General News about the Sussex Family, Part Three: August-September 2020

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The US Constitution forbids her using a foreign title of nobility to run for public office so NO she would not be able to call herself The Duchess of Sussex while running for office.

It will be interesting to see what name she plans to use in her US documents. So far I assume she is still Rachel Meghan Markle as she has not filed to change her legal name. She could become Rachel Meghan Mountbatten-Windsor, but I don't see why she would need to take her husband's name when she is already known "professionally" as "Meghan , The Duchess of Sussex".

I don't think she can use "The Duchess of Sussex" in any US document, but it is curious that the professional name she took in the US is similar to the legal name she had in the UK minus the HRH. I mean, on Archie's birth certificate , she was "Rachel Meghan, Her Royal Highness The Duchess of Sussex", without Markle or any family name.

Not quite. One would assume the good people of the USA would be able to choose their candidate based on their perception of her ability to serve the people. The royal connection only gets her extra visibility at the outset, the rest is up to her.

Meghan is not running for office, so I don't know why we are even discussing this.

In any case, she is eligible to be a senator as she is over 30, has been a citizen of the United States for more than 9 years and is a resident of the state which she would represent. Her royal connection, if anything, would probably be used against her in any campaign, so I think it is a liability more than an asset.
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She and Harry are bandwagon jumpers. They'll make an embarrassing political video like the rest of Hollywood. They apparently just thanked a woman who runs a website who called Kate a "wrinkly ho". Don't tell me they didn't know she ran that website because that I don't believe it. The only way to get rid of them is to have parliament strip them of those titles. They don't even live in the UK anymore and shouldn't be representing anyone as members of the royal family. Don't tell me Diana and Fergie kept their titles because it isn't the same - they respected the royal family and kept out of politics. Harry and Meghan don't.
She and Harry are bandwagon jumpers. They'll make an embarrassing political video like the rest of Hollywood. They apparently just thanked a woman who runs a website who called Kate a "wrinkly ho". Don't tell me they didn't know she ran that website because that I don't believe it. The only way to get rid of them is to have parliament strip them of those titles. They don't even live in the UK anymore and shouldn't be representing anyone as members of the royal family. Don't tell me Diana and Fergie kept their titles because it isn't the same - they respected the royal family and kept out of politics. Harry and Meghan don't.

Well said! H and M don’t have any original thoughts; they jump on the issue of the day and spout platitudes. [...]

I admit, I don’t know what it would take for them to be stripped of HRH - but if they don’t intend ever to return permanently to the UK and they aren’t going to be working royals, why should they keep their titles? They don’t need them ...let them sink or swim on their own.
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Before starting this opinion, I wan't to emphasize that this is just my opinion and how I feel that jumping on *any* political bandwagon is really a step down for both Harry and Meghan. It has nothing to do with "rights" and "privilege" but rather how it reflects on them and from what I've seen so far in the thread about "Finding Freedom", the book isn't doing them any kind of favors whatsoever but highlighting the aim to appeal to what I call "sheeple". Now, a sheeple isn't as bad as a "stan" (I actually had to look it up to see what one of them things was) but the idea that the Sussexes are aiming to be "influencers" with a "voice" kind of, to me, is degrading not only themselves but also is going to be a very tricky thing for them to actually hold onto going into the future.

As working members of a well established and respected institution of the monarchy of the UK and its "Firm", I believe they had the pinnacle of a global platform to reach out and make a difference in the world for so many people because that is what the "Firm" does. It exemplifies duty and service to people . Its the prime rib of philanthropy that "influencers" and "voices" would give their eye teeth to attain. This work encompasses working making a change *for* the people and not changing the people themselves.

Striking out on their own without the prime rib global platform to hold them up, jumping on bandwagons trying to influence the "sheeple" to see and do things their way and be "just like them". They honestly believe they can change people because of the acclaim, fame, notoriety and influence they've already made because of the global platform. Have their egos been stroked so much they honestly believe without the solid platform holding them up, the titles they retain and the company they keep will support them?

Appealing to sheeple, being "woke" and being able to use a "voice" tells me one thing here. They've gone from wanting to make a difference *for* people to making changes *in* people that look up to these people to tell them what to think, what to do, how to dress and act and what is hot and what is not.

