Marius Borg Høiby News & Current Events Part 1: December 2023 -

If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
You are right. We don't know. I find the speculation about the role of Marius' parents to be very frustrating. It is a media feeding frenzy' this does nothing to inform the public about the issue. Is Marius a criminal? If the court so finds, then yes. Was he an indulged child? We would be just guessing, but he has been an adult for a long time. Does he have antisocial behaviour traits? Perhaps, but these things need to be carefully diagnosed by an expert, not by the press. Is addiction a disease? Yes. Are the victims brave for speaking out? Yes. Are the charges extremely serious? Yes.

That is all.

I saw the headlines of this article this morning but couldn't read because I wouldn't subscribe to that paper. "Bild" is a controversial paper, therefore I am not completely sure what we can believe and how reliable the "insiders" are. They always come up with "insider information" because it sells. It might be true but it might be just some person to tell things which are not always facts, but the money that "Bild" is paying is attractive.
I hope that the police will do the investigations and questioning like it should be , that is what I am still trusting will happen.
These are indeed very valid points.
The problem is that there is no damage control by the NRF.
The press and the social media, which is just as influential, are writing away and every opinion maker in the general area of Scandinavia are voicing their opinions. And what they are digging up, unfortunately sounds plausible.

I'd say the NRF needs to go out and do some real damage control and brutally speaking ditch Marius. He will get whatever sentence he will get, there is no way now that he will be acquitted or get a very lenient sentence. It's too late, there is too much dirt surfacing.
Now it's about maintaining the positive image of the NRF.
That basically means they have to go out ASAP and admit that they have indeed had problems with Marius and that they have tried whatever they could and now they hope this will lead to some sort of turn-about and they hope for the public support in this difficult time for the family, blah blah.
That means publicly throwing Marius under a bus. Well, too bad. No one forced him at gunpoint to be abusive.
- I don't believe this will happen though. Not unless the NRF are forced by the government. And it could very well have severe consequences within the family.
Well, again too bad. Mette Marit and probably Haakon as well need to realize that they are not private citizens, they are the CP-couple and the future of the NRF. The question is whether they can and are wiling to do that.
The problem is that there is no damage control by the NRF.
Not sure about that. I think they are deciding what the hell to do, frankly. (Or trying to keep Durek away from the séances with Haakon VII and Olav.)

It is by no means easy, the biggest internal crisis they've ever faced... and probably a pretty bad shock.

Maybe we shouldn't be surprised they don't have a ready response. (Harald's pastoral speechwriter consultant guy is probably getting double OT.)

Edit: Additionally, the criminal investigation into Marius is ongoing. They have no control over that (nor should they), nor do they know what the results will be. In a lot of ways it makes sense to wait for the police to finish (and the legal system to take over, or not) before taking actions or making statements that may end up severely contradicted otherwise.
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Really???? Marius is clearly a troubled person and undoubtedly a challenge for his mother and step-father but I am not seeing where "a lot of people" have been covering up for him. It is not beyond the realm of possibility and I can see why some have suspicions and perhaps that will be a future revelation, but I am not seeing the cover up. Did I miss something?
Yes, a lot.
Let's look at it.
There are the three victims (we know of at least) who all have family and friends, some of whom must have known about Marius behavior.
Friends of Marius. Friends of friends.
And as we must assume this has been going on for quite a while (the known cocaine-fine for example) people will have noticed his behavior. Employers, teachers, fellow students, colleagues, business associates of the companies he worked for.
People visiting venues that Marius frequented and probably misbehaved (I can't imagine he would be a little angle when out and about with friends. That would make him the first young man in history to be that.) People working at these venues, the owners of these venues.
Journalists and photographers sniffing around for stuff for the society columns.
Nightclubs attract police officers both uniformed and plain clothed. The security at such nightclubs while discreet also keep an eye on potential trouble among their guests.
- All of these people could have noticed or witnesses something off with Marius or even him going nuts on his girlfriends or at least being high as a kite. And none of them should have said anything to anyone? I find that impossible to believe.

That means some rumors and even evidence about Marius behavior would have filtered back to the editors and newspapers and magazines, but they said nothing.
Considering who Marius associate, they would have been noticed by the police. And yet, no one said anything?
Not even a report to the security police? Who would have to report to the Minister of Justice, who again should report to the PM. I cannot imagine no one said a word to at least senior court officials.

Now, Oslo isn't bigger than the sons and daughters of friends of Haakon and MM also frequent similar places as Marius and none of them would have told their parents? So at least some friends would have had an idea of what went on, perhaps they would even have witnessed an episode or two with Marius first hand.

Seemingly Marius has received some kind of treatment and/or therapy. While it is possible I don't believe Marius just went to see his doctor and got treatment just like that. It's more plausible his parents handled that and they would have gotten advise in how to find the best treatment.

I could go on.

