Denmark : Abdication & Accession Day - January 14, 2024

If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Maybe there is something about being a king? But I must say that Frederik has never looked more handsome than he does today. Just saying.
Striking that the drum covers still bear Margrethe's cypher.
The tears also help win one over, don't they? Just adorable.


I loved this line from Frederik's speech:

I need all the support I can get. From my beloved wife, from my family, from you and from that which is greater than us. I face the future knowing that I am not alone.

Bound, committed, for the Kingdom of Denmark.

Especially given he is the first Danish monarch to not include God or the Lord in their motto, I like that he included "from that which is greater than us.," which is far more inclusive of all in today's world.
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The live event has ended, per the broadcast.

This was a great experience to watch live from across the ocean here in upstate NY. I've been here since 6:30 AM for three hours now running on coffee. Time to log out and hope we get to see some Gala event later today or over the week.

Can't wait for the official royal website to go back up with the new pictures of King Frederik and Queen Mary in their full royal attire. And also, which tiara will she use for her first time as Queen Mary?
Bye for a while and see u all later.
I loved this line from Frederik's speech: [...]

Especially given he is the first Danish monarch to not include God or the Lord in their motto, I like that he included "from that which is greater than us.," which is far more inclusive of all in today's world.

Where did you find the transcript of the speech and the mottoes of the past monarchs?
Did he say "Wow" on the balcony when the PM joined? Frederik was understandably emotional today. Will that be a theme of his reign?

For me, if just for today, he is known as "Frederik the Emotive".

And for me he is "Frederik, the Forever Young" ;););)
King Frederik's new cypher revealed. The F’s are for Frederik. And X is the Roman numeral for 10, as he is the 10th King Frederik of Denmark.

“Our congratulations on the beginning of your Reign, with the greatest personal affection and best wishes for the people of Denmark”.

Message from the King and Queen of Spain in a letter addressed today by H.M. the King Felipe VI to H.M. King Frederik X of Denmark.

Congratulations on your first post. :flowers:

I hope and believe so, probably in 1½ hour from now.

Thank you Muhler. Thank you for letting me know. Congratulations to Denmark and all Danes from Australia!
Where did you find the transcript of the speech and the mottoes of the past monarchs?

The speech given by King Frederik X on Jan 14th, 2024 from the Balcony of Christiansborg Palace shortly after his accession:

My mother, Her Majesty Queen Margrethe the 2nd, has ruled Denmark for 52 years. For half a century, she has followed the times with our common heritage as a starting point.

She will always be remembered as a Monarch beyond the ordinary. Like few, my mother has managed to be at one with her kingdom. Today, the throne passes on.

My hope is to become an unifying king of tomorrow. It's a task I've been waiting for all my life. It is a responsibility I take on with respect, pride and great joy.

It is a deed I will take pains to carry out and carry through the position I have been entrusted with.

I need all the support I can get. From my beloved wife, from my family, from you and from that which is greater than us. I face the future knowing that I am not alone.

Bound, committed, for the Kingdom of Denmark.

Where did you find the transcript of the speech and the mottoes of the past monarchs?

**My mistake. First monarch since Christian VII (1766 - 1808) to not include God or the Lord.

Christian VIII -- God and the fatherland
Frederick VII -- The people's love, my strength
Christian IX -- With God for honour and justice
Frederik VIII -- The Lord is my helper
Christian X -- My God, my country, my honour
Frederik IX -- With God for Denmark
Margrethe II -- God's help, the people's love, Denmark's strength
Frederik X -- Bounded, committed - for the Kingdom of Denmark.
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Very moving and even though the hand over was very formal, it was the way it is supposed to be.
Whatever problems may have been in the marriage, they can only succeed as a team and Frederik X will need all the help he can get. I wish him well to fill those big shoes of his mother.
Here is the list of royal mottoes I have been asking for. The source in this case is Professor Peter Kurrild-Klitgaard, a Danish royal and constitutional expert.