Luminary "star" power runs on hot summer winds and we all know that winter is laying in wait. The Sussexes may be riding on a high right now with what seems to be everything in life they've always wanted but they actually have no real, solid support system as a foundation to sustain them. If being hit by a pandemic didn't knock some of the wind out of their sails, they're going to find it hard to keep those sails billowing on just their names and faces alone.

Pride goes before a fall and I feel the Sussexes right now are at the edge of a cliff (albeit at a very expensive and posh edge of a cliff) and they don't own the thing they need the most. Good parachutes. ?
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Before starting this opinion, I wan't to emphasize that this is just my opinion and how I feel that jumping on *any* political bandwagon is really a step down for both Harry and Meghan. It has nothing to do with "rights" and "privilege" but rather how it reflects on them and from what I've seen so far in this thread about "Finding Freedom", the book isn't doing them any kind of favors whatsoever but highlighting the aim to appeal to what I call "sheeple". Now, a sheeple isn't as bad as a "stan" (I actually had to look it up to see what one of them things was) but the idea that the Sussexes are aiming to be "influencers" with a "voice" kind of, to me, is degrading not only themselves but also is going to be a very tricky thing for them to actually hold onto going into the future.

As working members of a well established and respected institution of the monarchy of the UK and its "Firm", I believe they had the pinnacle of a global platform to reach out and make a difference in the world for so many people because that is what the "Firm" does. It exemplifies duty and service to people . Its the prime rib of philanthropy that "influencers" and "voices" would give their eye teeth to attain. This work encompasses working making a change *for* the people and not changing the people themselves.

Striking out on their own without the prime rib global platform to hold them up, jumping on bandwagons trying to influence the "sheeple" to see and do things their way and be "just like them". They honestly believe they can change people because of the acclaim, fame, notoriety and influence they've already made because of the global platform. Have their egos been stroked so much they honestly believe without the solid platform holding them up, the titles they retain and the company they keep will support them?

Appealing to sheeple, being "woke" and being able to use a "voice" tells me one thing here. They've gone from wanting to make a difference *for* people to making changes *in* people that look up to these people to tell them what to think, what to do, how to dress and act and what is hot and what is not.

Luminary "star" power runs on hot summer winds and we all know that winter is laying in wait. The Sussexes may be riding on a high right now with what seems to be everything in life they've always wanted but they actually have no real, solid support system as a foundation to sustain them. If being hit by a pandemic didn't knock some of the wind out of their sails, they're going to find it hard to keep those sails billowing on just their names and faces alone.

Pride goes before a fall and I feel the Sussexes right now are at the edge of a cliff (albeit at a very expensive and posh edge of a cliff) and they don't own the thing they need the most. Good parachutes. ?

Nothing (and I mean literally nothing) that this couple has done or said since they left the UK has convinced me that they are now or could be a greater force for good than they could otherwise have been if they had stayed as senior working royals. I am not impressed at all by the empty zoom calls with meaningless clichés and that "let's all hug" attitude. It pales in comparison with the real work, affecting real people's lives, that royals do in the UK and other countries.

I agree, they are belittling themselves.
Before starting this opinion, I wan't to emphasize that this is just my opinion and how I feel that jumping on *any* political bandwagon is really a step down for both Harry and Meghan. It has nothing to do with "rights" and "privilege" but rather how it reflects on them and from what I've seen so far in the thread about "Finding Freedom", the book isn't doing them any kind of favors whatsoever but highlighting the aim to appeal to what I call "sheeple". Now, a sheeple isn't as bad as a "stan" (I actually had to look it up to see what one of them things was) but the idea that the Sussexes are aiming to be "influencers" with a "voice" kind of, to me, is degrading not only themselves but also is going to be a very tricky thing for them to actually hold onto going into the future.

As working members of a well established and respected institution of the monarchy of the UK and its "Firm", I believe they had the pinnacle of a global platform to reach out and make a difference in the world for so many people because that is what the "Firm" does. It exemplifies duty and service to people . Its the prime rib of philanthropy that "influencers" and "voices" would give their eye teeth to attain. This work encompasses working making a change *for* the people and not changing the people themselves.

