British Royal Family Current Events 11: Sep 2022 -

If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
I was surprised to see the Duke of York. I thought it was agreed that he would no longer appear at such events.

Easter Service like the one at Christmas is considered to be a private family event. As far as I know, the Duke of York was going to continue attending those events. It's the public ones that he's no longer participating in.
This is a private family event - a family gathering for Easter Sunday church and dinner. It would be hard to exclude him from private family events. More official events - The Garter ceremony, Trooping etc are different. He attended Christmas Day Church with the family - this is the same sort of event, a private one that the media and public still get to see but a family event none the less.

The family leaving:

Camilla left earlier as she had "a private commitment" elsewhere (I presume with her family) - worth remembering the family have drinks with the vicar after the service (so unlikely Cams left the service early just the drinks after)
Lovely to see members of the Royal Family at Windsor for the annual Easter Day service :previous:
I was surprised to see the Duke of York. I thought it was agreed that he would no longer appear at such events.

Where else would a sinner be but at church on Easter Sunday? And I include myself in that category. God does not rank sins - WE do that. And if we ask for forgiveness with a contrite heart, it is granted.
The Prince of Wales and the Duke of Gloucester will be present at the ANZAC Day events and the Service at Westminster Abbey on April 25.

There are 3 annual events attended by members of the Royal Family each year to mark Anzac Day (April 25th). This year they will be attended by: Dawn Service at Hyde Park Corner: Prince William Parade at Cenotaph: Duke of Gloucester Service at @wabbey
: Duke of Gloucester
These photos of the Dawn service are really moving.

Very moving. William's note "In memory of those who made the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom" placed along with his poppy wreath says it all.
As the great-granddaughter of an ANZAC who died at Gallipoli leaving his 6 year old daughter (my grandmother) and 3 other children I do appreciate this effort by the British royals to acknowledge this very special day for Aussies and Kiwis (my great-uncle - son of the above) joined the NZ army in WWII and survived.

I also live in an area of Sydney with a very high Turkish population and at our Dawn Service yesterday there were many Turks who also lost ancestors at Gallipoli. The local mosque is even named the Gallipoli mosque - to link again the Turks and the Aussies. Lovely people.
The Prince of Wales attends the Anzac Day dawn service in London
IDK why articles keep talking about images showing Charles “slimmed down monarchy.” It’s the exact same people as it was under his mother when she passed. Yesterday- it was the coronation portraits. Today it’s the garden party.
The "slimmed-down monarchy" is unfortunately something the King is unable to shake off. The monarchy has slimmed itself down through unexpected events such as the Sussex's and DoY's exist. I think the "slimming down" was always blown out of proportion and was meant more to say that the children of the York's and Edinburgh's will not be expected to become full time royals. But people assumed that the King would cut off the Kent's and Gloucester's the second he ascended the throne.

Anyways, I'm happy to see the return of the garden parties and the royal family supporting the King.

It starts to sound ridiculous, this slimmed down monarchy idea. If we take a look at the monarchy in the 50's it is almost the same as it is now. Princess Margaret, The Princess Royal, the Gloucesters, the Kents and maybe Princess Alice. Now we have the Waleses, the Princess Royal, the Edinburghs, the Gloucesters and the Kents. So what was slimmed down? Princes Andrew and Harry 'slimmed down' by themselves when Elizabeth was still Queen.
Of course the Kents are likely to stop being working Royals, but again not by Charles' choice but due to their age.
The "slimmed-down monarchy" is unfortunately something the King is unable to shake off. The monarchy has slimmed itself down through unexpected events such as the Sussex's and DoY's exist. I think the "slimming down" was always blown out of proportion and was meant more to say that the children of the York's and Edinburgh's will not be expected to become full time royals. But people assumed that the King would cut off the Kent's and Gloucester's the second he ascended the throne.

Anyways, I'm happy to see the return of the garden parties and the royal family supporting the King.

I agree- I think it was about setting expectations regarding the York princesses and the Edinburgh/Wessex children. That would have been quite a large working family had everyone gone in that direction.
I agree- I think it was about setting expectations regarding the York princesses and the Edinburgh/Wessex children. That would have been quite a large working family had everyone gone in that direction.

