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  1. Doncella

    International Jumping de Monte-Carlo: 2006 - 2019, 2021 - 2024

    Hi people! Can someone ID Char´s necklace, pls! I mean...the gold medal! Thank u in advance!! :)
  2. Doncella

    Charlotte Casiraghi pictures part III

    :flowers::flowers::flowers:Thank you ladyromanov!!! Magnifique pics!!!!
  3. Doncella

    Charlotte Casiraghi pictures part III

    Hi people! Can somebody post those pictures? Because it is impossible to download them! Thank u! :)
  4. Doncella

    Charlotte Casiraghi's equestrian career

    :i people! Can somebody ID the bracelets that Char has with the GCT passes?? Thanks in advanced...and congrats for the pics! She is always stunning!!!!
  5. Doncella

    Charlotte Casiraghi pictures part III

    Thank u Azure!!! :)...Have a nice day!
  6. Doncella

    Charlotte Casiraghi pictures part III

    Hi people!....Can anybody enlarge de last pics, please!!!!!! Thanks in advanced!!! :)
  7. Doncella

    Charlotte Casiraghi Current Events Part 35: November 2010 - June 2011

    Hi people!!!...Can anybody post those pic...If somebody is registred...Please!... Thank u!!!!!! :)
  8. Doncella

    Charlotte Casiraghi Current Events Part 35: November 2010 - June 2011

    Hi people!...Does Char have a violet bracelet?...I think it´s the one that brings lucky...The Brazilian´s one...Can anybody ID it, please or corfirm what I am saying!...Thanks in advanced! She is awesome in all the pics, however, I do not see a happy expresion in her´s just an opinion!...
  9. Doncella

    Charlotte Casiraghi's equestrian career

    No pics of Char competing???
  10. Doncella

    Charlotte Casiraghi Current Events Part 34: March 2010 - November 2010

    People!...There are some new pics in newscom!!!...But I do not have an account, if some has...please, post them!! Thanks! =)
  11. Doncella

    Charlotte Casiraghi Current Events Part 34: March 2010 - November 2010

    Amazing pic!!!!!!!!!...Thanks!...Sorry people, what do u mean with an "ed"??? Thanks!=)
  12. Doncella

    International Jumping de Monte-Carlo: 2006 - 2019, 2021 - 2024

    :flowers:Hi people!...Does anybody have more pics of Char with tha black suit???...There is only one and ot´s from Belga...If someone has more...please, post them!!...Thanks in advanced!!! Oh!...I can see Char sooooo happy and beautiful!...This is magnificent!...Thanks for all the...
  13. Doncella

    Andrea, Pierre, Charlotte and Friends

    I can´t see that FB neither :(
  14. Doncella

    Andrea, Pierre, Charlotte and Friends

    Thanks for the pics of Valentine Pozzo di Borgo!!!...Long time ago since I have not seen any pics of her!...Does anybody have more?...Besides...Why does Char and Val are not still friends??? Thanks in andvanced...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:flowers::flowers::flowers:
  15. Doncella

    Queen Rania: Picture Thread 5

    :smile::smile:Hi people!!!...Please!!!!!!!!!!!!...Does anybody have some pics of Queen Rania attending the weding of Princess Letizia and Prince Felipe?...Thank u in advance!!!!!!!=):flowers::flowers::flowers:
  16. Doncella

    Avatars, Fanart & Wallpaper - Princess Caroline & Family

    I specially love the last ones!!!!!!!!.Thanks AZURE!!!!!!!!! =)
  17. Doncella

    Charlotte Casiraghi Current Events Part 34: March 2010 - November 2010

    Thanks Azure!!!!!...Wonderful picd!...How did you do in order to copy them from Flickr?...Is it possible?...
  18. Doncella

    Charlotte Casiraghi pictures part III

  19. Doncella

    Charlotte Casiraghi's equestrian career

    I do like her outfit! suits her really well!...she is so stylish!!! her grandmother! =)
  20. Doncella

    Charlotte Casiraghi Current Events Part 34: March 2010 - November 2010

    Does somebody knows which brand is Char´s jean???...Thanks!!!=)
  21. Doncella

    Charlotte Casiraghi Current Events Part 34: March 2010 - November 2010

    Iceflower!!!!!!!...Thanks for the pics!...Char is usually!!!:flowers:
  22. Doncella

    Charlotte Casiraghi Current Events Part 33: July 2009 - March 2010

    Thanks people for shearing these new pics...It´s a pitty!...She is always in black!!! =(
  23. Doncella

    Royal Accessories (Bags, Gloves & Scarves)

    Grace!!!!!!!...Adorable bags!...Her bag is still a scarf of her magnificent style!...
  24. Doncella

    Charlotte Casiraghi Current Events Part 33: July 2009 - March 2010

    What happened with her eyes???---They seem to be blue, now??
  25. Doncella

    Charlotte Casiraghi Current Events Part 32: Dec.2008 - July 2009

    Mmm...Can´t see the videooo!!!!!!!!!! Please!!...Somebody can put it on YOU TUBE!!!!!!!!!! Thanks a lot, people! =)
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