Striking out on their own without the prime rib global platform to hold them up, jumping on bandwagons trying to influence the "sheeple" to see and do things their way and be "just like them". They honestly believe they can change people because of the acclaim, fame, notoriety and influence they've already made because of the global platform. Have their egos been stroked so much they honestly believe without the solid platform holding them up, the titles they retain and the company they keep will support them?

Appealing to sheeple, being "woke" and being able to use a "voice" tells me one thing here. They've gone from wanting to make a difference *for* people to making changes *in* people that look up to these people to tell them what to think, what to do, how to dress and act and what is hot and what is not.

Luminary "star" power runs on hot summer winds and we all know that winter is laying in wait. The Sussexes may be riding on a high right now with what seems to be everything in life they've always wanted but they actually have no real, solid support system as a foundation to sustain them. If being hit by a pandemic didn't knock some of the wind out of their sails, they're going to find it hard to keep those sails billowing on just their names and faces alone.

Pride goes before a fall and I feel the Sussexes right now are at the edge of a cliff (albeit at a very expensive and posh edge of a cliff) and they don't own the thing they need the most. Good parachutes. ?

IMO, they are degrading and that’s the best compliment I can give...
I am sure they will be stripped of their titles one day or later, we just don't know when. They can't let a couple too involved in the internal affair of a foreign country enjoy a british prestigious title that was given to them only because they were expected to work for the said country instead of a foreign one.
Nothing (and I mean literally nothing) that this couple has done or said since they left the UK has convinced me that they are now or could be a greater force for good than they could otherwise have been if they had stayed as senior working royals. I am not impressed at all by the empty zoom calls with meaningless clichés and that "let's all hug" attitude. It pales in comparison with the real work, affecting real people's lives, that royals do in the UK and other countries.

I agree, they are belittling themselves.

I do think there are few remaining areas where the old vestige of who Harry once was would remain and shine and that would be to actively step up his work, his visibility and his commitments to the Invictus Games and Sentebale. Those go away or get pushed under a rug somewhere, and the Harry we once knew and respected is gone.
Nothing (and I mean literally nothing) that this couple has done or said since they left the UK has convinced me that they are now or could be a greater force for good than they could otherwise have been if they had stayed as senior working royals. I am not impressed at all by the empty zoom calls with meaningless clichés and that "let's all hug" attitude. It pales in comparison with the real work, affecting real people's lives, that royals do in the UK and other countries.

I agree, they are belittling themselves.

I couldn’t agree more. To me, H and M are vacuous - they spout platitudes that they think will make them look good; they don’t truly understand the issues they speak about, and they honestly care more about themselves than anyone else. They didn’t want to do the “hand waving” and the “boring” work of meeting and connecting with the British public. I guess what was good enough for HM, Philip, Charles, Anne, William, Kate, etc...wasn’t good enough for H and M. It’s no coincidence they moved to LA - there, they’ll be guaranteed all the attention they’ve claimed they don’t want. H and M will do things to “help” that will get them publicity - that’s it. They crave the attention. That’s why they announced their birthday call with HM even though she didn’t want that. They disrespected the Queen, his grandmother, so they could grandstand.

H and M are shallow people living empty lives. They’ve got their big house and celebrity friends.....what else?
I am sure they will be stripped of their titles one day or later, we just don't know when. They can't let a couple too involved in the internal affair of a foreign country enjoy a british prestigious title that was given to them only because they were expected to work for the said country instead of a foreign one.
Harry was born with a title - Prince, just like his cousins Beatrice and Eugenie were born Princesses. Harry was given a dukedom by the Queen on the eve of his marriage, just like she gave his brother the Dukedom of Cambridge when he married, and his Uncles Andrew the Dukedom of York when he married, and Edward the Earldom of Wessex when he married. When Edward married neither he or his wife were intended to work for the RF. Queen Elizabeth also granted an Earldom to her sister’s husband after Princess Margaret had been married for awhile.
Traditionally the monarch has bestowed dukedoms on their younger sons, sometimes when they are younger, for example, George V made his sons Duke of Gloucester in 1928 - 7 years before he married, and Duke of York in 1920 - 3 years before he married, sometimes when they are older.
Thus, giving a monarch’s relative a dukedom or an earldom is based on tradition rather than as a quid pro quo for working for the firm.
Queen Elizabeth did not remove the Earldom from Tony when he and Margaret divorced, she has not removed the Dukedom from Andrew, even though he no longer performs royal duties. I doubt that she’ll take any action to remove Harry’s Dukedom from him.
The Sussex’es have already said they won’t use HRH commercially. Harry has as much right as any other non royal British peer has to express a political opinion. Meghan as a U.S. citizen likewise has a right to express political opinions. I frankly don’t see her getting into politics in the near term, why would she want to move to Sacramento CA or Washington DC while Archie is young?
I think if it got that far action would be taken to remove or limit her use of the title.

