Afonso, Maria Francisca and Dinis: News, Events and Information

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Maria Francisca and Duarte de Sousa Araújo Martins gave an interview to "Caras" magazine.
Maria Francisca and her fiancé tell us their love story and what they expect from a life together, sharing some details about the preparations for the wedding, scheduled for the 7th of October, in Mafra.

In this conversation with CARAS, the couple also recalled the mishaps they had to overcome before reaching Mount Ramelau, in Timor, where the engagement proposal took place, and they showed the ring, which was designed by the groom.
The Portuguese Royal House, through the Infanta Maria Francisca Association, this year decided to organize the Conjured Dinner in a different format.

It will take place at the National Museum of Natural History on November 30th and will be preceded at 7:30 pm by the communication from H.R. Dom Duarte. Duke of Bragança.

The Royal Lisbon Association shared a video.

Infanta Maria Francisca appears in the video.
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Infanta D. Maria Francisca de Bragança presided over the award ceremony for the Marquês de Rio Maior Agriculture 2023 Award, established by the Royal Association of Ribatejo:

Infanta Maria Francisca gave an interview to the magazine "Nova Gente":

Translation of some interview questions:

How did the idea for your association come about and what is its objective?
This idea arose a few years ago, when the Infanta Maria Francisca Prize was created, in the North, with Dr. Jorge Leão, who also made the awards for Afonso and Dinis. Dinis's is golf and Afonso's is science, research. Mine is related to the arts. Therefore, I thought it would be a good idea to create, separate from the prize, an association of mine linked to culture, with the aim of promoting Portuguese artists, of bridging the gap between institutions, universities, art schools and students, with museums and galleries. . The association is still very green, it is just starting out. We are calling on people to help structure the association, but I am very excited.

Especially because it starts with a big event: the Conjured Dinner. It is your association that is responsible for organizing this year's dinner.
I have always attended this dinner, since I was little. For me, it is a familiar and safe environment, where I can start calmly.

And how is the organization going? This is a large event, which can have up to 600 participants.
The more people come, the better. Only on the day will we know the exact number. If there were 600 it would be spectacular. It is an event open to everyone. It is an event for the Portuguese, it is not an event for a restricted group of people, and it never has been. And this was never communicated in the right way. At this moment, when I'm here and haven't yet been to London, I have time to dedicate myself to this organization.

Do you feel that your marriage brought this closeness to the Portuguese in general and not just the monarchists?
With marriage, I realized that people wanted to be closer to us. And we have always been a discreet family. We don't show up a lot, we don't go to a lot of things. At this dinner, we will give you the opportunity to be with us, and we will also have the opportunity to get to know these people better.

Suddenly, D. Maria Francisca became a figure that many people talk about. Does this reaction make sense to anyone you encounter?
I feel like I am recognized more, but always with a word of “congratulations” or “best wishes”. I notice that people do it because they are happy, but I still have my life and I don't feel like there has been a big change. And that's good, because I like to be discreet.
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The Dukes of Coimbra, Maria Francisca and Duarte, began a three-day visit to Coimbra on December 2nd.
On the first day of the visit, they participated in the “conjured lunch” at the Hotel Quinta das Lágrimas.
The initiative was promoted by the Royal Association of Coimbra, with the support of the Royal Associations of Viseu and Beira Litoral (Aveiro), as well as monarchist sympathizers from Guimarães (Grã Ordem Afonsina).
A moment of tribute followed next to the tomb of D. Afonso Henriques, in the Church of the Monastery of Santa Cruz, promoted by the Grand Order Afonsina, of Guimarães. The moment marks the celebrations of the 838th anniversary of the death of the Founding King, which takes place on the 6th.
The day ended at the Episcopal Palace with the dukes being received by the Bishop of Coimbra.

It seems the Princess was interviewed by the local newschannel. She said that the objective was to get to know better the city and the people.
On the second day of the visit to Coimbra:
The Dukes of Coimbra, Maria Francisca and Duarte Martins, were this Sunday invested Brothers of the Confraternity of Queen Santa Isabel.
The Dukes of Coimbra attended the concert at the Igreja da Rainha Santa Isabel, by Orquestra Clássica do Centro.
The Dukes of Coimbra, Maria Francisca and Duarte Martins, visited the Carmelo de Santa Teresa.
:previous: Why is Infanta Maria Francisca referred to as Duke of Coimbra in the articles?
:previous: Why is Infanta Maria Francisca referred to as Duke of Coimbra in the articles?

She is referred to as Duchess. Her husband is now the Duke of Coimbra. In Portuguese (and Spanish) the two of them are now called 'the dukes' of Coimbra - the correct translation in English would be 'The Duchess and Duke of Coimbra'.
Last day of the visit to Coimbra:

On Monday, Infanta Maria Francisca and her husband, Duarte Martins, visited the City Council.

Followed by a visit to the attached Church of the Monastery of Santa Cruz and the tombs of D. Afonso Henriques and D. Sancho I.

During the afternoon, the Duke and Duchess of Coimbra participated in an audience at the Rectory of the University of Coimbra, followed by a visit to the Royal Chapel of São Miguel, the Joanina Library and the Sala dos Capelos.

Infanta Maria Francisca gave an interview to "Caras" magazine:
Married for two months, Maria Francisca says that she will start dividing herself between her family and her husband's family this festive season, maintaining all traditions. “I confess that I'm anxious, because for me Duarte's Christmas is still unknown and I really like his family”, she says, anticipating “a very happy Christmas”.

