Drottningholm Palace, Stockholm

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The Royal Palaces at its Instagram
The labyrinth in Drottningholm Palace park
In Gustav III's drawings in 1784 of the English park on Drottningholm, an eye-catching outline of a labyrinth can be seen. During his Italian trip, the king had visited Cardinal Lorenzo Altieri's Villa outside Rome where a similar labyrinth was located. Ever since the English park began to be planned, the king had had an idea for a labyrinth and now finally got new inspiration. The king visited the labyrinth at Villa Altieri three times and according to the courtier Armfelt "they trotted in the Labyrinth for so long that they did not get food unti 5 o'clock”. Gustav III built the facility here in Drottningholm Park after Altieri's model.
Drottningholm's labyrinth was built up with hedges only to disappear during the 19th century and become a grass field. A few years ago, the 18th century labyrinth was revived in a new form. With a map, measuring tape, bamboo sticks, lawnmowers and grass trimmers and a bit of fiddling, the labyrinth pattern was sculpted in the grass with passages that lead, or don't lead, to the center. Easy way in is 2651 meters. In the center of the labyrinth sits the Greek god of war Ares, the equivalent of the Roman Mars. The sculpture is a copy of a Greek original from the 4th century BC, purchased by Gustav III.

Nice photo of Drottningholm Palace with two rainbows.

A view from the window of the Drottningholm Palace.

Short video
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After the summer the Royal Court can state that they are still a long way behind the number of visitors to Chinese Pavilion and Drottningholm Palace during the summer season. Even if some upswing was noted last year they are well behind 2019. The year before the pandemic is used as a reference point for fair comparisons.
- We reach up to around 60% in Drottningholm and around 40% in Chinese Pavilion, says Helena Chreisti, head of marketing and education at the Royal Court. She sees the war in Ukraine as an underlying cause. Also at other castles they see that certain nationalities don't come at all now. The larger cruise ships with routes to Sweden, Finland and Saint Petersburg don't come to Sweden to the same extent. There are only a few American tourists, many feel a certain concern for the entire area close to the war.
Chreisti believes in continued close cooperation with Visit Stockholm to attract more tourists. And she believes that events like the celebration of the King's 50 years on the throne have an effect later. The whole area gets attention and it has a positive effect, just as it has been with royal baptisms and weddings. You get to see the place and start planning a visit.
Slottsturismen lockar färre besökare _ Mitt i

The Royal Palaces at its Instagram
The Palace of Queens
The name Drottningholm goes back to the building that Johan III, at the end of the 16th century, had built for his consort Queen Katarina Jagellonika.
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At website of the Royal Palaces
Drottningholm Palace shows great power and grandeur. The splendour of the royal palace became a way to confirm the power of the monarch.
Alongside Sweden’s grandest baroque rooms, Drottningholm palace has several galleries in memory to the Swedish king’s military exploits during the great power.
Great power, baroque and battles - Kungliga slotten

