Alexandre & Nicole Coste Current Events 1 : Sept.2005 - Dec.2005

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hsieh said:
the spoiled rich brat is PA. who else would it be? i don't think it's going a bit to far. the man is a drama king. 250,000 kids die every month in africa and he's whinning about being set up and the mother's attitude towards him. in otherwords he's not thankful for what he has he is only looking at what he sees as an imperfection in his life. well, the poor baby ( PA ) should be thankful he's not one of the 250,000 kids who are going to die this month in africa. he's furious because NC interrupted his 80 year old dad's mouring period? why isn't he furious 250,000 kids die every month in africa? i'm sure those 250,000 kids and their families would like them to be able to live to 80 years.

Do you really want to say we are not allowed to complain about one or two things that are getting on their nerves if we're not poor and starving.:confused:
Albert just answered a media question. He was asked for a statement on this. Do you really think he makes comments about his private life just because he has nothing better to do :rolleyes::confused:. I'm sure he would prefer to be left alone with that so that he can take care of it ina calm way. The thing is they're not giving him any chance. Whatever he does or says he can only loose. For the people out there he's always the one to blame. The situation isn't easy because Nicole complicated it somehow...that's all he says. And I think he's perfectly right to complain here. People say he doesn't care about what becomes of Alexandre. This is crap...sorry but it is.They say : he only calls him ' the kid'. :rolleyes: They're wrong: he said :
' l'enfant' and this is a perfectly correct expression in French ... and has a very different conotation than 'the kid' - but to understand this it needs some sufficiant skills in the french language. He loves his son...of that I'm sure. It is Nicole who oesn't make it easy on him and she doesn't make it easy on herself neither...and even worse for Alexandre. Why doesn't she just live - I mean work, care about the boy, search for friends, have fun, go shopping...etc. Everything is alright for her. There is no need to go public and talk, talk, talk...for what??? She was treated fairly. She has a child with a man who obviously doesn't consider her the love of his life: this is maybe sad - but it's not the end of the world. If she has problems to understand that, why didn't she go and talk to Albert behind closed doors? Everything would have been easier: for her, him and especially for Alexandre.

I simply don't understand the need to push into public!
I agree with Lady MacAlpine and Sebastian. It's not easy dealing with Nicole's antics, both publicly and privately. PA II is trying to make the best out of a difficult situation.

Lady MacAlpine, thanks for posting that link on PA II's work with AMADE here in the Philippines - I didn't know he was involved ( I know Caroline is). I'm from the Philippines and I personally know of AMADE's projects here. I appreciate PA II's efforts in trying to do something better for the poor children.
freedom of speech

hey i'm just posting my opinion about a rich spoiled brat, i mean PA. if other people want to post their negative opinion about NC they are free to do so. no i don't think rich privilaged spoiled people should voice their complaints to the media about their private screw ups. do the 250,000 kids who die every month in africa get to voice their complaints to the media? it just makes him sound so stupid and petty is my point. he needs to hire a new press officer. the one he has now makes him look like an idiot.
Lillia said:
Nicole plainly said in her own interview with PM that she insisted to be in that house because she herself wanted to live there -- to be close to PA. She said she kept trying to get PA to say that he would put her in a house in or near Monaco, but he did not do that.

After her kept trying to get him to bring the idea on himself (at her own trying to pushing him along, of course), she had to tell him plainly that she wanted him to put her in a house in or around Monaco because she wanted to live near him. This was after she got pregnanat, but before the child was born.

After she went public with her story, and in her letter saying that she would not do any more interviews, she then said that she insisted to move there because her son has a right to be raised in Monaco.

NC plainly admits to this -- in her original interview she said moving there was what she wanted to do, it was where she herself wanted to live and that she insisted on it "to be near Albert" (her words, not mine).

Thanks, Lilia! I usually have good memory, but this Nicole is just plain confusing! :confused:
hsieh said:
hey i'm just posting my opinion about a rich spoiled brat, i mean PA. if other people want to post their negative opinion about NC they are free to do so. no i don't think rich privilaged spoiled people should voice their complaints to the media about their private screw ups. do the 250,000 kids who die every month in africa get to voice their complaints to the media? it just makes him sound so stupid and petty is my point. he needs to hire a new press officer. the one he has now makes him look like an idiot.

