"End Game" by Omid Scobie - 2023

If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Thank you, HRH Hermione, for your summary and review of End Game, especially as I personally don't plan to buy or read it.

Judging from your report, I honestly don't see what Harry and Meghan can possibly think they will accomplish with this book other than advertising to the entire world, including those they hope to go into business with in Hollywood, that they are at best a toxic couple that cannot be trusted with private or confidential information and has no compassion or empathy at all, or at worst, that they are delusional people with a clinical detachment from reality.

I apologize if I assume that the Sussexes are the real voice behind Scobie's words, but it is objectively impossible not to infer that given the reported content of the book.

I have to agree with your statement, especially regarding the Sussexes being the real voice of his words. That description of a morning at the Sussex home, well it's as if he was right there in the room with them. :whistling: (Or at the least he received a personal video.)
Wow, just wow!

Catherine was pregnant with Louis before Harry and Meghan's wedding, and I recall she was having an awful morning sickness in her early pregnancy, something called hyperemesis gravidarum if I'm not mistaken (she had the same symptoms when she was pregnant with George and Charlotte as well). She was also busy with an infant baby and 2 very young children then. Meghan obviously knew that, so why didn't she ask her own husband to help her for her mental health issue? It's like Oprah 2.0 all over again.

Or why didn't Meghan contact her own OB-GYN for help with her mental health issues? Harry already shared in the Netflix documentary that he felt "angry and ashamed" as to how he didn't assist Meghan when she confessed to having suicidal thoughts, but in Scobie's eyes Catherine is in the wrong here.
Thank you HRH Hermione for taking on the task of reading "End Game" and sharing your thoughts with us. :flowers:
HRHHermione- I'm really impressed that you had patience to read such rubbish book or rather gossip magazine excerpts! Now take a rest, drink some camomille, respire - that's over... The nightmare of reading such squuallid book is over....
Very well done HRHHermione !
Thanks for the detailed information, insight AND the humour. I laughed out loud at some of your commentary !

I honestly can't imagine this Book will do The Sussex's really any good or have a favorable response with their targeted base..... America.
Scobie brings up AGAIN that same old, same old refrain, we have heard for four years now.

The stuffy, stale and conventionally bound Windsor Family were jealous AND scared of the star power, glamour and modernising- contemporary bent of Harry and Meghan, who were then victimized and sidelined by them. Hounded out, with no other option after the HI-HO Plan was denied.
I just think its not reasonable to keep pushing that, or that position is resonating much anymore.

I especially think that the Hollywood A-list Crowd they are desperate or longing to be embraced by (depending on your Sussex perspective) are NOT going to be impressed with yet ANOTHER tawdry sensational tell all, obviously done with their full cooperation. That rarified group values discretion. VERY similar to Royals.

Yes, they too are in the "public eye". Their success and livelihood depend on it. But telling "private" stories about behind the scenes ? I don't think that really goes over well with Top Celebrities. Just as in Harry bizarrely over sharing Actress Courtney Cox providing magic mushrooms drugs for guests to indulge in, as recounted in his book.
Really ironic when you think of ALL the different and ongoing lawsuits The Sussex's have litigated over their OWN privacy concerns, leaks and media intrusions.
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Thanks HRHHermione for taking the time to read and review this book. I don’t know how you did it!

The Sussexes had to be involved in this. Too much of that info could only have come from them. And it was quite nasty. Just when I think my opinion of these 2 couldn’t sink lower.

This book sounds dreadful, hideously biased, mean spirited, cruel, and full of intentional exaggerations, twisting of words, and out right lies. And clearly no one bothered to fact check.
If Meghan was so sensitive to meanings in titles and names, I'm surprised she hasn't complained about being duchess of a place with "sex" in the name!

Lol! Some Americans would do it, though....:lol::whistling:
Very well done HRHHermione !
Thanks for the detailed information, insight AND the humour. I laughed out loud at some of your commentary !

Yes, this exactly!! Many thanks to HRHH⭐
(You write rings around Scobie!)
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Thanks for reading and posting chapter summaries HRHHermione. I'm a bit baffled by the factual inaccuracies. I can sort of (ok not really) understand a reporter not paying that much attention to the Duchess of Kent's engagement numbers but George III abdicating? Baffling. Does Scobie not have access to Wikipedia at the very least? And is he not worried that these obvious errors call into question the factual accuracy of some of the more controversial information? Baffling.

