Favourite Royal Tiaras 1

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My favourite tiara and matching suite would be the Danish Crown Emerald parure.

Seen here, adorned by the Queen of Denmark.


Picture supplied by www.royal-magazin.de
felicia said:
It was inherited by special decree by King George V's only daughter Princess Mary. And it is now in the possession of her son the Earl of Harewood's family. I think the main line British Royal Family should buy it back so we can see it worn.

According to the countess, there is only the one tiara in the family (and they are very closely related because of Prss Mary's marriage to the Earl). The Windsors have enough tiaras, although the parure (there is a matching necklace) is beautiful.
Prince of Chota said:
That tiara actually looks like the Wittelsbach Lover's Knot tiara on display in the Residenz in Muenchen. Can't ever be completely sure with that design, though. I think Wuerttemburg has a similar one, even, so it could be that one, too.
I'm pretty sure the lady is Fürstin Marie Charlotte von Quadt zu Wykradt und Isny, neé Princess of Bavaria and a daughter of the late Duke Albrecht, wearing the Wittelsbach version of the Lover's Knot tiara. If not, it may be her twin sister, Princess Gabrielle.

According to Leslie Field's "The Jewels of Queen Elizabeth II" there are five Lovers' Knot tiaras in existence. Other sources give them as Windsor, Wittelsbach, Waldburg zu Zeil und Trauchburg, Mecklenburg (sold to a private bidder at auction some years ago), and Yussoupov (fate unknown). There is/was also a version created for a Maharajah, which may or may not be included in the five.
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Well, dear members, here I do again. Pant, slurp, drool-ThUD. I am now blissedd out on the floor. You might call me a royal roller. At least I do not chew the carpet-the stuff tastes awful. Soon the little men in white coats will show up and give me shome chocolat with sugar and all will be well. Let us just admit the truth. This is a passionate love affair and who can blame us. Just look at the magnificent Margarethe II wearing that emeral parure that the noble Madame Royale has so kindly shared with us. Gorgeous isn't the word. My God, even I would look good in it.

I have long thought that the mystery of the Wave Tiara, if ever it were uncovered could be a tale worthy of the mighty Agatha herself. I wonder if any of the members has the e mail address for the Prophet (ie Geoffrey Munn) or even of Boucheron. One could in fear and trembling approach them with the appropriate burnt offerings of course.

I agree with you JBC that the sale of the Poltimore tiara was appalling. What I really think of the Vc L cannot be put on this forum. The moderators would not be amused and the moderators are THEY WHO MUST BE OBEYED!!!!! But at least at last report the family (Lady Sara Chatto?) still have the beautiful Persian turquoise tiara. While I do not care for that particular stone the design and execution of the form is a masterpiece.

I do not agree with the member's admiration of the Lover's Knot Tiara cited above. It is overdone. too many pearls. Even in the version Princess Diana wore the top row of pearl spikes was removed. I have thought the version cited above should have been entered in the worst tiara thread. Perhaps somebody could do that and so revive that much missed thread. Then I could wax venemous and acidulous again. All this sweetness, goodness and light is getting on my nerves . Then the moderators could go on the warpath again. And life could get very interesting indeed. Cheers. Thomas Parkman
Warren said:
I'm pretty sure the lady is Fürstin Marie Charlotte von Quadt zu Wykradt und Isny, neé Princess of Bavaria and a daughter of the late Duke Albrecht, wearing the Wittelsbach version of the Lover's Knot tiara. If not, it may be her twin sister, Princess Gabrielle.
It is Princess Marie Gabriele, Fürstin von Waldburg zu Zeil und Trauchburg and the photo was taken at the pre wedding ball of her niece Duchess Elizabeth in Bavaria in September 2004.

Prince of Chota said:
That tiara actually looks like the Wittelsbach Lover's Knot tiara on display in the Residenz in Muenchen. Can't ever be completely sure with that design, though. I think Wuerttemburg has a similar one, even, so it could be that one, too.
It is the tiara in the Schatzkammer of the Residenz in München.

Here is a link about the Lover's Knot Tiaras.
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Thomas Parkman said:
Just look at the magnificent Margarethe II wearing that emeral parure that the noble Madame Royale has so kindly shared with us. Gorgeous isn't the word.

