Well, dear members, pardon me while I wax wrathful. Princess Mary is drop dead, pant, slurp drool GORGEOUS. The ruby parure is one of the most magnificent contraptions on the planet and NO her dress does not look cheap. The whole thing is just simply wonderful. And NO AGAIN. It is not overdone. I just wish she would have worn the brooch, but with the Order of the Elephant, I guess there was just not enough room. I personally would have gotten another dress of some sort and put that goodie somewhere. I would have even wrapped the O of the E around my waist and let it dangle and had the brooch planted somewhere on the bosom above it. My ideal of course, apart from Queen Mary of Blessed and Happy Memory, are all those Indian maharajas. They had no false modesty. They had hunks, and in some rare cases were hunks, and they flaunted like nobody's business. And you people nitpick about some demure Danish Princess. Now really!!!