- In short there is a lot of people who must have noticed something. Some of whom would have been concerned enough to tell someone else, so I cannot imagine this could be kept secret for MM and Haakon. So at some point a number of people within the court would have helped cover up or perhaps rather clean up after Marius.
Basically every gossip journalist in Norway would have known something about Marius or they ought to find a new job. Which means most newspaper and gossip-mag editors would have known.
A lot of police officers in Oslo would have known about Marius, and that info would have been passed on. So either someone high put a lid on this or the reports were ignored by someone even higher up.
Considering that Norway has had several governments, a number of politicians would also have been informed or at least heard the rumors.

So a number of people on a sufficiently high level decided for whatever reason, to try and sweep Marius under the carpet. Or at the very least remain silent. And it is simply not possible that we are only talking about five or six people. It's a lot more.
The fact that he might have possesed a diplomatic passport and used it to escape foreign police is the most damning part of it all. You expect this from sons of dictators, but not from the NRF! Norway prides itself on its exemplary lack of corruption and good governance and that makes it downright dangerous for the monarchy. If I was Norwegian, I would be getting really upset right about now.

It also makes a mockery of MM's statement that Marius is a private citizen. Last time I checked private citizens don't have diplomatic passports. 'Have your cake and eat it, too' comes to mind. And that kind of attitude is destructive for a monarchy.
The fact that he might have possesed a diplomatic passport and used it to escape foreign police is the most damning part of it all. You expect this from sons of dictators, but not from the NRF! Norway prides itself on its exemplary lack of corruption and good governance and that makes it downright dangerous for the monarchy. If I was Norwegian, I would be getting really upset right about now.

It also makes a mockery of MM's statement that Marius is a private citizen. Last time I checked private citizens don't have diplomatic passports. 'Have your cake and eat it, too' comes to mind. And that kind of attitude is destructive for a monarchy.
I cannot fathom how he could have a diplomatic passport! I understand if he was a minor, but as a legal adult, that privilege should have been revoked, unless he was a government official or public servant. And he used it to flee the country to evade the law...YIKES! Sounds like the Norwegian government needs to step in; they can start by revoking immunity to the NRF
I cannot fathom how he could have a diplomatic passport! I understand if he was a minor, but as a legal adult, that privilege should have been revoked, unless he was a government official or public servant.

Somebody pointed out in another thread that even republics routinely issue diplomatic passports to family members of officials such as presidents and embassy staff. In that sense, the Foreign Affairs Department's explanation to Se og Hør that "Persons who travel on duty for Norwegian authorities can receive a diplomatic passport according to need and request. This applies inter alia to members of the royal house and royal family" is consistent with the practice in other countries.

And he used it to flee the country to evade the law...YIKES! Sounds like the Norwegian government needs to step in; they can start by revoking immunity to the NRF

Since the article did not give details of the incidents, other than that he was under the influence of drugs in at least one case, it remains unclear how he used his diplomatic passport to escape foreign police.

In my opinion, a likely scenario is that, much like the Norwegian police at the music festival in 2017, police working security at a foreign event might have caught him using illegal drugs but released him after he presented them with his diplomatic passport.

A diplomatic passport does not confer diplomatic immunity by itself. (The immunity of "royal princes and princesses" under Article 37 of the Norwegian constitution is a separate issue from diplomatic immunity in foreign countries, which is governed by international treaties.) But it is improbable that the average police officer would be an expert on the laws of diplomatic immunity or have a direct line to their country's foreign ministry or state department for the purpose of verifying the immunity status of diplomatic passport holders. It would be entirely understandable if, in this hypothetical scenario, the foreign police erred on the side of releasing him, since letting one cocaine user go free would be preferable to causing an diplomatic incident with Norway if a Norwegian diplomatic passport holder did turn out to have diplomatic immunity.
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Not sure about that. I think they are deciding what the hell to do, frankly. (Or trying to keep Durek away from the séances with Haakon VII and Olav.)

It is by no means easy, the biggest internal crisis they've ever faced... and probably a pretty bad shock.

Maybe we shouldn't be surprised they don't have a ready response. (Harald's pastoral speechwriter consultant guy is probably getting double OT.)

Edit: Additionally, the criminal investigation into Marius is ongoing. They have no control over that (nor should they), nor do they know what the results will be. In a lot of ways it makes sense to wait for the police to finish (and the legal system to take over, or not) before taking actions or making statements that may end up severely contradicted otherwise.
”Trying to keep Durek away from séances with Haakon VII and Olav” made me laugh so hard that i probably woke my neighbours 🤣🤣🤣 Thank you ! I needed that !

On a more serious note, I agree that i think this has taken the royal family and the royal court by shock… Most of all the King and Queen, and the senior courtiers who are in no way used to handle situations like they have now…. I also belive they are thinking about what the h*ll to do to be honest…

Do i think Mette-Marit is protecting Marius ? Ofcourse she does ! Any parent worth its name does not abandon her/his child even if the child has killed someone… Your child is your child and that is an unbreakable lifetime-contract that comes with no ”if’s” or ”but’s”

Do i think she has shielded him from the law and covered up his crimes to protect the image of the Norwegian monarchy (wich is a very different thing from protecting your child against danger) ? I don’t know to be honest… For a long time i felt there was other european royals with a much bigger likelyhood than Mette-Marit to do that…. Now i don’t know. And i don’t like that feeling at all…. I don’t think we have seen the last of this and i’m not sure that Mette-Marit (and maybe even Haakon) can escape having to witness under oath or being interrogated by the police.…. Especially if it’s true that Marius has posessed a diplomatic passport and missused it grossly….

