Indeed, things are not black and white. That is very much the point I have been trying to make for the past pages.
My other point is that royals too are human beings and sometimes they act and react like human beings. (And thank heavens for that! Who wants soulless robots for royals?) A nuance that tends to be missing from your points.
You say the questions by the press were justifiable. I say they were provocative and out of place, considering the circumstances. I.e. a reception at the highest level in a foreign country.
Unfortunately but IMO very understandable Joachim reacted with anger - and the press got their story. Well, hurrah...
Apart from that I will argue that Joachim is right.
is serving his country and the DRF while in France.
As I understand it, he was pretty much invited personally to attend the staff course by the French President. - As a part of the increasing military co-operation between DK and France BTW. Not least in Sahara, but now also very much between our navies.
Joachim has to be qualified, otherwise it would be an embarrassment. He is.
He has a staff education behind, otherwise he would not have been made a full colonel. He also has considerable staff experience behind him, both in the Defense Command and at brigade and division level.
He is fluent in French, is very well versed in French culture and on top of that is Francophile. Even better, he is full-blooded Prince to Denmark, which protocol and diplomatically is a huge advantage. And he has a lot of experience in regards to diplomacy and representation.
All that will in my estimation put him ahead of practically all other Danish officers at his level.
Ergo he
is serving Denmark. Both by attending the course as well as help tying strings to certainly future higher French military staff officers as well as diplomats (who also attends part of this course.)
Joachim and our Marie are currently the highest ambassadors, so to speak, Denmark has in France and they have represented Denmark on two occasions - two months into their stay there.
Ergo he is serving the DRF.
France don't invite Joachim to attend one of the most prestigious military courses, just because of his pretty blue eyes. It is in French interests to have close connections with their allies. Here via Joachim, who is at a level, where he is actually heard. I.e. he is not just any army colonel.
Ergo Joachim is serving Danish national interests.
Okay, perhaps someone should have explained all that before he even went to France. Indeed, perhaps they should.
However, it is very much my impressions that when it comes to Joachim, quite a few have a tendency to have a very selective hearing. Willfully or not...
It's fun to play the "bad brother" of the family, I doubt very much it's much fun to be literally hailed as the "bad brother."
And as I have pointed out so many times before in this debate, Royals are humans too and sometimes they feel unfairly treated and sometimes they snap.
Joachim didn't choose his life.
He was born to be the spare. - He accepted that. QMII has expressed her admiration for that.
He was not allowed to become a firefighter or whatever he dreamed about becoming. You are gonna be a farmer, Joachim, and take over a derelict manor. - Joachim did that.
And while being a farmer, you are going to attend your royal duties. Also during the years where your older brother was away studying in USA, sailing the North Atlantic or being away for weeks at a time with the Frogman Corps. Or while trekking in Greenland. - Joachim did that.
Then he got divorced from at the time probably the most popular woman in DK. And he took the full heat of that and had to suck it up. - He sucked it up.
He had to throw in the towel at Schackenborg and was declared a public failure. Admittedly that wasn't handled that well. And it is here in my view that we see the first real cracks in Joachim's armor.
If I'm allowed to speculate for a moment, I will not rule out that he was suffering from a depression. hence why we haven't seen that much to him in a DRF context.
Anyone who has had a depression or undergone therapy will know that you don't get over that easily. And you can easily relapse.
That BTW is one of the reasons for my little pet-theory that J&M are now quietly opting out of the DRF.
It is admittedly only speculations, perhaps more for those who believe royals can be humans too.
And please, don't tell me that Joachim could just have opted out of the DRF earlier. Look at the mess that has created in Norway. Joachim could not opt out without rocking the boat too much.
So yes, Joachim is right.
And Marie is right in defending him.
Question for the Danish posters: Is service in the military (even in military training) perceived as "different" from royal duties? I would have guessed both would be viewed as service to Denmark, so I've been surprised to see how much controversy this has generated.
For some it is, as is evident from this discussion. I happen to agree with you, that military service can also very much be serving the DRF.
Also, what do you all make of the stories that Joachim and Marie may not ever return to Denmark to live? Again, stories about this caught me by surprise. I had the impression that Joachim was fairly popular with the public.
Never truly popular. In the 90's when Frederik was seen by many (including myself) as immature, Joachim was respected more than liked, for acting royal and tending to his royal duties.
IMO Joachim has inherited his fathers mantel so to speak. In every soap-opera, which is unfortunately also what royals families are and presumably always have been, there has to be a favorite villain. Today that's Joachim.
Joachim is more introvert than say his brother, he also has a more stand-offish personality, that some like to call arrogant. He is not easy to like.
That's trait he shares with many people - until you get to know them.
I respect him a lot, and as you know I sympathize with him, but I doubt he and I would ever be friends.