Eloise, Claus-Casimir and Leonore, News and Pictures Part 1: July 2003 - 2022

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Eloise's curriculum at the Hotelschool. The program is fully in English but all students are required to take a 'second language'. I wonder whether she'll pick French as she already speaks French - or whether she will use the opportunity to study a third foreign language.

After the first year in which all students are expected to live at the school. The first semester of the second year is fully spend on a Practical Placement at a 4 or 5 star hotel in an unfamiliar country. After that they return to Amsterdam (or The Hague; for those at the The Hague campus) for more courses; another practical experience (managing the hotel school's facilities) in the third year and additional courses; while the fourth year offers a minor and furthermore concentrates on the capstone project.
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Personally I think it's nice that Constantijn and Laurentien are letting their children live a more "normal" life and are allowing them to use their social media as they wish. They're not in the immediate line of succession, so they should be allowed to have more freedoms than someone like Amalia, who will be the queen one day.
Eloise's curriculum at the Hotelschool. The program is fully in English but all students are required to take a 'second language'. I wonder whether she'll pick French as she already speaks French - or whether she will use the opportunity to study a third foreign language.

After the first year in which all students are expected to live at the school. The first semester of the second year is fully spend on a Practical Placement at a 4 or 5 star hotel in an unfamiliar country. After that they return to Amsterdam (or The Hague; for those at the The Hague campus) for more courses; another practical experience (managing the hotel school's facilities) in the third year and additional courses; while the fourth year offers a minor and furthermore concentrates on the capstone project.

Her mother, Princess Laurentien, is fluent in French since she did her secondary education at the Lycée Français in Tokyo. But did she pass her French to her children: no idea.
Her mother, Princess Laurentien, is fluent in French since she did her secondary education at the Lycée Français in Tokyo. But did she pass her French to her children: no idea.

Eloise herself is fluent in French (she showed it on request in her recent Instagram live session). Didn't they attend a French-speaking school in Brussels? I assume that (or at least Brussels) is where she picked it up.
Her mother, Princess Laurentien, is fluent in French since she did her secondary education at the Lycée Français in Tokyo. But did she pass her French to her children: no idea.

Eloise lived in Brussels for a while. Did she go to a French-speaking school there?
Eloise lived in Brussels for a while. Did she go to a French-speaking school there?

Yes, Countess Eloïse, Count Claus-Casimir and Countess Eleonore went to the Catholic Institut Saint-André in Ixelles (in Dutch: Elsene), the generally considered as affluent municipality around the Avenue Louise, with an enormous influx of European non-Belgians working in Brussels (EU, NATO) residing.


"Saint-André is a Catholic school in which the Christian faith is offered. This, far from being a fixed and definitive truth, is a search, and progressive discovery, of a person, Jesus Christ, who reveals God to us.

In a community, whose pluralism reflects the society it intends to serve, Saint-André lucidly and voluntarily makes reference to the Gospel and commits everyone to base their life on evangelic values."

With her fluent French, her Catholic primary and secondary school in Ixelles/Elsene (before she went to the Van Maerlant Lyceum in The Hague), she has any possibility to catch a Belgian or French. Without any problem she can amorph into a francophone family.


Best candidate: Édouard comte de Mailly-Neslé (1990)

son of Hubert comte de Mailly-Neslé and of Eleonore comtesse de Mailly-Neslé née freiin Metzler von Bethmann (from the Bethmann Bank AG / Banque Bethmann Frères)

grandson of Guy marquis de Mailly-Neslé, Prince d’Orange and of Manuela marquise de Mailly-Neslé née Frèrejean de Chavagneux (one of France's wealthiest industry owning families).

In 1673 Louis XIV decided to sabotage the principality of Orange. Not only by bombing and confiscating it, but also by giving the title to a French relative closest to Willem III of Orange (the King-Stadtholder) whom happened to be Louis marquis de Mailly-Neslé.
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Yes, Countess Eloïse, Count Claus-Casimir and Countess Eleonore went to the Catholic Institut Saint-André in Ixelles (in Dutch: Elsene), the generally considered as affluent municipality around the Avenue Louise, where an enormous influx of European non-Belgians working in Brussels (EU, NATO) are residing.

Institut Saint-André

"Saint-André is a Catholic school in which the Christian faith is offered. This, far from being a fixed and definitive truth, is a search, and progressive discovery, of a person, Jesus Christ, who reveals God to us.

In a community, whose pluralism reflects the society it intends to serve, Saint-André lucidly and voluntarily makes reference to the Gospel and commits everyone to base their life on evangelic values."

