Flag Day Commemorating Foreign Conflict Since 1948: September 5th (2009, 2012-2024)

If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Thanks for the links, they both look fantastic

Today has a few events for Frederik and Mary , wreath laying at The Citadel, church service at Holmen's Church and parade at Christiansborg Palace Square

a few more photos

From the ambassador of France to Denmark
"French and Danish troops fight side by side for our common values.*We stand together"

and a video of the parade, Frederik inspecting the soldiers
Flagdag for Danmarks udsendte | Kongehuset
Thanks Polyesco & Iceflower :flowers:

Was that an expression of pride I saw in Mary's face when she saw her husband inspecting the troops?

Notice that the navy salute is different from the army salute. Frederik use the navy salute. While the officer of the parade in the beginning use the army salute when delivering his message to Frederik.

I noticed an attache from the Bundeswehr was there.

The French ambassador has become a very familiar face, partly for tragic reasons but also because the French embassy has but a lot of emphasis on culture.
And indeed right now Danish and French troops are fighting side by side - in Mali.

ADDED: A large gallery from the day at Forsvarsgalleriet. http://www.forsvarsgalleriet.dk/ark...iearkiv:15543&r=1473101343519#1473101360475_0
These photos can be downloaded and used freely, as long as you credit: Forsvarsgalleriet.

Here for example is a very high res and poignant photo of M&F. Copyright: Forsvarsgalleriet: https://app.box.com/s/zg5hypj6a7w70kfhtxgndsf4y1r01itw
(Allow time to load).
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:previous: I agree Muhler, very proud
Thanks for the links. Some very wonderful photos
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Thanks polyesco, Iceflower and Muhler for the links, many great photos, the first one is lovely.
Yes, we see it always how very proud they are of each other and this time it is Mary for her husband. Charming couple.
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Agree marfre

Another video from the DRF Facebook .
A clearly touched and emotional Crown Prince Couple. Especially during the musical portion

more pictures from the parade

and at the church service

Another article and video
VIDEO: Kronprinsesse Mary og kronprins Frederik kæmpede med følelserne | BILLED-BLADET

additional gallery
Mary de Danemark complice avec Frederik au Kastellet

a few more photos
nice lovely look by Mary

Frederik and Mary on Flag day, the way Frederik looks at her is lovely

two more pics

two more nice pictures of the Crown Prince Couple from Flag day
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Thank you, Iceflower :flowers:

M&F will also take part in various events today. Some of that is covered by this live link: https://www2.forsvaret.dk/Pages/forside.aspx
Transmission starts at 15.30 - that is in less than two hours from now.
Around 16.00 M&F will lay down a wreath.

First photos of M&F: Kronprinsesse Mary og kronprins Frederik til følelsesladet gudstjeneste | BILLED-BLADET

Stand by.

More on J&M from the local paper: http://www.skivefolkeblad.dk/article/20170905/LOKALT/170909922

And from the local news on TV2: https://www.tvmidtvest.dk/artikel/royalt-besoeg-til-flagdag-i-skive
Click the small image halfway down to the right, and open a small gallery.
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more information about today's Flag day
Flagdag for Danmarks udsendte | Kongehuset

Frederik and Mary

gallery from the DRF of Frederik and Mary
Markering af Flagdag for Danmarks udsendte | Kongehuset


Joachim and Marie

The Crown Prince pair today watched parade on the occasion of Flag Day for Denmark's broadcast at Thorvaldsens Plads in Copenhagen.
short video
Frederik in Naval uniform :winkiss:


"The Crown Prince pair today watched parade on the occasion of Flag Day for Denmark's broadcast at Thorvaldsens Plads in Copenhagen.
Here the Crown Prince inspects the set of "Crown Prince Frederiks Honnør march". Subsequently, the Honorary Command marched in full play to "Honor Queen Parade march" and honored the Crown Prince couple."
longer video
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Here's a video from the Danish Flag Day commemorations.

And Mary alone today at Kastellet, The Citadel, in Copenhagen: https://www.billedbladet.dk/kongeli...b-kronprinsesse-mary-maatte-undvaere-frederik

Apart from laying a wreath, it was also Mary who inspected the honor guard.

Here are clips and pics of both Mary and J&M: https://www2.forsvaret.dk/nyheder/overige_nyheder/Pages/FlagdagforDanmarksUdsendte.aspx


The adjutant following Mary, who looked every inch a queen IMO, is the head of the staff of adjutants of QMII.
A number of the officers sitting behind her were from the police, who are deservedly and fortunately also commemorated here. As are members of the Civil Defense.
Since the early 1990's, well over 100.000 have been deployed abroad. Some several times. In the more extreme cases, 8-9-up to 10 times! - And that's not counting those who were deployed prior to 1990.
Of those nearly 100 never came home and closing in on 1.000 came back wounded.
At present somewhere between 750 and 1.500 are deployed abroad in many countries in the Balkans, Middle East and Africa.
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:previous: what a beautiful event. The video is a nice overview.
And from the article, it looks like Mary said that Frederik is doing well after surgery :flowers:
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Nice song.
Must sound even better with a choir and inside a church.

