General News about Frederik, Mary and Family Part 19: September 2023 -

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I know perfectly well what I'm talking about, one thing is the economic El Economista has a prestige, but that does not have to be transferred to its Informalia gossip section, whose information often does not have that quality. And as far as I know who writes it is not a renowned journalist, nor someone who is known for participating in television or radio programs.

In Spain there are dozens of digital media, and among them there is also a lot of garbage that is very far from journalism. There are websites of serious newspapers or magazines whose online gossip section is terrible, and where they copy and paste things without the least sense. The fact that they are considered serious media is no obstacle for them to publish things on their websites that are useful for generating visits and making money.

Tomorrow is Saturday, the day in which the serious Spanish newspapers expand on their gossip reports, we will see how many different versions of this story there are.

Elmundo newspaper ( associated with The Guardian in a group of newspapers) says this affaire has been going on for months I take it as the bible.
But then that’s just me. It’s the most reputable source and other than Elpais and the economic press there is nothing else of quality in the country.

Do reputable and less credible media lie? I don’t think they are always right but it is not the level of tabloids in the uk and the US.
This woman was married into the House of Alba, there is respect for such aristocratic connection. They would be careful at least right wing press.
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This is so messy, it all could have been avoided if Frederik had slept in a hotel. Now El Economista has published an article that goes a step further claiming the affair had been going on for months.

Who exactly told all that?

Named source or it's unverifiable gossip.

Unless, there is photographic evidence showing inappropriate affection, like kissing, we have to rely on firsthand accounts from either Casanova or Frederik and the reaction of the DRF.
Everything else is speculation, interpretation and guessing. - And that naturally includes my own opinion.
I doubt there is such evidence, or they would at least have shown a still-photo as a teaser.
TV goes faster than magazines…
I’ve watched it on TV ? after the news, on Spanish Channel 5, the journalist Marisa Martin Blazquez, wife of another journalist Antonio Montero( from the top paparazzi agency) , she has been talking about the negotiations that are going on atm.
We will see the interview and let’s see how much she is willing to reveal.

I have also read in that Frederick came to Spain “to end” their many years affair and since there was nothing left for her she told the paparazzis. That’s all for now from Madrid.

So... hearsay. Didn't think that constituted a proper source on here... :cool:
So... hearsay. Didn't think that constituted a proper source on here... :cool:
I like to think of Eleconomista of a FT wannabe but
Ok el Mundo is at the moment the most reputable newspaper who have bothered to comment on it in detail.
The amount of verified information and evidence of an affair is now mind blowing.

She is negotiating an interview. I hope she doesn’t give us more details. But we’ll know soon enough.
I don’t know in the US or nordic countries but here if you sleep at her house it’s understood there is intimacy, But if it has been on for months then It wouldn’t hurt to issue an apology ( without specifics) and move on.
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We must recognize that the news has everything, also dirty war between magazines, the ¡Hola! has acted in a very dirty way: : Lecturas took over the report and published it quickly, before the ¡Hola! would buy it, and take away the exclusive. The day before Lecturas Magazine was published, ¡Hola! magazine learned of the exclusive Lecturas. the magazine released a version of the events, saying that Frederik had come to visit a old friend of the university , the friend had covid.....The friend did not exist, He was invented by ¡Hola! to to discredit the exclusive of Lecturas. The magazine ¡Hola! has acted in a very dirty way. When Susanna Griso, the journalist from the morning program "espejo publico" who knows Genoveva and they have friends in common said that it was true that Genoveva knew Frederik from some hunts held in Germany ...Only when Susanna Griso said this, so we've all looked at ¡Hola! Magazine. , and the techniques of discrediting to Lecturas, the friend did not exist..
However, I believe that the ¡Hola! has withdrawn its version, because something tells me that next week, or in the coming weeks, it will be the magazine that Genoveva chooses exclusively to deny the facts and talk about her friendship with Frederik or who knows ....
Adda, well-known journalists are those who work every day in newspapers, magazines, radio and television programs... who write, are contributors to programs or have a press agency... those whom people recognize, know their career and you can really assess whether they are reliable or not.

