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  1. Sun Lion

    The Queen, the Royal Family and the Commonwealth

    A sports journalist for The Times, Mathew Syed, has shared how he was using the loo on the train to the Games while his son waited in the vestibule outside. He could hear much laughter and chat between his son and a woman. He got a shock when he finished and came out to find that the woman was...
  2. Sun Lion

    "Revenge" by Tom Bower (2022)

    Yes, I don’t think Meghan actually said those words ACO. She was reported as saying “Oh my God” on that university visit when she learnt that most of the professors in the UK we’re older, white and male, with not many that were female or were black. (I’d love to hear Asian people included in...
  3. Sun Lion

    "Revenge" by Tom Bower (2022)

    Thanks kalnel, I knew it was behind the UK a bit, but didn’t know it’s now available for sure in the US. I saw something about there being a paper shortage too, holding up a book about Britney Spears it may have been. :sad: Well things are still not back on track in all areas I guess. And...
  4. Sun Lion

    "Revenge" by Tom Bower (2022)

    I don’t think the American edition is out yet ACO, or if so, it is only just. I do know Mr Bower is chuffed with the reviews he’s had … he said he normally only gets one star reviews for his books. The “brazen hussy” thing is the same as the “pale, stale male”… neither is worse than the other...
  5. Sun Lion

    "Revenge" by Tom Bower (2022)

    Yes ACO, he is a Monachist and felt he had to step up after the Oprah Winfrey interview in defence of the Royal Family. He has admitted he had trouble interviewing Meghan’s supporters as, he says, she didn’t want them to have anything to do with it. This may not have been a smart and savvy...
  6. Sun Lion

    "Revenge" by Tom Bower (2022)

    That’s my interpretation Curryong. I don’t know if Mr Bower put that in the book, I haven’t read it all yet. Both my above posts are my response to what I saw at the time these things were filmed by the Sussexes and released to the public … and in response to the upthread discussion among...
  7. Sun Lion

    "Revenge" by Tom Bower (2022)

    :previous: Not just Meghan though of course … Harry … blood Royal, popular member of the world’s most famous Royal family, etc … going from that to having to juggle at the window, wanting to pee at someone’s house! What is going on … random grabs for attention that don’t make sense? The...
  8. Sun Lion

    "Revenge" by Tom Bower (2022)

    What’s stunning to me tommy100, is seeing someone who is so invested in her image and brand, who wanted to be “classy” in her early working days … to see Meghan go from being called “Your Royal Highness” and having people curtesy to her, to squatting in the street, eating like a chipmunk...
  9. Sun Lion

    "Revenge" by Tom Bower (2022)

    I’m still plowing through the book … (I shouldn’t have said upthread that I had finished posting about it. :lol:) Though some chapters are less interesting to me, others strike me as full of revelations that contradict what was previously reported. I’ve just read the chapter on Vogue -...
  10. Sun Lion

    Diana: Remembering The Princess

    Free preview of the first couple of chapters … under the book photo, “Read a Preview” -
  11. Sun Lion

    Diana: Remembering The Princess

    Insightful thoughts Moonmaiden23 and FigTree. It’s certainly not just the newer generations who have had to deal with emotional trials and hardships while growing up and forging a life. Mr Wharfe has the benefit of being able to relay first-hand knowledge, experience and a relationship with...
  12. Sun Lion

    Pippa and James Matthews and Family 1: May 2017 - 2023

    More information is being dropped about the country home that Pippa and her husband have recently bought. To me it sounds like it must be Barton Court in Kintbury. (Hungerford). Today Emily Prescott is reporting that the house they bought was owned formally by a famous furniture designer...
  13. Sun Lion

    "Revenge" by Tom Bower (2022)

    Perhaps Mr Scobie’s new book, that has just been announced, will address that FigTree. :lol: Oops, I wasn’t going to post in this thread again, but anyway, while I ‘m here … “60 Minutes” has Tom Bower, and Valentine Low of the Times, on tonight here in Oz. And Mr Bower is being reported in...
  14. Sun Lion

    Diana: Remembering The Princess

    A proper psychological biography would be a good thing at some point FigTree … not that I’m expecting one … but a book that provides some insight to what was behind her outward behaviour. Even the caring, helpful side of her character, that public facade. The need to do “good”, and to be seen...
  15. Sun Lion

    Diana: Remembering The Princess

    New book by Ken Wharfe and a co-author. Link below has some interesting anecdotes, Camilla’s neglect of her swimming pool etc, … But … what was going on with Diana? Why would a parent decide they wanted to act in such a way to their child, deciding she wanted to “annoy William” when she...
  16. Sun Lion

    "Revenge" by Tom Bower (2022)

    You’ve misunderstood what is written in the book Curryong. You need to read Chapter 25 “Suicide” to see the context for my short post. Meghan herself was very involved with the renovation of Frogmore Cottage, with the architects, designers and builders … to the extent of making “constantly...
  17. Sun Lion

    "Revenge" by Tom Bower (2022)

    I guess that was in comparison to life in California TLLK, though I don’t think she ever lived near the coast growing up. Even now the house on Rockbridge Rd, while facing the sea, is quite some distance from it … I think myself, you might only see the ocean from the upper storeys actually, not...
  18. Sun Lion

    "Revenge" by Tom Bower (2022)

    Frogmore Cottage, after the renovations, did not come up to expectations, even with input from the Buckingham Palace curator of paintings. With a small kitchen, cramped living living-room and “no view of the ocean”, it didn’t compare to what Kate and William had. Nor was it as good as the...
  19. Sun Lion

    "Revenge" by Tom Bower (2022)

    Yes, I think the foodie thing was when Meghan was trying to establish a profile via that route … and was living with a well-regarded chef. Trying to be a food critic/promoter and all that. I haven’t read the section yet, but checked out the YouTube when I saw her pickle tasting in Brooklyn was...
  20. Sun Lion

    "Revenge" by Tom Bower (2022)

    And Harry agreeing that “Buckingham Palace be given no choice”. Reading that chapter Tommy, it seems “privacy”, when used by the Sussexes, meant more than just privacy. More like, don’t let the cat out of the bag with what we’re actually doing anyone. I’m amazed at these close encounters...
  21. Sun Lion

    "Revenge" by Tom Bower (2022)

    Wow Claire, Tom Bower needs to speak to you! :lol: Amazing. Thank you for sharing your experience.
  22. Sun Lion

    "Revenge" by Tom Bower (2022)

    Yes Marengo, I’ve seen that in two places in the book. (I’m reading chapters now, but at random, not in order.) In one chapter the author relates that Prince Harry had a meeting with Prince Charles and Camilla at Clarence House, the conversation alternating between being serious and joking...
  23. Sun Lion

    "Revenge" by Tom Bower (2022)

    I’m skimming through the book … not a disciplined reader anymore, if ever … and will just post some small points of things that caught my eye. * American friends visited Meghan at Nottingham Cottage and found she had no-one to prepare meals … she felt she wasn’t being treated as a Royal. (This...
  24. Sun Lion

    "Revenge" by Tom Bower (2022)

    “Hell no … no son of mine is going to be called dumb.” Media now carrying the reaction of the Duchess of Sussex when she was informed by the Garter at Arms of baby Archie’s title. (From Tom Bower’s book.) Link below has the details...
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