Its a pleasure Thomas.
Thomas, I have to say that I applaud your timing! For some time (since I first saw the Lover's Knot Tiara on Diana when I was quite young), I have not been a fan. I think they are somewhat childish--bows and too many pearls. They lack that necessary sense of majesty or regalia which a tiara is supposed to invoke for those of us who can only sigh, wish and dream. True, they are intricate, and they are sweet and I doubt if I would turn one down, but but I just think that someone over the age of 25 looks very silly in one of them. If I had to choose a tiara which had a similar look it would be The Grand Duchess Vladimir's tiara (which HRM now owns) that was purchased by Queen Mary, who then had it altered in such a way as to display the Emerald drops (sigh) or large pearl drops (sigh). Now, I think this tiara is kind of similar to those Lover's Knot's pieces, but this is a more regal, grown up version that I just love. Here is a site which has some beautiful pieces on it:

THe tiara of which I speak is the fifth one down, right after the Cambridge Lover's Knot tiara. I also love, love, LOVE the Girls of Great Britian and Irland Tiara, which is towards the end. It is a very changeable piece as well--it can be worn with pearl spikes and has a lovely base which Elizabeth II wears with it.

I shall now and put on my rhinestone tiara made of nickel plated metal that my husband bought me as a gag gift for my Christmas stocking last year. But, it isn't the same.
Dear Jbcode99,

I am very ambivalent about the lover's knot thinge. I have seen a picture of it once with the spikes in which it was magnifecent but at later viewings I have come to view it as too much of a very good thing. After all who can quarrel with pearls. However, as with all precious gems they must be handled with that illusive commodity: taste. I agree with you. I think Diana would have looked so much better in the Princess Vladimir tiara set with pearls. However the real knock out is when the thing is set with the Cambridge emeralds, although I have never been terribly fond of the necklance that goes with it.

You should look back in this thread and find the picture of Queen Marie wearing a pearl tiara. It is magnificent and right up to the edge but not overdone. There are pictures where the good Queen Marie was having a bad day and overdid it, I mean the woman really overdid it, but then you can't be perfect all the time. Where you want it with these things is right at the edge but not over it, if you know what I mean. Queen Mary was a past master of such behaviour although even at times she could overdo it as well.

You really should take a gander at the ruby goodies in the British Royal collection. There are two quite wonderful tiaras, a couple of drop dead gorgeous necklaces and that most interesting of contraptions, a ruby bandeau, whatever that is. It is deliciously beautiful.

You should find a local jeweler and get you some silver, a few aquamarines, amethysts, yellow topaz or white sapphires or chrysparese (lsorry but I cannot spell or type worth a tinker's D***) or whatnot and get your husband to have a parure concocted for you. Chrysparese-I am now going to make a fool of myself because I cannot spell and I mangle everything-is a wonderful green jade like semi precious stone that is really quite lovely. Good luck. Cheers.
Mimms, dear heart, I have no information. All I am capable of doing at this point is drooling. Totally besotted, that's the word. the trinket you have so kindly presented to us is a delight indeed. My only question is: what on earth are those pink things? They are pinK????? Are they, I am really holding my breath, pink DIAMONDS????? If so the trinket is worth a kings' ransom indeed, on top of being quite pleasing to the senses. I might even taste as good as it looks. cheers.
Thomas Parkman said:
My only question is: what on earth are those pink things?

Pink Topaz maybe?
The thought of pink diamonds is great though :wub:
The tiara could also be made out of diamonds and pink sapphires. It's a lovely tiara and it's pretty rare to see pink in a tiara!
The reason, dear members, that I thought they could be pink diamonds is that they appear to be so pale. I understand that the pink sapphire is certainly much more, for want of a better word, assertive. Same for topaz, which I have always thought was just a bit garish. But this goodie with those lovely pink, things, pink being not my favorite colour, is something delicious indeed. However, far be it from me to strenuously object to something so rarefied as pink sapphires. I saw somewhere the highest grade well cut and formed could see for a mere 30,000 $$$$$ American dollars a CARAT!!!!! I love blue sapphires, so I suppose I will just have to sit here and drool over pink ones as well. In case you have not noticed, I spend a lot of time drolling around here it seems. This relapsing into an infantile state at my degree of senility can only be described as delightful. Now you will excuse me while I go have some chocolat. cheers.
Thomas Parkman said:
The reason, dear members, that I thought they could be pink diamonds is that they appear to be so pale. I understand that the pink sapphire is certainly much more, for want of a better word, assertive. Same for topaz, which I have always thought was just a bit garish. But this goodie with those lovely pink, things, pink being not my favorite colour, is something delicious indeed. However, far be it from me to strenuously object to something so rarefied as pink sapphires. I saw somewhere the highest grade well cut and formed could see for a mere 30,000 $$$$$ American dollars a CARAT!!!!! I love blue sapphires, so I suppose I will just have to sit here and drool over pink ones as well. In case you have not noticed, I spend a lot of time drolling around here it seems. This relapsing into an infantile state at my degree of senility can only be described as delightful. Now you will excuse me while I go have some chocolat. cheers.