Anabellka, maybe you should complete the information for foreigners, and say that LOC is the gossip section of El Mundo, which has a web section and a paper section that is published on Saturdays, and where one of its weekly contributors is the old man and misogynist Jaime Peñafiel who invents most of what he writes.

Those who have been reading me in this forum for years know that I have commented on it many times. In Spain, the gossip press business is a business that moves a lot of money, and that newspapers, magazines and television stations have to continually feed, and unfortunately this leads to journalistic rigor often being lost. With the explosion of digital media it is even worse, because they copy things without meaning and "fake news" circulates without restraint.

With this story happens what happens with many others, from an original version that was verifiable with a photo, every day, each media, each journalist... tells a different version, in one minute you can hear two totally opposite stories (for example, I have heard several journalists say that Genoveva has no intention of giving an interview)... There are people who enjoy believing them all even if it doesn't make any sense, there are people who trust certain journalists or media outlets and there are people who analyze all this with a bit of critical sense.
Just to add a *little* bit of levity here...... with something that jumped out at me. Regarding the "supposed reason" that Frederik traveled to Spain, under the "diplomatic" radar apparently. With NO official recognition, according to reports.

Frederik wanted to "end it" in person. Face to face with Genoveva Cassanova.

Much like the path his distant cousin Prince Andrew took, when deciding to end his Epstein friendship. IN person.

As Andrew explained in the car crash Emily Maitlis Interview, he visited Epstein in 2010 for the "sole purpose of breaking off any future relationship with him. It was the RIGHT AND HONORABLE thing to do".

Andrew further stated, that one of his flaws, is that 'he is to honorable a person'.

PLEASE keep in mind, we have ZERO factual corroboration, why Frederik actually went to Madrid.

If it was to end his *friendship* (whatever it was) with Genoveva, as alleged, maybe he was taking a page out of cousin Andy's playbook.

IF that was his thought process, and this *reason* is true, (which we don't know) ..... man did it blow up spectacularly ! Just like **cousin Andrew's. Could be a Family Trait.

** Cousins on both sides. UK, both directly descended from Queen Victoria. Denmark, both directly descended from King Christian lX.

Next time guys.....make a phone call.
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What a truly awful state of affairs. Mary is staring down the barrel of dozens of microphones, cameras and phones being shoved into her face and being asked impertinent questions, and the kids are all old enough to know and get it shoved in their faces. All this while there is no knowledge as to the veracity of the scandal. HM must be pulling her hair out and not a few of Frederik's as well.
I see it's being suggested he went to Spain to break up with Casanova - without evidence of any long term affair BTW.

So Frederik went: Sorry, honey. Gotta break up with you. - Now, can I crash at your place? (alternatively: How about a lost roll in the hay before we part?)

- Nah.
Spanish Royal House denies that Queen Letizia was interested in the Crown Prince Frederik of Denmark scandal

"I inform you that no one from the House of His Majesty the King, due to a supposed interest of the Queen, has at any time asked to be sent either the cover or the report published in the latest issue about the Crown Prince of Denmark", they point out. from House of His Majesty the King.

As I said, there is a real threat that relations between the Danish and Spanish royal families will sour after that. And the Household of His Majesty The King acknowledging the magazine article only makes things worse.
As I said, there is a real threat that relations between the Danish and Spanish royal families will sour after that. And the Household of His Majesty The King acknowledging the magazine article only makes things worse.

That is quite absurd... the news reached the Spanish Royal House through the Spanish journalists who were in Denmark and therefore almost at the same time as the Danish press, it is more likely that Frederik knew about the existence of the photos before the visit.

This visit was delicate for the King of Spain because the political situation in Spain is critical, I think that the Spanish Royal House simply wanted to stop any attempt by the press to involve them in this story that on the one hand has disrupted a state visit and on the other has put them in the spotlight for a gossip topic at a time that is not good for them.
I don’t know where you live or which reports you have access to but the political situation in Spain is not “critical” on the contrary, a pact means there’ll be a new government.

As for the journalists for that section LOC work in the same building and are equally reputable. It’s the same as The Guardian. They comment on royals as well
I understand there is a right to self censorship and try to defend Frederick’s behaviour at all costs. Fine.