It's all right, hsieh. You're just stating your opinion. :)
hsieh said:
if other people want to post their negative opinion about NC they are free to do so. no i don't think rich privilaged spoiled people should voice their complaints to the media about their private screw ups.
Your own words. Are you aware Nicole by her own admission comes from a wealthy family in Tago? She seemed to do a bang up job of complaining to the press over Albert since the very well kept woman wasn't getting her way. Claimed she wanted her son to have a normal life. Why push Albert away from his sons life by a bad attitude towards the man you claim you loved and wanted to be a father?

Albert was asked a direct question and he answered it honestly. We all have opinions but many who once saw Nicole as the victim aren't because she has done the opposite of everything she originally said. If you hadn't made a remark in another thread about the Zoo in Monaco I might have thought you were sincere with your opinions but you did and it in my opinion shows your opinions are all negative in nature towards the Princely Family of Monaco. Just stated my opinion. See you are an American freedom of speech was granted in the Constitution so you are welcome to voice it any time you like glad my relatives were able to give it to you to do so.

just because complain about a zoo that does not have adequate living space does not mean you are against the royal family. the brittish royal fox hunt and i think that is a cruel sport. most of the people in england also think it's a cruel sport according to polls.
hsieh said:
hey i'm just posting my opinion about a rich spoiled brat, i mean PA. if other people want to post their negative opinion about NC they are free to do so. no i don't think rich privilaged spoiled people should voice their complaints to the media about their private screw ups. do the 250,000 kids who die every month in africa get to voice their complaints to the media? it just makes him sound so stupid and petty is my point. he needs to hire a new press officer. the one he has now makes him look like an idiot.

OH I definately think there is some spoiled bratism going on. Both of them to some extent have behaved like children. But, if you believe as I do, that PA was unwillingly made a father, then NC should probably just take her money and shut up.

PA has said from the get go that he was set up and she has not been able to produce an ounce of evidence to the contrary. Don't you think that if she has said, hey Albert, I missed a pill lets use some other protection. Don't you think he would have? Or does anyone honestly think he said "No, lets just roll the dice."

Still, it is clear from many reports that PA took advantage of his positon to live a someone promiscuous life style and it came back to bite him in the butt.

I understand how PA and NC can seem trivial when compared to "children starving in africa" but it is like Apples and Oranges. It's a hard, if not impossible, analogy. I get your point and it's well taken.
LadyMacAlpine said:
Your own words. Are you aware Nicole by her own admission comes from a wealthy family in Tago? She seemed to do a bang up job of complaining to the press over Albert since the very well kept woman wasn't getting her way. Claimed she wanted her son to have a normal life. Why push Albert away from his sons life by a bad attitude towards the man you claim you loved and wanted to be a father?

Albert was asked a direct question and he answered it honestly. We all have opinions but many who once saw Nicole as the victim aren't because she has done the opposite of everything she originally said. If you hadn't made a remark in another thread about the Zoo in Monaco I might have thought you were sincere with your opinions but you did and it in my opinion shows your opinions are all negative in nature towards the Princely Family of Monaco. Just stated my opinion. See you are an American freedom of speech was granted in the Constitution so you are welcome to voice it any time you like glad my relatives were able to give it to you to do so.
I don't recall her saying she was from a 'wealthy' family -- but middle-class. I am certain her family has not the same standard as PA. While her family was probably not poor, Albert's situation is completely different -- an entire universe of difference there, I think.
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hsieh said:
just because complain about a zoo that does not have adequate living space does not mean you are against the royal family. the brittish royal fox hunt and i think that is a cruel sport. most of the people in england also think it's a cruel sport according to polls.

Good point. Makes perfect sense to me.

here's my 2 cents: maybe PA is spoiled and pampered and surrounded by 'yes-men'. He probably is all of that -- and he can probably be a big jerk at times also. :p

It's probably very likely that he has alot of groupies and hanger-ons and want-to-bees that circle around him and his family like some kind of traveling circus. I would guess that to be definitely the case.

I also think that NC has been one of those people. He should have known better -- he was not 'minding the store', imo.

IMO, NC is someone who managed to get into his close circle (yes, he invited her in), she decided she wanted to be there permanently, she did everything she could to arrange that for herself, but her plans backfired.

She could not 'hook' PA emotionally, after all she only saw him once-a-month she says and only for 'you-know-what' -- she was in his pants (he didn't object, either). When that didn't work anymore, she got pregnant and then got into his pocket asking for financial assistance. I guess if PA kept sleeping with her, he probably should have been ready to pay her bills...