I have a small, pink sapphire and diamond ring I received from my grandmother a couple years back. The pink sapphires are a nice pale pink but I have seen much stronger ones as well. Granted, mine are pretty small so that might affect the coloring of it with the light and everything. I think the tiara we're all drooling over :lol: has a good chance of being made with pink sapphires.
Thomas Parkman said:
I love blue sapphires.

You and me both. Whilst the Danish emerald and diamond crown parure would have to be my favoured choice, this diamond and sapphire parure (now in Le Musée du Louvre) is simply devine and knowing that it had been in the possession of my much adored Madame la Comtesse de Paris makes it all the more special.


Picture originally from Point de Vue.
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Dear Sister Morphine,

Where on earth did you get that name. It is fabulous. As for pearls, they are not my favoite but may I suggest for your parusal the following:

1. The original Princess Vladimir Tiara, set with pearls and much used by Queen Elizabeth II
2. The Cambridge Lovers Knot TIara of Diana, Princess of Wales fame.
3. The sapphire, pearl and diamond tiara of the Duchess of Gloucester set in the Indian style. Simply magnificent.
4. The Wurtemburg (??--here I go mangling names again) of the noble Queen Beatrix.
5. The fabulous diamond and pearl tiara of Queen Marie that was probably stolen by the *****communists. It is somewhere on this thread under my name.
6. The marvelous pearl parure of Queen Margarethe II. The tiara is wonderful. The rest is rather heavy for my taste.
7. There is a heavy tiara that was part of the Russian crown jewels that I think may be in the possession of the Duke of Westminster (???). With that my feeble brain has faded out. I need to go and get some chocolat.
8. Oh yes and do not forget Queen Sophia of Spain's pearl tiara as well.

That should keep you off the streets and happily occupied and delighted, I hope, for a while,. Cheers.
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princess anne owns one greek tiara from her mother (i am not too sure of what its called) that used to be in possession of Princess Andrew of Greece. it has to be one of my favourite tiaras! the design is so unique!
Thomas Parkman said:
Dear Sister Morphine,
Where on earth did you get that name. It is fabulous. As for pearls, they are not my favoite but may I suggest for your parusal the following:
You've never heard of "Sister Morphine"? It's a Rolling Stones song. It's on Sticky Fingers. It's probably my favorite Stones song next "Paint It Black".

And some of those tiaras you mentioned, I've seen before and I love them. Hence why tiaras with pearls in them are some of my favorites.
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can anyone tell me where we could get some nice pictures of the Asian Royalties especially from The Queen of Thailand? Thank you.
In this very sub forum

Search through all the pages until you find Queen Sirikit's name and click :flowers:
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Dear Sister Morphine,

I adore the name but I must confess, and you will forgvie me, I hope, but I am a musicological Archie Bunker and snob of the worst order. I have never listened to The Rolling Stones in my life!!! Nor would I. I abhore all that stuff. Beethoven, Haydn, Mozart, Bach, Handel, etc. if you please.

But at least we can agree on pearls. There was another tiara I have been trying to find somewhere on one of these gargantuan threads which is also using pearls and diamonds, but not spiked ones but round ones set in a lovely pattern. If you could fish it up out of cyberspace I would be grateful. My brain is dead anymore and all I can do is drool. When the Noble Warren sees anything with my name on it he just runs screaming out of the room, having given me up as demented ages ago. But then when I see these goodies, I just love to drool.

