Crown Princess Mary, Current Events 7: November 2006 - March 2007

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Kelly said:
I can't believe she is seven months along in her pregnancy and we can barely see a bump! Nevertheless she looks great.

For some reason I think just the opposite. I think Mary is quite big right now. I believe it is the way she is dressing along with very favorable camera angles that we get to see. I think if any of us were to see her in person we would be rather surprised at her big tummy. I really have noticed some odd camera angles from the pics I've seen lately which I believe is helping to conceal the baby. Also she's wearing things that conceal the baby too. Lots of dark colors and colors that are known to be "slimming". Whereas with Christian I remember her wearing brighter and lighter colors. Just my opinion about all this.:rolleyes:
Aurora810 said:
For some reason I think just the opposite. I think Mary is quite big right now. I believe it is the way she is dressing along with very favorable camera angles that we get to see. I think if any of us were to see her in person we would be rather surprised at her big tummy. I really have noticed some odd camera angles from the pics I've seen lately which I believe is helping to conceal the baby. Also she's wearing things that conceal the baby too. Lots of dark colors and colors that are known to be "slimming". Whereas with Christian I remember her wearing brighter and lighter colors. Just my opinion about all this.:rolleyes:

She was pregn't in the summer for Christian when lighter colours make more sense. Most people wear dark colours in the winter (in the northern colder parts of the world).
I think some people are forgetting the time of year. It's winter, so she's not going to be running around in summer dresses and filmy skirts. She's going to be wearing thick pants, thick sweaters, big coats.....stuff to keep warm and what will as a side effect, hide her pregnancy. Sure in Australia it's rather warm right now, what with the seasons reversed as you cross the Equator, but she's in Denmark and it's cold.

If this was a spring/summer pregnancy, then she'd probably dress the same way she did with Christian.
Sister Morphine said:
I think some people are forgetting the time of year. It's winter, so she's not going to be running around in summer dresses and filmy skirts. She's going to be wearing thick pants, thick sweaters, big coats.....stuff to keep warm and what will as a side effect, hide her pregnancy. Sure in Australia it's rather warm right now, what with the seasons reversed as you cross the Equator, but she's in Denmark and it's cold.

If this was a spring/summer pregnancy, then she'd probably dress the same way she did with Christian.

I agree Sister Morphine, if it was summer/spring, she would be wearing more light blues/pinks/purples/spring-time colours like she did whilst pregnant with Christian.

On today's outfit, I'm not too fond of the actual outfit itself, but I'm love, love, loving the hair!! Fantastic, nice retro look going on up there :flowers:
i don't like recent look of mary with a short hair. it makes her face looks full (yeh she is pregnant too). with hair to shoulders, she looks beautiful with slim face.
GlitteringTiaras said:
Furthermore, I doubt this event will require her to wear a proper hat, but you never know.


thanks. last question about Mary wearing a hat. Can she wear a hat to any event she wants to? or does it look out of place to wear one to some events? i know she cant at a concert and i know she is required to wear a hat at the opening of parliment etc.
Do you know the sex of Princess Mary's second baby??..Is she having a son again??..
Anita said:
Oh my ...

The hairband doesn't suit her at all . She looks so old with it ! :wacko:
I really agree with you!!!!! She looks very bad with it very oldfashion and with that flower dress... bad.......
Mahoogie said:
Do you know the sex of Princess Mary's second baby??..Is she having a son again??..

im guessing its a girl since she did not get as big as when she was having a son, but could be wrong, because looking at the other CP's that were huge in the past all had girls. who knows? will just have to wait but you can guess the sex of the baby on Guess the sex of Princess Mary's baby :)
I really don't like that headband-something about it seems a little bit Queen Fabiola
I really like Mary and I think she usually dresses very well but IMO this is a very frumpy look.

Apart from the outfit she is looking healthy and happy.
I had a second look on the pictures I posted yesterday... and in this picture her hairdo reminds me alot of Queen Beatrix' Helmet-hairdo in it's early times. :lol:
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tundra said:
She was pregn't in the summer for Christian when lighter colours make more sense. Most people wear dark colours in the winter (in the northern colder parts of the world).

I'm not forgetting it's winter time. That's exactly what I was getting at. This pregnancy allows her to wear clothes that can help conceal a baby bump. The time of year has just made this pregnancy a little different. Plus Mary in my opinion has always known how to dress for the shape that she has been given. She knows fashion! So she knows how to dress in a way that doesn't necessarily showcase the baby. Not that she's trying to hide her stomach just that she knows how to dress to not make it so obvious. However that opinion excludes the outfit she wore yesterday, that outfit was not a good choice.
Her_Majesty said:
I had a second look on the pictures I posted yesterday... and in this picture her hairdo reminds me alot of Queen Beatrix' Helmet-hairdo in it's early times. :lol:

I agree; I'm sorry, but Mary's hair is not working for me...or her! :cool:
About Mary's outfit at the jewellery box thing...

