Death of HM Queen Elizabeth II: 8 September 2022

If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Is this true? I am not quite sure why the would go to Balmoral.

I imagine that they will stay a day or 2, pay respects to the queen and make plans for attending the funeral.
God Save The King sung by the choir of St Paul's.

My goodness. That certainly made the hairs stand up!
Is this true? I am not quite sure why the would go to Balmoral.

I think they want to say a more private farewell to her late Majesty. According to press information, she is said to be laid out in state in the Balmoral ballroom. it is made so that family members and close employees can say goodbye to her.
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It makes sense for the family to go up, it will probably be one of the few times they will be able to go and see her, pay their respects in total privacy. They seem to have got to Balmoral without being seen and won't be spotted while on the Estate - something not possible once the Queen's coffin is moved to Edinburgh/London/Windsor with the eyes of the world on them.

Members of the RF have paid tribute to the Queen in a programme to be shown on BBC at 8pm tonight
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Channel 4 News has said a no-fly-zone planned on 19th Sept signals the likely date of The Queen’s funeral.
God Save The King sung by the choir of St Paul's.

My goodness. That certainly made the hairs stand up!

When was the exact last time God Save The King was sung at St Paul's before today?

I noticed that, when the Archbishop of Canterbury was giving the final blessing, he paused briefly before saying "Grant the King". Think of how many times he said "Grant the Queen" in the same context before!
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Charles mentioned that his mother will be laid to rest 'a little over a week', so I assume that is either next Saturday the 17th or on Monday the 19th (which would be according to the script that her funeral will be on the 10th day - with today counting as 0).

Lilyflo's message seems to confirm that it will indeed by the 19th as I suggested previously based on the script.

The other family members seem to be gathering at Balmoral.
BBC reports that Zara, Mike, Beatrice and Eugenie arrived.

I am glad to read that they have arrived in time to mourn in private as family.

The fact that they made today day 0 instead of yesterday also gives the family a bit more time to mourn privately before all the other official 'events' kick in.

I don't know whether for example the coffin will still be open for the grandchildren at this point for their goodbyes (I would hope so) because it will be closed for the public (as the royal standard will be put over the coffin) when she is lying in state at the various public places, first in Edinburgh and later in London.
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When was the exact last time God Save The King was sung at St Paul's before today?

I noticed that, when the Archbishop of Canterbury was giving the final blessing, he paused briefly before saying "Grant the King". Think of how many times he said "Grant the Queen" in the same context before!

Sometime in the winter of 51/52 I would think. But I don't know for sure. The King was present at a service in May 51:
Very sad news my heart and prayers go out to the family and friends . God Bless the HM the Queen RIP xx . Long live the King xx
I am glad to read that they have arrived in time to mourn in private as family.

The fact that they made today day 0 instead of yesterday also gives the family a bit more time to mourn privately before all the other official 'events' kick in.

I don't know whether for example the coffin will still be open for the grandchildren at this point for their goodbyes (I would hope so) because it will be closed for the public (as the royal standard will be put over the coffin) when she is lying in state at the various public places, first in Edinburgh and later in London.

Yes I guess that means all but Charles family are there. I presume Peter may have already been in Scotland and might be there too. Isn’t his girlfriend a Scottish resident. And who knows about James and Louise. I imagine her niece and nephew may head up too.
The BBC has a picture of Louise arriving at Balmoral this evening.
Yes I guess that means all but Charles family are there. I presume Peter may have already been in Scotland and might be there too. Isn’t his girlfriend a Scottish resident. And who knows about James and Louise. I imagine her niece and nephew may head up too.

Why would you assume that just because Peter's girlfriend resides in Scotland that he must be there? He has two daughters who would have started school this week or last, and they live in Gloucestershire. I would think there is a far stronger likelihood that Peter was there rather than up in Scotland.

Louise is at St Andrews, going through orientation week and starts classes next week. I think it's fair to say she probably made her way to Balmoral (about a 2 hr drive) either late yesterday or today to be with her parents.

James is, like William & Kate's kids, at school down in the Windsor area. It would not surprise me if he traveled with Kate, George, Charlotte & Louis up to Scotland today, but we haven't seen any confirmation that the Wales' have gone up there yet, so maybe they're waiting until tomorrow.

