Crown Princess Mary is Expecting Twins in January 2011

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There was a thing on my local news channel about her father being seen at the airport in Denmark and then that they missed their annual christmas vaction

Mr. John Donaldson and his wife the famous writer Susan Moody has been spottet at the funeral of a former LIW of QMII on tuesday this week.
I'll bet they would never schedule a planned birth for the days from 31st January till 4th or 5th January. With all the New Year Court activities they always have, the entire familiy are probably holding their breath praying that Mary won't give birth just then ;)

All engagements have been cancelled for Mary,so she can go ahead if the twins decide it's enough...,regardless what the other family members are up to engagementwise.It will just add to the festivities...:)
All engagements have been cancelled for Mary,so she can go ahead if the twins decide it's enough...,regardless what the other family members are up to engagementwise.It will just add to the festivities...:)
yes I know, but what I meant was that it would almost be a pity if the twins were born on the day when mum, dad and the grandparents are standing in the receiving line all day - each and every year!
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I would love New Year babies! The parents would have the day to celebrate with them and then when the kids are of age, they get to doll themselves up for the most glamourous night of the year!
Can't wait until this time next year when the twins are in the latest Royal holiday pics!!
I would love New Year babies! The parents would have the day to celebrate with them and then when the kids are of age, they get to doll themselves up for the most glamourous night of the year!

My oldest was born on New Years Day and he hated it when he was younger. Christmas and his birthday were always lumped into one because it was so 'close' :sad: The older relies especially. He was never at school so he never got to share a cake.... Now that he is 22 he loves it because he always gets a day off work, he always gets to celebrate with fireworks and a massive party and he mates are always happy to come to our place for drinks and swimming, music etc. It has it's +'s and -'s.
My oldest was born on New Years Day and he hated it when he was younger. Christmas and his birthday were always lumped into one because it was so 'close' :sad: The older relies especially. He was never at school so he never got to share a cake.... Now that he is 22 he loves it because he always gets a day off work, he always gets to celebrate with fireworks and a massive party and he mates are always happy to come to our place for drinks and swimming, music etc. It has it's +'s and -'s.

I was born on the 22nd of December and for me Christmas was always lumped with my birthday as well. I stopped caring when my "friends" would have Christmas parties on my birthday. But now it's alright, I got over it :)
I was born on the 22nd of December and for me Christmas was always lumped with my birthday as well. I stopped caring when my "friends" would have Christmas parties on my birthday. But now it's alright, I got over it :)

That's my birthday too! We always have my birthday and Christmas separate, but to each their own. I hope the twins are born on the same day; that would just be strange if one was born Dec. 31, 2010 and the other Jan. 1, 2011. But I guess it would be neat too - they wouldn't have to share a birthday like most twins.
Yes, I am quite sure that CP Frederik and CP Mary has made that decision!:flowers::)

I'm sure that both you and russianpretender are both correct. They will be born on a day that the CP's have chosen (unless they decide to come before that date) :whistling:
Actually, I don't see the DRF in general or Mary and Frederik in particular messing around with mother nature unless the Doctor indicates it is imperative. Mary has enjoyed three wonderfully healthy pregnancies so why on earth would she want to introduce major surgery unless it is unavoidable?

Many people forget that that is exactly what a Caesarean is . . . major surgery, and major surgery is for life or quality threatening situations. Pregnancy is not a disease or a "medical condition". It takes much longer to recover from a C-Section than natural birth, a process that Mary has managed to transition extraordinarily well after the birth of Christian and Isabella. God willing the birth of the twins will proceed as naturally and safely.
Actually, I don't see the DRF in general or Mary and Frederik in particular messing around with mother nature unless the Doctor indicates it is imperative. Mary has enjoyed three wonderfully healthy pregnancies so why on earth would she want to introduce major surgery unless it is unavoidable?