Yes, they should anyway. I wish they could. You don't want to be a member of the RF and you weren't born in it - BYE!
Well said! H and M don’t have any original thoughts; they jump on the issue of the day and spout platitudes. [...]

I admit, I don’t know what it would take for them to be stripped of HRH - but if they don’t intend ever to return permanently to the UK and they aren’t going to be working royals, why should they keep their titles? They don’t need them ...let them sink or swim on their own.

I wonder how the Duchy of Sussex feels about them jumping ship.
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I wonder how the Duchy of Sussex feels about them jumping ship.

There isn't a 'duchy of Sussex'. However, I could imagine people from the counties East and West Sussex feeling that their name is dragged through the mud/not sufficiently appreciated.

N.B. Sussex (West and East combined) was a historic county after earlier being known as the County of the South Saxons (as one of 7 medieval kingdoms - until it was annexed by Wessex).
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I wonder how the Duchy of Sussex feels about them jumping ship.

Not good, I’m sure. You want to talk commitment? [...]I don’t know how much time Harry and Meghan spent in Sussex...

**This still applies even though Somebody pointed out that there is no Duchy of Sussex
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There isn't a 'duchy of Sussex'. However, I could imagine people from the counties East and West Sussex feeling that their name is dragged through the mud/not sufficiently appreciated.

N.B. Sussex (West and East combined) was a historic county after earlier being known as the County of the South Saxons (as one of 7 medieval kingdoms - until it was annexed by Wessex).

Thank you for explaining that to me. I am never quite clear on what these titles represent.
Surprised to see some very clear floor-plans of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex’s Montecito home have sprung up on the internet. Previous ones were un-readable.

Taking down photos from some websites is of little use - from a security point of view - compared with this.
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Who would have imagined that they would have a more lavish lifestyle in the US than the rather austere life they lived as HRHs at the Kensington Palace apartment or Frogmore Cottage?

Unless they bought the house fully furnished, they have a big looming interior design investment. At Frogmore Cottage, they had access to Royal collection furnishings, art and fabric/trim/pelmets etc. In Cali, it will be different.
Actually, I don't think it'd be much different for Harry and Meghan than for any couple buying their first home. Its fun to imagine your room exactly how you want them to be, go shopping around to find what suits the room and "feels right" and over time, add those little bits and pieces that make the house a home. I think I'd be disappointed if they were satisfied buying the home fully furnished and kept it that way.

I've moved household many times over my life and finally have put down roots for over 20 years here. We reminisce about moving the black cat (Einey) in first on a 13th and only had a couple of lawn chairs in the living room and a computer table and a kitchen table and bed. We did the Beverly Hillbillies in reverse and moved with as little as possible to a small cabin. I'm hoping that the Sussexes find these kind of memories in making their house a home for themselves and Archie.
Thank you for explaining that to me. I am never quite clear on what these titles represent.

The Duchy of Cornwall has land and property attached, and Charles is the landlord, so he has been involved in managing it for a long time. Its not the same with the Duchy of Sussex which is simply a title using a historic name. I doubt if the people of Sussex are very bothered about Harry one way or the other.

Nothing (and I mean literally nothing) that this couple has done or said since they left the UK has convinced me that they are now or could be a greater force for good than they could otherwise have been if they had stayed as senior working royals. I am not impressed at all by the empty zoom calls with meaningless clichés and that "let's all hug" attitude. It pales in comparison with the real work, affecting real people's lives, that royals do in the UK and other countries.

I agree, they are belittling themselves.

