The Duke and Duchess of Sussex and Family, News and Events 10: August 2024 -

If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Charles in fact asked Harry to put everything down in writing. Couldn’t be bothered to spare the time for a face to face meeting apparently.
Given the amount of lies that Harry's told since, having asked him to put everything down in writing seems very sensible to me. "Recollections may vary" - get it in writing.
Did anyone else notice this in one of the People's articles about MM's visit to the Gala?

"The Duchess was later escorted out of the event by a side door by a staff member, though she chatted to anyone who stopped her on her way out."

This sounds rather curious; was she actually invited to the event, or was she gatecrashing???

Even though I don’t like tatoos at all, I consider that anyone is free to ink themselves as they see fit and assume the consequences, forseeable or not. Johnny Depp and Winona anyone?
Absolutely their own choice but so many people later regret having them done and spend thousands having them removed by laser.
I am adding to my own post here, Harry’s understanding of financial independence was to sell out his family. That is all he had . We do not know if Charles asked for it in writing , only Harry said that, but did you ever consider he wanted Harry to think long and hard about what he was considering doing and to make sure he had everything in place first.
Harry is headstrong and stubborn, he wanted his own way and didn’t get it. That is the bottom line. It was a complex situation, still is, he tried to force the Queens hand.
As for the leak, well I found it interesting that the couple had the website and the plans all in place to issue as soon as the situation was leaked. !!!!!!
Perhaps H&M (or one of them) leaked it themselves, possibly via another party. They're happy to use the press when it suits them.

We just don't know for sure, without knowing both sides of the story.
Did anyone else notice this in one of the People's articles about MM's visit to the Gala?

"The Duchess was later escorted out of the event by a side door by a staff member, though she chatted to anyone who stopped her on her way out."

This sounds rather curious; was she actually invited to the event, or was she gatecrashing???
I didn't think she looked as sparkly as she usually does, but it was reported she had been unwell recently.
Did anyone else notice this in one of the People's articles about MM's visit to the Gala?

"The Duchess was later escorted out of the event by a side door by a staff member, though she chatted to anyone who stopped her on her way out."

This sounds rather curious; was she actually invited to the event, or was she gatecrashing???

Of course, it’s making the rounds on platforms where people can debate it.
It has already a clapback article (I think in US Weekly, I’m too lazy to look up now) that she was at the table with that CEO that she was embracing so warmly.

Interesting to note that the guy who wrote the article about the five friends in february 2019 in People is now working at US Weekly.
Did anyone else notice this in one of the People's articles about MM's visit to the Gala?

"The Duchess was later escorted out of the event by a side door by a staff member, though she chatted to anyone who stopped her on her way out."

This sounds rather curious; was she actually invited to the event, or was she gatecrashing???
She could have been invited but did not RSVP until the last minute or she could have been the plus one to her friend Kelly. Of course you can always find a detractor, but it does not seem like she was unwelcomed.

People seems to have been subtly shady towards the Sussexes lately. First revealing that Harry emailed them directly and now the need to reveal that Meghan's appearance was a "surprise" and the comment about her being escorted out by a side door.

If Meghan's appearance is a clapback, my guess is that it is a clapback to the recent "Where’s Meghan?" article in The Telegraph. I checked and The Telegraph article also preceded this People article. I thought that The Telegraph article was beneath that publication and them straying into tabloid territory, but if my speculation is correct, it seemed to have struck a nerve.
She could have been invited but did not RSVP until the last minute or she could have been the plus one to her friend Kelly. Of course you can always find a detractor, but it does not seem like she was unwelcomed.

People seems to have been subtly shady towards the Sussexes lately. First revealing that Harry emailed them directly and now the need to reveal that Meghan's appearance was a "surprise" and the comment about her being escorted out by a side door.

If Meghan's appearance is a clapback, my guess is that it is a clapback to the recent "Where’s Meghan?" article in The Telegraph. I checked and The Telegraph article also preceded this People article. I thought that The Telegraph article was beneath that publication and them straying into tabloid territory, but if my speculation is correct, it seemed to have struck a nerve.
Thank you for linking the Telegraph article! I've linked an archived version. :)

IMO he's on a drive to try and make himself popular again, and he's realised he's better off - professionally at least - going it alone. Trouble is, he's offended and upset a huge number of people, especially here in the UK, and they won't forget what he has done in the past - and neither should they. It's a major trust issue. Some people are all too keen to sweep everything under the carpet and say it happened "years ago", but that's missing the point in my view. Actions have consequences, and many people are going to find it very difficult to ever trust PH again. For example, if someone attacked you physically or mentally back along, then popped back a few years later acting all nice and friendly, would you immediately trust them again? Probably not (it's not the greatest of analogies, but I'm busy with other things this morning). And unfortunately, for PH, his transgressions are on the record for eternity, on video and in writing.