Many people forget that that is exactly what a Caesarean is . . . major surgery, and major surgery is for life or quality threatening situations. Pregnancy is not a disease or a "medical condition". It takes much longer to recover from a C-Section than natural birth, a process that Mary has managed to transition extraordinarily well after the birth of Christian and Isabella. God willing the birth of the twins will proceed as naturally and safely.
I agree with you, Marg :flowers::flowers::flowers:
I agree with you, Marg :flowers::flowers::flowers:
Of course you agree with Marg, but, the fact is that money, (celebrity, royal status, scheduled holidays, mother-in-laws 70th birthday) speak louder than words and if the CP's wish to have the twins on a certain day, (for whatever reason) they will get their wish. Mother nature (sadly) has been pushed to the background as 'man' (in his infinite wisdom) takes over. Options such as IVF, surrogacy, organ transplant, stem cell research etc... is a thing of the future. People who think otherwise, have their heads well and truly stuck in the sand. :flowers: Happy New Year.
Actually, I don't see the DRF in general or Mary and Frederik in particular messing around with mother nature unless the Doctor indicates it is imperative. Mary has enjoyed three wonderfully healthy pregnancies so why on earth would she want to introduce major surgery unless it is unavoidable?

Many people forget that that is exactly what a Caesarean is . . . major surgery, and major surgery is for life or quality threatening situations. Pregnancy is not a disease or a "medical condition". It takes much longer to recover from a C-Section than natural birth, a process that Mary has managed to transition extraordinarily well after the birth of Christian and Isabella. God willing the birth of the twins will proceed as naturally and safely.
Totally agree!!
Of course you agree with Marg, but, the fact is that money, (celebrity, royal status, scheduled holidays, mother-in-laws 70th birthday) speak louder than words and if the CP's wish to have the twins on a certain day, (for whatever reason) they will get their wish. Mother nature (sadly) has been pushed to the background as 'man' (in his infinite wisdom) takes over. Options such as IVF, surrogacy, organ transplant, stem cell research etc... is a thing of the future. People who think otherwise, have their heads well and truly stuck in the sand. :flowers: Happy New Year.
Except....these have not been the circumstances when it came to the births of Christian and Isabella. CP Mary went into labor at home (naturally) and gave birth the normal way (No C-Section). So there is no reason why it would not be the same now.
When I said earlier that the CP Couple may chose the date the twins are born, I did not mean that the Crown Princess will have a C-Section. I meant that it may be possible that labor is induced on a specific planned date and CP Mary would have a vaginal birth. Doctors in most cases do not allow twins to go past 38 weeks - so either twin mothers have C-Sections (if one of the twins is breeched) or the twins are born naturally.:flowers:
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sometimes I dont get it. it seems I live in a world long gone....
I gave birth to 4 children, each of them naturally and I didn´t have a problem, one was birn the 2.1. and I had 2 days labour and the doctors tried to fasten it, but sincerely I would never do that again.

why on earth are you always trying to deny that mary had natural bithes, ist that so bad?
of course I know these days most try to decide themselves when what has to happen - but honestly what does it bring - a better relation to your kids? but this would lead to a discusstion about what freedom really means...

for my part i think its great the way mary handles her birthes and pregnancies and i still believe she is doing it the natural way - gosh not allowed because the feminist in the world can not accept that they are women, a beautiful species. i don´t want to be a man or have to handle like men - I am a women - working, successful but over all mother of 4 and happily married - for 25 years already. and if I would try to cry all the time discrimination - i want the same - i guess I would not have what I have - but I know I am "oldfashioned" and from yesterday - but I am happy, and I dont know if all these fururists can say the same