I dot know if I 'd say belittling themselves but they are simply using their recent "royal working" status to "stay relevant". Partly IMO this is because they know they need to make money, and keeping their names before the public is a way of keeping themselves relevant, so that when things improve with the economy, they can jump in and use the money making opportunities. And the other big reason is ego. They want to keep their names before the public with the Zoom calls and the political speeches because they don't want to retire into obscurity. THey may genuinely believe that they're doing this to help people.. but IMO that's a very small part of it..

Harry was born with a title - Prince, just like his cousins Beatrice and Eugenie were born Princesses. Harry was given a dukedom by the Queen on the eve of his marriage, just like she gave his brother the Dukedom of Cambridge when he married, and his Uncles Andrew the Dukedom of York when he married, and Edward the Earldom of Wessex when he married. When Edward married neither he or his wife were intended to work for the RF. Queen Elizabeth also granted an Earldom to her sister’s husband after Princess Margaret had been married for awhile.
Traditionally the monarch has bestowed dukedoms on their younger sons, sometimes when they are younger, for example, George V made his sons Duke of Gloucester in 1928 - 7 years before he married, and Duke of York in 1920 - 3 years before he married, sometimes when they are older.
Thus, giving a monarch’s relative a dukedom or an earldom is based on tradition rather than as a quid pro quo for working for the firm.
Queen Elizabeth did not remove the Earldom from Tony when he and Margaret divorced, she has not removed the Dukedom from Andrew, even though he no longer performs royal duties. I doubt that she’ll take any action to remove Harry’s Dukedom from him.
The Sussex’es have already said they won’t use HRH commercially. Harry has as much right as any other non royal British peer has to express a political opinion. Meghan as a U.S. citizen likewise has a right to express political opinions. I frankly don’t see her getting into politics in the near term, why would she want to move to Sacramento CA or Washington DC while Archie is young?
The queen cannot remove dukedoms or earldoms. That is for Parliament to do. She can remove the HRH but she hasn't done so for any royal other than the ones who have divorced and hence are not part of the RF.. so she's not likely to do so for Harry... but she has forbidden the use of the HRH In commerical dealings....
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Surprised to see some very clear floor-plans of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex’s Montecito home have sprung up on the internet. Previous ones were un-readable.

Taking down photos from some websites is of little use - from a security point of view - compared with this.

Do the pictures from the royal houses website, the one his run by the same media company that owns Meghan Mirror, are still up?

And i’m not even remotely surprised, if they wanted privacy and ppl not knowing how the house looks like they would have made sure to clear them first before leaking and confirming the purchase and move..
They left them up just long enough for the media and social media accounts to save and run them.

Personally, looking at the few screenshots we got from their videos of pure white (or as I call that look “boring cold as ice nouveau riche look”, I like the old design better, it fits the house better, and has soul and warmth.
Do the pictures from the royal houses website, the one his run by the same media company that owns Meghan Mirror, are still up?

And i’m not even remotely surprised, if they wanted privacy and ppl not knowing how the house looks like they would have made sure to clear them first before leaking and confirming the purchase and move..
They left them up just long enough for the media and social media accounts to save and run them.

Personally, looking at the few screenshots we got from their videos of pure white (or as I call that look “boring cold as ice nouveau riche look”, I like the old design better, it fits the house better, and has soul and warmth.

Honestly I didn't like the look of the interior at all... it looked overly ornate and so does the outside...

Meghan Mountbatten-Windsor then... people would still call her "duchess", I'm sure.

Why would they call her Duchess? She's not campaigning as a "Duchess" but as a concerned American citizen... the fact that this "Duchess" thing is being brought up proves that without it, she wouldn't get any notice at all in the political or social sphere....
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She and Harry are bandwagon jumpers. They'll make an embarrassing political video like the rest of Hollywood. They apparently just thanked a woman who runs a website who called Kate a "wrinkly ho". Don't tell me they didn't know she ran that website because that I don't believe it. The only way to get rid of them is to have parliament strip them of those titles. They don't even live in the UK anymore and shouldn't be representing anyone as members of the royal family. Don't tell me Diana and Fergie kept their titles because it isn't the same - they respected the royal family and kept out of politics. Harry and Meghan don't.

Actually, Diana activelly participated in the campaign against landmines a year before she died. This is a highly politically charged issue.

