A Potential Wife for Prince Harry

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My candidates are:

Lady Mary Luise Wellesley (b. 16 December 1986).
Lady Charlotte Anne Wellesley (b. 8 October 1990)

These are daughters of the Marquis of Douro, heir to the Duke of Wellington. Thier aunt Jane (Lady Jane Wellesley) was once put forward as a potential wife of Prince Charles.

I know mothing about them apart from the fact that Charlotte atteneded Oxford University.

I love the Wellesleys :flowers:

Didn't Mary attend Oxford too?

EDIT: Maybe she didn't... She's a graduate student at University College London in the field of English Language and Literature. She's interested in Medieval stuff, I guess.
Maybe she's not good for Harry, likes books to much, I guess...
But what about Charlotte, what did she study in Oxford?
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Thier mother is Princess Antonia of Prussia tho' she doesn't use her title. She's great-granddaughter of Willem II - so they must meet with Harry on the family tree somewhere!
Given the fact that his family's position depends in great part upon their image, I would hope he very much cares about what others think of him.

And which half of the countries opinion should he care about??? Like I (several other people here) have said. There is no way he can please everyone, so why should he care for the opinion of people he doesn't know and will never know? If he pleases one part of the UK, there's always a group that criticizes him, should he take their opinion to heart?
He should follow his own lead and do what he sees is best and if there are people out there who don't like what did/said than at least he himself is satisfied and that is what matters most. After all, he is the one who needs to live with it
I hope that you didn't use the first paragraph as a critique to anyone since what you did in the 2nd one was exactly the thing you're criticising:flowers:

No, I did not. Point out to me exactly where in my 2nd paragraph I made judgements on Chelsy's mental capacity? I stated that I felt Chelsy was likely to want to move back to her home country at some point and that she didn't fancy becoming a royal (as has been reported many times as the reason for her breakup with Harry). At no stage did I start analysing her mental health, which is exactly what others have been doing, both for her and for Harry.

People are using the fact that Harry split up with Chelsy as an obvious sign that Harry is acting out of some sort of ongoing mental trauma as a result of his mother's death. They've suggested that he's trying to find a replacement for his mother and so has dated mostly blondes (somebody stop the presses! A young, single man who's attracted to blonde women!). That he's stuck as some sort of perpetual 12 year old who's so lacking in self-awareness that he's doomed to repeat his mistakes and those of his parents.

I'm afraid when people start basically stating that any individual, whether they be royal or otherwise, is in need of help from mental health professionals, I do take it seriously. It's a pretty big statement for anyone to make.
No, I did not. Point out to me exactly where in my 2nd paragraph I made judgements on Chelsy's mental capacity?

I was just saying that you did what everyone here did: you concluded something about Chelsy based only on what you read; you concluded different things than some of us (you think she would like to go back to SA and never become a royal while some of us think that at least at some point she was willing to trade SA for royal life). We concluded different things but we all did the same: get conclusions based solely on what we read.

You didn't judge her mental capacity, nor did I or anyone else here, I think
Yes, exactly.
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I think the days are almost gone of royal princes expected to cast their nets into the who's who of Lady this and The Honorable that when looking for a spouse. Just take a look at the royal weddings of recent years, particularly HEIRS to the throne. William and Kate - ordinary middle class girl. Victoria and Daniel - a personal trainer and gym owner. Willem and Maxima - ordinary gal from Argentina. Frederik and Mary - ordinary Australian gal, Felipe and Letizia - tv journalist....... and the list goes on !!!

I can't see Harry heading specifically down the nobility pathway on his quest for a wife. Leaving aside his very elevated position in society... he has spent most of his life associating with normal people, particularly in his working life... where he was (and is ) very much one of the boys in the army. That said, he is acutely aware of what a woman would be expected to take on should they marry him, so it will no doubt be a gal of good family though not particularly on any hugely elevated rung of the social ladder that he will go for.
Sometimes tabloids of today make up stories completely. In the past they would take a hint of something and elaborate on it, making up details. Sometimes now they just make the whole story up. The letters of Harry to Cressida may be totally made up, who knows?

