Diana, Princess of Wales Jewellery 1: November 2002-September 2007

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It's a shame that Diana didn't wear these pretty blue & gold earrings very often!

Photo: T. Graham

I wonder if there are pics of Diana wearing jewelry that Hasnet Khan gave her. At the time of wearing such jewelry, it might not have been known in the press at the time, as she would be discreet about it, but it might have been noted in recent years. If he loved her as much and as deeply as writers now claim, then he knew her well enough to understand that Diana adored her jewels, so he must have given her something. At the very least, one thing, a bejeweled timepiece, necklace, bracelet, or earrings perhaps.
tiaraprin said:
Here is Diana in the "Swan Lake Necklace" shortly before her death.

Photo from Princess Diana...The Queen of Hearts
That necklace is one of my favorites. I dont think she ever wore it with the lover's knot tiara, but they would have been smashing together. If she did wear them together and some one has a phots, please share!
Your right scooter Diana would have looked smashing wearing the swan lake neckalce with the lover's knot tiara. Someone should do some photo editing.
I don't think Diana did wear a tiara after her divorce. It seems strange that she would have kept the heirloom pieces, which probably belong to the crown, but I'll take yor word for it. Besides, they would have been put into a trust or some such for her sons' (well, their wives, at least). And Diana was asked by her brother to return the Spencer tiara to him, since she was no longer married. She was supposedly a bit insulted by this, as he asked her to return it almost immediately after the divorce was final.
Pardon me for asking, but what does married have to do with it? My understanding is that ladies born of a certain rank were entitled to wear tiaras? For example, would a peeress in her own right not be allowed a tiara if she was not married?
scooter said:
Pardon me for asking, but what does married have to do with it? My understanding is that ladies born of a certain rank were entitled to wear tiaras? For example, would a peeress in her own right not be allowed a tiara if she was not married?

I think that when she was no longer married to the royal family, she no longer attended state functions, which is where the Royal Family wears tiaras.
Diana was permitted to keep all of her royal jewels from The Queen and The Queen Mother after the divorce, with the proviso they could never be lent or sold. They were returned to the Queen after her death for William when he marries.
In the British tradition, a woman does not wear a tiara until her marriage, so her wedding day would be the first time. Tiaras are often the gift of the lady's parents as a wedding present.
Only "royal jewels" like the Lover's Knot tiara and the cambridge emeralds were returned to the royal collection. Diana's privately owned jewels never belonged to the Queen.
As has been stated many times, Camilla does not possess any jewels that were worn by Diana. All of her royal jewels are gifts from The Queen Mother's collection by The Queen or were purchased over the years by Prince Charles.

Diana's jewels were all retained by her after the divorce and the royal pieces are in safekeeping for when William marries. The rest of her jewels belong to William and Harry for their future wives.
I'll tell you, looking closely at these two pieces(the PoW feathers diamond and emerald drop) they are nearly identical.
Why would camilla wear something so very similiar ? They may be different pieces but they are so nearly identical.
I'm sure that there are many other ways with different stones etc. to have a brooch with the PoW feathers
This is what camilla wore:
link to picturehttp://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/articles/news/news.html?in_article_id=409065&in_page_id=1770

and this was Diana's: http://i72.photobucket.com/albums/i191/windsor-fan/JSLIBRARYPICmakingofaqueenldoeserPO.jpg
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Daisygoogles, the first pic you posted shows the necklace from the Saudi sapphire wedding gift suite, the second one the (much larger) Burmese sapphire brooch re-set by Princess Diana as the centerpiece of her signature pearl choker.
Daisygoogles, do you know if Diana's Prince of Wales feathers brooch necklace was the piece Charles gave her after the birth of William?
Camilla's one looks so much like Diana's, it is almost hard to believe they are different pieces. It seems like Camilla's gem on hers is an emerald, is this right? And what was Diana's gem? I can't tell what the color of it is on that picture and I don't remember it at all.
They are two different pieces. Magnolia's site clearly shows the difference and also shows a suite of jewellery given to Queen Alexandra when she was PoW that had two PoW feather brooches set in diamonds with similar emerald drops. They are different. I really cannot see the Duchess chomping at the bit to wear the same jewellery as Diana--BUT as those are Royal Family Pieces that have been in the family for five generations (Alexandra, Mary, Elizabeth, Elizabeth, Charles) if Camilla wants to wear anything that Diana wore she has that right. But, she has not. It's been well documented.

About Diana's 7 strand pearl necklace with the large sapphire surrounded by diamonds; that was originally a brooch that the Queen Mother gave to Diana as a wedding gift. Diana did not like brooches so she had it put on the necklace. There are a couple photos out there of her wearing it as a brooch, but not many.

