Princess Catharina-Amalia, Princess of Orange, Fashion & Style Part 2: June 2024 -

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Jan 29, 2005
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Welcome to part 2 of the thread for Princess Catharina-Amalia’s Fashion & Style!

The previous thread can be found here:

Princess Catharina-Amalia, Princess of Orange, Fashion & Style Part 1: December 2021- June 2024 **

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:flowers: Happy Posting! :flowers:
:previous: the color is gorgeous on her! Think maybe i wouldn't have done the poofy shoulders (makes the dress look a bit rectangular imo)
:previous: the color is gorgeous on her! Think maybe i wouldn't have done the poofy shoulders (makes the dress look a bit rectangular imo)
I think you’re right. It’s a beautiful shade of blue on her though.
She looks beautiful in blue. (..)
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According to modekoninginmaxima the dress is by the brand FarmRio. It seems to be a Brazilian brand. It is a nice colour on her and it is good to see her in something else than a suit.

The headband was worn by Pss Ariana on one of the King´s Days. The shoes seem to have been worn in Denmark for Christian's birthday.

The princess has lovely hair but it seems time for a haircut.

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The dress itself is lovely but I wish she would do something with her hair!
She looks good! Not a fan of the boxy shoulders, nor the messy hair (as usual) or the too matchy colors, but overall very elegant and fresh!
Nice color but other than that I’m not a fan.
A new dress by Roland Mouret with a deep decolleté for Pss Amalia, at the Austrian wedding last saturday:

I love her sense of colour and she looks absolutely stunning.
However, I’m a bit tired of the constant cape and gown combination. It seems that the Princess of Orange has been opting for this style quite frequently.
I love her sense of colour and she looks absolutely stunning.
However, I’m a bit tired of the constant cape and gown combination. It seems that the Princess of Orange has been opting for this style quite frequently.
I think it has to do with feeling comfortable.
Love both dresses. The second dress is better though. The blue is a gorgeous color, but it was too 1980s.
I love her sense of colour and she looks absolutely stunning.
However, I’m a bit tired of the constant cape and gown combination. It seems that the Princess of Orange has been opting for this style quite frequently.
I think the capes and covered arms and shoulders are sort of a security blanket for a young woman who is not really confident enough about her body to wear something like what Maxima wore.

Which is really a shame. C-A is growing more beautiful by the day. I hope she outgrows the cape phase soon.
According to Modekoninginmaxima, Amalia's stylist is Lizzy Cachel Teubel.

She does look lovely indeed and confident. She can still have the hair loose at her age, but at one point I hope she will switch to hair pulled up and a proper hat. But as it is now it is more suitable for her age and she has magnificent hair of course.

It seems she is wearing modern bijoux, and nothing from the collection. It makes it less dowdy perhaps, though the obligatory ribbon of her order never helps in that respect.

Edit: the headband is apparently by Sohi and costs 69,95 EUR.
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The Princess of Orange looks really lovely ,and a great colour too!
She looks great, capable, and intelligent, and even managed to vary the ‘excess fabric’ thing by not having a cape this time. :cool:
Amalia looks fantastic, such a handsome girl.
I have a pet peeve though, and that's not about Amalia only, and it's probably because of my advanced age... But, I don't find it particularly stylish to appear at an event like this in your bare feet. It destroys the whole look for me. This is not the Oscars.
I think both sisters have found their own colour, Alexia with red and C-A with emerald green. The gold accessories are a nice touch.
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