It is odd that they went to a Catholic school when their parents are both Protestant. Weren't Eloise, Claus-Casimir and Leonore baptized in the Protestant church too?

They were all baptized in the -protestant- chapel of Palace Het Loo.

In Etterbeek there is even a -protestant- Dutch primary school (Prinses Juliana School), for the children of Dutch people living in Brussels. It is very close to the Berlaymont, just on the other side of the parc.
It is odd that they went to a Catholic school when their parents are both Protestant. Weren't Eloise, Claus-Casimir and Leonore baptized in the Protestant church too?

Yes Countess Eloïse, Count Claus-Casimir and Countess Eleonore were all baptized in the royal family's private chapel at Het Loo Palace.

It is indeed a remarkable choice as in Brussels there is a small Protestant Dutch-speaking primary school Prinses Juliana, located in a former pied-à-terre of the family d'Oultremont de Wégimont (Willem I of the Netherlands went into a second marriage with his late wife's hofdame Henriette countess d'Oultremont de Wégimont and which was seen as a mésalliance and led to his bitter, sort of juancarlist exile in Berlin.)

Maybe the parents specifically wanted to have their children to be in a francophone school? With French at school and Dutch at home they make an excellent start of course.

Picture after the baptism.

The four godparents are:
HRH The Crown Prince of Norway
Ms Sophie van de Wouw (friend of the Princess)
HRH Princess Maria Carolina de Bourbon de Parme
HRH Prince Johan Friso of the Netherlands

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There are plenty of reasons parents might choose a Catholic school even though they're protestant, or even completely non religious (provided the school allows that).

Many non Catholics send their daughters to St Mary's Ascot in the UK because it is considered one of the smartest girls' schools in the country. Lady Louise Windsor goes there despite other CofE based schools nearby.

Their parents here might have considered that being French speaking and a with a very international student body was a good opportunity for them to experience things they wouldn't otherwise.

Not to mention that the school's mission statement in relation to faith is far from dogmatically RC and speaks of encouraging discovering Jesus for yourself in general.
Plenty of protestant families send their kids to catholic schools.

Great example is the British royals. Even though the family is Anglican (the queen is head of the church) members have attended catholic school. The closest to the throne would be Louise who attends St Mary's Ascot. Lady Margarita Armstrong Jones also attended (so did Marina and Amelia but they have a catholic mother and Marina converted like her brother).

Many factors may be in play:

-Many parents want their children to be bilingual. Their mother is fluent in French. The best way to learn a second language is immersion in it.

-the school may offer better classes, facilities then the smaller protestant school mentioned. Smaller may offer smaller class sizes but some don't always offer the same resources and options of a larger school.

-want their children exposed to a more broad range of people in Brussels, then the predominately Dutch expats found at Princess Juliana (though more Flemish are attending now).
I fully understand why they wouldn't pick a school that's specific catering to Dutch expats; it sounds as if the school they attended offer a much more international experience - something that surely benefitted them; and was something their mother also experienced growing up.

In addition, I doubt Laurentien grew up in a church-attending Christian family; given that her father is a prominent member (former minister and vice-MP among others) of D66 which is by many considered to have anti-Christian tendencies (although they themselves deny it but they are known for policy initiatives that go against what many Christians stand for).
There are plenty of reasons parents might choose a Catholic school even though they're protestant, or even completely non religious (provided the school allows that).

Many non Catholics send their daughters to St Mary's Ascot in the UK because it is considered one of the smartest girls' schools in the country. Lady Louise Windsor goes there despite other CofE based schools nearby.

Their parents here might have considered that being French speaking and a with a very international student body was a good opportunity for them to experience things they wouldn't otherwise.

Not to mention that the school's mission statement in relation to faith is far from dogmatically RC and speaks of encouraging discovering Jesus for yourself in general.

I almost attended a Catholic school even though I'm Church of England because it was one of the better schools in the area, but I didn't meet the academic requirements. I know a few people who went there who aren't Catholic either and who had the option of attending religious services/events within the school (I think it was one of the more progressive Catholic schools in the area as others made services compulsory or were less lenient when it came to accepting pupils who weren't Catholic). It's the same with Church of England schools here too - they tend to perform well academically in my area, so a lot of people who aren't necessarily very religious send their children to them too and do christen their children just to get them into the schools.
I fully understand why they wouldn't pick a school that's specific catering to Dutch expats; it sounds as if the school they attended offer a much more international experience - something that surely benefitted them; and was something their mother also experienced growing up.

