Charlotte Casiraghi pictures part III

If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
That vid is so weird :lol: but it is always nice to see Charlotte, so I'm not complaining.
Haha, the man is just doing his work. It's not his fault.
Maybe he is not so much into royals, like us, so he doesn't know her ;)
^:lol: i was thinking that of Charlotte too! She is like: c'mon, i showed you the ID an hour ago...
I guess that's why the video is called Memory Fail :lol:
^:lol: i was thinking that of Charlotte too! She is like: c'mon, i showed you the ID an hour ago...
I guess that's why the video is called Memory Fail :lol:

That, or "Do you know who I am? Who my uncle and mother are?!! Geeezzz."
Well, in this era of terrist-related behavior around the world, I prefer the security not be awed by a royal or celebrity and ask for ID, as he would/should anyone else at the event. She may or may not have been irritated, it's hard to tell. I think if she had a meltdown and started browbeating the guy, different story. I like the video, however, with the text, etc. Are there many reports of her exhibiting "diva-like" behavior, or trying to pull rank?
the vid is funny!! charlotte looked annoyed that she had to looked at the man again after showed him the ID!
yeah, the security guard didn't know who she was. To him, she was just like all the other young, rich, elite amateur riders in the GCT. They check id's for the special "riders' enclosure" area. The guard did his job well...... hmmm .......... It can be annoying, but the thing is, this guard can get into a lot of trouble if he messes up. He would rather be annoying and check every single ID, even if he checked it before an hour ago, because it's better than messing up and getting into deep doodoo. There are so many very "important" people there who pay a lot for their security. Like Athina. :D
I think she took it just funny.doesn't happend in "her world"
I don't think that she is diva-like behavior or trying to pull rank, when she is in the airport, she goes through airport security without problem, load her suitcase...

She is like: c'mon, I've just pass...
I don't think she would be upset. Quite the opposite. She has bodyguards 24/7 so I think she appreciates tight security.
Oh yeah that is from a little while ago, earlier this year? It was a Vanity Fair party, that's all I remember. I think it was a post-film premiere party thing.
^ Yeah it was the "A Single Man" film directed by Tom Ford after party.
This women is so blessed, born to royalty, smart AND beautiful.
One lucky being, indeed. I'm sure she must have been raised feeling like a million dollars every day. She just better not marry too fast, though.
okay guys, so i think this is gonna look a bit off-topic but does anyone have like a specific link to a thread in here or something where i can find "personal" pics of charlotte? by personal i mean charlotte hanging out with friends and etc! no candids and no high profile events! i'm starting a collage :) thank you and sorry if it sounds off topic!
Like Facebook pictures? I think TRF banned that kind of content, somewhat controversially, but anyway. The only place I remember seeing Facebook-like pics of Char and her set was on the eternal muse site and it does not exist anymore. It was mostly her friends, but there was the occasional one of Char.... I remember some pics of Alice Dellal's birthday party in Ibiza and there was some pics of Char chilling with everyone. I don't know where to find them now that the eternal muse is gone, though. I'm sure they are floating around the cyber waves somewhere....
A lot of the photos disappeared when I closed the website CT. A lot of people used to hotlink the images from my website so when I closed it, they vanished all over the internet.
I still have a backup of most of the website but sadly I cannot give the private photos out palomasie. I already have enough "people close to Charlotte" hating me for putting them on the website in the first place...something I regret doing.
I do not believe there is anywhere on the internet at the moment that shows her or her friends private photos.
I actually really miss the website and the community that was built up. I have toyed with the idea of bringing it back a lot of times but it took ALL my time up, I couldn't get anything else done... :sad:
A lot of the photos disappeared when I closed the website CT. A lot of people used to hotlink the images from my website so when I closed it, they vanished all over the internet.
I still have a backup of most of the website but sadly I cannot give the private photos out palomasie. I already have enough "people close to Charlotte" hating me for putting them on the website in the first place...something I regret doing.
I do not believe there is anywhere on the internet at the moment that shows her or her friends private photos.
I actually really miss the website and the community that was built up. I have toyed with the idea of bringing it back a lot of times but it took ALL my time up, I couldn't get anything else done... :sad:

oh! okay! i understand! thanks for replying anyway! but it's such a shame that we don't have access to these pictures haha!:flowers:

oh, and casiraghitrio, thank you too :)
A lot of the photos disappeared when I closed the website CT. A lot of people used to hotlink the images from my website so when I closed it, they vanished all over the internet.
I still have a backup of most of the website but sadly I cannot give the private photos out palomasie. I already have enough "people close to Charlotte" hating me for putting them on the website in the first place...something I regret doing.
I do not believe there is anywhere on the internet at the moment that shows her or her friends private photos.
I actually really miss the website and the community that was built up. I have toyed with the idea of bringing it back a lot of times but it took ALL my time up, I couldn't get anything else done... :sad:

Her "friends" hating you was such BS too, because if I remember correctly, some of them actually GAVE you pictures, or had other people give them to you so they could say they didn't. Hypocrites. :bang: The Casiraghis seem to hang out with a lot of hypocrites! :ermm: Their own fault, for being so gullible.
Her "friends" hating you was such BS too, because if I remember correctly, some of them actually GAVE you pictures, or had other people give them to you so they could say they didn't. Hypocrites. :bang: The Casiraghis seem to hang out with a lot of hypocrites! :ermm: Their own fault, for being so gullible.

Quite correct. I couldn't work it out. In the end I told them not to contact me again. The trouble it was causing just wasn't worth it. Great to get the photos but the "cost" was too high to me. Still miffed at the sister of a previous... :sad: Anyhoo...
^Oh, don't worry Carlos. CT is right, the Casiraghis hang around with a lot of fake, hypocrite people. I'm kinda relieved that Andrea doesn't seem to hang around with them too much as he used too, but Char and Pierre... :sad:
I hadn't seen the video before, as I hardly ever visit the "Caroline and family" page. I can understand why she was asked for ID twice, as she looked completely different both times. First time in full gear, second in street clothes wearing sunglasses. Not everyone follows her with intensity.
****! i noticed that web when it was already closed....;(
Quite correct. I couldn't work it out. In the end I told them not to contact me again. The trouble it was causing just wasn't worth it. Great to get the photos but the "cost" was too high to me. Still miffed at the sister of a previous... :sad: Anyhoo...


You did the right thing to get out of the picture business. It's not worth it.

*Sister of a Previous* can't be any worse than the *Cousin of a Current* :D:ROFLMAO::lol:

I'm having too much fun. This bubble is about to burst.
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