What they are reporting - Elmundo is that this went on “for months” I think it’s far more reputable than any other gossip or forum opinion you may find.

If King Felipe was photographed leaving a socialite’a flat at 830 with hand luggage in Copenhague. It would be an obvious affair. Also, I’d be concerned as to what is he doing there at all. Holidays? with a woman alone, on weekdays?

The exhibition they say they went to see ( no photos) is a small one, two rooms, nothing new, takes 5’ forgettable. She is no expert, there is no justification for his trip or sleepover. .
The only reason why I think people do not see the magnitude and reality of this affair is Royal PR. They have brainwashed their citizens to believe they are always doing the right thing even when they don’t.

Most have fallen for Royal propaganda
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The only reason why I think people do not see the magnitude and reality of this affair is Royal PR. They have brainwashed their citizens to believe they are always doing the right thing even when they don’t.

Most have fallen for Royal propaganda

I don't think that's true.

Muhler has done a pretty good job explaining the Danish mindset to everyone: co-ed sleepovers are not automatically damning, Denmark is a small country and the population does self-regulate and could still potentially get quite angry with Frederik. It's not a matter of believing he's infallible.

Many in Spain lost faith in Juan Carlos quickly and badly because of a combination of Corinna and the elephant and the money, and how so many belleved he was a hero, and how that was partly decades of the media not pressing against his poorer behavior, but you can't expect the exact same result in a different society.

It MAY still go like that — we may get more evidence that makes it go like that — but just because it hasn't yet is not "Royal propaganda". Just different circumstances.
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Why would relations between the two Royal families be affected if CP Frederik has possibly been publicly indiscreet? Is it because the reputed paramour is Spanish? Why would that matter to the SRF?

Almost all the Royal houses have had some sort of PR disaster in the last 20 years and yet most of them seem closer than ever.

The mess overshadowed the State visit and definitely made things a little awkward for Fred and Mary.

But it didn't seem to affect F& L and I am not sure why it would...unless I am being my usual dense self and missing something...:ermm:
I can see Felipe and Letizia being annoyed their State Visit was overshadowed by the reports of Freds dalliance. While they are use to having to rise above reports of affairs I think from a professional point of view they would be irked (even more so if i is true Fred knew he had been photographed - logically the State Visit was the most likely time for them to hit the news)
That doesn't mean there is a rift between the two families though - more likely focussed on the media
Why would relations between the two Royal families be affected if CP Frederik has possibly been publicly indiscreet? Is it because the reputed paramour is Spanish? Why would that matter to the SRF?

Almost all the Royal houses have had some sort of PR disaster in the last 20 years and yet most of them seem closer than ever.

The mess overshadowed the State visit and definitely made things a little awkward for Fred and Mary.

But it didn't seem to affect F& L and I am not sure why it would...unless I am being my usual dense self and missing something...:ermm:

It apparently affected F&L enough that they wanted the world to know that they did not get themselves involved in any way. Them responding to rumours about Letizia requesting insight in the publication shows that they were at least irked by getting tied to this story.

The Danish on the other hand are probably unhappy that their Spanish counterparts reacted at all as they so far are sticking to the no comment and right to a private life strategy,
I agree with the comment above...why is the Crown Prince's sex life any of the State's business? Not saying this is true or not. Simply that it is a private matter between Fred and Mary.

And despite's Mary's engagement interview where she declared "I will not tolerate infidelity" she is probably sensible enough 20 years on to realize that her options are limited. She is the future queen and mother of the king. Hopefully she will continue to hold her head high and try to maintain her dignity and that of the Royal House.

Half of all marriages end in divorce. Couples- both men and women- engage in affairs. It is the way it is. I refuse to believe that people are naive enough to believe Royals don't fool around as well.:whistling:

To be brutally honest, I am not surprised if CP Frederick has a private life outside his marriage. I AM surprised that he is dumb enough to get caught (if he has).


I think many people go into their marriage intending to remain faithful, and also think they themselves would never tolerate infidelity, and sometimes they keep their word, sometimes they don’t.

