Well, some women are naturally thin and curveless.
Of course. Charlotte and Caroline are naturally curveless. But they are not naturally thin. Caroline has an age when it is natural to put on some weight (my mother always says: "There is an age when you have too choose between the face or the ass. I choose the face")
But Charlotte is 23. You can tell that she is not naturally thin because her face doesn't look good, her head is too big, her legs look like sticks, etc. She is more herself when she has a few more kilos, like she had when she went out with Felix.
Oh, I understood what Thecia meant. Of course we are not supposed to look a certain way because society tells us, but there is a natural truth and that's that most women are curvy (specially around the mediterranean) and most men are straight. I think that what she meant is that fashion tries to convince women that they should look straight (actually they produce fashion items like slim jeans than look better in thin shapeless bodies) while that's not normal or natural for most women.so I don't know if any of us are "supposed" to have a certain type of figure
Eugenie, Tatiana, Margherita all have very healthy-looking bodies.
I don't really agree about that. Margherita does have a thin healthy body but she is not Charlotte pal. We've only seen them together at some fashion events.
Eugenie is extremelly thin and Tatiana, while she has a better body than Charlotte, is thiner than she should be for her body time. I mean, you look at her body and she is o.k. much better than Charlotte, but when you look at her face you see she is emaciated, it's too hollow and bony. So, naturally, she should have some more weight.
Beatrice Borromeo is different. She does have a natural thin body. And for a thin girl she is curvy. She looks healthy and her face looks beautiful because she looks the way her body is asking her to look.