But where was did the expectation that all four of the Wessexes and Yorks would become working royals come from? The precedent that was set by the previous generation was that only the eldest child would take on royal duties. Princess Alexandra was an outlier due to the number of young working members at the time. Only two of them would have likely joined the roster if that norm was put in place.
The point still stands that the message for a "slimmed-down monarchy" was geared to say that any grandchildren of the monarch will not become working royals, regardless of their titles.

I'm very much looking forward to HM's first Trooping of the Colour as King. I wonder if the King will continue HLM's tradition of being more generous with the balcony appearances for the birthday celebrations.
Yes, seems that the late Queen was part of the "slimming down" by announcing that Edward's children wouldn't be HRH's...that set the clear view IMO that it certainly wasn't a given they would be "working royals" - bear in mind their parents weren't even working royals when they married - well they were, they were working on their own businesses!

Honestly I believe the change Charles wanted the most was an end to the balcony full of royals, giving fuel to those illinformed that all up there were on the taxpayers expense. Other than that he is just following HLM's lead IMO.I don't think he'll be more generous in that at all, working royals will be the way forward for him I think.
I find it sad that Prince Michael - who is President of the Royal Kennel Club (the right to use Royal was given by Charles III back in April) - wasn't even mentioned in the CC for this event. I know he isn't a working royal but when he attended Garden Parties under QEII he was mentioned and if he attended an event with a royal when he was the Patron etc he was always mentioned in that role.

But where was did the expectation that all four of the Wessexes and Yorks would become working royals come from? The precedent that was set by the previous generation was that only the eldest child would take on royal duties. Princess Alexandra was an outlier due to the number of young working members at the time. Only two of them would have likely joined the roster if that norm was put in place.

The Wessex children were never expected to be working royals - hence no royal titles from the get-go.

Beatrice was the one who was raised with that expectation and my information is that she confirmed that idea with the late Queen, Charles and William numerous times while going to school and again before university but just as she was about the graduate she was told 'not wanted or needed' ever so she went and did some more courses, got a job and made a new life for herself.

Charles now has to face the very real prospect of either changing his mind on Beatrice or having Louise start using her HRH and become a working royal. I suspect that the latter is more likely simply due to her age and due to Beatrice's parents and the fact that she is largely despised by the British public due to the way the press have presented her over the years. She may personally have not done anything wrong - unless wearing hideous clothes is wrong - but her parents mean she is disliked simply for who she is and not what she has done.

The third option is to wait until George has finished his education and military training in about 20 years and Charlotte the same (or not let one or both of them even have any post-school education or life). William didn't become a full-time working royal until he was 35. If George is given that same time frame it is a quarter of a century until a new working royal will join the roster full-time. I suspect he will be working as a royal from age 18 with education and military training as a secondary part of his life ... as it was for Charles rather than as it was for William.

Charles, for instance, was undertaking royal tours while still at uni e.g. 1970 while finishing his final year at Cambridge he also joined his parents and sister on a tour to Australia and New Zealand for the 200th anniversary of the voyage of Captain Cook (NZ 12th-30th March and the Australia 30th March to 8th April and from the 9th to 14th April he was visiting Japan to attend Expo). He returned to the UK to prepare for his final exams before graduating in June that year.

Charlotte will probably be expected to be a working royal from finishing school as well while Louis may be allowed to have a longer time - possibly getting to have a 20+ year career in the military or whatever. He may be freer.
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And what if neither Charlotte or Louise wish to join the royal roster and become fulltime working royals? What if both, especially Louise who is now an adult, have other ambitions and hopes for their lives. Are they to be yoked to the royal round for life simply because there is supposedly no-one else under 40. Other monarchies manage with only four or so adults (and the Edinburgh couple aren’t yet age pensioners.) Maybe the old saying about cutting your cloth should be brought to mind,
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I find it sad that Prince Michael - who is President of the Royal Kennel Club (the right to use Royal was given by Charles III back in April) - wasn't even mentioned in the CC for this event. I know he isn't a working royal but when he attended Garden Parties under QEII he was mentioned and if he attended an event with a royal when he was the Patron etc he was always mentioned in that role.

The Wessex children were never expected to be working royals - hence no royal titles from the get-go.

