Crown Prince Frederik and Crown Princess Mary, Current Events 2: May - October 2004

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Originally posted by karolinabraganza@Jun 12th, 2004 - 3:37 am
mary and frederik at the morning event, cardigan from prada
Wow, that's really good :flower: . How do you know it's prada? it looks like something I could buy from my local shopping mall :p . And Mary has worn Danish designers for almost ALL of the outfits we've seen so far, so I thought if it had to be by a designer, it would be a Danish one.

Originally posted by billie-jo@Jun 12th, 2004 - 3:36 am
Can some one tell me how many tiaras does mary get?
I only know two: the ruby one left by Ingrid for Frederik's wife, and the wedding tiara from Q Margrethe and P Henrik.
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mayr's dress is nice, but not too much her style...
Am I the only one who thinks that Mary has taken to wearing jewels that are too big and too fusy and too much at these gala events? There's something a little ostentatatious about it for my taste.

And did the photographer really have to take a photo right down her dress? That was obnoxious.

I keep looking at photos of Mary because I want to like her--and I don't dislike her--but I keep getting disappointed. I find her dull and predictable. Is it just me?
Some 1 have a nice pics from the dress and jewels?
Thanks for all !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Originally posted by lucys@Jun 12th, 2004 - 5:30 pm
Am I the only one who thinks that Mary has taken to wearing jewels that are too big and too fusy and too much at these gala events? There's something a little ostentatatious about it for my taste.
No of course not! :flower:

But I'm sure there are also those that like her (like me). Nobody can please everyone. Even Maxima, who one would think would be loved by all, isn't because no-one can please every single person.

I personally thought Mary looked wonderful. And if you see the jewellery of other women (maxima/ Mathilde/ Alex QM), you'll see that what Mary wore isn't ostentatious, but quite normal. This is a tiara event after all, and not some suburban dinner party. And of course the jewellery she wore isn't solid gold, or diamonds... they look a but like costume jewellery, and even if they're not, I don't think they're the kind to cost a lot. Her jewellery actually reminds me of the kind Mathilde sometimes wears - nice and "fussy" (in that there's lots of strands going aruond and around the neck) but doesn't look waaay too expensive.

Mary looked wonderful, and today she's on the cover of the Sunday Morning Herald here in Sydney :blink: . And in the other newspaper, they had a series of pictures of Frederik catching the stricken bird (don't know if anyone saw those photos of Frederik bending down to the ground ... it looked like he was catching a frisbee!).

Originally posted by lala22@Jun 12th, 2004 - 6:54 pm

I wish Mary wouldn't wear shoes like that -- heel less/backless or whatever they're called. The only other princess I've seen wearing them has been Princess Caroline and well, that's no example to follow.
Actually Alexandra wore heeless shoes with straps going all around the ankles for the Fredensborg "informal" birthday shoot.

But even though Mary looked fab (IMO), I kind of agree that it would look more regal if she had worn enclosed shoes.
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Originally posted by Jasl@Jun 12th, 2004 - 7:35 pm
Actually Alexandra wore heeless shoes with straps going all around the ankles for the Fredensborg "informal" birthday shoot.

But even though Mary looked fab (IMO), I kind of agree that it would look more regal if she had worn enclosed shoes.
Those shoes are my only objection to Mary's style. Even one strap around the ankle cuts the bawdy image ;). Other than that she looks fine but I suspect she's still looking for her own unique style. All this jewelry she's been wearing reminds me of none other than Queen Mary of Great Britain. Why not, we like to see sparkling jewels, the more the better.

Mary's first day back at work - as a princess
June 13, 2004
The Sun-Herald

Princess of Denmark, the former Mary Donaldson.

With the fairytale wedding a beautiful memory and the royal honeymoon in Africa over, the former Mary Donaldson has officially started her new career - as a princess of Denmark.

Tanned, relaxed and wearing a body-hugging vintage dress, Mary and her husband, Crown Prince Frederik, received a rousing reception when they arrived at the Tivoli building for her father-in-law's birthday party.

The couple will board the royal yacht Dannebrog on Friday for an official visit to Greenland.

It won't be until next month that they finally settle into their Copenhagen home at Fredensborg Palace.

A beautiful picture of the Crown Princess
And I like her simple black dress ..... such a contrast to every-one else.

Just think, within the year, simple colour will be all the 'rage' .... in Denmark. :)
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After struggling with the online Danish-English dictionary, I still can't make sense out of this article (probably because half the words in the title aren't even in the online dictionary!!)

Please, can any Danish speakers give us a short translation of this article from BT?