In most places in Europe and North America, there’s less pressure on regular couples to avoid divorce, at least compared to several generations ago. I don’t think the same is true for royalty, especially not for current or future reigning couples. I think it’s unlikely that a married in current or future Queen in any European monarchy is likely to request and follow through with a divorce. Certainly not once they’ve had children. These women are all smart enough to know that, in the event of divorce, they’d lose many of their privileges, but retain all of the negative parts of royal life.

I haven’t had time to read through the whole thread, so can’t really comment on how likely I think the rumours are to be true. I hope they’re not, as Frederik and Mary have always seemed to be quite happy in their marriage. But again, it’s in all of these couples’ best interest to look happy in public, if only to avoid media storms like this one. Which is one of the reasons that I think Frederik had no business getting himself into this situation, even if they are just friends. He shouldn’t spend the night at an unmarried woman’s house or go for a walk alone with an unmarried woman in a country like Spain with its rabid gossip press.
The Danish on the other hand are probably unhappy that their Spanish counterparts reacted at all as they so far are sticking to the no comment and right to a private life strategy,

The Danish Royal House remains officially silent, but various Danish sources (according to several media, including the embassy in Madrid) are contacting Spanish journalists to tell a version of the story that is more favorable to the prince and that leaves Genoveva as the villain of the story.
In most places in Europe and North America, there’s less pressure on regular couples to avoid divorce, at least compared to several generations ago. I don’t think the same is true for royalty, especially not for current or future reigning couples. I think it’s unlikely that a married in current or future Queen in any European monarchy is likely to request and follow through with a divorce. Certainly not once they’ve had children. These women are all smart enough to know that, in the event of divorce, they’d lose many of their privileges, but retain all of the negative parts of royal life.

Diana proves that it is possible for "a married-in future queen with children" to follow through with a divorce.

As I said before, a marriage to a royal heir is an unequal marriage and I agree that the wife is indeed the side that has the most to lose in practice in the event of a divorce. She will never be queen, while her ex-husband will still be king anyway as that is enshrined in law. Again, Charles proves that there is no support for the theory that divorce (following an affair) irrreversibly damages the reputation of an heir and might prevent him from becoming king. Even if the king is unpopular (because of the divorce), that doesn't matter in a hereditary monarchy as long as it doesn't cause the fall of the monarchy itself, which is still very unlikely in any extant European kingdom.

Having said that, women from Mary's generation (more so than in Diana's generation) are expected not to tolerate infidelity and might lose respect from their peers if they do (note: I am not saying I agree with that; I am just stating what I see as a social trend nowadays). I suppose Frederik and Mary could stage a comeback plan where Frederik admits to the affair, but says that he is sorry and has ended it, while Mary does like Hillary and says something like that the family is trying to heal from what happened but will take time etc etc. That way, Mary will be able to save face and the pressure on her to go through with a divorce will ease.

That could have been a route for Charles and Diana too, but it didn't work for them because, first, Charles wanted to be with Camilla and would never give her up, and Diana acted like she didn't care about what she could lose or thought she could win a war with Charles. I don't think either Frederik or Mary has those kind of complications. Frederik's affairs, if he is indeed a cheater, are probably "just for fun" (I don't see him wanting to marry his mistress), and I am sure Mary is more prudent than Diana.

The Danish Royal House remains officially silent, but various Danish sources (according to several media, including the embassy in Madrid) are contacting Spanish journalists to tell a version of the story that is more favorable to the prince and that leaves Genoveva as the villain of the story.

That doesn't surprise me at all to be honest and might be evidence that the "comeback plan" is already in motion. We will have a clearer picture in the coming days.
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Diana proves that it is possible for "a married-in future queen with children" to follow through with a divorce.

As I said before, a marriage to a royal heir is an unequal marriage and I agree that the wife is indeed the side that has the most to lose in practice in the event of a divorce. She will never be queen, while her ex-husband will still be king anyway as that is enshrined in law. Again, Charles proves that there is no support for the theory that divorce (following an affair) irrreversibly damages the reputation of an heir and might prevent him from becoming king. Even if the king is unpopular (because of the divorce), that doesn't matter in a hereditary monarchy as long as it doesn't cause the fall of the monarchy itself, which is still very unlikely in any extant European kingdom.

