I thought Marius was supposed to be at the sleighride. I just looked through most of the pictures that have been published and while there were plenty of the "royal" children, ie: Ingrid, Sverre, Maud and Leah, there was no Marius. Guess he didn't make the cut. It must have been a "Royal" only event. It's a good thing they have Morten to ship him off to. Of course, he was allowed to go the other events that were primarily family like the church service and the unveiling of the statue. Perhaps Marius got smart and went off to be with people who consider him a full and equal peer and are probably a lot more fun to be around. This is my opinion only and I am sure some of you will rush to defend the Royals with the standard excuses of why Marius, yet again, appears not to be at an event which the other family children are attending. Perhaps I missed him or perhaps the press didn't think he was anyone important and simply did not take his picture. IMO (and I realize that some of the posters think that I am not entitled to an opinion which is different from theirs or in anyway reflects badly on the Royals), actions speak louder than words. I simply find it very strange that Marius appears not to be attending what is definitely a "family" outing. Perhaps they felt that he would feel out of place among all his royal "betters". And in case you are interested, I feel as strongly about any child in any family, rich or poor, royal or common, being treated differently than the other children in that family. What should matter is the child not who their parents are or are not. Every child should be treated as an "official" equal member of their family. I give Haakon and Mette Marit (for I am sure they were the driving force behind it) full marks for finally getting Marius acknowledged as a full and equal family member on the Royal Family website. Let's hope I just missed Marius and he was attending. I would hate to think of the cream of European royalty subscribing to the idea found in George Orwell's "Animal Farm" that "...All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others..." I hope I have not offended you by my thoughts. I simply had nothing to add to the discussion about who had the nicest dress at the party the night before.