Mary blev forfulgt af fotografer

Det var nødvendigt for Mary at få sine egne bodyguards, inden hun overhovedet havde fået forlovelsesringen med de røde rubiner på fingeren og var blevet en officiel del af kronprins Frederiks liv.
I uhyggelig lighed med prinsesse Diana blev hun nemlig forfulgt så tæt af enkelte pressefotografer, at hun følte sig meget utryg, når hun sad i sin...

...bil med et øje i bakspejlet på de meget ihærdige forfølgere, der ikke lod sig stoppe af et rødt lyskryds.
Jagten gjorde, at hun både frygtede for sin egen sikkerhed og alle andres omkring hende. Derfor besluttede politiet, at der skulle være to sikkerhedsfolk omkring hende, hver gang hun bevægede sig ud i trafikken.

Bad om sikkerhedsfolk

I den nye biografi »Mary - kronprinsesse af Danmark« fortæller Marys læremester, hofchef Per Thornit, at politiet valgte at give Mary egne sikkerhedsfolk.

»Hvis hun kørte over for næsten gult, så kørte de over for rødt for ikke at slippe hende, og det var hun meget bekymret over. For som hun sagde: »Enten kører de ind i mig, eller også kører de nogen ned.«

Den situation måtte vi simpelthen håndtere. Det er jo ikke noget, vi beder om. Det er politiet, der vurderer, om det er relevant, og det syntes de, det var,« siger Per Thornit i bogen.

Der er ingen tvivl om, at Mary må have draget et lettelsens suk, da hun fik at vide, at hun i fremtiden ville blive ledsaget af to sikkerhedsfolk, når hun satte sig ud i sin bil. Prinsesse Dianas skæbne må have ligget i hendes bevidsthed, hver gang hun trådte ekstra hårdt på speederen for at være i fred.

Da beslutningen om de to sikkerhedsfolk blev taget, trådte Mary ind i et liv, som gør, at hun ikke længere kan gå som anonym på gaden. Det må have været en svær tanke at vænne sig til, men venner til Frederik og Mary understreger i bogen, at Frederik lige fra begyndelsen har været fantastisk til at forberede hende til den krævende rolle.

En australsk ven, Chris Meeham, fortæller om Kronprinsens pædagogiske evner.

»Han gjorde det stille og roligt. Skridt for skridt. Jeg tror, at det var det rigtige. At det var lettere for Mary, at hun ikke vidste alt det, hun ved nu.

Hun lærte at kende og elske Frederik som den mand og det menneske, han er. Ikke som kronprins Frederik. Og det er en styrke, deres forhold vil bevare, og en ligevægt, som alle forhold skal have,« siger Chris Meeham.

Hengav sig til forelskelsen

»Frederik planlagde det hele ganske godt. Han gik i gang med en langsom læreproces, og til at begynde med forstod Mary ikke omfanget af forelskelsen, at den ville forandre hendes liv så radikalt.

Jeg tror, Frederik gjorde det helt rigtige ved at hengive sig til forelskelsen og lade Mary gøre det samme, uden at hun vidste, hvad der ventede forude. Der gik faktisk lang tid, før hun virkelig forstod, hvad det indebærer at være medlem af den danske kongefamilie,« siger den australske ven.

I dag er Mary slet ikke i tvivl om, hvad hendes rolle indebærer, og hun har da også allerede vænnet sig til at være centrum for hele den danske presse.

»Hun er meget rolig i relation til medier og presse. Hun føler sig ikke belastet af det eller klemt af det. Hun har et meget rationelt forhold til det. Selvfølgelig har vi talt om det, for det bliver jo en del af hverdagen - det er jo ikke noget, der er der nu og så forsvinder igen. Man kan jo ikke bare sige: »Nu er det overstået«, for det er det jo ikke,« siger hofchef Per Thornit.

Karin Palshøj/Gitte Redder: »Mary - kronprinsesse af Danmark« udkommer 15. juni på på Høst & Søn. 221 sider. Pris 249 kr.

And here's an articlefrom BT which (I think) talks about Susan Moody Donaldson and her book (???). If someone who knows Danish can please give us the gist of the article, it would be so good of you :flower:

This article also says something about Susan, and near the bottom of the page, something about janteloven. Is there a problem with Mary's mum and janteloven??
Seeing Fred likes sailing and Mary is from a boat-mad Australia, and Fred's agenda is only for the month in question, I thought I would check up how they're booked for time on Kongeskibet Dannebrog in 2004.

