Queen Margrethe II, Current Events Part 3: September 2023 -

If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Queen Margrethe inaugurated the Monument area in Jelling today, September 6.

Count Ingolf and Countess Sussie attended as well.

That is one seriously delighted QMII!

The Jellinge Stones in DK, are probably the most hallowed ground in DK from a Danish historical perspective. They are officially considered the birth certificate of Denmark, because it's the first time Denmark was mentioned in an official context, back in the 980s.
The stones were erected by King Harald Bluetooth in honor of his father, Gorm the Old and mother Queen Thyra. (The remains of Gorm the Old was found some 30 years ago BTW, and he is considered the first king of Denmark and the first in the current line of Monarchs of which Frederik X is the latest. And he can trace his lineage through many twists and turns back to Gorm the Old.
There would have been kings of Denmark before Gorm the Old, at least for periods, because a number of constructions, like the border-wall of Dannevirke (Inspired by the Romans no doubt) would have required a large work-force, a standing army, political control and a strong economy i.e. a strong central power.
Harald Bluetooth erected the stones to say: This is the Kingdom of Denmark and - I - am King here. And we're are Christians, so don't come crusading!
It was also Harald Bluetooth who had the ring-castles made, cementing his power - in the defense of the realm.
Ironically his son, Svend (Swein in English) Forkbeard is considered the last Danish Viking-King. I.e. a king who based his power on traditional concepts of raiding, rather than basing it on an administrative system like his father Harald Bluetooth.
In fact Harald Bluetooth is believed to have gotten his name from having rotten teeth. Gorm the Old really wasn't that old when he died, around 45 or so.

Anyway, now a new text has been added near the Jellinge Stones.
Margrethe Dronning lagde denne sten tusind somre efter Harald – det år da Frederik blev konge = Margrethe Queen laid this stone a thousand summer after Harald - in the year when Frederik became king.

- What a wonderful idea!
May it lay there for a thousand years and may it make people wonder a thousand years from now.
Queen Margrethe had the honor of presenting the Rungstedlund prize to professor of astrophysics at the Niels Bohr Institute, Anja C. Andersen,
It's a delight to see how relaxed and how much she is obviously enjoying herself, now that QMII has gone on retirement-apanage.
She seems genuinely glad.
What more is, she is still around and can see and be proud of her son and daughter-in-law in how well they manage the job.
And also, in contrast to so many others, she retired when she was still immensely respected and now her popularity has soared.
Queen Margrethe - as Patron of the Danish Sclerosis Association for almost 65 years- has inaugurated the 40th Congress of the European Committee for Treatment and Research in Multiple Sclerosis in Copenhagen this morning, September 18:

The Royal House also shared photos:

Queen Margrethe has been admitted to hospital yesterday evening, the Palace has confirmed.

She has fallen at Fredensborg Castle yesterday evening.

The royal house's communications manager Lene Balleby confirms this in writing to Ritzau.

- Queen Margrethe was taken to Rigshospitalet yesterday evening after falling at Fredensborg Castle. According to the circumstances, the queen is doing well, but is temporarily hospitalized for observation(..)

Tomorrow's engagement (September 20) therefore had to be cancelled.

Queen Margrethe has been admitted to hospital yesterday evening, the Palace has confirmed.

She has fallen at Fredensborg Castle yesterday evening.

Tomorrow's engagement (September 20) therefore had to be cancelled.

Hope the Queen is better soon, and can return home when ready.
I have often wondered hos wise it was in not switching houses with Frederik and Mary and let them have the main building at Fredensborg while QMII would have moved in at Kancellihuset instead…

I imagine the single floor Kancellihuset would be much more comfortable and safer for an old person with well known back problems - than the main building with all its étage’s, stairs and thresholds…

Anyway, i hope that our dearest Daisy is not in too much pain and can return home soon 🙏
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I hope Queen Margrethe is well and recovers quickly.

King Frederik X told BILLED-BLADET that Queen Margrethe II is doing well and that he has spoken to her but has not yet visited her in the hospital:
"No, not yet. I have spoken to her and she seemed fine, from what I have heard".
"She is doing well under the circumstances".
King Frederik's reply was, in the sense of what I'm able to read into it, neither that positive nor negative.
The usage of the phrases: "considering the circumstances" and "taking it a day at a time" suggests to me that it was a nasty fall, that needs time to recover from. Which is hardly surprising as QMII is 84.
- She is probably badly bruised and perhaps hit her head as well. Anyway, it must be have been a terrible fright for her.
Oh dear. She seems to be a quick recoverer, so I hope she’s relatively all right and better soon. (Would they have told us if she’d broken something?)
Oh dear. She seems to be a quick recoverer, so I hope she’s relatively all right and better soon. (Would they have told us if she’d broken something?)
Yes, that would be likely. - Say a broken arm from a fall, isn't an intimate thing, so fractures and similar fall-injuries are likely to be made public.
I have aways had a soft spot for Queen Daisy, and was shocked when I read she had had a bad fall, always a possibility at her age. And in hospital as well. All my prayers and good wishes for her, good Queen Margrethe.
DR is informed that Queen Margrethe spent the night at Rigshospitalet and is still doing well under the circumstances.

No notice is given as to when Queen Margrethe will be discharged.

QMII has been discharged from the hospital:

On Wednesday evening, Queen Margrethe was admitted to the hospital after a fall, which unfortunately resulted in an injury concerning the vertebrae of the neck as well as a fracture in the left hand. As a result of the fall, the left hand is now in a plaster cast, and The Queen will need to wear a stiff neck collar in the coming months.

Queen Margrethe is in good spirits and is doing well under the circumstances but will, however, be in recovery for a longer period of time. This also means that The Queen’s presence at a number of arrangements is cancelled for some time to come.

Poor Daisy! Sounds like she took a fall on her back which is pretty rough given her preexisting back troubles.
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