Fashion and Style of Royal Men, Part 8: July 2022 - June 2024

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*gasp* WHAT ON EARTH! :lol:
A few days after Halloween, but Frederik has brought the orange,compress&fit=min&crop=faces,entropy&w=748

:cool: stylish

And here we have solid proof that Amalia is an accomplished prankster.
There is no doubt, my sources tell me, that she presented this... eh... garment to Frederik at Christian's B-day. "I have a present for you, Uncle Pingo." (She calls him Uncle Pingo, my sources tell me.) And Frederik being a man has no idea about color combinations, so he has happily put it on and gone public.
What Frederik does not know is that Mary is actually the mastermind behind this little prank. Soliciting help from Maxima and Amalia. (They have a lot of experience doing this to their dad/husband.) The second he went out the door, my sources tell me, Mary texted Maxima and Amalia: "He did it! Jackpot!" They spend the next hour or so texting Lols to each other.
How will Prince Frederic be dressed as King ?
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A better look at Nikolai's Melbourne Cup/Victoria Derby Day outfit, but I'm still itching for a shorter jacket.

I think spezzato is the term for wearing a jacket and pants that don't match?

So much is going on in that photo.

I think casual formal is the term. Doesn't do for me though. You either dress sharply or you don't.

I'll skip Nikolai's alluring hair. ?

The jacket is way too long and also pretty dark. A dark suit with light pants can be a good contrast, doesn't work here.
It gets worse if you combine it with a dark tie. Here a colorful tie would work. A merry tie. - This is... - Sorry, dozed off for a moment.
And if you are to wear a loose tie, wear it "obviously loose". Here it looks like it has loosened and Nikolai is too inebriated or whatever to tighten it.

Dark round sunglasses can look sinister and menacing and that would be a nice, exciting, perhaps even enticing touch. But not with white rims! It ruins the whole thing. :sad:

But then we have the flower in the button hole. As you may know I'm a sucker for such details. The leaf with the flower makes it more masculine. That works! :cool:
But... where are the cuff links? Where is the handkerchief? There is so little going on with that jacket and no contrast so that makes it... Sorry, nodded off again.
The shirt is ok I suppose. Looks comfortable. Don't know how hot it is in Melbourne, so won't g any further on that.

The light pants look comfortable as well, but they could easily be a bit tighter. because Nikolai "ain't got ripe gooseberries" (= skinny legs. "Ripe gooseberries" = fat legs.)

His shoes have solid soles, presumably to have a better grip should he step on an icy surface in Melbourne. They could seriously do with a bit of shoe polish. Yes, they could, Nikolai. Look after your shoes and they'll look after your feet, Nikolai.

So all in all, Nikolai could do better. It's not the worst I've seen in this thread, but he sure ain't the best either!
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He can't wear a colorful tie; the theme for the day is black and white.

Likewise the cornflower is the official flower for the day. The suit is by P Johnson, an Australian designer.
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A chequered tie, in black and white? Stripes in black and white? A broad diagonal stripe in white on a black tie?
Rules are to be circumnavigated. :D

Pity about the corn flower, I really liked that detail and thought Nikolai had done something special. :ermm:

And I think P Johnson should approach Nikolai and call him "a very naughty boy!"
A chequered tie, in black and white? Stripes in black and white? A broad diagonal stripe in white on a black tie?
Rules are to be circumnavigated. :D

Pity about the corn flower, I really liked that detail and thought Nikolai had done something special. :ermm:

And I think P Johnson should approach Nikolai and call him "a very naughty boy!"

Yes, I agree a patterned tie in black and white might have been nice (how about two-toned shoes...?) but either their stylist was not creative enough (Benedikte's dress was also nice but very simple and not exactly eye-catching) or Nikolai still clings to his "conservative fashion upbringing", as he said.

Edit: Nik can be seen in action a couple of quick times in the video judging Fashions on the Field. The finalist for Best Suited was certainly not conservative.
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The suit is puckering, like it is made of cheap material or tailored badly.

I wish Frederik would move away from the slim-cut suits -- they always look too small and tight. A few hours with King Felipe's tailor would help him a lot!
Except it fits him quite badly.
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Did he pop the button on the jacket or something? It's another odd fit. William is usually tailored perfectly, but not this time.

The button is right there, same colour as the jacket.
Prince William with a velvet blazer today at the Earthshot Prize.

A velvet blazer, well, well, is he about to come out of the closet and go full fashion on us? Perhaps even begin to dress in more colorful garments? We may hope.

But, are we even sure this is William? :ermm:
A velvet blazer, that's great. But this one is green, not blue and as we all know William only own clothes in various shades of blue.
Alas, I suspect an imposter. :ohmy:
He's worn this before.

It's definitely William. He will never learn to button his damn jacket.
Good grief!
Good grief!
Oh, good grief!!

The pants are too short, the jacket too tight and the shoes are monstrosities.

This is truly getting worse. :eek:

ADDED: Fortunately we have Daniel of Sweden.
That's perfection. Nothing less.
Daniel is He Who Must be Worshiped.
I'm happy again.
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Now this is something I dare say the vast majority of men will never ever comprehend.
I have been married for more than 25 years and in all that time Mrs. Muhler has patiently tried to explain the deeper purpose of matching colors to me, while I was resting on my hairy knuckles.

When I look at that photo I see a red tie and a red dress. - Big deal.
I also see that he is color-coordinated, she is not.

So, let's try once more: What is it that I fail to understand? :ermm:
When I look at that photo I see a red tie and a red dress. - Big deal.
I also see that he is color-coordinated, she is not.

So, let's try once more: What is it that I fail to understand? :ermm:

Because they are matching shades of red; it's not like one is violet-red and the other is orange-red.

Not sure how you see Letizia as not being coordinated, but Felipe pretty much always matches or somehow coordinates his tie to whatever she's wearing when they do events like this. (On occasion it's one of the girls instead of Letizia.)

That may just be Letizia handing him the tie every time (I doubt it, though; Felipe seems to know how to dress himself well at this point), but I can't think of another male royal who makes a habit of presenting a united front like this.
Because they are matching shades of red; it's not like one is violet-red and the other is orange-red.

Not sure how you see Letizia as not being coordinated, but Felipe pretty much always matches or somehow coordinates his tie to whatever she's wearing when they do events like this. (On occasion it's one of the girls instead of Letizia.)

That may just be Letizia handing him the tie every time (I doubt it, though; Felipe seems to know how to dress himself well at this point), but I can't think of another male royal who makes a habit of presenting a united front like this.

The Prince and Princess of Wales are also always hyper-coordinated!

Oh no....:ohmy:

He is very dapper indeed. I admit I never appreciated how elegant and appropriate he always is. I only have a problem with his hair... I wish he had a more natural look.
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