Danish Royal Family, Current Events Part 6: June 2020 -

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Jan 29, 2005
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Welcome to part 6 of the thread for the current events of the Danish Royal Family!

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** Danish Royal Family, Current Events Part 5: May 2016 - May 2020 **

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:flowers: Happy Posting! :flowers:
:previous: Yes, it's pretty much a "we are back in business" as well as a celebration of QMII.
Queen Margrethe chaired the Council of State/cabinet meeting at Christiansborg Castle today, October 7, traditionally the day after the opening of the Folketing. Crown Prince Frederik attended as well:

** Pic **
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And they were busy!

Due to a number of meetings in the State Council having been cancelled due to Corona, there were more than twice as many items on the agenda than usual.
Queen Margrethe and Princess Benedikte opened the exhibitions "Christian 5. - King, warrior and the anointed of God" and "The Queen's Embroideries" at the Koldinghus in Kolding today, April 23.

Prior to that the Palace has released a lovely photo of the two of them travelling with the Royal Salon Carriage:

** instagram post **

And here are the first photos of the openings - Queen Margrethe and Princess Benedikte were welcomed by Count Ingolf and Countess Sussie of Rosenborg:

** ppe gallery ** tt.se gallery ** kongehuset gallery ** gallery 2 ** gallery 3 **

** tvsyd.dk article with photos: Se billederne: Dronningen ankommer til Koldinghus **

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Good to see Count Ingolf around. He hasn't been well in the past couple of years.
Countess Sussie seems such a lovely lady.
Love seeing the sisters together. The picture of them on the train is lovely
Not that the "Monarchs of Unusual Size" genes are anything new in this family, but if Christian is now taller than the Queen, how tall is he? Over 6 ft/185?
It's good to see them doing something together.

QMII has admitted that Christian is special - he is after all her first grandchild - and of course a future heir.

At least discussing religion and church-ceremonies and services with QMII can only be educational and interesting.
It's good to see them doing something together.

QMII has admitted that Christian is special - he is after all her first grandchild - and of course a future heir.


Who is special, the first grandchild Nikolai or the third grandchild Christian, the future King?
Who is special, the first grandchild Nikolai or the third grandchild Christian, the future King?

Christian must be a special grandson for the queen, because he is the future heir and the future king.
I think the queen is very close to all the grandchildren.
Christian must be a special grandson for the queen, because he is the future heir and the future king.
I think the queen is very close to all the grandchildren.

Very close to all her grandchildren?...That has never been my impression but I hope I am wrong.
Who is special, the first grandchild Nikolai or the third grandchild Christian, the future King?

Sorry, I was thinking in Danglish.

I can still see her explaining it. That Christian is special to her. - While still being fond of the other grandchildren (five at the time IIRC) Christian is special because he is a future heir.
Lovely to see them together. I hope we have more outings in the future.

Christian makes the Queen look like a dwarf. Btw..shouldn't he be walking behind the Queen?
So wonderful seeing QMII and Christian go together – and I'm sure QMII loved bringing Christian.

Since Henrik first retired and since passed, I've always thought it would've been neat if QMII had the oldest grandchildren accompany her on a tour to the Faroe Islands or Greenland, or just one of her summer cruises. She'd have some company and she'd get to spend time with her grandchildren while not having to straight up babysit them because of their age and independence. A pandemic sort of got in the way last year and now it's probably tricky making everyone's schedule fit but I maintain that would be a lovely experience for everyone involved.
:previous: That would be great. I would very much like to see that as well.
It would be a true bonding experience.
Anyway, just following QMII on the job will be beneficial for both QMII and grandchildren.

QMII has often admitted that she's not very good with small children, but now both Isabella and Christian are old enough to have a good talk with.

Lovely to see them together. I hope we have more outings in the future.

Christian makes the Queen look like a dwarf. Btw..shouldn't he be walking behind the Queen?

Weeell, I guess he should if the protocol and courtesy is to be followed strictly.
In this case I think it's merely down to a very familiar phenomenon with teenagers - they walk fast and take long strides without thinking about it, so grandparents have to half run to keep up. :D
I love to see the quen d her grandson together (..)
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Tomorrow the Queen and Frederik will receive the US secretary of state.

Yes, and that's unusual.
Protocol dictates that that a foreign dignitary is met on an equal basis, so a Secretary of State wouldn't normally be met by both the Monarch and the Heir.


There are two reasons for that:
A) The standard. It is a vital Danish interest to have a good relationship with any US administration and that is cultivated actively even before the new administrations takes over. - Hence the red carpet being rolled out here.

B) Greenland.
There are considerable resources in the Arctic that are becoming available due to global warming and there are the Arctic sea routes, two of them passing Greenland.
As such there is an increased race to develop the Arctic areas, but also an increased military presence.
From a US standpoint, there is no way USA will allow Greenland to fall under Russian or more likely Chinese control - one way or another.
China has tried to buy itself into Greenland, something that has been countered by Danish and now US investments in Greenland.
Danish military presence has long been increased in Greenland, now with an agreement that the US Coast Guard will from time to time visit Greenlandic ports to show the flag - and "assist" in various ways.
To the great annoyance of Russia, that has absolutely no interest in USA creeping - openly - closer to Russia and not least the sea route north of Siberia.
At the same time USA, Greenland, Norway, Canada, Russia - and China(!) is laying claim on the geographic North Pole.
That is to be settled in a few years and Greenland has a very big chance. For two reasons: The North Pole is located in the same geological plateau as Greenland - and Greenland (read Denmark) is small enough to be palatable for Russia and China. And Denmark is a close ally of USA, so USA finds that solution palatable as well.

In Greenland there is among shall we say the opinion elite there, a dream of independence. Where Greenland becomes an equal nation within a commonwealth consisting of Greenland, the Faroe Islands and Denmark and preferably with the Danish Monarch as head of state.
The problem is that with a population of 65.000 including Danes and other foreigners, Greenland, administratively, talent mass and economically is the size of an average Danish municipality.
Greenland cannot uphold and ensure it's own sovereignty. Greenland will have problems making ends meet economically. Not to mention education, healthcare and the multitude of other problems a sovereign state has to deal with.
Greenland hasn't got the money nor the people to do all these jobs.
Some in Greenland believe that by having such a crucial position they can bargain in equal terms with the greater powers, USA in particular. And play them against each other. I.e. Chinese versus US investments and agreements that would be favorable to Greenland.
- They can forget all about that. It's a dream. A mirage.

China can say: Well, we now control an X percentage of the Greenlandic economy. Here is what we want you to do...
Or USA moves in and turns Greenland into a protectorate.
Because no US administration will allow any foreign country except Denmark to have decisive influence in Greenland.
The Biden administration is simply saying politely, what president Trump said very bluntly: We want control over Greenland!

Now, Greenland has autonomy except in matters of justice, police, security and foreign policy - that is handled by Denmark.

So the US Secretary of State is going to Denmark, to negotiate "investments" in Greenland, with the Greenlandic government and the Danish government. - That will put pressure on the Danish government to invest more in Greenland, also militarily. And give the Greenlanders the appearance of having a say...
They don't. The fate of Greenland is decided in Copenhagen and Washington - mostly in Washington. - That began to dawn on some Greenlanders when former president Trump made his bid.
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