I RME about King George abdicating. It’s an inexcusable mistake to make imo. It was called the REGENCY period for a reason. And one reason Edward abdicating was such a big deal was…..it was a first. I guess he’s as clueless as Harry. Well…I guess that’s fitting.

If I were to guess - Scobie is likely mostly interested in a paycheck. He’s not interested in being a serious reporter- that’s obvious. He’s not even trying to look unbiased. He clearly doesn’t care about accuracy. Easy example- we all know he knows what Sophie’s “Oprah, who?” was all about: deflection. He purposely twisted it into something else. And that is ONE thing.
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Or why didn't Meghan contact her own OB-GYN for help with her mental health issues? Harry already shared in the Netflix documentary that he felt "angry and ashamed" as to how he didn't assist Meghan when she confessed to having suicidal thoughts, but in Scobie's eyes Catherine is in the wrong here.

I'm sure he must also believe it was Anne, Andrew and Edward's responsibility to make Diana get treatment for her bulimia and mental heath issues. Clearly not the responsibility Diana or Charles, or Diana's family. Nope it rested solely on secondary in-laws. :ermm:
I'm sure he must also believe it was Anne, Andrew and Edward's responsibility to make Diana get treatment for her bulimia and mental heath issues. Clearly not the responsibility Diana or Charles, or Diana's family. Nope it rested solely on secondary in-laws. :ermm:

The entire no one helped story because no one cared is completely ridiculous when it is well-documented that Charles sought out mental health counseling for Harry when he was in his teens.

That narrative just doesn't fly!

And, I'll repeat something that I posted before -- they have gone out of their way to say that they loved QEII and she was so wonderful. If that's true why not just go around the guys in the gray suits and ring-up Granny on her cell phone? Once again, their narrative just doesn't fly!
The entire no one helped story because no one cared is completely ridiculous when it is well-documented that Charles sought out mental health counseling for Harry when he was in his teens.

That narrative just doesn't fly!

And, I'll repeat something that I posted before -- they have gone out of their way to say that they loved QEII and she was so wonderful. If that's true why not just go around the guys in the gray suits and ring-up Granny on her cell phone? Once again, their narrative just doesn't fly!

Speaking of QEII- IIRC from HRHHermione’s book review- they said they thought about seeing TQ that last summer at Balmoral- but she didn’t have time. That is not remotely believable. Everyone went and saw her. They made a choice.

I found that puzzling too. Esp. the part where Scobie claimed the Duke and Duchess of Sussex were unaware about the Queen's declining health. It does not sound very credible to me.

I think most of us and most of the people who saw the Queen on the balcony during her jubilee knew that the sudden weight loss meant that her health was declining. Many will have thought that this might have been her last balcony appearance. They must have sene her in person and they must have talked to a cousin here and there. The duke is or was supposedly close to Pss Eugenie. One imagines that during a conversation the topic of their grand mother's health would be raised at one point.

Thank you very much HRH Hermione for all that work. With your commentary it was very enjoyable to read.

Out of curiosity: is there any critical note about the Duchess? You said Scobie did raise one note for the Duke, namely past rascist / racially insentitive comments and behavior.
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I found that puzzling too. Esp. the part where Scobie claimed the Duke and Duchess of Sussex were unaware about the Queen's declining health. It does not sound very credible to me.

I think most of us and most of the people who saw the Queen on the balcony during her jubilee knew that the sudden weight loss meant that her health was declining. Many will have thought that this might have been her last balcony appearance. They must have sene her in person and they must have talked to a cousin here and there. The duke is or was supposedly close to Pss Eugenie. One imagines that during a conversation the topic of their grand mother's health would be raised at one point.

Thank you very much HRH Hermione for all that work. With your commentary it was very enjoyable to read.

Out of curiosity: is there any critical note about the Duchess? You said Scobie did raise one note for the Duke, namely past rascist / racially insentitive comments and behavior.

I find it puzzling that the Sussexes didn't realize that she was declining after viewing the Queen during their meeting in 2022, her cancelled appearances at Jubilee events and all of the photos taken of her during the year.

You're correct, this doesn't seem possible.
The Daily Mail claims that the Dutch publisher (Xander Uitgevers) told them "that it had received a last-minute request from the US to put sales of Endgame on hold and were 'awaiting further instructions'".