Also, do not forget that there are nieces and nephews from Philip's side of the family that are just as close as Margaret's children. I wouldn't be surprised if many of them have already traveled from Germany to be with the family too.
Why would you assume that just because Peter's girlfriend resides in Scotland that he must be there? He has two daughters who would have started school this week or last, and they live in Gloucestershire. I would think there is a far stronger likelihood that Peter was there rather than up in Scotland.

Louise is at St Andrews, going through orientation week and starts classes next week. I think it's fair to say she probably made her way to Balmoral (about a 2 hr drive) either late yesterday or today to be with her parents.

James is, like William & Kate's kids, at school down in the Windsor area. It would not surprise me if he traveled with Kate, George, Charlotte & Louis up to Scotland today, but we haven't seen any confirmation that the Wales' have gone up there yet, so maybe they're waiting until tomorrow.

Also, do not forget that there are nieces and nephews from Philip's side of the family that are just as close as Margaret's children. I wouldn't be surprised if many of them have already traveled from Germany to be with the family too.

He’s only one who hasn’t gone. I figured they may have merely missed him because he was already there. That’s all. Harry and William have both gone home I doubt they will be back. They really aren’t as close to Philips side of the family. They just aren’t. David and Sarah were her only niece and nephew and she was very close to them.
Also, do not forget that there are nieces and nephews from Philip's side of the family that are just as close as Margaret's children. I wouldn't be surprised if many of them have already traveled from Germany to be with the family too.
What makes you think they are 'just as close'? Did they also spend Christmas with the Queen and many summers in Balmoral? I doubt it...

With this history and especially with Margaret dying 20 years ago, it seems that the Queen took an even more prominent role as a caring aunt for David and Sarah. While I am sure they were in touch with Philip's family. His family was quite dysfunctional and much larger, so it is not that likely that the queen had a similar close bond with all nieces and nephews on Philip's side of the family compared to David and Sarah - who in addition were about the same age as her youngest children.
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Queen and Country

What great sorrow this week has wrought. Queen Elizabeths' passing is a great blow to the world. Her long life of service to her country will not be forgotten. In the next days the changes of the royals regnant will be many. With the strength of Lions the family will move forward. God saved the king surely when he survived covid, so that he might lead his country with dignity and strength. He will surely rule his own way with the education, manner and experience. His popularity as reported in the news is no matter. No person in the limelight will feel comfortable all the time. Perhaps it is time for the UK as a nation to grow up a bit. Not every matter is a joke or game. Everyone can do their part to make it a great place. Perhaps the rift of the poor and wealthy will find common ground in remembering the queen like a great grandmother who loved nature and preferred the name Gran. On Wednesday I had decided to go to England to see the queen. Now my plans have changed as will the plans of many of the family in America. Thinking of you Queen Elizabeth and family. Bien Viaje.
Apparently, some people around here weren't paying close attention during the DoE's funeral and service of remembrance - it was made very clear then that there was, indeed, a close relationship between Philip's sisters' families and the BRF. Similar to the closeness between the Norwegian RF and the BRF, these visits aren't in the public eye, but that doesn't mean they don't happen or that the bonds aren't close.
Apparently, some people around here weren't paying close attention during the DoE's funeral and service of remembrance - it was made very clear then that there was, indeed, a close relationship between Philip's sisters' families and the BRF. Similar to the closeness between the Norwegian RF and the BRF, these visits aren't in the public eye, but that doesn't mean they don't happen or that the bonds aren't close.

Nobody is suggesting there aren't close relationships. You, however, stressed they were as close as those with David and Sarah and that is what is disputed.

We are stressing how extraordinary close David and Sarah were to their aunt and that does not compare to the closeness with all the nephews and nieces on Philip's side of the family. Just the sheer number of nieces and nephews on that side of the family compared to only 2 on Elizabeth's makes the relationship very different.

I also don't think the Norwegian royals are as close to queen Elizabeth as her own children or Margaret's children but that doesn't mean they are distant or negate the fact they met privately just like queen Margrethe met queen Elizabeth in private many times over the years and had a really good time each time they did - but also admitted they don't see each other that often (and hardly talked in between visits).

Just saw a cartoon including the 15 PMs and the 1 queen. The frequency in which the PMs changed varied quite a lot with less changes in the middle than in the first or last period of her reign.