Christian 1.: - Dyden viser vejen.
Hans: - For lov og flok.
Christian 2.: - Så var det beskikket.
Frederik 1.: - Intet uden Gud.
Christian 3.: - Ske Herrens vilje.
Frederik 2.: - Mit håb er Gud alene.
Christian 4.: - Fromhed styrker rigerne.
Frederik 3.: - Herren være mit forsyn.
Christian 5.: - Med fromhed og retfærdighed.
Frederik 4.: - Herren være min hjælper.
Christian 6.: - For Gud og folket.
Frederik 5.: - Med klogskab og standhaftighed.
Christian 7.: - Fædrelandets kærlighed er min berømmelse.
Frederik 6.: - Gud og den retfærdige sag.
Christian 8.: - Gud og fædrelandet.
Frederik 7.: - Folkets kærlighed, min styrke.
Christian 9.: - Med Gud for ære og ret.
Frederik 8.: - Herren er min hjælper.
Christian 10.: - Min Gud, mit land, min ære.
Frederik 9.: - Med Gud for Danmark.
Margrethe 2.: - Guds hjælp, folkets kærlighed, Danmarks styrke.

Big difference between this and UK coronation: No millions spent, no jewels, no church, no bishop, no fuss, but real emotions and connection with the people.
The crowds were fantastic. What a great day for the Danes! The turnout is really a tribute to the work Margrethe has done over the last 50 years.

I was surprised Margrethe and Frederick didn’t embrace after the signing, but they were both so emotional at that point, they might have broken down.

Christian seemed very poised during the council meeting. He’s an impressive young man.


The Joachim appearance was about as brief as it gets — a guy driving past in a car, then driving away a few minutes later.
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Big difference between this and UK coronation: No millions spent, no jewels, no church, no bishop, no fuss, but real emotions and connection with the people.
Absolutely agree; I was more moved personally today. Wonder if William and Catherine are watching?

I love that they interviewed some children on the street:flowers:
King Harald V of Norway extends his warmest congratulations to Their Majesties King Frederik X and Queen Mary of Denmark.
Your Majesties,
Dear Frederik and Mary
My family and I wish to convey our warmest congratulations to you as Denmark’s new King and Queen.

You are succeeding a monarch who has fulfilled her function with exceptional commitment. Her Majesty Queen Margrethe has followed her country and her people through times of joy and sorrow with warmth, wisdom and dedication. For more than 50 years she has devoted herself to Denmark – with infectious humour accompanied by deep insight and knowledge. And with the staunch support of her immediate family. The close friendship between our two families means a great deal to all of us.
Now it is your turn to carry the legacy forward, and follow Denmark into a new age. I am confident that you will flourish in your new role.

My family and I hope and pray that you will be given the strength and support that you need to carry out your calling.
Harald R
Muhler, those signs that said 'justice for pingo' I don't understand them. I read that's a nickname because of something about his scuba wetsuit getting filled with water (in Australia?) and he had to walk like a penguin. But I don't understand why these silly signs are here now.

While he was in Frogman Corps.
It's a common nickname for him here.

They were people who wanted to abolish the monarchy, not because they have anything against King Frederik, in fact they want to free him from that burden.
But I understand the demonstration was not legal. I.e. they had not seeked permission from the police, so that the police can send an officer to protect their democratic right and direct the traffic.


As you noticed it will be dark soon, so it will be a beautiful sight when the colours are moved in an hour from now.

- What will happen now on the DR1 coverage is countless reruns of the balcony scene and the signing of the abdication.
So don't feel disturbed if they break off for the news at some point.
The crowds were fantastic. What a great day for the Danes! The turnout is really a tribute to the work Margrethe has done over the last 50 years.

I was surprised Margrethe and Frederick didn’t embrace after the signing, but they were both so emotional at that point, they might have broken down.

Christian seemed very poised during the council meeting. He’s an impressive young man.


The Joachim appearance was about as brief as it gets — a guy driving past in a car, then driving away a few minutes later.

I think Mary just didn't realize he was going in for a kiss and was looking elsewhere. But they got it. I'm sure the kiss was a PR thing. A royal kiss on a balcony is always good PR lol and there are few times when it could be seen as appropriate. This is one of those rare opportunities.
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Another balcony appearance may be coming up any moment!
There will be an appearance at the Amalienborg palace balcony!
I wish Princess Benedikte and Prince Joachim had been included. They are after all younger children of a monarch, just like Isabella, Vincent and Josephine.

I am still curious about what song the crowd was singing after the first balcony appearance.

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What is going on with Josephine, her behavior and expression for this second balcony appearance seem weird
Frederik doesn't quite know what to do with all the love he's getting. It's so touching to see. I don't think he thought the people hated him, but it's almost like he doesn't understand how or why they love him as much as they do.
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