I imagine it may be dubbed a translation error. I am not sure how convincing that is. By using a colon the text in Dutch makes a point in highlighting the name. Though I am not privy to the work of translations and how much liberties the translator can take, I always imagined it was not a lot.
As a literary translator, that's the kind of stuff that terrifies me. That's the kind of **** we get sued over. No matter if it was a translation error or not. That's why we save like mad everything we got sent. We check and recheck. And the editors do the same when we're done. I'm rather sure it won't sound convincing to anyone who has some idea of what we do. And if they gave the book to a young colleague with no experience to guard their back, it might fly. But I'm sure it wasn't a mistake and it sure as hell wasn't a liberty that was allowed. We can't make things up. Although once I clashed with a publishing house demanding that I gloss over the fact that the author had left glaring inconsistencies in her text. In the whole circus, there was just one person who had signed under the agreement to give a text true to the original - me. And they tried to dump it on me. No way.

It wasn't an error or liberty originating from the Dutch edition. I'm almost sure.

I found that puzzling too. Esp. the part where Scobie claimed the Duke and Duchess of Sussex were unaware about the Queen's declining health. It does not sound very credible to me.

I think most of us and most of the people who saw the Queen on the balcony during her jubilee knew that the sudden weight loss meant that her health was declining. Many will have thought that this might have been her last balcony appearance. They must have sene her in person and they must have talked to a cousin here and there. The duke is or was supposedly close to Pss Eugenie. One imagines that during a conversation the topic of their grand mother's health would be raised at one point.

Thank you very much HRH Hermione for all that work. With your commentary it was very enjoyable to read.

Out of curiosity: is there any critical note about the Duchess? You said Scobie did raise one note for the Duke, namely past rascist / racially insentitive comments and behavior.

Yes- that was another absurd thing he said. It was obvious to the public TQ’s health was declining. There is no way they were actually unaware. They have eyes. They knew she was pulling out of major appearances. Everyone knew. Good point about Eugenie too.

It sounds like another excuse as to why they didn’t CHOOSE to see her when they had the chance. Again- not buying she didn’t have time to see them. Please….
Chapter 12 Part II: Kate: Suddenly Front and Center

Kate does not like public speaking. It makes her nervous and she mumbles. This is why she prefers outings that "involved interacting with children or sporting activities, where it’s more about her actions than her words." Probably this sounds reasonable. It is not.

Kate has a small work load. This is because she has children and her real duty was to produce an heir and a spare. The entire institution is very obsessed with the production of heirs and spares. It's all heirs and spares all the time. It defines everything.

Sometimes, she gets so nervous that her husband William has to check in on her by text to make sure she is doing ok, especially before she does her first interview with Blue Peter. Don't worry, she was worried for nothing and it was fine. She might be willing to do an interview again! Scobie writes "Given that Kate was in a public-facing role for eight years up to this point, the journey to this breakthrough took longer than anyone expected. Still, progress is progress."

She was slow to start her early years project and maybe if she had advocated for it sooner, the government would never have cut funding to the program the Labour party introduced in 1999 when she was 17 years old. But remember- the royal family is not supposed to be political.

The media focus on what Kate wears rather than what she does "to such an extent that often what she says and does is usually an afterthought. Compared to other royals, mainstream coverage of Kate in the British papers is overwhelmingly positive, often bordering on infantilizing the princess, with articles marveling at her ability to perform the simplest of tasks (think enthusiastic reporting about kicking a soccer ball or flipping a pancake, or how amazing it is that she can assume the perfect “princess pose” in photographs)."

You know, she's boring, but they don't even criticize her when they conceivably could if she didn't build up so much good will by being boring.

This is not like Meghan, who was also a "shiny thing" for the monarchy. But the difference is that "[Meghan's] outgoing nature and leadership potential, qualities for which Kate isn’t known, early coverage of Meghan’s royal engagements were far less about fashion choices and more about her work or her role in the Firm. Until they weren’t."

Meghan was wonderful at being a working royal. "With her acting experience and upbeat demeanor, Meghan was supremely comfortable in her public-facing role, even when she initially knew very little about it." The palace found this intimidating and obnoxious.

