Denmark : Abdication & Accession Day - January 14, 2024

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The King is on the balcony! He's all teary!
It's a very solemn official moment.

Wanting some big physically emotional scene would be like wanting the same immediately after Charles was crowned. Not beseeming for the situationen.

Actually, I think the moment was very intimate. QMII motioning for her son to take her seat and proclaiming "God save the King". That's extremely intimate in my opinion.

Interesting point as it is what happened in Netherlands, Belgium and Spain after similar acts of abdication were signed. Warm hugs former sovereign to new sovereign. moving...

tissues please...really
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Her Majesty Queen Magrethe II has abdicated.
Long live His Majesty King Frederik X.

Is what the PM proclaimed three times.
Frederik can't hold it anymore.
Interesting point as it is what happened in Netherlands, Belgium and Spain after similar acts of abdication were signed. Warm hugs former sovereign to new sovereign.

Okay, allow me to be typically female for a moment. I love a man in glasses. Thank you, Frederik, for embracing that you need them. LOL
That's a speech that will get people behind him!
Queen Mary arrives! The new Royal Family is all in the balcony
So lovely to see the whole family in balcony!
I would par a lot to see QMII right now.

I would imagine she's proud as punch right now. She's left the monarchy in very capable, loved, and respected hands. Look at the reception Frederik got.
The twins are overwhelmed but the older children are very emotional and Christian is having a very nervous tick moment.
Just wonderfull..really...even I teared up...must be my age...
Just noticed Mary in white and Isabella in red, rocking the Danish flag colors!
Interesting point as it is what happened in Netherlands, Belgium and Spain after similar acts of abdication were signed. Warm hugs former sovereign to new sovereign.

The family dynamics on the balcony was also a bit awkward. Especially between the King and the Queen, but that is understandable given the circumstances.

Vincent again looked like he hates these public appearances, but he waived like a pro (British Queen Mary style). Well, he's just a kid.
Oh, there was a little kiss. :wub:
517 people here watching with us, welcome our 432 visitors to the RF world. This has been quite emotional, and I loved the balcony kiss.
The family dynamics on the balcony were also a bit awkward. Especially between the King and the Queen, but that is understandable given the circumstances.

Are we watching the same footage? I didn't see any awkwardness. I saw a lot of emotion, a lot of nerves, and a lot of happiness...but not awkwardness.
That is what I wished so dearly to see.

A happy day, a proud day for QMII. A day of support.
I would imagine she's proud as punch right now. She's left the monarchy in very capable, loved, and respected hands. Look at the reception Frederik got.

Incredible isn´t it,just fantastic,really is!!!Overwhelming!

Gud bevare Danmark
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