A million dollar question: If Meghan and Harry were supporting conservative political options (Trump and republicans) would people , especially Daily mail
readers still complain about using royal platform for expressing one's political views?:whistling:
This is a rhetorical question.:D
Actually, Diana activelly participated in the campaign against landmines a year before she died. This is a highly politically charged issue.

A million dollar question: If Meghan and Harry were supporting conservative political options (Trump and republicans) would people , especially Daily mail
readers still complain about using royal platform for expressing one's political views?:whistling:
This is a rhetorical question.:D

And Diana got flak for her taking an interest in landmines, being criticized by Tory MPs...
Actually, Diana activelly participated in the campaign against landmines a year before she died. This is a highly politically charged issue.

A million dollar question: If Meghan and Harry were supporting conservative political options (Trump and republicans) would people , especially Daily mail
readers still complain about using royal platform for expressing one's political views?:whistling:
This is a rhetorical question.:D

Whilst Diana's involvement in the land mines campaign got her flak, it was never a party-political issue. What you are seeing with Meghan may develop into a party political stance.
They live feeling hated and feeling hate towards others. It's a pity that Harry lost the spark, all he can do now is playing second fiddle and apologising for past mistakes. We'll never know how he really feels about all of this but his days are filled with reading online about himself. [...]As for Meghan she's her own worst enemy. She loved the VF cover about her grand love story (literally) but got lost in constant fights and doesn't seem to be very happy either.
They seem both miserable and not knowing what to do. Maybe I'm wrong but happy people don't act this way..
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Actually, Diana activelly participated in the campaign against landmines a year before she died. This is a highly politically charged issue.
I see this all the time, especially when it's discussed how the Sussexes should not involve themselves in anything political. There's always somebody who jumps and says "but X, Y, Z was/is doing something political, so why can't Sussexes!!!!!!!".

Because, depending on the level of engagement in the issue, they'll be either criticized or crucified for this. And no one wants to see that happening. Especially to a couple that is so sensitive to what the media says about them. Sometimes you (well, they) have to consider the price of it all, of the immense priviledge and platform and popularity, and decide if they're ready to pay it.
Actually, Diana activelly participated in the campaign against landmines a year before she died. This is a highly politically charged issue.

A million dollar question: If Meghan and Harry were supporting conservative political options (Trump and republicans) would people , especially Daily mail
readers still complain about using royal platform for expressing one's political views?:whistling:
This is a rhetorical question.:D

In the UK, any royal who was openly political and, even worse, partisan would be subject to heavy criticism. It has nothing to do with being Conservative or Liberal, but with not picking sides at all.

In the past, the Crown was actually accused in Britain of favoring the Conservative Party and that was criticized. Queen Elizabeth II, in her reign, has excelled in being neutral or even plainly apolitical while doing her duty as Head of State at the same time on the advice of the British or Commonwealth realm governments.
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I see this all the time, especially when it's discussed how the Sussexes should not involve themselves in anything political. There's always somebody who jumps and says "but X, Y, Z was/is doing something political, so why can't Sussexes!!!!!!!".

Because, depending on the level of engagement in the issue, they'll be either criticized or crucified for this. And no one wants to see that happening. Especially to a couple that is so sensitive to what the media says about them. Sometimes you (well, they) have to consider the price of it all, of the immense priviledge and platform and popularity, and decide if they're ready to pay it.

Anything these days is political.People praised Catherine for not wearing black at the award ceremony where many actresses and public personas wore black in support of the MeToo .

Wanna work and help people who rely on food banks? Wanna work with charities that help battered women or people with mental issues?
Many charities had their fundings cut in the last 10 years owing to the politics of austerity.
I see this all the time, especially when it's discussed how the Sussexes should not involve themselves in anything political. There's always somebody who jumps and says "but X, Y, Z was/is doing something political, so why can't Sussexes!!!!!!!".

Because, depending on the level of engagement in the issue, they'll be either criticized or crucified for this. And no one wants to see that happening. Especially to a couple that is so sensitive to what the media says about them. Sometimes you (well, they) have to consider the price of it all, of the immense priviledge and platform and popularity, and decide if they're ready to pay it.

True.. if they want a quiet stress-free life, this sis not the way to go about it. If they take sides politically they are going to get criticized for what they say, for getting engaged in politics at all, for how they put their viewpoint.. etc etc.
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