I am not digging the Alice band...too ordinary...and there were so many colours going on there...

grey = alice band
black = jacket (with grey flowers, though)
purple = under dress
beige = shoes

Four different coulours of the four different elements of her outfit was just too messed up...maybe if she wore a purple alice band to match her purple under dress...or purple shoes...or keep the grey alice band but wear it with a grey under dress...something, anything...too much going on and way too frumpy almost...
Gymnastic outings for Princess Mary and Prince Charles
9 MARCH 2007

Crown Princess Mary of Denmark was on hand to offer some steadying support to youngsters at a play-centre this week. The mum-of-one, who is expecting her second child in May, proved an encouraging presence as one little girl attempted to walk across a beam.

With less than two months to go until the birth, the Aussie-born princess remains as energetic as ever with her royal commitments and there's no doubting her popularity with her youngest fans. The 35-year-old was delighted when children presented her with home-made gifts and posies as she arrived at the suburban kids' centre in Aarhus, Denmark's second largest city.
Gymnastic outings for Princess Mary and Prince Charles
Mary does look good with the extra weight on.....some women glow when they are pregnant and Mary is one of them.

finally she is wearing something more figure hugging, im glad she didnt wear something loose or a coat again. she looks like she has gained a few pounds quit fast. she looks tired but good.I think these last months she is going to get quit large quit fast. i liked her soft colored outfit.
btw, in her last outings she's been always covering her bump with the flowers or her hands if anyone has realized.
RoyalKnottie said:
I was just looking at photos of CP Mary (on Danish Royal Watchers) and noticed that there is a red head with her. I was wondering who she is. Is she her "lady-in-waiting" or is she like an assistant?

Yes, the red-haired woman accompanying Her Royal Highness is her friend and lady-in-waiting, Mrs. Caroline Heering. As Her Royal Highness' lady-in-waiting, she always wears the monogram of The Crown Princess on a light blue background as a brooch. For further information and discussion regarding the lady-in-waiting, go to this thread: Mary's Lady-in-waiting

Thank you so much for the info! I knew she was someone 'important'. lol
I am SO not liking Mary's new haircut. Either it makes her look frumpy or it makes her face look fat. I know she's gained some weight with this pregnancy but she looks 10 pounds heavier than she did at this time during her last pregnancy and I can't believe she has put on that much more weight in this pregnancy than she did in her first.

I much prefer the longer sleeker hairstyle.
ysbel said:
I much prefer the longer sleeker hairstyle.

You and I both.

Smaller hairstyles always accentuate extra weight (though Mary does not seem to me, all that big).
Dazzling: regarding the flowers in front of her belly preventing YOU from seeing it...I don't thing it is intentional, it seems to me that that is the most comfortable and appropriate and respectful way to carry a bouquet of flowers...Would you rather she swing around like a handbag at her side...I don't think so!!!

Ysabel: Give Mary a break!!! Don't start the *she's too fat* bandwagon, please...she is entitled to carry a few extra kilos for her health and the baby's...and I don't know if you have kids yourself or have been pregnant, but it is usual with second pregnancies to gain more weight because the body knows what to expect and do and is a bit more she is probably tired and more exhausted than she was when she was with Christian specifically because she didn't have him to look after!!!! I know she has help, but it is a big strain on your body carrying around another human in there...Take it from me, I have done it THREE times :)
Xeara said:
Ysabel: Give Mary a break!!! Don't start the *she's too fat* bandwagon, please...she is entitled to carry a few extra kilos for her health and the baby's...

Xeara, I am more than happy to give Mary a break. If you had read my post carefully, you would have known that I don't believe Mary has gained a lot more weight this time around but I believe her choice of the shorter unflattering hairstyle has made her look a lot more overweight than she actually is.
I think Mary´s hairstyle makes her look more natural and fresh. And putting on a few pounds has made her look more healthy, imo she was to thin and not very healthy looking before. Now shes glowing and she seems more alive in some way
I hated Mary's hair cut at the begining than started liking it again, now im not too sure about it, there were two events were it looked messy. when she had it longer it suited her much nicer imo. i think a change is good but hat wasnt the best change she couldve obtained for.
Mary's hair

I am really liking the new cut. When I look at pictures of her with it long...this is new cut is very flattering.
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