I really need to include all the gushing description, don't I? "Before it all went wrong, the Firm’s American outsider and underdog was becoming the star of the show. Whether it was guest-editing an entire September issue of British Vogue while heavily pregnant, releasing a bestselling book for charity, or collaborating with British fashion brands to launch a capsule collection to raise money for her patronage of the women’s employment coaching charity Smart Works, Meghan got things done fast. It was Princess Diana all over again."

It is news to me that Princess Diana did all that within the first few years of her role. Silly me, I thought she was once called "Shy Di" and known for being a bit awkward and that this is part of why the public liked her so much. I must have got my facts wrong.

Back to Kate. Being all scared of being a royal and being very afraid of talking and unable to take leadership, it looked like she would be very dull compared to the new, more modern-looking royal the world was seeing in its new star. So Kate took a lesson. She even started dressing more like Meghan, "Slowly transform [ing] into the more relaxed, business-casual attire chosen by the California duchess."

Despite Kate's general shy, dull nature, Meghan really hoped they could bond, but Kate is cold when she doesn't like someone and she didn't like Meghan. She didn't like her right from the start. "She spent more time talking about Meghan than talking to her."There are no rational reasons given for this, so we are left to speculate about what prejudices might drive it.

Also, did you know Kate says she supports mental health treatment but also ignored her own sister-in-law's cries for help? Seems out of character for someone who should be available for all of this and definitely didn't have three young kids and a brother going through major mental health struggles requiring family support at the same time.

Kate watched in silence as the press wrote lies about Meghan. Kate has no idea what that feels like and probably has never had to stay silent as the press wrote harmful lies about her.

Now Meghan is gone, and the "sometimes Stepford-like royal wife" (get it, she's like a fembot) now looks more assured and confident. She sure has benefited from Meghan being gone, hasn't she? She even released a photography book during the pandemic that was "reminiscent of Meghan’s 2018 Together cookbook in aid of the Grenfell survivors of London’s Hubb Community Kitchen" in that they are both books.

Kate got married in 2011. Remember how she's like a Stepford fembot? That's because "In many ways this is where Kate’s personal story comes to an end: she traded in Carole’s training for the Palace playbook, and the young woman disappeared behind a Palace-constructed mold." In fact, she has no inner life at all anymore because she has been "Transfigured by her new role and completely dedicated to indiscriminately supporting William, Kate—with institutional assistance—successfully sublimated her authentic self, becoming an enigma to the public and perhaps even to herself." She doesn't even know herself anymore. And she doesn't care what her husband does, because her job is to support him without even thinking about what she's supporting and why.

You'll be happy to know that Scobie believes that sometimes, "The misogynistic and snobbish way many of the tabloids wrote about Kate was reprehensible." After reading this chapter, I trust we will all be very assured of his consternation on her behalf.

I am about to barf over the statement I bolded above. Hmmm...I seem to recall that Harry said he was ashamed to tell anyone about Meghan's mental health issues and also Meghan said she went to PR for help. How was Catherine supposed to know Meghan was supposedly having mental health issues if she was not told. And, if she had been told, how was she supposed to have any time to help her. Three children and helping her brother with his own mental health struggles at that time were, I am sure, very time-consuming. And that is not counting her duties as a working royal. But then again, the world is supposed to stop for Meghan. I firmly believe Harry and Meghan have their hands all over this book.

I found that puzzling too. Esp. the part where Scobie claimed the Duke and Duchess of Sussex were unaware about the Queen's declining health. It does not sound very credible to me.

I think most of us and most of the people who saw the Queen on the balcony during her jubilee knew that the sudden weight loss meant that her health was declining. Many will have thought that this might have been her last balcony appearance. They must have sene her in person and they must have talked to a cousin here and there. The duke is or was supposedly close to Pss Eugenie. One imagines that during a conversation the topic of their grand mother's health would be raised at one point.

Thank you very much HRH Hermione for all that work. With your commentary it was very enjoyable to read.

Out of curiosity: is there any critical note about the Duchess? You said Scobie did raise one note for the Duke, namely past rascist / racially insentitive comments and behavior.

I totally agree. Harry and Meghan have eyeballs. Just her weight loss and difficulty walking and standing made me realize that she was sick. But, then again, Harry and Meghan only have their eyeballs on themselves and their imagined troubles.
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I found that puzzling too. Esp. the part where Scobie claimed the Duke and Duchess of Sussex were unaware about the Queen's declining health. It does not sound very credible to me.