I think the RF has made a deal with American tabloids not to print anything about Kate for a while. the more sedate magazines have a few Kate mentions, but the tabloids are totally about the disasters of other people having babies or wishing they were pregnant.
Not about kate's baby. The utter fascination with pregnancy which goes on in these tabloids seems to have trumped mere sex exploits. It's all about having a baby now, or preferably twins, which seems more common than in the past among movie stars who have babies in their later years.
Probably the RF made a deal with the American tabs for them to keep quiet until the birth, than they could shine it all forth in all its glory! Or maybe the royal baby can't hold a candle to the babies of the "stars", which are popping out all over the tabloid covers. "Jen's having twins",
a Kardashian or two is pregnant again, a Kardashian can't get pregnant, etc.
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What a boring rehash of old news and made-up information. Who's to look into Harry's head?

And poor Ms. Bonas. Now it's clear that whatever happens to her in the future - as soon as she does something that is noteworthy for the tabloids, she will be "the princess who never was"...
Sounds like it's time for Harry to move on from Cressida Bonas.
Sounds like it's time for Harry to move on from Cressida Bonas.

Who says he hasn't? Who says Cressida was even ever on his radar?

Until Henry gets engaged, everything we here is heresay.
It´s almost a copy paste from the DM, same words:bang: are they making up stories to fill pages?
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I get the impression from the words and phrases used in the article that Cressida is a bit vague and dense and possibly immature, though perhaps it's just a smokescreen created by her friends and she's actually sharp as a tack and just doesn't want to be part of Harry's fishbowl existence.

"Willowy", "aloof", "lovely" but "very innocent" - a strange thing to say about a 23 year old university graduate, "not sure how she's going to cope..", she found the Las Vegas scandal "funny".

I find the article interesting for what it tells us that her friends say about her, but I certainly don't take any of it as the truth. I think all the article really tells us is that Harry's love life is going to keep featuring in the newspapers, and we already knew that. And once he's engaged and married they articles will be harping on about what the poor woman wears and about babies. *eyeroll*

And why will these articles keep appearing? Because people buy the papers and magazines to read them and see the photos. Simple, really.
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If she was really a girlfriend I doubt she or her friends would talk to the press. Talking to the press is a sure way to get dropped from Harry's circle.
Ola Juliette de Lisboa. Any Portuguese prospects for Henry?

As I promised I tryed to find some potential girls for Harry in Portugal, but it's being a bit dificult. The only girls that come to my mind are singers or actress who always have something against them. The right girls to marry a prince (whatever that means) are usually very discreet so it's dificult to find information about them. :sad:

In any case, here are some:

1st: Maria Francisca de Bragança - she's the daughter of D. Duarte Pio, who would be the king of Portugal if we were a monarchy. She's blonde as Harry seems to like, has pedigree, good education, is used to royal stuff somehow and her older brother is currently studying in boarding school in England. But, she's very young, will be 16 in March. Harry would have to wait a bit, which he doesn't seem willing to do:whistling:

here are some pics: PIC 1 ** PIC 2 ** PIC 3

BTW, her full name is D. Maria Francisca Isabel Micaela Gabriela Rafaela Paula de Bragança


2nd: Jani Gabriel - model, 23 years old and blonde too :p
She's beautiful but as every model as some pics with not so many clothes on, plus has a boyfriend right now

PIC 1 ** PIC 2 ** PIC 3 ** PIC 4


3rd: Alexandra de Cadaval - her late father was the Duke of Cadaval, the title passed to her older sister, Diana, who has thread in the forum. Born in 1982, her full name is D. Alexandra Eugénia Álvares Pereira de Melo. Her sister and mother appear more in the magazines, Alexandra is more discreet. Her father had a previous marriage and also a child born out of wedlock. When her father died, her older sister and the eldest child of the 1st marriage fight for the title, so the press would have a lot of material to fill the newspapers, I guess :whistling:
She helps her sister organizing the music festival in Évora, the family's hometow, and travels to Mozambique and India with NGO helping to preserve the cultural heritage of some communities in both countries.

PIC 1 (left with her sister and mother) ** PIC 2 ** PIC 3 ** PIC4


4th and my favourite: Victoria Guerra - actress, half portuguese, half english (mother is english), born in 1989. Does mainly TV but recently stared in the film "The Lines of Wellington", where she interpreted an english girl and had a nude scene...
She said in an interview that marriage makes no sense to her but if she ever married it would be in VEGAS just because of the party :whistling: She would like to have many kids, though

PIC 1 ** PIC 2 ** PIC 3 ** PIC 4 ** PIC 5 ** PIC 6 ** PIC 7

Obviously, this post is not to take too seriously. :flowers:
Hey Julliette. You kept your promise, thank you!