Question--Princess Anne wore a tiara well before her wedding (the scroll tiara) --do Royal Princesses get to wear tiaras before they wed?
By the early nineties the Princess of Wales stopped wearing a gem with the Prince of Wales feather brooch necklace.
Can you blame her? I'd say that piece was returned to the royal collection along with the Cambridge Lover's Knot, Queen Mary's choker, and (what else was there? A bracelet?)----
I hope to one day see William's wife wearing the necklace that the PoW had made for Diana that simply says "William" on it. Beautiful. You can't tell me never loved her. That's a truly romantic gift.
I'll tell you, looking closely at these two pieces(the PoW feathers diamond and emerald drop) they are nearly identical.
Why would camilla wear something so very similiar ? They may be different pieces but they are so nearly identical.
I'm sure that there are many other ways with different stones etc. to have a brooch with the PoW feathers
This is what camilla wore:
link to picturehttp://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/articles/news/news.html?in_article_id=409065&in_page_id=1770

and this was Diana's:http://i72.photobucket.com/albums/i191/windsor-fan/JSLIBRARYPICmakingofaqueenldoeserPO.jpg
People Magazine had a long (for them) article about this. They catagorically state that is is Diana's brooch that Camilla now sometimes wears. I would think that this is something that C should avoid, either out of her own good taste, or because of the unneccessary bad press.

I am amazed that Charles would give her these items to wear. Surely he knows that it's going to get her terrible press. It is not as thought she has not received fabulous jewels from QEQM's collection. Why muddy the waters?
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They are two different pieces. Magnolia's site clearly shows the difference and also shows a suite of jewellery given to Queen Alexandra when she was PoW that had two PoW feather brooches set in diamonds with similar emerald drops. They are different. I really cannot see the Duchess chomping at the bit to wear the same jewellery as Diana--BUT as those are Royal Family Pieces that have been in the family for five generations (Alexandra, Mary, Elizabeth, Elizabeth, Charles) if Camilla wants to wear anything that Diana wore she has that right. But, she has not. It's been well documented.

So they are the same but different. I get it. The twin brooches. Thank you for explaining it, Janet. I took the word of Daisygoogles that they are different, but I really could not (still cannot) see a difference! :D
Can you blame her? I'd say that piece was returned to the royal collection along with the Cambridge Lover's Knot, Queen Mary's choker, and (what else was there? A bracelet?)----
I hope to one day see William's wife wearing the necklace that the PoW had made for Diana that simply says "William" on it. Beautiful. You can't tell me never loved her. That's a truly romantic gift.

I didn't mean she stoped wearing the neckalace she just stoped wearing a jem with it.
I've been searching but cannot find the long running discussion regarding the brooches in either the Camilla or Diana Jewels thread. BUT, I know that one of our beloved moderators can find it. I do agree--the pieces are eerily similar, but then again, how many design choices do you really have with a PoW feather brooch? I think the problem is that the ones that are available are all generations old family pieces. No new ones (well, the one made for the Duchess of Windsor) have been made since Queen Alexandra.
I will stand by my statement though--these are family pieces. Diana did not own the exclusive rights to the PoW feather brooch; they are royal pieces. So, if she wants to wear them she has that option and that right. BUT, frankly, I can't see why she would want to and apparently she feels that way, also.
And, yes, on the posted pics, it is impossible to tell the difference--but I assure you, there is. I wish that Magnolia's site would reopen!!!!!
So they are the same but different. I get it. The twin brooches. Thank you for explaining it, Janet. I took the word of Daisygoogles that they are different, but I really could not (still cannot) see a difference! :D
Looking closely at them I can not see any diference. I too have looked for an explaination of how they are two different pieces but can't find anything that convinces me.
All of Diana's royal jewels went back to the Queen and I would assume that her PoW's feathers piece went back too.
As for Camilla, yes she can wear any piece she is allowed to by the Queen but she may have made a poor choice in deciding to wear this piece. I believe that it is the same piece.But then again I am more then happy to be convinced otherwise.:flowers:
I found the post! Skydragon posted a very impressive description of the two brooches, and there are also pictures showing the difference. \

The number of diamonds is different, the shape of the emerald drops is different. Just as Casiraghi Trio said, they're the same but different. Both were wedding gifts to Queen Alexandra, and Magnolia's site has a photo of all of the emerald gifts closeup, but we can't access the site to show that particular picture.
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Prince of Wales brooch

Well, I for one think Camilla is wearing Diana's brooch. HELLO magazine, Feb. 13, 2007, no.956, p.24-25 says this:

"...Just how sensitive the memory of Diana is, even in the area of jewellery, became apparent last October at a film premiere when it was spotted that Camilla was wearing a brooch previously worn by Diana, made up of the three-feathered Prince of Wales insignia surrounded by a circle of diamonds and with an emerald pendant attached. At the time, few people realised that the brooch had been worn without any controversy earlier in the summer, when the Duchess attended the opening by the Queen of the Queen Mother's Memorial Garden in Edinburgh."