Then she admits kept trying to get back into his pants after the child was born -- I guess she felt sex would keep him coming back since that was the only reason they had any interaction anyway.

When she knew that she probably wouldn't be seeing him anymore (she admits also he indicated clearly that much), she decided to run to the media with this story to corner him and get even deeper into his pocket -- she probably thought he would marry her to avoid scandal or keep coming out to see her of obligation to the child. I think the underlying story on her was "Albert had an affair with me, Albert had a little family in the back with me and he is now left me behind all alone by myself with the baby"

Why else would she say she expected Albert would be a father to the child -- she wanted to be the mother, Albert the father.

She tried to ring him in -- in my opinion. (forgetting the pill is one of the oldest tricks in the book:D).

I think she had an intention to obligate him -- try to tie him down -- love or not. I think she did not/does not want to let him go. I think NC wants the fame, money, glamour, and whatever else she can get by being attached to someone like PA.

if any other guy had met her and was a prince (not Albert), if she thought she could do it with success, I bet she would have tried the same manoevers with him.

So now she's a single parent -- which she said plainly did not want to be a single parent but that PA committed to being the father in that 'unexpected family'. She surrounded by laywers at every turn, her life is probably much more complicated than it has ever been before (she probably resents that a lot) and so she has to create her own little side show. IMO, she wants to style herself 'royal' since PA is not giving her a title. :eek:

Just because PA is rich (spoiled no doubt) surrounded by groupies, hanger-ons, wanna-bees and yes-men, does not change the idea that NC may well have tried manoever to capture him for herself -- 'by hook or by crook' -- as I've heard the saying goes.:D

I wish her well, and that's all my own opinion.
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monica17 said:
Thanks, Lilia! I usually have good memory, but this Nicole is just plain confusing! :confused:

I agree-- her 'reasons why' seems to keep changing, imo.

After all that, she later said then that she was moving to that house because her son has a right to be raised in Monaco -- so then it was because of the boy that she moved there.

Lillia said:
I don't recall her saying she was from a 'wealthy' family -- but middle-class. I am certain her family has not the same standard as PA. While her family was probably not poor, Albert's situation is completely different.
I don't recall now where I read she said it.
Excellent summary Lillia. She does have her place in history now, just on the wrong side of the curtain.
Lillia said:
I don't recall her saying she was from a 'wealthy' family -- but middle-class. I am certain her family has not the same standard as PA. While her family was probably not poor, Albert's situation is completely different -- an entire universe of difference there, I think.

Unfortunately, bilingual dictionaries or modern electronic translator seem to translate «bourgeois» by middle-class, apparently a more modern meaning of bourgeois. I' was very surprised by this as «bourgeois» always had a wealthier connotation where I'm from. I'm more used to the definition from my old French dictionary (Le Petit Robert - 1981) which mentions that in Middle Ages «bourgeois» meant citizen of a city with a priviledged status, it also means someone who is not of nobility nor a priest who doesn't perform a manual work and who owns properties.

When Ardisson (French TV) interviewed her and described her family, Nicole declined the word «aristocratie» saying there is no real aristocraty in Togo and accepted «bourgeois». So yep she said it herself.

You don't need to have a bank account the size of Prince Albert's to be considered wealthy.
Princess BellyFlop said:
Unfortunately, bilingual dictionaries or modern electronic translator seem to translate «bourgeois» by middle-class, apparently a more modern meaning of bourgeois. I' was very surprised by this as «bourgeois» always had a wealthier connotation where I'm from. I'm more used to the definition from my old French dictionary (Le Petit Robert - 1981) which mentions that in Middle Ages «bourgeois» meant citizen of a city with a priviledged status, it also means someone who is not of nobility nor a priest who doesn't perform a manual work and who owns properties.

When Ardisson (French TV) interviewed her and described her family, Nicole declined the word «aristocratie» saying there is no real aristocraty in Togo and accepted «bourgeois». So yep she said it herself.

You don't need to have a bank account the size of Prince Albert's to be considered wealthy.
According to my translator middle class is "classe moyen" Thank you Princess BellyFlop.
Princess BellyFlop said:
Unfortunately, bilingual dictionaries or modern electronic translator seem to translate «bourgeois» by middle-class, apparently a more modern meaning of bourgeois. I' was very surprised by this as «bourgeois» always had a wealthier connotation where I'm from. I'm more used to the definition from my old French dictionary (Le Petit Robert - 1981) which mentions that in Middle Ages «bourgeois» meant citizen of a city with a priviledged status, it also means someone who is not of nobility nor a priest who doesn't perform a manual work and who owns properties.