Given the large number of foreign diplomats and EU officials of different nationalities living in Brussels , I would suppose that there must be international schools which offer instruction in English or other languages as well. Wouldn't that be a better choice if they were seeking an "international experience"?

Although I understand that many Protestant families send their kids to Catholic schools (especially in the US, maybe also in Canada ?), I still find it odd that devout Protestant parents would do it. I say that because my own experience being Catholic and having attended Catholic school is that Catholic schools are not neutral in terms of religion. On the contrary, they are pretty openly denominational.

We had religious education classes of a confessional nature for example at my school (not history of religion or similar classes you may take in college) and students were expected to attend religious ceremonies like mass. It can be very uncomfortable for children who belong to other denominations.
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:previous: Yes its common in Canada. In many areas the only options are either public school or catholic school. Private schools aren't a big thing here. In many cities if you want your kids to have a religious education, you either send them to Catholic school or home school them. I went to catholic school. One of my friends was the daughter of a Lutheran minister but she still went to catholic school with me. In their case it was not as much about religion but as it was the best school option in the area.

Perhaps their interest was specifically in the children learning French. There is the International School of Brussels but its instruction is in English.

It seems the post/ account has been removed.


Eloïse in the mean time gave an interview to the youtube series 'Open Kaart'. She says that she is not really dating at the moment but that she is 'having a nice time' with somebody.

She adds she does not have a fixed [physical] type, 'because I have liked people with brown, blonde hair and [even a] preppy guy (kakker), so I do not have a fixed type. She attaches more value to somebody's personality.

Princess Laurentien has met the lucky guy already but her grandmother did not, 'I hope that isn't strange, I didn't even think about it'. She adds: 'of course with my friends I dropped by my grandmother, and they were -even though I know them for a long time- [wondering], how do we behave, what do we say?

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If he or his parents wanted Gordonstoun then they had no choice about A-Levels as I don't think Gordonstoun offers IB (or for that matter Highers). There are a million reasons one might chose that school and many of them are going to be for non academic reasons, even though it also does well in that area.
Rather unexpected news. The RVD did not provide any further explanation but Blauw Bloed mentions that Claus can continue working on the start up of his sneaker business as a 'special project'.

Because of quarantine regulations both count Claus and princess Laurentien will be quarantining in Scotland for two weeks before Claus can join his school mates at Gordonstoun. In the meantime he will be taking the classes online.

With both Eloise and Claus gone, Leonore suddenly is the only sibling still living at home...

Edit: the sneaker company is apparently called Grails, so I assume this is his website (in very early stages).
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Surprising choice but it's not been done before in the DRF - WA went to the same Atlantic College in Wales that Princess Elisabeth in Belgium recently graduated from.
Eloise has said in her Instagram stories that she has left Amsterdam for home due to the corona situation in Amsterdam.
Eloise has said in her Instagram stories that she has left Amsterdam for home due to the corona situation in Amsterdam.

The Hague is also one of the four cities that is considered a 'risk area', so I guess the school decided to let the student go home to reduce the risk of spreading the virus while all living on site.
I last heard Amsterdam was doing okay as one of my mother's colleagues went there for a short break last month, interesting to see the cases have risen again.

At least the Dutch seem to be managing students well - can't say the same for the British government!
I last heard Amsterdam was doing okay as one of my mother's colleagues went there for a short break last month, interesting to see the cases have risen again.

At least the Dutch seem to be managing students well - can't say the same for the British government!

It was okay but things have changed (cases seem to be rising again in many places, sadly). Now measures have been stepped up for Amsterdam, The Hague and Rotterdam.
Residences and common areas increase the risk. Day schools are one thing but dorm life harder to control spread. It’s why schools around the world have seen issues in dorms. Eloises school is a live in program for freshman and they must have ruled it too hard to control the risk of a potential spread.
Rather unexpected news. The RVD did not provide any further explanation but Blauw Bloed mentions that Claus can continue working on the start up of his sneaker business as a 'special project'.

Because of quarantine regulations both count Claus and princess Laurentien will be quarantining in Scotland for two weeks before Claus can join his school mates at Gordonstoun. In the meantime he will be taking the classes online.

With both Eloise and Claus gone, Leonore suddenly is the only sibling still living at home...

Edit: the sneaker company is apparently called Grails, so I assume this is his website (in very early stages).

Is he now Claus? I thought he was named Clausimir, an abbreviation of Claus-Casimir?
Anyway, good luck in Gordonstoun. Will be a great addition to his already formidable network.
I've never heard him being called Clausimir.
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