Out of curiosity: is there any critical note about the Duchess? You said Scobie did raise one note for the Duke, namely past rascist / racially insentitive comments and behavior.

I agree that it did not sound credible- even without all the visual signs and missed engagements in the months before her death, her age alone surely told them they should cherish time left with her?

There is not a word of real criticism that I noted about the Duchess beyond that it’s taking more time to find what she wants to do and to focus their charity efforts then expected.
I am about to barf over the statement I bolded above. Hmmm...I seem to recall that Harry said he was ashamed to tell anyone about Meghan's mental health issues and also Meghan said she went to PR for help. How was Catherine supposed to know Meghan was supposedly having mental health issues if she was not told. And, if she had been told, how was she supposed to have any time to help her. Three children and helping her brother with his own mental health struggles at that time were, I am sure, very time-consuming. And that is not counting her duties as a working royal. But then again, the world is supposed to stop for Meghan. I firmly believe Harry and Meghan have their hands all over this book.

The most puzzling thing to me is claiming to be concerned about mental health and to be compassionate/empathetic while at the same time writing a book to tease or even ridicule someone for her alleged anxiety to speak in public, which is a mental health affliction that affects many ordinary people all over the world. To make matters worse, Kate's anxiety is contrasted in the book with Meghan being, in Scobie's opinion, a natural and gifted public speaker, as if being anxious made someone a "lesser person" or something like that.

By the way, if it is true that William checked on Catherine to see if she was OK before she had to appear in public, praise to him for being a caring husband who was concerned about his wife's mental health. Unlike by the way his brother who admitted that he didn't know what to do when his wife was allegedly suffering from depression and suicidal thoughts.
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Unless the family didn’t mention it in case it ended up in the press? Which would be a harsh line to take.

Thank you for reading. I am not sure what else can be revealed now other than the original documents!
As a literary translator, that's the kind of stuff that terrifies me. That's the kind of **** we get sued over. No matter if it was a translation error or not. That's why we save like mad everything we got sent. We check and recheck. And the editors do the same when we're done. I'm rather sure it won't sound convincing to anyone who has some idea of what we do. And if they gave the book to a young colleague with no experience to guard their back, it might fly. But I'm sure it wasn't a mistake and it sure as hell wasn't a liberty that was allowed. We can't make things up. Although once I clashed with a publishing house demanding that I gloss over the fact that the author had left glaring inconsistencies in her text. In the whole circus, there was just one person who had signed under the agreement to give a text true to the original - me. And they tried to dump it on me. No way.

It wasn't an error or liberty originating from the Dutch edition. I'm almost sure.

Thanks for those insights Moran. It seems they tried to mess with the wrong translator here as Mrs. Saskia Peeters is defending herself and spoke to the Daily Mail. It seems they spoke to her at the front door of her house in Arnhem. She says that the names were in the manuscript she was sent.


For Mrs. Peeters sake I hope she will not have her reputation and carreer ruined by this. Collateral damage so to speak. She says it was not something she wanted to be involved in.
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Chapter 3I came away from this chapter absolutely convinced that the Sussex camp BADLY wants to force a public reaction from the King and the rest of the royal family and have been extremely frustrated and angered by the official policy of silence.
I've always thought the family played a blinder by staying quiet and not speaking out about either the Netflix documentary or Spare. You know H&M wanted a reaction and a prolonged tit for tat in the media. But the family did the best thing you can do when someone is throwing a tantrum – ignore it completely. I have to imagine no one was more upset by the family's non-reaction than Omid, though. Think of how many TV hits he missed out on by not having anything to push back against. No wonder he sounds so salty about it in the book.

Meanwhile, I'll be waiting with breath that is baited to see if Meghan sues Omid for revealing her private correspondence with the King...

Speaking of QEII- IIRC from HRHHermione’s book review- they said they thought about seeing TQ that last summer at Balmoral- but she didn’t have time. That is not remotely believable. Everyone went and saw her. They made a choice.
But that would've required them to go all the way to Scotland in August, the height of the summer. All their friends' private jets were probably already in use.

