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    Pavlos and Marie-Chantal current events 5: March 2007-January 2008

    In the previous post she is seen with Princess Sibilla (both in sunglasses)
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    Pavlos and Marie-Chantal current events 4: October 2006-March 2007

    Besides, she is a devoted enough client of Valentino that I am certain he would give her a private viewing of the collection when she was available! How fun would that be?!
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    Pavlos and Marie-Chantal current events 4: October 2006-March 2007

    Yes, no one is smiling all the time. . .also. . .not one noted that Pavlos's expression is not exactly full of joy. They look like they are ready to head to the quiet of their own home.
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    Pavlos and Marie-Chantal current events 4: October 2006-March 2007

    I had no idea that MC didn't get along with her sister in law. . .where did you hear this?
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    Prince Nikolaos current events 1: November 2002-March 2007

    The years are not making him more attractive. He had better grab a young bride while he still can. . .just my opinion : )
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    Pavlos and Marie-Chantal current events 4: October 2006-March 2007

    MC herself has said many times that it was very lucky/fortunate that her father was able to make the money he did with his business. She has also stated that 'it is hard to make money' (regarding the clothing business) so I do think that she realizes that she is blessed and fortunate in that...
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    Pavlos and Marie-Chantal current events 4: October 2006-March 2007

    Yes! I love them and their style and their devotion to their family!
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    Pavlos & Marie-Chantal and Family Picture Thread 1

    MC's youngest child was obviously photohshopped in on the 2005 card. Grandpa's hands aren't anywhere near him and he appears to be just standing in his lap. . .too funny.
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    Pavlos and Marie-Chantal current events 4: October 2006-March 2007

    Thanks for the tidbit Sita780, I like how MC's style is evolving slightly. That is the first time I have EVER seen her with any other nail color than the pale pink she usually wears. I agree that the pink looks natural, classy, and doesn't show wear but it is nice to change it up a bit...
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    Pavlos and Marie-Chantal current events 3: June-October 2006

    Is it the US version of House and Garden that you are looking at??
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    Prince Nikolaos current events 1: November 2002-March 2007

    Anne Marie said she didn't think they would marry SOON. Soon is a relative time frame. Besides, even if he was going to ask her don't you think he would want it to be a surprise. . .if he told his mother he was going to ask her next Autumn and she relayed that to the press then there would be...
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    Pavlos and Marie-Chantal current events 3: June-October 2006

    The dress she wore with the horizontal ruffles and the tie around the neck is the same one she wore to Gustav's party with the little ermine stole over it when she first cut her hair. I don't ever recall seeing her wear a dress twice before, shoes, but not a dress. Sort of neat I think.
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    King Constantine and Queen Anne-Marie current events 2: Dec 2005 - Nov 2006

    They all look so casual and happy, no pretense at all. I hope they weren't swamped with photographers. . .I guess that's why they planned to sail away. ..
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    The Miller Family 1: March 2003-July 2008

    Kennedy, Getty, Rockefeller, Vanderbilt, Post. . .'American Royalty' is OLD money in my opinion. The Millers were celebrated for a very brief time, in a very small circle because they were young and blonde and rich and there were three of them and designers loved them. Thankfully they never...
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    Pavlos and Marie-Chantal current events 3: June-October 2006

    I think that her dress is very tasteful. She has very lovely legs and with the rest of her being completely covered, a dress hitting 3 inches above the knees is still very conservative. . .just my opinion. LOVE the shoes too.
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    Pavlos and Marie-Chantal current events 3: June-October 2006

    I think she looks good, she is always tastefully dressed. Do you think she uses Botox? I am certain Mrs. Miller does. . .a woman in her 60's with no frown line betweeen her eyes. . .she looks natural though, women with their type of money often go overboard with plastic faces just because they...
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    Pavlos and Marie-Chantal current events 2: October 2005-June 2006

    Oh, please scan it and post it if you can! I am dying to read it and I won't even be able to buy the edition here for quite some time.
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    Pavlos and Marie-Chantal current events 2: October 2005-June 2006

    Yes, she definitely looks good, and the older women get the better they look in the face with a little extra weight on them! Her sister Alex, whom I used to think was the prettiest of the sisters, was not a bit attractive while she was struggling with her eating disorder.
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    Pavlos and Marie-Chantal current events 2: October 2005-June 2006

    While it is obvious now that she is not pregnant, it looks as though she might be struggling a bit with her weight. Her stomach, arms, and bust look fuller than I have ever seen them before. She looks good, I am not criticizing her, just different from the super thin woman of the past.
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    Crown Prince Frederik and Crown Princess Mary, Current Events 4: May 2005 - May 2006

    Stupid question of the day: Exactly what does a lady in waiting do? Is she a sort of personal assistant to Mary?
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    Titles, Surname and Protocols for the Royal Family

    Question regarding the 'passing of titles'. . .will all of MC and Pavlos children be considered 'crown prince/princesses'? Will THEIR children then also (MC's grandchildren)?? It must stop somewhere, after all, MANY of us can trace our royal lineages, myself included, yet not all are obviously...
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    Marie-Chantal: Opinions

    Iannis- are you inferring that Americans do not have as much class as Europeans?? I am sort of teasing you-although I am proudly an American I see that the 'classiness' of society as a whole (and I do not equate money with class as they often do not follow the other) deteriorating at lightning...
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    Pavlos and Marie-Chantal current events 2: October 2005-June 2006

    I was wondering the same thing. She usually doesn't miss these events. Maybe our speculations are correct and she is pregnant and tired. Or maybe she and/or the children are ill with the flu???
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