Should the Police or the Court order them to come, the absolutely dumbest thing King Harald could do then, would be to invoke the paragraph forbidding the authorities from talking to them… That would only be seen as admitting that he knows that his family members has done wrong and that he is ok with that…

Other than removing Marius from the website under members of the royal family (it would be a perfect occassion to finally remove the Behn-girls as well and streamline the membership to titled persons) i don’t know what else they can do right now to be honest, more than waiting to see what else the police investigation will uncover….

I feel sad for King Harald if his reign is going to end like this… If he (god forbid) would pass away while all this is still ongoing, it is not that hard to see wich 3 persons many norwegian citizens will blame for his death….
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”Trying to keep Durek away from séances with Haakon VII and Olav” made me laugh so hard that i probably woke my neighbours 🤣🤣🤣 Thank you ! I needed that !
I feel sad for King Harald if his reign is going to end like this… If he (god forbid) would pass away while all this is still ongoing, it is not that hard to see wich 3 persons many norwegian citizens will blame for his death….

In all seriousness, we know H7 and Olav were gentlemen of great temper and very dedicated to the Norwegian monarchy. No need to upset them with what else is currently going on… :cool:

The Gulf War killed Olav. He was afraid WW3 was breaking out (aside from not being in terrific shape). I’m not sure if this could literally break Harald’s heart. :(

It’s not a great thing when a scandal is likely a crime and has people foretelling the downfall of the monarchy and the death of a king. Let’s just hope Harald and the institution hold up for a bit longer.
Yes, a lot.
Let's look at it.
There are the three victims (we know of at least) who all have family and friends, some of whom must have known about Marius behavior.
Friends of Marius. Friends of friends.
And as we must assume this has been going on for quite a while (the known cocaine-fine for example) people will have noticed his behavior. Employers, teachers, fellow students, colleagues, business associates of the companies he worked for.
People visiting venues that Marius frequented and probably misbehaved (I can't imagine he would be a little angle when out and about with friends. That would make him the first young man in history to be that.) People working at these venues, the owners of these venues.
Journalists and photographers sniffing around for stuff for the society columns.
Nightclubs attract police officers both uniformed and plain clothed. The security at such nightclubs while discreet also keep an eye on potential trouble among their guests.
- All of these people could have noticed or witnesses something off with Marius or even him going nuts on his girlfriends or at least being high as a kite. And none of them should have said anything to anyone? I find that impossible to believe.

That means some rumors and even evidence about Marius behavior would have filtered back to the editors and newspapers and magazines, but they said nothing.
Considering who Marius associate, they would have been noticed by the police. And yet, no one said anything?
Not even a report to the security police? Who would have to report to the Minister of Justice, who again should report to the PM. I cannot imagine no one said a word to at least senior court officials.

Now, Oslo isn't bigger than the sons and daughters of friends of Haakon and MM also frequent similar places as Marius and none of them would have told their parents? So at least some friends would have had an idea of what went on, perhaps they would even have witnessed an episode or two with Marius first hand.

Seemingly Marius has received some kind of treatment and/or therapy. While it is possible I don't believe Marius just went to see his doctor and got treatment just like that. It's more plausible his parents handled that and they would have gotten advise in how to find the best treatment.

I could go on.

- In short there is a lot of people who must have noticed something. Some of whom would have been concerned enough to tell someone else, so I cannot imagine this could be kept secret for MM and Haakon. So at some point a number of people within the court would have helped cover up or perhaps rather clean up after Marius.
Basically every gossip journalist in Norway would have known something about Marius or they ought to find a new job. Which means most newspaper and gossip-mag editors would have known.
A lot of police officers in Oslo would have known about Marius, and that info would have been passed on. So either someone high put a lid on this or the reports were ignored by someone even higher up.
Considering that Norway has had several governments, a number of politicians would also have been informed or at least heard the rumors.

So a number of people on a sufficiently high level decided for whatever reason, to try and sweep Marius under the carpet. Or at the very least remain silent. And it is simply not possible that we are only talking about five or six people. It's a lot more.
I don't doubt at all that Marius' family knew that he has mental and substance issues. What were they supposed to do go make him stand in the town square with a sign around his neck listing his diagnoses? When he caught with drugs in 2017, he did not screech, "do you know who my mother is??!!?? my stepfather??!!" He did not call in the royal cavalry to get him out of that jam, in fact, if I understand what was posted, he tried to not be noticed by a friend of his mother, and from there he paid the fine. The question I posed earlier was does the Norwegian media report on, including names, of people who get caught in possession of cocaine? If no, I don't see a cover up. if yes, then the questions need to be asked why Marius did not get reported on.

