Queen Margrethe II, Current Events Part 3: September 2023 -

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Queen Margrethe inaugurated the Monument area in Jelling today, September 6.

Count Ingolf and Countess Sussie attended as well.

That is one seriously delighted QMII!

The Jellinge Stones in DK, are probably the most hallowed ground in DK from a Danish historical perspective. They are officially considered the birth certificate of Denmark, because it's the first time Denmark was mentioned in an official context, back in the 980s.
The stones were erected by King Harald Bluetooth in honor of his father, Gorm the Old and mother Queen Thyra. (The remains of Gorm the Old was found some 30 years ago BTW, and he is considered the first king of Denmark and the first in the current line of Monarchs of which Frederik X is the latest. And he can trace his lineage through many twists and turns back to Gorm the Old.
There would have been kings of Denmark before Gorm the Old, at least for periods, because a number of constructions, like the border-wall of Dannevirke (Inspired by the Romans no doubt) would have required a large work-force, a standing army, political control and a strong economy i.e. a strong central power.
Harald Bluetooth erected the stones to say: This is the Kingdom of Denmark and - I - am King here. And we're are Christians, so don't come crusading!
It was also Harald Bluetooth who had the ring-castles made, cementing his power - in the defense of the realm.
Ironically his son, Svend (Swein in English) Forkbeard is considered the last Danish Viking-King. I.e. a king who based his power on traditional concepts of raiding, rather than basing it on an administrative system like his father Harald Bluetooth.
In fact Harald Bluetooth is believed to have gotten his name from having rotten teeth. Gorm the Old really wasn't that old when he died, around 45 or so.

Anyway, now a new text has been added near the Jellinge Stones.
Margrethe Dronning lagde denne sten tusind somre efter Harald – det år da Frederik blev konge = Margrethe Queen laid this stone a thousand summer after Harald - in the year when Frederik became king.

- What a wonderful idea!
May it lay there for a thousand years and may it make people wonder a thousand years from now.
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