At Instagram of the Royal Palaces
Tessin the Elder's Drottningholm
When Queen Dowager Hedvig Eleonora bought the Drottningholm property in 1661, the task of building the new castle went to architect Nicodemus Tessin the Elder. It would be a castle that would well correspond to Sweden's position as one of Europe's most powerful states...
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At Instagram of the Royal Palaces
Hedvig Eleonora's Drottningholm
Hedvig Eleonora didn't hold back when she had Drottningholm Palace built. The palace splendor became a way of consolidating royal power during the Swedish great power period. The state bedchamber, like a gold jewelry box, was the heart of the representational floor during the 17th century. The lavish baroque room served as an official audience room where the most important guests were received.
Kungliga slotten on Instagram: "Hedvig Eleonoras Drottningholm . Hedvig Eleonora höll inte tillbaka när hon lät uppföra Drottningholms slott. Slottsprakten blev ett sätt att befästa kungamakten under den svenska stormaktstiden. Paradsängkammaren, som ett smyckeskrin i guld, var hjärtat i representationsvåningen under 1600-talet. Det påkostade barockrummet fungerade som ett officiellt audiensrum där de mest betydande gästerna togs emot. För att markera en tydlig gräns mellan kungligheterna och de världsliga besökarna, byggdes en alkovvägg med tre triumfbågformade öppningar mot rumsdelen. När paradsängkammaren färdigställdes var väggarnas färgsättning svart med ornamenten i bladguld. Det har tolkats som en hyllning till kungaätten Pfalz vars vapen var ett gyllene lejon mot svart sköld. I segeryran efter slaget vid Narva år 1700 ändrades det svarta till karolinerblått. Parkettgolvet är enastående i sitt slag. Mönstret i golvet är lagt med fem olika exotiska träslag – ebenholts, jakaranda, valnöt, buxbom och cypress. Precis som många barockinredningar finns här allegoriska målningar. Drottningen lät sin skicklige hovmålare David Klöcker Ehrenstrahl måla historien om hennes äktenskap och gestalta hennes fruktan för att sonen inte skulle överleva. På en målning ser man till och med hur ödesgudinnan mäter ut hans livstråd. I varje motiv syns en av de tre ödesgudinnorna Clotho, Lachesis och Atropos samt Karl XI: s skyddsängel, som bär en blå dräkt. . Besök ett världsarv! Drottningholms slott är öppet helger. Vandra i slottssalarna på egen hand med audioguide eller följ med på guidad visning. Även familjevisning och barnaktivitet erbjuds. På vår webbplats kan du utforska paradsängkammaren digitalt i 360°. Börja besöket på Kungligaslotten.se . Foto: Alexis Daflos, Ralf Turander, Håkan Lind #drottningholmsslott #historia #hedvigeleonora #världsarv #konst #arkitektur #inredning #barock #drottningholm #kungligasamlingarna #kungligaslotten #kungligtslott #drottningholmpalace #worldheritage #interior #interiordesign #baroque #art #architecture #visitstockholm #royaleurope #visitworldheritage"

At Instagram of the Royal Palaces
Love on the wallpaper
In 1654, the wedding between Karl X Gustav and Hedvig Eleonora of Holstein-Gottorp took place. As a gift from Count Johan Oxenstierna, the couple received a suite of wallpaper, woven in Mortlake outside London.
The motif is taken from antiquity and tells the love story of Hero and Leander. The wallpaper suite can be viewed today in the Oskar's Hall at Drottningholm Palace.
Kungliga slotten on Instagram: "Kärlek på tapeten . År 1654 stod bröllopet mellan Karl X Gustav och Hedvig Eleonora av Holstein-Gottorp. I gåva av greve Johan Oxenstierna fick paret en tapetsvit, vävd i Mortlake utanför London. Motivet är hämtat från antiken och berättar Heros och Leanders kärlekssaga. Hero och Leander som möttes i hemlighet varje kväll, när Leander simmade över sundet vägledd av Heros fackla. På den sista tapetvåden ses den förtvivlade Hero på stranden vid Leanders kropp efter att han har omkommit i vågorna en stormig natt. Hero störtade sig i havet efter honom. Gudarna förbarmade sig dock över de förälskades tragiska död och lät dem återuppstå som fåglar. Tapetsviten finns i dag att beskåda i Oskarsalen på Drottningholms slott. . Bilder: 1. Oskarsalen i Drottningholms slott. Foto: Alexis Daflos. 2. Karl X Gustav och Hedvig Eleonoras vigselceremoni i Rikssalen på slottet Tre Kronor i Stockholm. Målning av Jürgen Ovens. Foto: Nationalmuseum 3. Hero och Leander, denna tapet ur sviten visades i utställningen Vasa till Bernadotte. Inom ett par veckor hänger den åter i Oskarsalen. Foto: Lisa Raihle Rehbäck . Drottningholms slott håller öppet under helger. Börja besöket på Kungligaslotten.se #allahjärtansdag #drottningholmsslott #historia #hedvigeleonora #världsarv #konst #arkitektur #inredning #barock #drottningholm #kungligasamlingarna #kungligaslotten #kungligtslott #drottningholmpalace #worldheritage #interior #interiordesign #baroque #art #architecture #visitstockholm #royaleurope #visitworldheritage"

At Instagram of the Royal Palaces
Gustav III's Drottningholm
When Gustav III took over the disposition rights to Drottningholm in 1777, he began to use the state bedchamber both as a private bedroom and as a ceremonial representation room.