This has nothing to do with tiaras or royalty but I have seen a picture of Liz Taylor wearing the Margarita pearl and then a wonderful picture of it in a setting by Cartier which they got rid of. The original setting was with diamonds and other (smaller pearls-My God the M is a headlight) accented with rubies. Now the idea of that should make you positively salavating-if of course a lady of your distinction does such an incredibly vulgar thing-in anticipation of the sight of it. Cheers.
foiegrass said:
princess anne owns one greek tiara from her mother (i am not too sure of what its called) that used to be in possession of Princess Andrew of Greece. it has to be one of my favourite tiaras! the design is so unique!

I think it is just called the Greek scroll tiara.
some of my recent favourites, all belonging to the Royal Family of Brunei. (pictures from Infofoto)

Princess Azrinaz's diamond tiara.

two diamond tiaras worn recently by the Sultan's niece Huda Bahaaul Bolkiah during her wedding, the first one previously worn by the Sultan's wife Queen Saleha in this portrait.

The tiara the Princess Royal wears is the Greek Meander Tiara:flowers: It was a wedding gift from Prince Philip's mother to QEII but she has never worn it in public.

I think we may have covered all tiaras! I know this one has to have been mentioned at some point, http://www.royal-magazin.de/england/westminster/cyclam-flowers-faberge.htm and I love its delicate beauty. I also love it because it is Faberge, and because it can become the stunning necklace that is also on the page. I know it doesn't have the larger stones that we all drool and sigh over, but I wouldn't turn my back on this tiara at all!

And, how unfair is this, the Westminster's also have THREE Faberge tiaras, one the Russian kokoshink and then this one as well-- http://www.royal-magazin.de/england/westminster/myrtle-leaves-tiara.htm it is the Myrtle Leaves and Berries tiara.
And, then, still in the Westminster Family, is the pear shaped pearl and diamond tiara http://www.royal-magazin.de/england/westminster/pearl-tiara-westminster.htm now I'm just including this because there was some discussion of pearls a few posts back. Generally, I love pearls--I wear a strand daily--and believe that diamonds and pearls are the classic look! However, there is something off about this tiara. I don't like the upper portion, and the last picture of the lady all in the ruffles and the diamond riveres looks weird (is it just me???). I like it better when it looks more like one of those button tiaras.
And, I don't recall seeing this one posted yet (either I missed it or we all totallly missed the boat on this one) but the Devonshire Tiara is sumptuous!
http://www.royal-magazin.de/england/devonshire/diadem-derby.htm is it not?
And now, I ask if anyone can produce a picture of the Milfort-Heaven Tiara of The Mountbatten Family? It is listed on the royal-magazin.de site, but no link and no picture--and I cannot find it on the internet as of yet! I must know what it looks like--
Well, JBC, my dear, you have gone and done it again. NO, I am now going to control myself. No chocolate and no drooling, just a glassy eyed heavy breathing this time. First that Brunei suspended diamond bijoux of the Princess Azrinaz is a marvel.

Now with regard to the Westminsters. I find the Derby tiara simply out of this world. A masterpiece of the first order. It is a great wonder, if the noble Queen Mary did not see it and so greatly lust after it that she did not walk off with the thing. But I guess there were limits even for the Queen of England.

The Bagration tiara is a superb masterpiece even if the necklace is a bit of a dud. I have always thought it would look great set with sapphires instead of spinels, a kind of watered down ruby it you will. The cyclamen thing just grows on you. I agree with you about the pearls. What a waste. Have you looked at them thar rocks? My God!!! and then to go do something that dumb with them. Magnificent gems but the design just does not work. The Duchess or whomever is wearing them is a lovely thing but ruined by the jewelry. As for the laurel wreathe business, I must say I have never, in spite of its great antiquity cared for it. So two or probably three superb masterpieces and one flop in a collection ain't bad. I do not doubt the you JBC would look out of this world in any of them.

Maybe the photoshopping people can redsign the pearl thing and sent their ideas over to the duke. Cheers.
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I like the pearl and shell tiara worn by Queen Sofia,I believe by Mellerio.i also like both the Hanoverian and Berleberg fringe tiaras,and I am totally in love with the pink spinel Bagration tiara(and the whole parure)
Yes, my scanning does leave a lot to be desired. Regardless, this is one heck of a diadem. The pink diamond center is from the treasury of Tsar Paul.

credit: Tiaras A History of Splendour
Russia: Imperial Pink Diamond Wedding Tiara

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