so, mary go on your natural way
please today is the last day of 2010, we are preparing ourselves to celebrates the end of the year, the beginning of anonther one and there are hopes and joy to share for everyone. Dont be agressives, not today, not anyday, life is too short to have arguments on people we dont know, just enjoy and share the world of royalty we just all love (if not we were not on this forum) and remember that in 2011 we have so much to share : two royal weddings (specially the one of William and Kate), the birth of Mary's twins, and ... many surprises to come. Happy happy new year everyone, and Crisscroos and Terri Terri, Inglebud, and so on.... You know in england a young lady has been murder (Joanna Yates) and her body discover on christmas day, her mother is surely devastated and if it has nothing to do with our discussions it's just to show life is short, painfull, and our discussions about royalty just has to been light, joyfull, critical but polite and we can disagree but quietly.. HAPPY HAPPY NEW YEAR FROM A FRENCH GIRL ...
please today is the last day of 2010, we are preparing ourselves to celebrates the end of the year, the beginning of anonther one and there are hopes and joy to share for everyone. Dont be agressives, not today, not anyday, life is too short to have arguments on people we dont know, just enjoy and share the world of royalty we just all love (if not we were not on this forum) and remember that in 2011 we have so much to share : two royal weddings (specially the one of William and Kate), the birth of Mary's twins, and ... many surprises to come. Happy happy new year everyone, and Crisscroos and Terri Terri, Inglebud, and so on.... You know in england a young lady has been murder (Joanna Yates) and her body discover on christmas day, her mother is surely devastated and if it has nothing to do with our discussions it's just to show life is short, painfull, and our discussions about royalty just has to been light, joyfull, critical but polite and we can disagree but quietly.. HAPPY HAPPY NEW YEAR FROM A FRENCH GIRL ...
Well said! And a Happy New Year to you too!:flowers::flowers:
I believe that IF Crown Princess Mary had C-sections in her first two births, then we would have been told so. Because it was announced that when Prince Frederik was born, the then Princess Margrethe had a c-section.
It´s not that big a deal in Denmark whether the children are born natural or by c-section, so why choose to keep it a secret?
The indications points towards Mary planning to give birth the natural way.
I.e. no C-section unless needed and the children will arrive when they want to get out.

Mary is, as far as I know, a perfectly healthy woman and her pregnancy seems to be uncomplicated, so why not let nature decide when and how?

As for the twins being born on the same day of one of the New Year Courts. No big problem there. There are many parents who have to work on the birthday of their children (most of us in fact), so they'll just celebrate when they are together.

I would feel a bit sorry for the twins if they were born on New Years Even. But that likelyhood is deminishing by the hour. (Ten hours left now for that eventuality).

The main thing is that Mary and the twins fill be fine, everything else is trivial.

Happy New Year. :flowers:
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Mary is at the hospital and giving birth soon (It's what I believe from the front page of Billed Bladet, but maybe I'm wrong). A friend Danese can maybe translate it to us ? many thanks in advance
Mary is at the hospital and giving birth soon (It's what I believe from the front page of Billed Bladet, but maybe I'm wrong). A friend Danese can maybe translate it to us ? many thanks in advance

Alas, not yet. :)

I suggest you keep an eye on this page:
TDC - Privat - Mit TDC - Netaviser - Indland

When you suddenly see the name "Mary" pop up in the headlines, you'll know it's time.
sorry, it's not the translation, I went to google to translate it and no sorry for my misinterpretation, Mary is not giving birth at the moment ...
My oldest was born on New Years Day and he hated it when he was younger. Christmas and his birthday were always lumped into one because it was so 'close' :sad: The older relies especially. He was never at school so he never got to share a cake.... Now that he is 22 he loves it because he always gets a day off work, he always gets to celebrate with fireworks and a massive party and he mates are always happy to come to our place for drinks and swimming, music etc. It has it's +'s and -'s.

My youngest son was also born on New Year's Day.
He too, enjoys having his birthday fall on a holiday!

Also, the advantage is that everyone remembers his birthday! :)
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Wow time flies lol I forgot Princess Mary is expecting in January. Being born on New Years would be sweet.
Have we heard anything? I heard from BeatrixFan that she is in labor! Any confirmation?
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