Beatrice was the one who was raised with that expectation and my information is that she confirmed that idea with the late Queen, Charles and William numerous times while going to school and again before university but just as she was about the graduate she was told 'not wanted or needed' ever so she went and did some more courses, got a job and made a new life for herself.

Charles now has to face the very real prospect of either changing his mind on Beatrice or having Louise start using her HRH and become a working royal. I suspect that the latter is more likely simply due to her age and due to Beatrice's parents and the fact that she is largely despised by the British public due to the way the press have presented her over the years. She may personally have not done anything wrong - unless wearing hideous clothes is wrong - but her parents mean she is disliked simply for who she is and not what she has done.

The third option is to wait until George has finished his education and military training in about 20 years and Charlotte the same (or not let one or both of them even have any post-school education or life). William didn't become a full-time working royal until he was 35. If George is given that same time frame it is a quarter of a century until a new working royal will join the roster full-time. I suspect he will be working as a royal from age 18 with education and military training as a secondary part of his life ... as it was for Charles rather than as it was for William.

Charles, for instance, was undertaking royal tours while still at uni e.g. 1970 while finishing his final year at Cambridge he also joined his parents and sister on a tour to Australia and New Zealand for the 200th anniversary of the voyage of Captain Cook (NZ 12th-30th March and the Australia 30th March to 8th April and from the 9th to 14th April he was visiting Japan to attend Expo). He returned to the UK to prepare for his final exams before graduating in June that year.

Charlotte will probably be expected to be a working royal from finishing school as well while Louis may be allowed to have a longer time - possibly getting to have a 20+ year career in the military or whatever. He may be freer.

Prince Michael has definitely ended up as collateral damage after the Andrew and Harry scandals brought to the fore this whole working royal thing. It's only happened so that A and H can be left out of certain events without embarrassing them further. Prince Michael has been a working royal for decades, he just wasn't paid by the State for doing a lot of the work did. He was/is patron of over a hundred organisations; he regularly attended state banquets and officially represented the Queen at home and abroad on a number of occasions and she gave him several military appointments including being Colonel in Chief of a Canadian regiment. He has never been a non working royal in the way the York girls and now Harry currently are but he's now treated the same as them. The Queen made him a Knight Grand Cross of the Royal Victorian order as a thank you for everything he had done so I don't think she'd like this but at least at 80 he's practically retired anyway.I find it utterly churlish to not even mention his name at the garden party given that he is President of the actual organisation it was for and has been president for many years.
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Prince Michael has definitely ended up as collateral damage after the Andrew and Harry scandals brought to the fore this whole working royal thing. It's only happened so that Aand H can be left out of certain events without embarrassing thdm further. Prince Michaelhas been a working royal for decades, he just wasn't paid by the State for doing a lot of the work did. He was/is patron of over a hundred organisations; he regularly attended state banquets etc and the Queen also gave him a number of official military appointments. She also made him a Knight Grand Cross of the Royal Victorian order as a thank you for everything he had done. I think it's churlish to not even mention his name at the garden party given that he is President of the actual organisation it was for.

Yes, Prince Michael can definitely be described as collateral, and along with what you are saying he no longer can really appear on the balcony most likely. I've been waiting to speak on their position until I had evidence but I also think Beatrice and Eugenie have been caught on the middle by this. Many would say they never had an elevated position, but that really is not the case. They used to ride in the carriages during Trooping, attend Palace receptions and garden parties, and other things here and there (Zara and Peter did not). I truly believe at least Beatrice would have taken on more of the role filled by the Michaels of Kent, with attendance at the more official events like state banquets, had the debacle about half in, half out not occured.

Beatrice was the one who was raised with that expectation and my information is that she confirmed that idea with the late Queen, Charles and William numerous times while going to school and again before university but just as she was about the graduate she was told 'not wanted or needed' ever so she went and did some more courses, got a job and made a new life for herself.

Charles now has to face the very real prospect of either changing his mind on Beatrice or having Louise start using her HRH and become a working royal.

I believe that both Beatrice and Eugenie will be full royals on the deaths or retirement of the Duke of Kent and Princess Alexander. Charles is simply allowing them to spend time with their family now - young families and all before gentling ushering them in as royals. However within 5 years they will be in the line up.
Why is trooping colour not happening tomorrow, it's always been the second Saturday in June with very rare exceptions?
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