As for her - and again this is my opinion only - the Gala red (or green?) carpet was an ideal photo opportunity, which clearly worked, regardless of whether or not she actually made it in to the event. If she didn't because she wasn't invited or didn't want to pay for a seat, or simply didn't want to, it doesn't matter. Job done from her point of view.
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Just found this while on a break from my chores. If Ms Cundy is telling the truth, it may shed light on why MM was there and what she did?

"Ms Cundy, 56, who wore a $339 (£259) Pia Michi dress to the event, told the Mail: 'There wasn't a great deal of warmth from people when she arrived. She wasn't there long – she seemed to be there for the photographs.'

She added: 'Meghan needs LA more than LA needs her. LA people feel they've been played by her. I'd have worn a different one if I'd known.'"

Apparently Lizzie Cundy (who was once friendly with MM) also wore a red dress, hence the final remark.

There is further info about past events in the article that I will not quote here as per forum rules, but it may be of interest and explain why Ms Cundy is a "former" friend.
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I found the article about Meghan being at Viviano’s table, it’s from People.

I found the article about Meghan being at Viviano’s table, it’s from People.

The Captain's Table no less! And an article published by Hello Magazine this morning mentions she was invited as a special guest - according to H&M's own website. Presumably People magazine in their initial report didn't know this before or forgot to mention it ;)

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Ouch, ouch, ouch! Liz Jones turning tables. I dare share this article as a few weeks ago there was another article of her - it was a praising one.

Interesting! But she could well change her mind again next week. Depends whatever sells or produces the most clicks. That's why in today's day and age it's so difficult to know who is being honest and who isn't...
The Captain's Table no less! And an article published by Hello Magazine this morning mentions she was invited as a special guest - according to H&M's own website. Presumably People magazine in their initial report didn't know this before or forgot to mention it ;)

Didn't I said it could be strategic to get the tabloids attention by fueling rumors on why are they doing separate events? For people that take the press to court, and complain on security and paparazzi hunters, she sure puts an effort to be right where the cameras are going to be at. Per another article above, an ex-acquaintance of her at the same event exposed this was a stop-by photo op and then she left.

I give her credit, her next Archewell business venture should be a PR agency.
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Had Harry or Meghan occupied some position of any authority in the Civil Service or in the NHS they would have come under criticism from the media and the public for the failings of that department or institution, every time a decision was made by Govt that cut services and hurt a sector of the said public.

And there is one reason (besides the image of superfluous privileged people on the public purse) that none of the late Queen’s adult grandchildren, with the exception of the heir, are fulltime working royals. And that may well be that they made the decision to forego the ‘honour and privilege’ and live lives and pursue other paths in which they matter as individual human beings.
No way Harry would ever have made it to such a position of authority in the Civil Service or NHS. Such positions are incredibly competitive. Only the very top percentile even get a shot at those sort of roles. It’s a joke to even contemplate such an outcome. They’re dominated by the cream of Oxbridge & other elite UK university graduates, post graduates & phd’s. 99% of us wouldn’t get a look in. If he’d joined the Civil Service he would have been accepted & promoted on his own merits. No shame in that, but let’s not kid ourselves that that would have taken him to the levels of management that has even a modicum of responsibility for the success or failure of departments.

More likely the only failure he’d be guilty of would be ordering the wrong monthly number of paper clips.

And to be fair none of the late queen’s grandchildren, other then than the sons of the present monarch, made any such decision to forego public service. They were never considered for such roles in the first place. So they never had a choice either way. Only Harry did (other than William) & he blew his chances of earning some level of respect outside of just being a member of the rf by embarrassing himself in a tacky interview & undermining any bonds of familial trust by breaking confidences in his tabloid like exposé memoir.

Oh, the irony of that!
Liz Jones has written critically of Meghan ever since 2019, like most of the British media. And even five or six years ago many of Jones’s supposedly favourable comments about her were covertly sarcastic. Look at the rags she writes for!
Liz Jones has written critically of Meghan ever since 2019, like most of the British media. And even five or six years ago many of Jones’s supposedly favourable comments about her were covertly sarcastic. Look at the rags she writes for!
It doesn’t mean she was wrong in some of what she said. The dress was ill fitting, probably inappropriate for the event .
Liz Jones has written critically of Meghan ever since 2019, like most of the British media. And even five or six years ago many of Jones’s supposedly favourable comments about her were covertly sarcastic. Look at the rags she writes for!
Could I ask why you view any favourable comment re Meghan as sarcastic, you have said this before earlier in the thread about British media.
By the way it needs to be remembered that as far as I know the Hollywood Reporter is not part of that. I think they recently printed an article on the couple.
Liz Jones has written critically of Meghan ever since 2019, like most of the British media. And even five or six years ago many of Jones’s supposedly favourable comments about her were covertly sarcastic. Look at the rags she writes for!