PM 1-5: 6 February 1952 - 19 June 1970 (Churchill - Wilson; an average tenure of a little less than 4 years
PM 6-10: 19 June 1970 - 27 June 2007 (Heath - Blair; an average tenure of more than 6 years - 6 different PMs but Wilson who was her 5th PM was also PM after PM6)
PM 11-15: 27 June 2007 - 8 September 2022 (Brown - Truss; not counting the 5th that is an average tenure of a little less than 4 years)

Top 3 longest:
1. Margaret Thatcher (11 years and 7 months) #3
2. Tony Blair (10 years and 2 months) #8
3. Harold Macmillan (6 years and 9 months) #10
(4. John Major (6 years and 5 months) #9)

Top 3 shortest:
1. Liz Truss (3 days) #15
2. Alec Douglas-Home (1 year) #4
3. Anthony Eden (1 year and 9 months) #2
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How will they transport Elizabeth’s coffin from Scotland to London?
How will they transport Elizabeth’s coffin from Scotland to London?

The coffin will be transported by road to Aberdeen, then by train to Edinburgh. The plan for the Edinburgh to London leg of the journey seems to be up in the air at the moment. The official plan was to move the coffin by train, using the East Coast line out of Edinburgh, but there are now reports that this is too much of a logistical challenge, so it may be transported by air instead.
I was really hoping that HM'S journey home would be by train...somehow State funerals involving long train rides seem more moving(Abraham Lincoln, Sen. Robert Kennedy,HMQ's own father and grandfather,)

But I can totally see the logistical nightmare a train journey would entail.
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A once in a lifetime experience.
Our first, and only, time in London and we got to see The Queen as she was leaving the Buckingham Palace.
Talk about being in a perfect place at a perfect time.

Requiescat in pace Your Majesty.


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Japan's government is coordinating Emperor Naruhito's attendance at the state funeral of Queen Elizabeth II. Empress Masako will accompany if schedule and physical condition permits.
Source: Mainichi

Emperor Naruhito, Empress Masako, Emperor Emeritus Akihito, and Empress Emerita Michiko will be in mourning for 3 days from September 9. There are no regulations regarding mourning for foreign royals. Their Majesties are in mourning out of "deep sorrow" and "sincere condolences."
Source: Sankei

Princess Hisako canceled her unofficial visit to the UK planned for September 12-18, considering the nation's state of mourning. She was due to attend BirdLife International's 100th anniversary events.
Sources: Kyodo, Sankei

ETA: Japanese emperor plans to attend Queen Elizabeth's state funeral - Kyodo News
Emperor Naruhito plans to attend the state funeral of Queen Elizabeth II in Britain, Japanese government sources said Saturday.

Empress Masako, who has long been battling a stress-induced illness, is also expected to attend the ceremony depending on her condition, the sources said.


Emperor Naruhito on Friday praised the queen for her life of service, saying in a statement conveyed by the Imperial Household Agency, "I express my heartfelt sorrow and deep sadness."

"From my heart, I declare my gratitude and esteem for her many achievements and contributions," the emperor said in the message, in which he also recalled his warm meetings with the queen while he was studying at Oxford.

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I was really hoping that HM'S journey home would be by train...somehow State funerals involving long train rides seem more moving(Abraham Lincoln, Sen. Robert Kennedy,HMQ's own father and grandfather,)

Wonder how the will bring her from London to Windsor on the Funeral Day. In a Car like her mother or by train like it was the case for her father.
In Hong Kong we unofficially called the Queen "事頭婆", which literally means "the (female) boss", is a casual way to address the boss of a shop or business.

However it's not that everyone "deserves" to be called like that, if a person is addressed with that term, probably means she is a hands-on boss that dedicated herself fully into her business, doing everything by herself and knowing every detail of her shop, you can see her work in her shop everyday, you can ask her anything and she would serve you willingly. That's a "title" that we "gave" her jokingly (at the begin we called her that just because she's the boss of our British Hong Kong government), but at the end it is undoubtably fitting.

Some of my favourite photos from the Queen & P Philip's visit to Hong Kong in 1975.

Visiting local wet market

Visiting Oi Man Estate (one of the largest public housing estate)
One question, the Great Lord Chamberlain still breaks his white staff of office over the Sovereign's coffin? So the Marquess of Cholmondeley will have to do it?
I know he won't be the GLC for King Charles, since the office rotates but I'm still curious about it.
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