After the Greenland trip, the engagements go as follows:

Mandag den 26. juli.
Kl. 10.00 Kronprinsparret på officielt besøg i Århus.

Tirsdag den 27. juli.
Kl. 10.00 Kronprinsparret på officielt besøg i Ålborg.

Onsdag den 28. juli.
Kl. 10.00 Kronprinsparret på officielt besøg i Odense.

Torsdag den 29. juli.
Kl. 10.00 Kronprinsparret på officielt besøg i Sønderborg.
I was wondering when do their leave form greenland, and their is a new message board i have made one about crown princess mary of denmark please have alook
its hasn''t got photos on it yet but will like some to help me with it so please if you to help me email. the it at Http/">crown prince mary of denmark.
Kids' words of wisdom for a future queen Search articles


Author Grethe Dirckinck-Holmfeld toured the country, interviewing children of all ages about their views of the Royal Family

When Mary Becomes Queen - They'll Raise the Speed Limit,’ is a 160-page book of unfailingly astute observations about all things royal, from the kingdom's smallest subjects. Here are a few examples of Danish children's thoughts on Mary Donaldson:

‘When Mary becomes Queen, she'll have to get used to people yelling 'Hurrah!' very loudly, and smoke coming out of the cannons.’

‘If I had to give Mary some advice, I would tell her not to be too hard on Denmark.’

‘When Mary learns how to become Queen, she'll have to start by opening all of Queen Margrethe's mail.’

‘I think Mary should help the poor and paint pictures just like the Queen.’

‘I think Mary should wish all the poor people good luck collecting bottles.’

‘I think Mary should just take it easy at the beginning and keep an eye on Denmark.’

‘I think Mary should go around Denmark and ask all the children if they fight during recess.’

‘When Mary and Frederik get married, Mary will turn into a pregnant lady.’

‘Everyone that makes a lot of money gets invited to royal weddings. Including the guys that own (amusement parks) Tivoli and Bakken.’

‘Only rich people get invited to royal weddings. Because they don't know anyone else.’

‘If a queen marries a king in another country, they have to decide which country to move.’

‘On the day Prince Joachim and Princess Alexandra got married, the Disney Show was cancelled. And it was even a Saturday.’

Some of the children interviewed expressed a little hint of republicanism.

‘I don't think it's right that we should pay money to the Queen, if we're not even invited to her parties.’

And a final, slightly envious observation from one young Dane:

‘When the Queen has her birthday and stands out on the balcony (of Amalienborg Palace), there are more than 1,000 people. If we have a birthday and stand out on our porch, there's maybe two.’

This is from the Copenhagen Post.
Sky  Posted: Jun 16th, 2004 - 6:37 pm

Ha ha ... :)

‘When the Queen has her birthday and stands out on the balcony (of Amalienborg Palace), there are more than 1,000 people. If we have a birthday and stand out on our porch, there's maybe two.’
...when I stand on my balcony, I'm glad when no one is there to obstruct my view. ;)
Mmmm, new forums... and here I am trying not to spend too much time online!

Did Mary get a new picture taken or something? Aurelie from that new forum gave this link to the picture (I actually think it was taken the same time as the other one we all know, but I haven't seen this one before).

And anna what does "Æresmedlemsskaber" mean?
Those quotes from the children are just darling. I like that. Nobody stands in front of my house when it´s my birthday. Ha ha ha ha.

"‘When Mary learns how to become Queen, she'll have to start by opening all of Queen Margrethe's mail.’" :p :p

"I think Mary should help the poor and paint pictures just like the Queen.’" :p
Originally posted by Jasl@Jun 17th, 2004 - 5:52 am
Mmmm, new forums... and here I am trying not to spend too much time online!

Did Mary get a new picture taken or something? Aurelie from that new forum gave this link to the picture (I actually think it was taken the same time as the other one we all know, but I haven't seen this one before).

And anna what does "Æresmedlemsskaber" mean?
Hi Jasl. I'm not Anna, but I'm a dane so I can help out...
- "Æresmedlemsskaber" means Honorymemberships, well I don't know if that is a real english word, but you get it right? ;)
Originally posted by Jasl@Jun 17th, 2004 - 5:52 am
Mmmm, new forums... and here I am trying not to spend too much time online!

Did Mary get a new picture taken or something? Aurelie from that new forum gave this link to the picture (I actually think it was taken the same time as the other one we all know, but I haven't seen this one before).