Yeah, I like your favorite - Victoria Guerra, she is hot! And what an excellent idea...they can be married in Vegas with Elvis Presley officiating the ceremony. Perfect! :ROFLMAO:

Now I'll throw a real spanner in the works: I find it strange that Henry gets back to England, has not seen Bono and Chelsy is reported to have dumped her current boyfriend and left for South Africa. And wait, Henry is headed that way himself later this month. Interesting timing, don't you think?:hmm:

What if? He is NOT over Chelsy, he tries her again, and she flees? HeHeHe!:brows:
has not seen Bono? you mean he's not seen Cressida BONAS, right?

And Chelsy is reportedly in Portugal right now, who knows if Harry comes to Portugal to try to win Chelsy back, she says no, he's heartbroken and while walking randomly in the streets, he bumps into me and falls deeply in love :valentine1:
has not seen Bono? you mean he's not seen Cressida BONAS, right?

And Chelsy is reportedly in Portugal right now, who knows if Harry comes to Portugal to try to win Chelsy back, she says no, he's heartbroken and while walking randomly in the streets, he bumps into me and falls deeply in love :valentine1:

Hey, maybe you'll be the one to get that toaster I promised Harry and his bride. ;)
Bono, Bonas, I swear, I can't keep up with all the woman's names!!

I fully support your likely union with Henry, he could not find better I am certain. :winkiss: Please, please include me in your invitation list for the wedding. I speak Portuguese and offer my interpreting services as needed.:D

Chelsy is in Algarve right? You will have to fly down. I wonder where in Algarve she is, Faro, Albufeira?
Bono, Bonas, I swear, I can't keep up with all the woman's names!!

I fully support your likely union with Henry, he could not find better I am certain. :winkiss: Please, please include me in your invitation list for the wedding. I speak Portuguese and offer my interpreting services as needed.:D

Chelsy is in Algarve right? You will have to fly down. I wonder where in Algarve she is, Faro, Albufeira?

You think Harry's chasing after Chastity Bono! The lad's in for a bit of a surprise there.....:eek:
He's more than welcome to marry me! I look like most of the girls he's been linked to... blonde hair and blue eyes and I have a much more respectable job for a future princess than 'model'.... I could go on in the reasons why we're the perfect match but I won't haha. And I'd definitely extend a wedding invite to all of you! Now - the trouble is meeting him. I saw him once the last time I was in London but never got the chance to talk to him! Maybe next time.

On a more serious note, I have a feeling he's more like his father and won't find someone to settle down with until he's much older. I hope I'm wrong but we'll see what happens.
Crashley, I think he's got 4 years to go, or so, before he's the age Charles married. So he won't be a LOT older if he follows in Charles' footsteps.

He should depart the army, look full time for a wife in all the castles and manors and even universities, settle down and start producing the "spare". I think Catherine will have had it as far as pregnancy goes. I mean, the reports were of really serious illness. He can also start to go to "openings" and cut ribbons properly--he will be a smash hit at that, especially with the new bride!
Crashley, I think he's got 4 years to go, or so, before he's the age Charles married. So he won't be a LOT older if he follows in Charles' footsteps.

He should depart the army, look full time for a wife in all the castles and manors and even universities, settle down and start producing the "spare". I think Catherine will have had it as far as pregnancy goes. I mean, the reports were of really serious illness. He can also start to go to "openings" and cut ribbons properly--he will be a smash hit at that, especially with the new bride!

He should marry one of the Duggar daughters. Then he could produce a bunch of spares, oh, about 20 or so. All with names starting with the same initial. Can't wait to see the look on Prince Charles' face when the new Duchess Joanietta or Jesiba or whatever serves him that tater tot casserole. TLC would love to shoot an episode of the entire clan at Ascot. Good times!
The Australian magazine (New Idea or otherwise affectionally known locally as NO IDEA) that outed Henry whilst in Afghanistan, today has an article on Henry and Chelsy being back together! She is reported to have left her boyfriend for Henry who apparently, now all grown up from his latest experience at war, has decided she is the one. Man, what gumpth!!

How I wish it were true though...:in_love:
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