HRHHermione, I feel like we should all offer you some kind of compensation. Thank you for reading that so we wouldn't have too. I loved your descriptions. I loved your commentary even more. :flowers:
HRHHermione, I feel like we should all offer you some kind of compensation. Thank you for reading that so we wouldn't have too. I loved your descriptions. I loved your commentary even more. :flowers:

Totally agree, thank you HRHHermione! What a load of rubbish!
I have been very critical about the Duke and Duchess of Sussex and their behaviour over the past few years, and I agree they should have been aware of the Queen's obviously declining health in the months before her death.

But I keep thinking ... denial is a very powerful thing.Particularly when you don't want to believe what is in front of your eyes. I know from my own experience how easy it can be to not confront the hard truth that a close relative is entering their last days. And we know how deluded Harry and Meghan can be in so many ways. Is it beyond the bounds of possibility that they chose blindly to believe what they wanted to believe and did not fully comprehend that the summer of 2023 was their last chance to see the Queen?

This does not of course take away their responsibility for not taking the opportunity to see her one last time. But perhaps puts it into a less callous context.
Thanks for those insights Moran. It seems they tried to mess with the wrong translator here as Mrs. Saskia Peeters is defending herself and spoke to the Daily Mail. It seems they spoke to her at the front door of her house in Arnhem. She says that the names were in the manuscript she was sent.


For Mrs. Peeters sake I hope she will not have her reputation and carreer ruined by this. Collateral damage so to speak. She says it was not something she wanted to be involved in.
Quelle surprise! It was always clear that Scobie was lying. As much as I love the royal family's strategy of not paying the H&M projects any attention, I'd actually love to see them sue Scobie for defamation, if for no other reason than to require him to testify under oath about how he learned the contents of the letter.
But I keep thinking ... denial is a very powerful thing.Particularly when you don't want to believe what is in front of your eyes. I know from my own experience how easy it can be to not confront the hard truth that a close relative is entering their last days. And we know how deluded Harry and Meghan can be in so many ways. Is it beyond the bounds of possibility that they chose blindly to believe what they wanted to believe and did not fully comprehend that the summer of 2023 was their last chance to see the Queen?

I think there's an element of this at play, yes. Especially when you consider what a long reign the Queen had. We all felt as if she had been there forever, and would somehow continue to be there forever, so the concept of her dying was completely alien.

The day she actually died, I spent a good, solid hour convincing myself she was actually gone. She was the only British monarch I had ever known, and it simply did not compute.
Thanks for those insights Moran. It seems they tried to mess with the wrong translator here as Mrs. Saskia Peeters is defending herself and spoke to the Daily Mail. It seems they spoke to her at the front door of her house in Arnhem. She says that the names were in the manuscript she was sent.

That poor woman. I hope this will not be a stressful or legally expensive experience for her. I hope the publisher and any professional body she belongs to are standing behind her, 100% percent.

I can't imagine this will do anything for Scobie's reputation within the translating and publishing industries...
I'll be interested to see what H&M do now.

Silence - which will be seen as an endorsement of what the book is saying.

Denial of involvement - Oh yeah? :whistling: We've heard that one before...and no one is going to believe them.

It's a lose/lose situation. At a time when MM is apparently desperately trying to "relaunch" herself and move on from all the chaos that she and PH created.

When the two of them embarked on this bitter campaign against the BRF, they were counting on winning the longterm support of the public; they miscalculated.

Apart from the usual suspects like Scobie himself who think they are wonderful and can do no wrong, people by and large have got the measure of H&M; they've also got more important world issues to focus on than two bitter, entitled and envious individuals who have got into a big mess entirely of their own making.

They are now in a situation where they are becoming both unemployable and irrelevant. Where's the trust, the integrity, the credibility? The talent? What else do they have to offer apart from taking pot shots at the BRF, whether directly or via crappy books like Endgame? Would you employ someone who is incapable of being honest - or makes a living out of turning on their own family?

When Scobie called his book Endgame, it may never have occurred to him that expression actually applies to H&M, not the BRF; and that his book has actually made things worse for the wrong target.

As the saying goes: Resentment is like taking poison and waiting for the other person to die. Ultimately the most harm H&M have done is to themselves.
I personally think Harry and Meghan are so hell-bent on damaging the BRF, they don't realize (or care?) when it damages them as well. It's not just about winning - it's about making everyone else lose, as severely as possible.
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