And anna what does "Æresmedlemsskaber" mean?
I don't think that that's a new picture. I think it was taken along with the picture with her biography but was not used and/or released. Her make-up is identical to the other picture.
Originally posted by Jasl@Jun 18th, 2004 - 6:34 pm
Thanks very much! :flower:

I wish there was a Danish translating program I can download off the net. It would make life so much easier!
Hi Again. At "" you can get translations of danish words, but the site is in danish, but if you enter the word in the box "ord" and press the "oversæt" button, the word is translated from danish to english. You can also do it the other way around. Maybe it could work for you. :flower:
Thanks MarieLouise :flower:

Also for anyone interested, is another good site - you can translate phrases by pasting it into the box (Translation Expert's box) and it translates it for you.

Yep, that site I posted above can really translate *sarcastic*. I tried to translate this in Danish
- "De så i hvert fald ud, som om de morede sig kongeligt, da de i ugens løb var med Frederik og Mary inde og se Linie 3's show i Cirkusbygningen. "
and it came up with this
- "They so at least forth , as though they divert themselves royal , when they to weeks run were by Peaceful and Mary in and look Line show to Cirkusbygningen."

:lol: :lol: :lol: Does Frederik mean Peaceful in Danish or something!!!!! Everytime there's "Frederik og Mary" it comes up with "Peaceful and Mary"!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
Originally posted by Jasl@Jun 19th, 2004 - 11:05 pm

:lol: :lol: :lol: Does Frederik mean Peaceful in Danish or something!!!!! Everytime there's "Frederik og Mary" it comes up with "Peaceful and Mary"!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:[/i]
He, he. Actually it's weird if you wright Frederik and it comes up with peacefull. But Fred, means peace or peacefull :wacko:
She looks so at ease...i think it's going to be wonderful to see her pics in future events.

also, aren't there any pics from their trip to Greenland? I can't seem to find them anywhere :(
From the US:
I bought two Mary and Frederick DVD's from and am very pleased with them. They were shipped quickly. I bought "Mary, Frederick, and the MOnarchy," and also the Wedding one. From what I've seen so far (about 30 min. of the Fred and Mary part of the Monarchy one,) even though I don't understand Danish , enough of the people interviewed about Mary speak English so I didn't feel like I was missing out on much.

I know this does not qualify as "news," it's just a friendly tip.
Just had a look at some pics of Mary at Silkeborg. Great to see her looking relaxed and happy. It seems Mary is beginning to get used to having cameras around.

I read an online article that said Mary gave an inaugural speech at Silkeborg. Did she give the speech in Danish? Did she speak any Danish at the event?

On second thoughts, given that it's an online article, Mary probably didn't give a speech at all! :p
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.....I posted above about the DVD's from Denmark.....


The "Fred, Mary and Monarchy" DVD played perfectly in my DVD player (which only plays Region I ).

The Wedding DVD ("Kongeligt Bryllup") from Rillen did NOT play in either of my DVD players - it indicated wrong regional coding (!) I was shocked, since both DVDs are manufactured by the same co. I have no explanation.

I apologize to everyone for my earlier post that the DVDs are worry-free (I have since edited that part out so as not to mislead anyone in the future). I'm embarassed about the earlier post and also very disappointed since I was not able to watch the wedding on tv.

The "Fred, Mary and MOnarchy DVD" has a nice bio of Mary, good coverage of the engagement day interview. The "Monarchy" part of it covers much behind the scenes of palace life. It is interesting.
I apologize to everyone for my earlier post that the DVDs are worry-free (I have since edited that part out so as not to mislead anyone in the future). I'm embarassed about the earlier post and also very disappointed since I was not able to watch the wedding on tv.

Don't worry about it Lady Jean, I don't think anyone has been misled (especially since it was corrected the very same day!). I hope you were able to return it.... I don't think its very fair that they're selling incompatable videos anyway.

I don't know if we can even get the videos in Australia :unsure:

If anyone knows, can you pls tell us???
Speaking of DVDs. Thursday I received my DVD from Billed Bladet - what a downer :( It is a production of DR, and I really don't know why they want to be associated with such a bad quality product.

To me the pictures have the same quality as a VHS copy of another VHS tape with recordings from the television.

The best part is the 2nd disc with clips from other danish royal weddings; from the wedding of Frederik IX and Q Ingrid to the wedding of Princess Alexandra of Berleburg and Count Jefferson.
Can someone please explain Mary mania to me? I must confess that I just don't get it. I find her sweet and pretty and utterly average. Please tell me what I am missing!
it's a matter of taste and perception, i guess.
some of us here like letizia or maxima, etc, better , than they like mary, and, the other likes mary better than letizia or maxiam, etc.
there is no need to understand it. it's just the way it is. people have different tastes :p
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