Here is a scan of the article:
p. 24 - hello1.jpg - Image - Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
p. 25 - hello2.jpg - Image - Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

And a picture of the brooch:
princeofwalesbrooch.jpg - Image - Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

I've seen hi-res photos of this brooch on Camilla and as a pendant on Diana and as a jeweler/goldsmith, I couldn't see much difference in the setting and in the number of stones surrounding the Prince of Wales' feather. So, I think it's one and the same. But this is just my opinion and I accept that others may believe otherwise.


I really don't believe that they are for two reasons:

One, WHY would Camilla want to risk being seen wearing an item which Diana wore? That is unfathomable. If she were wearing Diana's jewels, that would make her appear to feel insecure, and Camilla is not insecure. Also, I doubt that Camilla would want to ever do anything to offend her stepchildren. That brooch was presented to HRH The Princess of Wales for the occasion of her wedding to HRH The Prince of Wales. Although she returned it when she became Diana, Princess of Wales, I am certain that that piece was earmarked for Prince William's future bride. Nobody ever thought Camilla would wear it.

2) I am sure that there are many PoW feather brooches. Can we really believe that there is only one? Ursula's site shows two brooches that were wedding gifts to Queen Alexandra
which clearly shows that there were at least two emerald drop PoW brooches. Obviously Diana received one, and Camilla has the other.

That's what I think. The photos on Ursula's site are the best we'll see until Magnolia's is open again (it actually shows several pieces of jewellery on a pink velvet background and shows the Duchess wearing one and Diana wearing the other. It has fantastic detail, and when the brooches are side by side like that, it is impossible to not tell the difference.
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I found the post! Skydragon posted a very impressive description of the two brooches, and there are also pictures showing the difference. The post says there was an error with the thumbnail--but just click on them and you'll see both brooches.


The number of diamonds is different, the shape of the emerald drops is different. Just as Casiraghi Trio said, they're the same but different. Both were wedding gifts to Queen Alexandra, and Magnolia's site has a photo of all of the emerald gifts closeup, but we can't access the site to show that particular picture.

Thanks for searching and finding this post.
The first picture from the link above by skydragon is definatly the brooch that CPB wears. It is a closeup of her actually wearing it. The second picture is a brooch from a suite of jewels given to Queen Alexandra. The picture just showcases the suite of jewels.
Looking at the picture from the suite of jewels that brooch does not look like Diana's at all .

.In the picture of the suite of jewels above, it appears that the bottom part of the PoW feathers does not have any stones there. Close ups of Diana definately shows stones. Another thing I noticed in CPB's brooch and Diana's is that on the bottom part of the PoW's feathers on either side there are two dark stones that showup in this picture of Diana wearing her PoW's feather necklace:and in the closeup of CPB wearing her brooch

here is another picture of Diana wearing her necklace:

To me the two pieces do look the same. And of course CPB may wear anything that is offered to her by the Queen, I am not debating that at all. I just don't see any difference what so ever.
They may very well be two different pieces. I guess we will never know. Considering that there are probably at least a few pieces of PoW's feathers, maybe another piece that didn't look so much the same would have been a better choice.
Heavens! I forgot to add Ursula's site! Daisygoogles--Ursula's site is a big ole candy box of important jewels of each Royal Family. You'll love it.
Emerald Jewels | Wedding gifts to Queen Alexandra | Camilla Duchess of Cornwall
Here you go--it shows two distinct brooches; now, that doesn't answer the whole discussion here, but it shows that there are at least two, gives a little history and will link you to some serious eye candy.
This is interesting discussion about the POW feather. Isn't it just one piece of jewellery? I mean, I thought you could remove and replace bits and pieces from and to these kind of things.

In any case, it would no longer be Princess Diana's jewellery now since it's been given to the Duchess of Cornwall as the current wife of the Prince of Wales. And to my mind, that is the rightful owner of the piece.

Sophia Loren once said when some of her jewels were stolen that "her sons' arms around her neck were jewellery enough." I reckon that about sums up Diana's real jewels.
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