I don't doubt that his social circle is Oslo is small and his Marius' social circle knew that he has mental and substance issues, and I suspect that some knew about his violence towards his partners. A thought that occurred to me was that one or more persons in the latest partner's circle probably warned her against him, and she was encouraged to reach out if things went bad, which they did. She contacted a friend who got her to get medical treatment and I assume from there that is how law enforcement became involved. I think that it was reported that the media knew about Marius' partying ways / drug use and did not report on his lifestyle. I don't recall reading that they were tipped off about him being violent. My question is what were the nature of these tips? I suspect that they were "gossipy" tips that someone wanted a tabloid to pay them for. I suspect if the tipper could provide a picture of Marius in the vicinity of white powder, they may have reported on it since they did so with on his ex Nora.

It was reported today that Marius and the woman are shacked up at Skaugum. You know the woman that less than a month ago, he hit multiple times, he choked multiple times, damaged her apartment including putting a knife in the wall, from there he left the scene and rather than cooling off, had a phone call that included murder threats. Maybe Haakon and Mette-Marit should kick both of them out and tell them to go be messy elsewhere, but again where is the cover up?

I can see where numerous people knew that Marius is both troubled and trouble, although I am not convinced that high level government officials were being briefed, but even then, being aware and briefed and covering up are not the same thing. Also what information was in these briefings - he uses cocaine, he parties and he is acquainted with gangsters. Again what was supposed to happen, was he supposed to be trotted out to the town square with the sign, "Hello I am Marius, I snort cocaine and hang out with bad people." As I speculated before, due to the fact that Marius' own father is a convicted felon, precautions have likely been in place for years to protect the Norwegian royals from certain risks.

Again, I am not completely ruling out that things were covered up, but thus far I am not seeing evidence that the CP couple, the court, journalists and/or government officials covered up Marius' felonious acts. Also, I think that awareness and tolerance are being conflated with covering up, let's not forget, in a week's time King Harald's daughter is set to have a big, fat Norwegian wedding to a convicted criminal.
Should the Police or the Court order them to come, the absolutely dumbest thing King Harald could do then, would be to invoke the paragraph forbidding the authorities from talking to them… That would only be seen as admitting that he knows that his family members has done wrong and that he is ok with that (it starts to remind me of the case in uk with the Duke of York)

King Harald V would need to act to waive Crown Prince Haakon's paragraph 37 immunity. If he simply does nothing, then Haakon will remain immune.
However, didn't someone mention that being interviewed by the police is always voluntary?

It also makes a mockery of MM's statement that Marius is a private citizen. [...]

This comment caused me to reread Crown Princess Mette-Marit's open letter from January 2017, which accompanied the Palace's announcement that Marius Borg Høiby was stepping away from public life. Going back to the earlier discussions about Marius's childhood as part of the Crown Princely Family, the letter includes some food for speculation, but no more than that.

"[...] Marius has always had a role that has been difficult to define in the public domain. He is and remains an exceptionally important part of our family. Marius became a symbol of the unusual choice we made when we married; at the same time, he will not have public duties like his siblings. He will not have a public role and is not a public person.

The role has also proved difficult to interpret for people around us in private. Ever since he was tiny. Everything from parents who have come with concerns and well-intentioned advice to teachers who have always had different expectations of Marius for his behavior than of others.
And I'm no better myself. As a mother I often have expectations of Marius for his behavior that are unrealistic, and different than what I would have had of his siblings.

When Marius was small, we had a big contingent of journalists who planted themselves outside the house where we lived. NRK TV news followed us when we were playing in Frogner Park in the afternoon. Marius was 3 years old. Not even Se og Hør would think of doing that to a child today. Fortunately. But the fact that Marius is 20 does not mean that he is fair game again.

The last few years have been characterized by a trend that I as a mother would of course rather do without. Marius has been subjected to pressure from parts of the Norwegian press; I do not consider them worthy.

Some media have chosen to write about youthful indiscretion. It would be unnatural if there were no examples of this.
I am certainly glad all my youthful rebellion was not followed with watchful eyes. It would have looked much worse. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the media that have treated Marius during his youth with prudence. [...]"​

The full letter
A translation by a Norwegian speaker (which I've lightly edited above)
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Especially the part about different expectations for him and his siblings is interesting. She seems to suggest that they were stricter with him - which doesn't make a lot of sense given that his sister is the future queen? In addition, there is also an age gap that would play into that in most cases.
In all seriousness, we know H7 and Olav were gentlemen of great temper and very dedicated to the Norwegian monarchy. No need to upset them with what else is currently going on… :cool:

The Gulf War killed Olav. He was afraid WW3 was breaking out (aside from not being in terrific shape). I’m not sure if this could literally break Harald’s heart. :(