It doesn’t mean she was wrong in some of what she said. The dress was ill fitting, probably inappropriate for the event .

Could I ask why you view any favourable comment re Meghan as sarcastic, you have said this before earlier in the thread about British media.
By the way it needs to be remembered that as far as I know the Hollywood Reporter is not part of that. I think they recently printed an article on the couple.

Yes. There are "rags" everywhere, not just in the UK. And many of those "rags" serve a useful purpose here when they are publishing sugary sycophantic stories about how wonderful H&M are; they will use any media they can to get themselves praised. In days gone by they'd probably have paid the town criers of the land to shout "Oyez, oyez! Harry and Meghan are wonderful people!" if they could have, and list all their "virtues" for the world to hear; unless of course they were otherwise engaged, PH perhaps making close friends with a butt of malmsey wine and MM maybe waiting for a very special French visitor with a particular skill in swordsmanship ;)

Joking aside, and back in the modern and more civilised (?) world, it's important IMO to recognise that here in the UK we cottoned on to what PH and MM were doing pretty much before the rest of the world twigged, and only then after the pair engaged in certain behaviour for the world to see and hear, and gave themselves away.

Consider in tandem with this, the UK media's less than complimentary recent past, and it is very easy to find a stick to constantly beat them with.

And with the greatest respect Curryong, if PH were ever honest enough to admit there were actually times when the UK media (and elsewhere) were likely very kind to him, in what they didn't publish, perhaps this loathing of them would not be quite so acute? I suspect his memory is rather selective on that point. As it is, much of his self-described "dragon slaying" is closely linked with his continued insistence that they are to blame for the tragedy of the past, whilst dismissing other more obvious contributors to that sad event. It is of course his right to have that opinion, and I suspect he held it long before the doings at The News of the World came to light and unfortunately that gave his quest for "revenge" further impetus; but it doesn't mean he is necessarily right.

It's easy to forget his brother went through the exact same nightmare, and no doubt has his own very personal feelings about what happened and about the UK media, but the key here is that he has kept those pretty much to himself and dealt with the whole issue in a very different and (I believe) a more healthy and balanced way.

The UK media undoubtedly has its flaws, and the past disgraceful behaviour of some of their people cannot be denied or excused, but the biggest issue it has today IMO, is they are now overly fond of publishing worthless "puff pieces" and overly cautious about getting closer to the truth in terms of what is really happening, because they are afraid to risk getting sued by rich and powerful folk who want to control the narrative and hide their own less than admirable behaviour. And that is a very dangerous thing in itself.
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I am not asking any publication to fawn over Harry and Meghan at all, (and they certainly haven’t!) I do however expect newspapers to be fair and balanced and just in their reporting of the Sussexes and imo the British tabloids and other media have not been since 2016.
The US media too have not praised them when the couple have been philanthropic in their endeavours in the past three years or so, and they are in many ways just as bad, IMO.

And that is what we are expressing here, our opinions on the Sussexes, whether they are popular with others or not. I have followed Harry for a very long time and wish him happiness in life. I have also followed the British tabloids since about 1960 and have seen what their articles can do to people they decide they dislike.

I also very much recollect the chief journalist of the Daily Beast online site stating that he sat in a Fleet Steet office in 2018 shortly after the Sussexes’ wedding and heard an editor of a particular tabloid newspaper boast that he and his journalists were going to send Meghan ‘packing’ (the word he used) ‘within twelve months’.

Anyway, I have decided to take a break for a while, so you, my fellow posters on this thread, won’t be reading any disagreeable posts I guess.
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I personally view most stories about the BRF/Sussex's with a big dose of skepticism, unless there are verifiable facts from both sides. They are all out for the clicks whether they are being nice or nasty, its just business to them!
People are also not entitled to be praised…for anything. Problem is attention is attention and any coverage is what is important. I don’t agree with the tabloids…they are miles better, but also I do think that you need to develop coping mechanism and resilience if you are in that world.
A few years ago, a prominent British politician was asked about how he felt about his negative press. He said that it came with the job. He stated that he chose to go into a public role and freedom of the press is a big part of that.

If this Sussex couple is going to keep themselves in the public eye, lecturing the world about their myriad fashionable topics, they would do well to develop a thicker skin.
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