Having said that, women from Mary's generation (more so than in Diana's generation) are expected not to tolerate infidelity and might lose respect from their peers if they do (note: I am not saying I agree with that; I am just stating what I see as a social trend nowadays). I suppose Frederik and Mary could stage a comeback plan where Frederik admits to the affair, but says that he is sorry and has ended it, while Mary does like Hillary and says something like that the family is trying to heal from what happened but will take time etc etc. That way, Mary will be able to save face and the pressure on her to go through with a divorce will ease.

That could have been a route for Charles and Diana too, but it didn't work for them because, first, Charles wanted to be with Camilla and would never give her up, and Diana acted like she didn't care about what she could lose or thought she could win a war with Charles. I don't think either Frederik or Mary has those kind of complications. Frederik's affairs, if he is indeed a cheater, are probably "just for fun" (I don't see him wanting to marry his mistress), and I am sure Mary is more prudent than Diana.

My thought on Diana is that Charles had a long term mistress, he loved her in a way that he never did Diana, and he had no serious thought of giving her up for the good of his marriage/his children/the monarchy. And both Charles and Diana were temperamentally unsuited to hunkering down and presenting a united front against the media once the situation became public knowledge.

Even under those conditions - which I’d guess would be atypical for most of today’s current European monarchs/heirs - I don’t think it’s certain that Diana was any happier outside the royal fold, and she was certainly much less secure.

I know that women of Mary’s generation are expected to not tolerate infidelity, but plenty still do. I’m in my early 40’s, and would still like to think that if I ever found out my husband had an affair he’d be out the door before he knew what hit him, but I know enough women who would have said the same thing before they found themselves in that situation to realize there’s no one right answer for everyone. I also think a loss of face (likely temporary, in someone as well thought of as Mary) doesn’t amount to much compared to concerns about the effect a divorce may have on the children, the genuine love that may still exist between the couple, the financial and logistical considerations, how complicated it would be for her to have another successful relationship, the ongoing lack of privacy and press intrusion without the guarantee of ongoing support from the royal court, and so on.

I wonder if Frederik ever reflects on the words and promises he made in his wedding speech and the promises he made to John Donaldson!

I understand there is a right to self censorship and try to defend Frederick’s behaviour at all costs. Fine.

What they are reporting - Elmundo is that this went on “for months” I think it’s far more reputable than any other gossip or forum opinion you may find.

If King Felipe was photographed leaving a socialite’a flat at 830 with hand luggage in Copenhague. It would be an obvious affair. Also, I’d be concerned as to what is he doing there at all. Holidays? with a woman alone, on weekdays?

The exhibition they say they went to see ( no photos) is a small one, two rooms, nothing new, takes 5’ forgettable. She is no expert, there is no justification for his trip or sleepover. .
The only reason why I think people do not see the magnitude and reality of this affair is Royal PR. They have brainwashed their citizens to believe they are always doing the right thing even when they don’t.

Most have fallen for Royal propaganda

I wouldn't say I have fallen into royal propaganda but that condemning Frederick as guilty based off of a few boring photos and tabloid reporting is perhaps a bit unfair. I find innocent until proven guilty to be the cornerstone of a fair and just society. I also don't know the inner workings of F&M's personal relationship. They, like many European couples, might have an open relationship. Also, Spain and Denmark are very different culturally, so expectations are going to be different. Its also wild to me that this sort of tabloid/paparazzi reporting is still valid in 2023. F&M have established a great working relationship, the line of succession is secured, and their family seems happy and well adjusted. Whatever happens behind closed doors shouldn't really be our business.
I wouldn't say I have fallen into royal propaganda but that condemning Frederick as guilty based off of a few boring photos and tabloid reporting is perhaps a bit unfair. I find innocent until proven guilty to be the cornerstone of a fair and just society. I also don't know the inner workings of F&M's personal relationship. They, like many European couples, might have an open relationship. Also, Spain and Denmark are very different culturally, so expectations are going to be different. Its also wild to me that this sort of tabloid/paparazzi reporting is still valid in 2023. F&M have established a great working relationship, the line of succession is secured, and their family seems happy and well adjusted. Whatever happens behind closed doors shouldn't really be our business.