It’s not a great thing when a scandal is likely a crime and has people foretelling the downfall of the monarchy and the death of a king. Let’s just hope Harald and the institution hold up for a bit longer.
I am not foreseeing the downfall of the institution yet.. Based on the things Marius is investigated for, it is a case of a young man doing extremly dumb things… We have no idea so far about how much his parents knows, how much the wider family knows, or how much anyone else than Marius knows…. That people who speaks to magazines on the condition of anonymity ”belives” Mette-Marit is doing this or doing that, is not ”fact”…

Things gets heated up if it is proven that Marius has used a diplomatic passport to commit crimes and escape the police

And should the police uncover that The King and The Crown Prince has covered up Marius crimes and helped him escape prosecution, then we can begin to talk about a constitutional crisis and a monarchy in danger of collapsing… But that’s up to the police to uncover. Not ”Se og Hør” or ”Bunte”

We are not there yet
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I don't doubt at all that Marius' family knew that he has mental and substance issues. What were they supposed to do go make him stand in the town square with a sign around his neck listing his diagnoses? When he caught with drugs in 2017, he did not screech, "do you know who my mother is??!!?? my stepfather??!!" He did not call in the royal cavalry to get him out of that jam, in fact, if I understand what was posted, he tried to not be noticed by a friend of his mother, and from there he paid the fine. The question I posed earlier was does the Norwegian media report on, including names, of people who get caught in possession of cocaine? If no, I don't see a cover up. if yes, then the questions need to be asked why Marius did not get reported on.

I don't doubt that his social circle is Oslo is small and his Marius' social circle knew that he has mental and substance issues, and I suspect that some knew about his violence towards his partners. A thought that occurred to me was that one or more persons in the latest partner's circle probably warned her against him, and she was encouraged to reach out if things went bad, which they did. She contacted a friend who got her to get medical treatment and I assume from there that is how law enforcement became involved. I think that it was reported that the media knew about Marius' partying ways / drug use and did not report on his lifestyle. I don't recall reading that they were tipped off about him being violent. My question is what were the nature of these tips? I suspect that they were "gossipy" tips that someone wanted a tabloid to pay them for. I suspect if the tipper could provide a picture of Marius in the vicinity of white powder, they may have reported on it since they did so with on his ex Nora.

It was reported today that Marius and the woman are shacked up at Skaugum. You know the woman that less than a month ago, he hit multiple times, he choked multiple times, damaged her apartment including putting a knife in the wall, from there he left the scene and rather than cooling off, had a phone call that included murder threats. Maybe Haakon and Mette-Marit should kick both of them out and tell them to go be messy elsewhere, but again where is the cover up?

I can see where numerous people knew that Marius is both troubled and trouble, although I am not convinced that high level government officials were being briefed, but even then, being aware and briefed and covering up are not the same thing. Also what information was in these briefings - he uses cocaine, he parties and he is acquainted with gangsters. Again what was supposed to happen, was he supposed to be trotted out to the town square with the sign, "Hello I am Marius, I snort cocaine and hang out with bad people." As I speculated before, due to the fact that Marius' own father is a convicted felon, precautions have likely been in place for years to protect the Norwegian royals from certain risks.

Again, I am not completely ruling out that things were covered up, but thus far I am not seeing evidence that the CP couple, the court, journalists and/or government officials covered up Marius' felonious acts. Also, I think that awareness and tolerance are being conflated with covering up, let's not forget, in a week's time King Harald's daughter is set to have a big, fat Norwegian wedding to a convicted criminal.
No I see none either. He’s the kid of high profile people. The media decided it wasn’t something to report on - the rumours. He’s now an adult and really why report on his behaviour now. Unless they fancy reporting on drug binges of all celebs? No one here aside from the person in question has done anything wrong.
“The role has also proved difficult to interpret for people around us in private. Ever since he was tiny. Everything from parents who have come with concerns and well-intentioned advice to teachers who have always had different expectations of Marius for his behavior than of others.
And I'm no better myself. As a mother I often have expectations of Marius for his behavior that are unrealistic, and different than what I would have had of his siblings.”
This is pretty telling in a current light.

The other side of PR-doublespeak is that Marius could not be held to the same expectations as his siblings or peers.

Not even when they were all young.
Muhler, you are so good in putting emotions and thoughts into words!

How much have king Harald and queen Sonja known about Marius' problems, what he has done and how much his doings have been covered up?
Haakon and Mette-Marit are very close to Victoria and Daniel and Frederik and Mary. How much they have known about what Marius has done? Or has everything been a secret?
Is there still more of Marius' doings we will hear during the next days?
Is it really fair to assume- and impugn- that royals from other countries have become entangled with this? I’m pretty sure that people who have troubled grown children don’t automatically tell everyone they know about it.
If I were going to guess right now how this will all turn out, my bet is that Marius will be out of the picture, and it will all blow over.

The stars are already aligning for him to get probation or something -- he's in treatment, he's remorseful, at least one girl has forgiven him, and so on -- and they'll probably ship him off somewhere far away for the next decade or so. (Hope he enjoys reindeer herding in Svalbard.)

Meanwhile, the NRF could make moves like removing some diplomatic passports and slimming down the already thin roster of family members. They might even commission an internal report to investigate how the NRF handled things.