When Ardisson (French TV) interviewed her and described her family, Nicole declined the word «aristocratie» saying there is no real aristocraty in Togo and accepted «bourgeois». So yep she said it herself.

You don't need to have a bank account the size of Prince Albert's to be considered wealthy.

I understand what you mean, PrincessBellyflop;) . Where I come from, bourgeois has the same meaning that you've described as well. Property owner, business people, merchant, educated, able to do for themselves, but certainly not nobility -- 'middle class'. It is a very broad term and the connotation there is not a slur on anyone.

I interpreted that when she referred to herself as coming from a 'wealthy' family -- or whatever -- it was in reference to her father as a decent businessman/business owner. He may own a business and may own his own house (compared to say, someone who picks fruit and vegetables or who may not own their own house) in Togo, as she herself said. I understood it as something like a 'middle class' social status.

By any standard, however, the access to certain special priviledges, resources and 'so-called' fame, glamour and money that NC may want for herself and what she may have actually had access to as a woman from a supposed 'wealthy family' (as she herself describes) would be considerably different than that of PA's family, which is my point.

I would consider the description that she gave of her family background as quite 'regular' or 'normal' or 'not out of the ordinary'. Maybe some consider that 'wealthy'. OK. Fine.

Not celebrities. Completed college. Not rich or famous. Not particularly special, just normal. Not out of the ordinary for most people standard -- just everyday like most and able to make a go of it for themselves to be ok. Not a big deal at all either -- very everyday (but again, I guess it is a matter of perspective).

I don't think that anyone would argue that someone of PA's elite social stature would have access to priviledge, power and resources that 'normal people' would not ordinarily have. Albert would sit at the very top of the food chain, in a manner of speaking -- by most anyone's standard in the world. There would be not much debate on that.

'Wealthy' as she claims her own family may be, NC own family probably would not have the same standard as an aristocratic family like Grimaldi. That's probably why some people wanted to call her a 'gold-digger' (whether she is or not is not the issue) and it may be the same reason why they say she is now supposed trying to act very haughty and claim special treatment for herself -- she wish to claim a high social status.

That is my point.:p
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The video of her appearance is available here: I can't get it to play but one of you might be able to.

Addition no one so far has been able to view this video. I got it from another web site an apparently someone has been able to view it. I will leave it for anyone who wants to try but good luck.
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I think bourgeois is an incredibly dated term. Yes, it may describe a social class that still exhists but in reality. Most places in the world are beginning to understand that such terms are unnecessary.
Not happening here either!

That file is 100 MB of space...pretty huge. I gave it a shot but it was going to take over an hour to load and I'm on a DSL. I gave up.

Anyone else have better luck?
Bunkycat said:
That file is 100 MB of space...pretty huge. I gave it a shot but it was going to take over an hour to load and I'm on a DSL. I gave up.

Anyone else have better luck?
Thanks Bunky.
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I downloaded it. I have a really fast connection and it took ten minutes. However, even after downloading the file, it still wouldn't play. Quicktime said that the link could not be found or something like that.

So I guess it could be that either the link to the video has been broken, or else you need a super fast connection speed and lots of room on your computer. :confused: Don't know.
Gabriella said:
I downloaded it. I have a really fast connection and it took ten minutes. However, even after downloading the file, it still wouldn't play. Quicktime said that the link could not be found or something like that.

So I guess it could be that either the link to the video has been broken, or else you need a super fast connection speed and lots of room on your computer. :confused: Don't know.
I have no idea either I found it on another web site told me I was missing a file.
Wow -- I've been reading some of those comments from people who also saw her recent 'interview'.

They don't seem to have anything nice to say about NC -- and there are very few comments on her looks (they do comment on it though).

They reamed her about everything, especially what they see as a haughty attitude and how she wanted everyone dismissed from the stage. Some body also suggested that it may have been because the audience might have been able to make discussion with her -- understandable she would not want any part of that. I expect that any audience would be there to make discussion with any guest on that kind of show.:eek:

Many of them seem to suggest that NC need stop trying to hang on to Monaco and some kind of an idea that she may have in her head about she would be able to regain a footing w PA one day and resume a relation with him. :eek:

Makes sense to me -- when it's over, it's over.

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I thought I would pull this thread back up for conversations about Nicole and Alexandre.
Nicole and Alexandre in September


And some other pics taken in Sep.


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