The problem is that most royal families build their image on the 'happy family' or 'picture perfect marriage', exactly what Frederik and Mary have been doing over decades with lots of glossy 'in love' pictures.

Yes what happens behind closed doors who cares but those doors were pushed wide open by Frederik in Madrid.
The problem is that most royal families build their image on the 'happy family' or 'picture perfect marriage', exactly what Frederik and Mary have been doing over decades with lots of glossy 'in love' pictures.

Yes what happens behind closed doors who cares but those doors were pushed wide open by Frederik in Madrid.

Except all Fred did was spend the night( about 7 hours) at someone's house after having dinner and hanging out in very public places. Which I imagine if someone is having an illicit affair they wouldn't be so casual in public. That's all that we know. Plus as far as we can tell F&M have been very much in love, have built up a stable happy family, and seem to have a very good working relationship as well. Now that doesn't mean that there isn't straying in the relationship but I believe it's best to give people the benefit of the doubt instead of straight into condemnation. Many people already believe that Fred is/was having an affair based off of very little.
The Danish Royal House remains officially silent, but various Danish sources (according to several media, including the embassy in Madrid) are contacting Spanish journalists to tell a version of the story that is more favorable to the prince and that leaves Genoveva as the villain of the story.

Which version of the story are you referring too? The one of Frederik travelling to Madrid, go out for dinner and stay the night at his misstress house to end their affair - with her purposefully ensuring they were photograped because she didn't like him ending their affair? I am not sure how that would put Frederik in a more favorable light...
Waw , 200 posts about this affair in Spain .. A novel about a story we don't know anything , but which ends with a happy End .. Nothing will change in the Kingdom of Denmark !Amen
I would not be surprised if Mary could remain married to Fred and still save face. In her case, she left her homeland to move half way around the world and has been making a life and a career in Denmark for almost 20 years. Arguably she is the married in, through her own efforts and the acceptance of the country that she adopted, who has really created a role that that is truly her own. In addition to her patronages, royal events and being mother to the heir, she has her own foundation, has been made a rigsforstander, her 50th birthday celebrations were seemingly* comparable to celebrations of blood royals, she has a hospital named after her, and so forth.

Of course Fred may decide that he wants out of his marriage and initiates divorce proceedings. However, even if it comes out that Mary has an unfaithful spouse, and neither chooses to end their marriage, I suspect, perhaps hope, that there will be limited blowback, on the basis that it is not just about marriage and status, but also about a 20 year career that many think that she has excelled at, and has even more to contribute as part of her service to Denmark.

2024 is going to be interesting as that is F&M's 20th wedding anniversary.

* seemingly because it happened during the pandemic.

Again, perhaps wishful thinking, I can see Mary taking an extended break and going to Australia and perhaps doing some other traveling. I know that it has been over 25 years, and different circumstances, but after Mary's mother died, Mary hit the road, presumably as a coping mechanism for her grief.
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This situation has made me appreciate the success that Mary Donaldson has made of her royal role in Denmark. She has truly made it her own and I’m sure there have been many challenges in the past 20 years, not least the culture shock of moving from Australia and Denmark.

Not often mentioned, but I believe Mary has also developed a successful relationship with Queen Margarethe, who can be a tricky personality.
Not just the sleepover - which reputable media reports it’s happened before -
I’m sorry but there is little more reputable than elmundo and the shouldn’t have to receive calls from the Danish embassy to stop the reports.

It’s not only the sleepover, it’s the TRIP ITSELF - why come here at all?
and why fly under the radar?
Why not notify authorities as Royals are expected to do?
Why not let Felipe and Letizia know before their visit?
Why come for 3 days while his wife is on a working trip in NYC?

A sleepover with a socialite known only for her intimate affairs and her marriage into the House of Alba is not justified. The art exhibit is a small one, two rooms and not worth a visit on a private plane.

There are photos of him with hand luggage at 830am alone with no police security until the embassy car picks him up.
Only royal propaganda, a successful PR campaign over many years can make people refute the obvious affair.

This new generation married for love unlike the arranged with aristocrats that had affairs on the side. Now it’s the same unfaithfulness without the pedigree
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