Harald can do some hard things -- like removing Martha Louise's title -- and claim he's doing it all to save Haakon the trouble, much as Margrethe re-racked her family a few years ago.

I wouldn't be surprised if Mette-Marit is completely out of the picture until Haakon becomes king. She already has a chronic illness, so with this stress, maybe she'll be semi-retired.

But whatever happens, people are going to get bored with this and new scandals will pop up. (Hmmm...maybe Durek *will* do the NRF a service after all!)
The other question about MM's letter of the time is why Marius, as an adult, did not release the statement himself. Just something along the lines of "I'm grateful for everything; I look forward to my quiet, uneventful life as a private citizen; I will certainly not be involved in illegal drugs or other criminal matters and will never lay a finger on anyone or bring shame on the house that raised me; thanks Mom, Haakon, BesteHarald".
Basically every gossip journalist in Norway would have known something about Marius or they ought to find a new job. Which means most newspaper and gossip-mag editors would have known.

Yes, and Se og Hør doesn't publish everything they have known or find out now in one article. They want more readers and to use this case to sell their magazine, the issue with photos of the woman's apartment with a knife on the wall was sold out. So they make as many articles as possible.

In Bild:

In Se og Hør publishes a photo in German Bild:
"This picture of Marius Borg Høiby has now appeared. It shows Mette-Marit's son at a party in autumn 2023. Marius poses with a gun, a Dom Pérignon champagne and a Daytona Rolex..."
Se og Hør points out that it is not known whether Borg Høiby has a toy gun of any kind in one hand.

More about the photo and Bild's article:
Bild writes that they have been given exclusive access to the photo, which is said to have been taken last autumn at a party in a private apartment in Oslo.
- I didn't check the gun at the time, but it probably wasn't real, says a source close to Marius to Bild.
- He wanted to pose as a gangster and had a pile of cash with him which he stuffed down his trousers
The anonymous source also tells Bild about cocaine use.
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When its raining, its pouring! The days of Marius the private person are over, from a media perspective. I am baffled that the NRF remains completely silent on this.
Haakon commented:
Crown prince Haakon, while alone at the Games, told the press at the time that ‘It is a serious matter when the police are involved in the way they are, but at the same time it is not right for me to go into the details of the case.'
Yes, and Se og Hør doesn't publish everything they have known or find out now in one article. They want more readers and to use this case to sell their magazine, the issue with photos of the woman's apartment with a knife on the wall was sold out. So they make as many articles as possible.

In Bild:

In Se og Hør publishes a photo in German Bild:
"This picture of Marius Borg Høiby has now appeared. It shows Mette-Marit's son at a party in autumn 2023. Marius poses with a gun, a Dom Pérignon champagne and a Daytona Rolex..."
Se og Hør points out that it is not known whether Borg Høiby has a toy gun of any kind in one hand.

More about the photo and Bild's article:
Bild writes that they have been given exclusive access to the photo, which is said to have been taken last autumn at a party in a private apartment in Oslo.
- I didn't check the gun at the time, but it probably wasn't real, says a source close to Marius to Bild.
- He wanted to pose as a gangster and had a pile of cash with him which he stuffed down his trousers
The anonymous source also tells Bild about cocaine use.
It looks like a typical "gangster photo". Hardly surprising given that Marius used to party with gangsters who were probably also his cocaine dealers.
I don't doubt at all that Marius' family knew that he has mental and substance issues. What were they supposed to do go make him stand in the town square with a sign around his neck listing his diagnoses? When he caught with drugs in 2017, he did not screech, "do you know who my mother is??!!?? my stepfather??!!" He did not call in the royal cavalry to get him out of that jam, in fact, if I understand what was posted, he tried to not be noticed by a friend of his mother, and from there he paid the fine. The question I posed earlier was does the Norwegian media report on, including names, of people who get caught in possession of cocaine? If no, I don't see a cover up. if yes, then the questions need to be asked why Marius did not get reported on.

I don't doubt that his social circle is Oslo is small and his Marius' social circle knew that he has mental and substance issues, and I suspect that some knew about his violence towards his partners. A thought that occurred to me was that one or more persons in the latest partner's circle probably warned her against him, and she was encouraged to reach out if things went bad, which they did. She contacted a friend who got her to get medical treatment and I assume from there that is how law enforcement became involved. I think that it was reported that the media knew about Marius' partying ways / drug use and did not report on his lifestyle. I don't recall reading that they were tipped off about him being violent. My question is what were the nature of these tips? I suspect that they were "gossipy" tips that someone wanted a tabloid to pay them for. I suspect if the tipper could provide a picture of Marius in the vicinity of white powder, they may have reported on it since they did so with on his ex Nora.

It was reported today that Marius and the woman are shacked up at Skaugum. You know the woman that less than a month ago, he hit multiple times, he choked multiple times, damaged her apartment including putting a knife in the wall, from there he left the scene and rather than cooling off, had a phone call that included murder threats. Maybe Haakon and Mette-Marit should kick both of them out and tell them to go be messy elsewhere, but again where is the cover up?