FasterB are you there? ;)
Did Mary inspect the troops before? Normally the inspection is done by the born royals and not by their spouses. So, if Frederick can't do it and Margrethe apparently left it to him, I wouldn't have been surprised if Joachim had been asked to take over - although it seems he was already booked to inspect the troops elsewhere.
Mary did inspect the honor guard.

She she did so as the representative of QMII, the DRF, her husband and herself. For that reason alone she can inspect any military detail, being the highest ranking present
Apart from that she does hold a military rank (lieutenant in the Home Guard).

ADDED: People who marry into the DRF holds the same rank as the one they are married to in regards to the protocol, except in constitutional matters.
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Summery of article in Billed Bladet #37, 2018.
Written by Ken Richter.

Joachim and Marie attended a commemoration ceremony in the garrison town of Fredericia. Fredericia is a young town, only 400 years old, yet it has been fought over in several wars. It is BTW the location of the first memorial in the world dedicated to the private conscript soldier "Den tapre Landsoldat = Roughly translated to The Brave Conscript" from 1858: https://da.wikipedia.org/wiki/Landsoldaten#/media/File:Landsoldaten_version_2.jpg
Set up in memory of a battle in 1849.

However, Joachim wearing the full dress uniform of an army colonel and Marie paid their respect at the local barracks. They also attended a memorial service at Sct Michaelis Church: https://images.fyens.dk/18/3585518_1200_0_0_100_4928_3080_2.jpg
They also attended a parade in front of Fredericia town hall.

The Flag Day was marked in most municipalities in DK, 95 in total.
Since 1992 more than 32.000 individuals have been deployed abroad. Many several times, making the total number of deployments to more than 100.000 since the latest Balkan war.
At present some 800 are deployed abroad, which is actually a fairly low number compared to just a few years ago.

But it wasn't all serious contemplation. The local kindergartens had showed up in force and they were mainly Marie's department.

At the town of Varde, at the army NCO school, Nikolai also took part in a commemoration. He was among 1.000 soldiers marching through Varde town.
And because this is Southern Jutland, the soldiers were treated to the traditional "coffee table" with lots of mouthwatering pastries.

But it was Mary who took center stage, when she very much stood in for her husband. Which is no problem protocol wise, as she holds the same rank as her husband. I.e. Mary was on this occasion and according to the protocol, second only to QMII.
Looking very regal, Mary wore a dress by A.L.C. Held in place with a belt from Celine. On her feet she wore a couple of Louboutins and on her head a hat by Susanne Juul.

Her first task was to lay down a wreath at Kastellet = Copenhagen Citadel. Where she also, as the highest ranking present inspected the honor guard.
Present were also the Defense Chief, The Defense Minister and the Chairman of the Parliament, Pia Kjærsgaard (Who holds the highest office someone outside the DRF can hold. She insists BTW on being called chairman, not chairwoman or chairperson. You'll see her chat with Mary in one of the photographs.)
Then Mary and the other guests went to a memorial service at Holmens Kirke = the Naval Church, which is also very much the DRF church, even if it is in fact not their parish church. Holmens Kirke:
Here Mary teared up when the choir sang: You Raise Me Up.

The day ended with a large parade in a square in Copenhagen, where Mary again inspected the honor guard. And when the soldiers marched past her the colour was lowered to 90 degrees as a salute to her.

But see for yourselves here: https://app.box.com/s/pjdepfh0e2g4y2hvapqs12uoessyr8gw
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Thanks, Iceflower.

It is, fortunately and deservedly, not only soldiers who are honored on this day.
Also members of the police and the Civil Defense have lost their lives in service abroad.

Frederik wore the full dress uniform of the navy, you can compare that to the full dress uniform of the army in the beginning of the video, and towards the end with the full dress uniform of the air force. (The man holding the umbrella behind Mary.) And decide which you prefer.

We need not ask Polyesco... ;)
;) the full dress Navy uniform

Longer video

The Crown Prince couple attended 3 events today,
Wreath laying at the Citadel.
Memorial service at Holmen's Church
Parade at Christiansborg Palace Squar

both very regal. Lets wait for photos:flowers:

Some great photos



All over the country, Denmark's emissaries today are honored with Flag Day

This afternoon the Crown Prince couple attended the official parade on the occasion of the anniversary, and upon your Royal Highness's arrival, the Crown Prince inspected the parade force for the tones of "Crown Prince Frederik's Honor March." Subsequently, the Royal Order of Honor gave full honors to the Crown Prince couple during full play.

Earlier in the day, the Crown Prince and Crown Princess honored fallen soldiers at a wreath-laying ceremony at the Castle and a service at Holmen's Church.
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The Crown Princess is wearing the beautiful sapphire brooch, we haven't seen for awhile.
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