Very happy with her wedding, the day of which left her with the best memories and made her feel that many Portuguese people value the Bragança family, the daughter of D. Duarte and D. Isabel is dedicated to the Associação Infanta Maria Francisca, with which she intends to promote the arts and culture in Portugal. A job that she intends to keep despite the move she will make soon, as she will live in London with her husband, who will start practicing as a lawyer in that city. “It will be very good for us. It’s the beginning of our lives as a couple and we’re going to create our foundations and routines,” she says.
She is referred to as Duchess. Her husband is now the Duke of Coimbra. In Portuguese (and Spanish) the two of them are now called 'the dukes' of Coimbra - the correct translation in English would be 'The Duchess and Duke of Coimbra'.

I was not aware that in Portugal the husband and wife would each have the masculine version of the title.
I was not aware that in Portugal the husband and wife would each have the masculine version of the title.

They don't. Individually the title for Maria Francisca is feminine, however, when used in plural, the male plural is used in any word either for a group of only males or for a mixed group of males and females. It has nothing to do with this specific title but is just how the language in general works.

For example (in Spanish, as that's the language I know - but works the same way):
Son: hijo
Daughter: hija
Sons: hijos
Daughters: hijas
Children (sons and daughters): hijos

The same applies to a duke/duchess:
Duke: Duque
Duchess: Duquesa
Dukes: Duques
Duchesses: Duquesas
Dukes & Duchesses: Duques
The community joined en masse in the Three Kings Day celebration that took place this Saturday afternoon in Jardim do Cardal, in the Municipality of Pombal, and which consisted of the offering of around 80 meters of Bolo Rei, made by several bakeries in the municipality.
An event that was attended by Afonso of Bragança.

Dinis, Duke of Porto, participated in the II Kings Dinner of the Royal Association of Lisbon.
The Dukes of Coimbra, Maria Francisca and Duarte, in S. Moritz, Switzerland, with David Oliveira who shared the photo with the Royal Associaton of Baixo Alentejo.

Afonso was present at the Mass and Investiture on Saint George's Day at the Basilica of the Holy Cross, in Rome.

Afonso sponsored the Real Orquestra do Porto, and the Real Banda do Porto, representing the Portuguese royal house.
The Real Associação do Porto accompanied Afonso at the invitation of AFC - Académico Futebol Clube, a sporting institution founded in 1911, at the time of signing the Book of Honor.

Today, Afonso and the Duke and Duchess of Coimbra participated in a day full of activities that began with a reception by the Venerable Brotherhood of Lapa, having been invited to sign the Book of Honor, and attend the Eucharistic celebration, which took place in the Church of Lapa .
They also participated in a reception and a social lunch at Clube da Leça.

On the solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ, the Lapa Community had the honor of receiving Afonso, Maria Francisca and Duarte Araújo Martins in its assembly.

The Duke and Duchess of Coimbra participated in the conference "What future for the family?" promoted by the Portas de Coimbra Pastoral Unit.

Upon arrival at the home of some friends in Foz Velha, Infanta D. Maria Francisca de Bragança and Duarte Martins were welcomed by the fado group of the Orfeão da Universidade do Porto. Faced with such an honour, the Duke and Duchess of Coimbra made a point of wearing the traditional black cape worn by students.

The Prince of Beira, Dom Afonso de Bragança, joined the Duke and Duchess of Coimbra at a friend's house in the historic area of Foz Velha in Porto for a pleasant and relaxed meeting. They were welcomed by the Fado group of the Orfeão da Universidade do Porto. It is worth remembering that Maria Francisca de Bragança was the godmother of the International Tunas Festival, XXXII FITU of the University of Porto, at the invitation of the Orfeão Universitário in 2018.

Looks like the young couple is quite active and fully involving themselves in the monarchical cause by being participating in various traditional engagements.
Afonso at the dinner in honor of Fra' D. Ruy Villas-Boas, of the Order of Malta.

Infanta D. Maria Francisca de Bragança and Duarte de Sousa Araújo Martins went to lunch with a friend at Praia da Aguda in Vila Nova de Gaia. The restaurant shared a photo of the dukes and wrote in the caption: "a special visit."

Infante D. Dinis watched the Europa League game between FC Porto and Manchester United.

Infante Dinis visits Porto:

Infant Dom Dinis, Duke of Porto, honoured Porto with a 2-day visit.

Dinis met and dined with the Boards of the Royal Association of Porto and the Monarchical Youth of Porto at the Leça Club, visited the Oporto Golf Club, where he played a game of golf and was received by the Chairman of the Board, Manuel Silva Carvalho, and visited the Futebol Clube do Porto at the invitation of Chairman André Villas-Boas, where he visited the Museum and watched the match between FCP and Manchester United.

Infanta Maria Francisca is making a documentary called "Portugal as my father told me".

"The Infanta D. Maria Francisca de Bragança at the Castle of S. Jorge. The Duchess of Coimbra was in one of the most emblematic historical buildings in the city of Lisbon, which will be one of the stages of the documentary 'Portugal as my father told me'", can be read in the caption of the publication on the Instagram page "Diário da Realeza".

So far, no further details are known, although images of the infanta's passage through the place have been revealed.

:previous: It is a extreme honor that Infanta Maria Francisca is influenced to make a documentary.
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