I can see where numerous people knew that Marius is both troubled and trouble, although I am not convinced that high level government officials were being briefed, but even then, being aware and briefed and covering up are not the same thing. Also what information was in these briefings - he uses cocaine, he parties and he is acquainted with gangsters. Again what was supposed to happen, was he supposed to be trotted out to the town square with the sign, "Hello I am Marius, I snort cocaine and hang out with bad people." As I speculated before, due to the fact that Marius' own father is a convicted felon, precautions have likely been in place for years to protect the Norwegian royals from certain risks.

Again, I am not completely ruling out that things were covered up, but thus far I am not seeing evidence that the CP couple, the court, journalists and/or government officials covered up Marius' felonious acts. Also, I think that awareness and tolerance are being conflated with covering up, let's not forget, in a week's time King Harald's daughter is set to have a big, fat Norwegian wedding to a convicted criminal.
You raise a number of valid points and I sincerely hope you are right. Because I used to find the NRF very likable and relatable, with the exception of ML and her Durek I also believed they did a great job in representing Norway. I wold very much like to keep that image.
However, I'm not so sure now. Because while I'm in no doubt whatsoever that the core-members of the NRF genuinely are kind-hearted and nice people. - But... There comes a point where kindness becomes naivety and overbearing becomes over-indulgence to the point where it becomes counter-productive and self-destructing for your image. I wonde if that's the core of the issue with both ML and Marius. - And perhaps even when Mette Marit married into the NRF? I.e. that she perhaps did not and still does not fully understand that she not only married Haakon, she married Norway. There is a difference between being Mrs. Haakon and being the Crown Princess.
That there are about 5.294 slugs in our garden right now who IMO all appear to have more backbone than Haakon doesn't exactly help!

But back to Marius.
I am not convinced that Marius has serious mental issues. We only have his words for it. And mental issues in various forms is unfortunately often used as an excuse rather than an explanation.
Marius may have mental issues now, but that could just as well stem from years of using cocaine. He used cocaine when he was around 20, why should he have stopped? And that, like any other form of addiction, comes with a price.

I simply cannot believe that no one noticed that Marius was high, had an erratic behavior and was associating known criminals and didn't gossip about it. I simply refuse to believe that the security police and others wouldn't consider it a problem that Marius, the son/stepson of the CP-couple was nailed for possession of cocaine and associating shady characters. That alone should make the alarm bells go off. Marius after all had free access to the Skaugum estate. And wasn't there a story about Marius and Co. photographing the interior? And the security police, the court and the politicians would just say: Now, you really shouldn't do that, Marius.
He has been abusive towards three girlfriends (that we know off), are we to believe that no one knew? And no one said anything?
Finally, as late as this August he was reported for stealing a scooter. That's a part of a pattern. I cannot believe that Marius at the ripe age of 27 thought: Well, I need a ride. Hmm, I've never stolen anything before, but how about I start by stealing this scooter?

You get my point? Norway is not China and Oslo is not New York, it's very difficult to hide and vanish in the crowd if you are well-known. Someone must have noticed something.

So a number of reports, warnings, heads up and so on must have filtered upwards and if they never reached the NRF, they must have been blocked at some point or points along the line. That's a cover up.
If they did reach the NRF and were largely ignored or dismissed or played down then it's a problem that someone should have reacted on. In this case by going to the government(s). If they didn't or the government(s) didn't do anything, it's a cover up. (Or sweeping the whole issue under the carpet, if that's preferable.)

That the press didn't know is next to impossible. That they didn't write about is an editorial decision. Whether that was out of misunderstood consideration for King Harald, whether there was a wish to maintain an idyllic public image of the NRF and by extension Norway or whether someone pulled strings is debatable. But I dare say that in most monarchies a child of the CP-couple behaving and associating with certain people like Marius is, would be considered of public/national interest and written about. So again, a cover up.
Silence is covering up.

You point out that Marius and the third victim is together again and live at Skaugum. I find that very disturbing in itself.
I also believe it's a blatant remiss by Mette Marit in particular. She has involved herself in helping women who have suffered from domestic abuse. She of all people should know that you try your best to separate the victim of abuse from the abuser, at least until the abuser has been treated and show improvement, if that ever happens. She may be protective of Marius, but she sure ain't protective of the victim! And where is Haakon? Lying in a fetus position under a couch sucking his thumb? Why isn't he putting his foot down and tell his wife she's doing something monumentally stupid? Skaugum is supposed to be his estate, why isn't he refusing them to live together at Skaugum? And why isn't he telling Marius to stay clear of this third victim or face consequences. Cutting off his allowance would be a nice start. Sending him off to paint a white circle around every single tree along the Swedish/Norwegian border would be better IMO!
I can't get over the fact that Marius and the recent victim are living together at Skaugum again. The NRF should not permit it. It looks as if the victim regrets that she /or her friend called the police and everything went public.

We don't know if that's true. We only have an informant's word of that the woman lives now in Skaugum with Marius.

