn't do. I find it offensive. Now, a teacher that is teaching civics and government of the US to their students that spends the time to teach kids just what our right is in being able to vote in elections concerning the way our government is run is excellent. "Joey Dreamboat Starlight" who is renown for smashing guitars and drunken brawls and destroying hotel rooms on tours standing up there telling me I need to go out and vote makes me sick.

To vote or not to vote is my right and my decision to make. I know my right. i don't need a star or a rock idol or a married in duchess to tell me what I should do or shouldn't do. None of their freakin' business.

Meghan doing this just really, really rubs me the wrong way. Sorry folks for the rant. ?
I absolutely agree with you. I can see why some of those famous people encourage common people to vote, but sometimes it's just too much, like a repeating advertisement.
Meghan is to speak at a virtual summit When We All Vote, which has been set up to encourage voter participation in elections in this Presidential election year.

I have a serious problem with this. If Meghan is participating in this as the Duchess of Sussex, she should not be. This amounts to a member of the BRF interfering in not just politics, but that of a foreign country. They don't tell people to get out and vote in their own country. I really think this one year review of the Sussex's quitting as working royals needs to happen a little quicker. Parliament needs to strip them of their titles.
I get annoyed when some famous person gets up there and espouses to me that I should get out and vote. As if they *need* to tell me what I should or shouldn't do. I find it offensive. Now, a teacher that is teaching civics and government of the US to their students that spends the time to teach kids just what our right is in being able to vote in elections concerning the way our government is run is excellent. "Joey Dreamboat Starlight" who is renown for smashing guitars and drunken brawls and destroying hotel rooms on tours standing up there telling me I need to go out and vote makes me sick.

To vote or not to vote is my right and my decision to make. I know my right. i don't need a star or a rock idol or a married in duchess to tell me what I should do or shouldn't do. None of their freakin' business.

Meghan doing this just really, really rubs me the wrong way. Sorry folks for the rant. ?

You took the words right out of my mouth. I want to tell them to shut up and act!
I have a serious problem with this. If Meghan is participating in this as the Duchess of Sussex, she should not be. This amounts to a member of the BRF interfering in not just politics, but that of a foreign country. They don't tell people to get out and vote in their own country. I really think this one year review of the Sussex's quitting as working royals needs to happen a little quicker. Parliament needs to strip them of their titles.

You’re absolutely right but it appears she’ll speak at anything..
I have no problem with Meghan encouraging people to vote. I’m doing that in my own personal life. The groups she’s working with seem to be really great organizations. However, what I have an issue with, and it seems like many people have an issue with, is her styling herself as the Duchess of Sussex while doing it. It rubs me the wrong way for her to be using her British title and style to make any kind of political statement even if not explicitly endorsing a candidate, because it’s very clear that royals do not publicly involve themselves in politics. I’m actually a bit surprised that she has been allowed to do so... maybe they didn’t consider that she would get vocal politically again (which surprises that they wouldn’t consider It since she’d been so vocal before her marriage). Can the royal family make her use “Meghan Markle” instead of the Duchess of Sussex when talking about political matters?

I think in the Queen's weekly meetings (now phone calls due to COVID) with the Prime Minister, she and the Prime Minister need to discuss Parliament stripping them of their titles.
I have a serious problem with this. If Meghan is participating in this as the Duchess of Sussex, she should not be. This amounts to a member of the BRF interfering in not just politics, but that of a foreign country. They don't tell people to get out and vote in their own country. I really think this one year review of the Sussex's quitting as working royals needs to happen a little quicker. Parliament needs to strip them of their titles.

Interesting that she talks about how she and her husband are inspired by New Zealand’s greatest suffragette. I wonder, being the proud American that she is, if she’s ever talked to Harry about US suffragette’s like Susan B. Anthony
I think in the Queen's weekly meetings (now phone calls due to COVID) with the Prime Minister, she and the Prime Minister need to discuss Parliament stripping them of their titles.

There is a public health emergency still going on, UK GDP just fell 20 % in the second quarter of the year, and the UK and the EU have to agree a post-Brexit deal before December. Do you think the PM's priorities are H&M and that the Speaker will give any parliamentary time to a private member's bill to strip Harry of his peerage?

Sorry, but I think the chances of that happening are close to zero.

Still, one of the grey suits could phone Harry in California and have a chat about his wife's campaigning. Or Dad could do it himself since he is presumably still paying part of the bills. The tough part is how they can ask her to stop using "Duchess of Sussex" when she is legally entitled to do so.
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There is a public health emergency still going on, UK GDP just fell 20 % in the second quarter of the year, and the UK and the EU have to agree a post-Brexit deal before December. Do you think the PM's priorities are H&M and that the Speaker will give any parliamentary time to a private member's bill to strip Harry of his peerage?

Sorry, but I think the chances of that happening are close to zero.

Still, one of the grey suits could phone Harry in California and have a chat about his wife's campaigning. Or Dad could do it himself. The tough part is how they can ask her to stop using "Duchess of Sussex" when she is legally entitled to do so.

Yes, it’s wishful thinking. The title is her golden ticket to the world stage.
You’re absolutely right but it appears she’ll speak at anything..

Anything? Meghan has spoken solo in recent weeks at virtual summits of Girls Up, #19 and now this When We All Vote which is coming up. If she spoke at anything or everything as is being implied, then we would be seeing her speak online every day.

Coronavirus has meant that most people, most, not just Meghan, have been speaking online in the last few months rather than being physically active in things that they are interested in.

When We All Vote isn't handing out flyers for the Democrats or anybody else. Once you get in that voting booth the opinion of every citizen is their own. It seems getting people to participate in the actual process that is the problem.

And, speaking, admittedly as the citizen of a country which has a compulsory voting system (something I agree with btw) I find the figure of 100 million citizens who are eligible to vote (in the US) but do not do so, appalling, quite frankly. And IMO more power to people who encourage others to get out and vote, whichever organisation (and there are several online) is promoting it.
I think in the Queen's weekly meetings (now phone calls due to COVID) with the Prime Minister, she and the Prime Minister need to discuss Parliament stripping them of their titles.

I’m sure that parliament has better things to do than to strip their titles... but is their anyway that they could amend the removal of the HRH in public duties to include not allowing them to use their titles at all even though they still have them?
I’m sure that parliament has better things to do than to strip their titles... but is their anyway that they could amend the removal of the HRH in public duties to include not allowing them to use their titles at all even though they still have them?

That is what I was trying to say. The most realistic solution would be some kind of agreement between the Sussexes and the Palace, but I don't see Meghan agreeing to it.

Remember that they were extremey reluctant to drop the use of "royal" in their brand and, although they eventually agreed and dropped the HRH too, their PR people put out a statement saying that they were doing it even though the Palace actually had no legal jurisdiction on the use of the world royal outside the United Kingdom. If they were now asked to drop Duke/Duchess of Sussex too, I imagine they would fight it and there isn't really anything the Palace can do to stop them from using those titles.

I guess Charles could always cut them off, but I don't think that would work either. Meghan is pushing (maybe testing) the limits because she knows she has the high ground.
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I stand by my comment Curryong.

I don’t need anyone telling me I should vote. Right now because of our election coming up, we are going to be bombarded with face recognition people spewing what most of us know.

It’s just an opportune time for a bandwagon jump from her in my opinion. If it weren’t for her marriage, I doubt she’d have the opportunity to “be heard” on many a subject.

With each day, in the 24/7 news cycle, to me, she’s a jumper on the bandwagon willing to talk about anything.

Difference of opinion, Curryong, to me she does it for the fame and herself, not other people.
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