A park in Hedvig Eleonora's time was not just a park. It was a way of making the position of power visible. The symmetrical, balanced form-bound and disciplined Baroque park was a symbol of order, harmony, culture and peace.
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At Instagram of the Royal Palaces
Oskar I and Josefina's Drottningholm
In the 1850s, Oskar I and Queen Josefina initiated an extensive renovation of the Hall of State at Drottningholm Palace. The royal couple was inspired by the portrait galleries at Gripsholm, and Oskar I wanted to highlight his role as head of state in a larger European context. Josefina's family connections with the European princely houses became significant in the work and all were contacted by letter by herself. Princely full-length portraits were a tradition that developed during the 16th century.
At Instagram of The Royal Palaces
Oskar II's Drottningholm
In the Oskar's Hall at Drottningholm there is a portrait of Oskar II painted by Swedish artist Oscar Björck. In connection with Oskar II's twenty-fifth anniversary in 1897, the room was newly decorated at the initiative of the king himself.
At Youtube channel of the Royal Palaces:
The embroidery parterre in Drottningholm Palace garden, which was last restored in the 1950s, has been in poor condition for many years. The National Property Board has now restored it in collaboration with the Office of the Governor of the Royal Palaces. Kristina Wendelius, administrator at Property Board, and Kolbjörn Wærn, palace architect, talk about the project and the end result.
At Instagram of the Royal Palaces:
Popular culture's Drottningholm
Drottningholm is also a historical scene for popular culture. In 1977, Drottningholm was visited by four world stars! The cover of Abba's single 'Name of the game' was photographed here, where the members pose in front of the Water Parterre in Drottningholm's baroque park. Photographs from the palace visit were later published in Abbas's official photo book. In 1989 it was time for 'Taube holds court' at Drottningholm, a musical guest performance in the palace halls with Sven-Bertil Taube as cicerone. In the summer 2004, Drottningholm Palace received another unexpected visit! An Indian Bollywood team chose Stockholm as an exotic backdrop for their romantic production 'Follow your heart' ('Dil jo bhi kahey'). The baroque park on Drottningholm became the filming location for one of the film's big dance numbers. In 2016, the 'History Eaters' threw themselves back into the time of Gustav III with a visit to Drottningholm's theater and palace park. 2016 was also the year when another celebrity came to Drottningholm – the cartoon character Donald Duck! In a specially written series, Donald and the boys visit Drottningholm Palace - a tourist visit that quickly turns into an adventure.
At Instagram of the Royal Palaces
Kings, queens, soldiers, scientists and artists have passed through the grand staircase at Drottningholm Palace since the days of Great Power Sweden. If you feel impressed, it's because that's exactly what it's meant to be. The architects, Nicodemus Tessin the Elder and his son Nicodemus Tessin the Younger, designed the staircase as a stage...
Drottningholm Palace Theatre at its Instagram
"Come and visit the theatre this weekend! Shows in Swedish and English every day and on Saturday you can join a family show, adapted for the younger ones. Our talented museum teachers bring cultural heritage to life for all ages!
On Sunday we take a long walk in the park and talk about all the events that the royals in the 18th century organized here. The show is called Spectacle in the Palace Park. Coffee at the Chinese Pavilion's café is included."
Maria Uggla, the National Property Agency's press secretary, confirmed to Svensk Damtidning that during the summer some work is carried out to improve the passage for personnel and transport into Drottningholm Palace. The gravel is being replaced by a paved surface and bollards are being installed. The work is estimated to take 8–9 weeks and will be carried out during the summer of 2024 by the Property Board in collaboration with The Office of the Governor of the Royal Palaces. In 2025, the old fence will be replaced with a new one.
A New Post on Drottningholm Palace:

Japanese cherry trees may not be planted in the labyrinth grove in Drottningholm Palace Park.
The Swedish National Heritage Board decided after an application from the National Property Agency to plant 29 such trees in the labyrinth grove's large grass oval: "The Heritage Board assesses that, if replanting in the labyrinth grove's large grass oval is to be considered, trees need to be of a historically appropriate variety".
A horticultural archeological survey carried out in the area has indeed shown that there were 28 trees at that location, but not what kind they were.
However, benches may be set out in the labyrinth grove.
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