Nora Haukland's lawyer said at a press release after Nora's six hours interrogation also
"Haukland has also handed over material she has been in possession of..."

Could it be that Nora has kept a diary during the time she and Marius were together?
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I can't get over the fact that Marius and the recent victim are living together at Skaugum again. The NRF should not permit it. It looks as if the victim regrets that she /or her friend called the police and everything went public.
If that is true, she isn't unfortunately the first abused woman to go back to living with her abuser and feel guilty about or "regret" reporting on him. In fact that is quite common and a well-documented behavior according to many organizations that campaign for women's rights and women's safety. I am sure that other members with greater expertise in this subject can comment further, but it seems to be part of the abuser's broader hold on the victim, which includes both a physical and a psychological control.
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It looks like a typical "gangster photo". Hardly surprising given that Marius used to party with gangsters who were probably also his cocaine dealers.
I'm not so shocked about the photo itself. Provided that the gun is fake/leftover from a motto party, all you need is a young man, drunk as a skunk, posing while listening to some ganger rappers' song. But of course, in the full context, this does not help. It only proves that Marius has been a lose cannon/out of control for a very long time with somebody slipping him the kind of money he will need in these social circles, unless he makes some of his own by engaging in criminal activities.

Haakon commented:
That was I think the day after Marius' arrest, just thinking about what else has come to light since then...
That was I think the day after Marius' arrest, just thinking about what else has come to light since then...
I wouldn't be surprised if more compromising photos are being published in the near future. What is a bit unfair is the fact that any other "normal" suspect who hasn't yet been convicted isn't shown in papers, at least not his face which is usually blackenend out. Aren't there laws about personality rights or something like that?
And wasn't there a story about Marius and Co. photographing the interior?

Is this incident from 2012 the one you were thinking of?

VG reported that for 42 weeks, photos taken on his [15-year-old Marius Borg Høiby's] mobile phone and sent instantly to his contacts via the popular application called Instagram have been available over the Internet. Also available has been information showing the exact location with GPS coordinates of where he and his family are.

Shortly after VG journalists made officials at the Royal Palace in Oslo aware of Høiby’s open Instagram profile, it was locked and made private, so it no longer can be opened by others than his own personal contacts. In addition to the photos he shared, Høiby had released information on where he and his parents were at any given time and where they planned to travel for work and holiday.

Helge Lurås, another terror expert who leads the Center for International and Strategic Analysis (SISA) in Norway, also said details around travel and movements should be limited to lower the threat of kidnapping or other forms of terrorist attacks against individuals. No one considered a potential target should reveal their whereabouts via social media or over the Internet, he said. [...]​

In their letter to VG, the royal couple [Crown Prince Haakon and Crown Princess Mette-Marit] wrote that it was “difficult to see” the use of the instant photo sharing program Instagram by Crown Princess Mette-Marit’s oldest son from an earlier relationship, Marius Borg Høiby, “as a security risk.”

They called VG’s story” speculative, over-dimensioned and without substance at the cost of a child of 15 years.” They wrote that “we react strongly that you are exposing our child in this manner. For us, it’s very important to shield our children against an undsciplined public spotlight because we believe it can be a heavy burden and damaging. All children have a right to be protected against that.”
Crown Princess Mette-Marit and Crown Prince Haakon also pointed out that their own official appearances are publicly announced at least 14 days before they occur. “The programs are often detailed down to the minute and the place,” they wrote. “This is a security risk we live with every day, every year, an entire life.” They claimed their son’s use of social media was modest, “compared to most 15-year-olds,” and that information on the family’s locations could also be found on the official website for Norway’s royal family, “It is often known where we’ll be,” they wrote.
VG stands by its story (external link, in Norwegian), and [a professor at the business school Handelshøyskolen BI, Petter] Gottschalk told VG on Thursday that the royal couple should have thanked VG for revealing what he still calls a “security scandal,” instead of blasting VG for it. Magnus Ranstorp, who advises the Swedish government among others on security measures, said that people who need security guards, including Høiby, also must be extra careful with what they publish on social media.
I wouldn't be surprised if more compromising photos are being published in the near future. What is a bit unfair is the fact that any other "normal" suspect who hasn't yet been convicted isn't shown in papers, at least not his face which is usually blackenend out. Aren't there laws about personality rights or something like that?

This is what the Press Code of Ethics has to say about identifying a suspect:

4.7. Be cautious in the use of names and photographs and other clear identifiers of persons in referring to contentious or punishable matters. Special caution should be exercised when reporting cases at the early stage of investigation, cases concerning young offenders and cases in which an identifying report may place an unreasonable burden on a third party. Identification must be founded on a legitimate need for information. It may, for instance, be legitimate to identify someone where there is imminent danger of assault on defenceless individuals, in the case of serious and repeated crimes, if the identity or social position of the subject is patently relevant to the case being reported on, or where identification protects the innocent from exposure to unjustified suspicion.

I think "if the identity or social position of the subject is patently relevant to the case being reported on" applies to this case.
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