The Duke and Duchess of Sussex and Family, News and Events 10: August 2024 -

If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Social media access and mobile telephones are the biggest threat to mental health in our children. I’m one of the lucky ones and my child is safe today and she is 20. My heart goes out to the parents who have lost children to suicide. My heart goes out to Meghan also. I think when we finally hear from Meghan in a fuller sense it will be in the form of her own autobiography. I for one will be buying a copy.

If she does- I won’t read it. I didn’t have any interest in Harry’s- and I have less in hers.

Why do it anyway? She was a working member of the BRF for less than 2 years. She talked that subject literally into the ground. That’s about all she has that most people would really care to read about.

And frankly- she’s not that important either. What has she done of real significance justifying an autobiography or biography outside of marrying into a famous family?

If she’s smart- she won’t write one. It hasn’t done her or Harry any good to ramble on about themselves and get caught in lies and exaggerations. They made money- but I’d argue that it came at a very high cost to their reputations.

She really should just keep her mouth shut and try to really accomplish something- not write a book about herself.
If she does- I won’t read it. I didn’t have any interest in Harry’s- and I have less in hers.

Why do it anyway? She was a working member of the BRF for less than 2 years. She talked that subject literally into the ground. That’s about all she has that most people would really care to read about.

And frankly- she’s not that important either. What has she done of real significance justifying an autobiography or biography outside of marrying into a famous family?

If she’s smart- she won’t write one. It hasn’t done her or Harry any good to ramble on about themselves and get caught in lies and exaggerations. They made money- but I’d argue that it came at a very high cost to their reputations.

She really should just keep her mouth shut and try to really accomplish something- not write a book about herself.
Well said.

Most people won't believe a word of it anyway.

She'll never accomplish anything meaningful because it's too much hard work, and her only genuine interest is in herself.
Did they receive a lot of money with Prince Harry's Book "the Spare"?
I think a lot more of their work is behind the scenes until it’s ready to be announced. These initiatives take time to get in place. I think Archewell being a part of this is great and I also liked when they joined with the charity that does playgrounds especially after Uvalde. Thought that was a great thing to get behind.
I think a lot more of their work is behind the scenes until it’s ready to be announced. These initiatives take time to get in place. I think Archewell being a part of this is great and I also liked when they joined with the charity that does playgrounds especially after Uvalde. Thought that was a great thing to get behind.
I agree that this teen suicide charity seems to be a good program, but I'm skeptical about their involvement in many of these efforts. Too much seems calculated to amplify their personal publicity. The way Meghan "appeared" at Uvalde soured that for me, for example.

I had the same feeling today when Meghan acted annoyed that Jane Pauley asked about her comments to Oprah about her own suicidal thoughts. Rather than saying, "Jane, today is about risks to teens," she said she hasn't even begun to discuss her experience, keeping the focus on her.

If they announced an actual purpose for Archewell, rather than the vague word salad they currently use, perhaps their efforts would make more sense and seem less self-serving.
The effect of cyber bullying or manipulation cannot be underestimated , many people suffer as a result . However although I do feel that the Sussexes have received some unfair press , they have notably not called out the so called Sussex Squad etc . I will not say anything further .
I watched Jane Pauley's interview on Sunday Morning today. Harry and Meghan met with a group of parents who all lost their children to suicide. Glad to see the Sussexes Archewell Foundation support/help fund their new Parents' Network program. I hope they are successful.

The fact that they got some air time on public television and brought attention to this very serious issue is already a huge win.
If she does- I won’t read it. I didn’t have any interest in Harry’s- and I have less in hers.

Why do it anyway? She was a working member of the BRF for less than 2 years. She talked that subject literally into the ground. That’s about all she has that most people would really care to read about.

And frankly- she’s not that important either. What has she done of real significance justifying an autobiography or biography outside of marrying into a famous family?

If she’s smart- she won’t write one. It hasn’t done her or Harry any good to ramble on about themselves and get caught in lies and exaggerations. They made money- but I’d argue that it came at a very high cost to their reputations.

She really should just keep her mouth shut and try to really accomplish something- not write a book about herself.
Well, I braced myself and watched the CBS interview in full - I try to exclude the sight and sound of H&M as much as possible here at Chez Shady! - but it was only nine minutes long, and as it turned out, it was worth watching to listen to the sad experiences from genuinely traumatised and bereaved. It is important that tragedies like this aren't hidden, even as I question why they have to be brought into the open by H&M.

So firstly and most importantly, my heart goes out to those bereaved families featured (and to anyone who has suffered such a terrible loss). Listening to their stories was by far the most moving and informative part of the piece. All my very best wishes to them. 🙏

As for H&M, well...

I honestly don't think PH knows what he is talking about, just a load of babble about "the olden days" and "first responders", very much the armchair expert and completely unqualified to make pronunciations about the matter in hand unless his five and three year old children are some sort of technical prodigies. I'm sure there are plenty of fully qualified paramedics (as we call them in the UK) and other medical professionals who would be rightly affronted by his ridiculous and offensive assertion that even they can't see the signs of self-harm (I am calling it that as I do not wish to use the word he used).

Perhaps it was just as well the whole thing morphed into an opportunity for MM to talk about herself as per, and I'm not convinced she didn't know the subject of her own "experience" was going to be brought up, despite it being presented otherwise, especially as they inserted a clip of her talking to Oprah - are we seriously to believe she didn't know about this? Come on! If nothing else, we know that MM has to be in control of everything she does!

So having got past that likely staged part, MM said she hadn't "really scraped the surface" on her "experience" which can be interpreted as yet another veiled threat to the BRF. So there's more to come folks! As if we didn't know in spite of the puff pieces and olive branches, but I get the impression she won't discuss it in PH's presence. Which means it will be either via a solo interview/documentary series or a book, further down the line, which to look on the positive side will be something for her remaining fans to look forward to.

She then bravely says she will "take a hit" if her speaking out helps others, despite the fact that neither she or PH have ever publicly done anything to help stop the co-ordinated group online assaults on others by the "squad" named after them (much as PH has said nothing publicly to support the Baku people), which indicates that their willingness to help people only goes so far.

Personally, I found her performance (for want of a better word) rather fake and not very convincing; it just didn't ring true so to speak, the way she spoke about the children, the way she spoke about "overcoming", but perhaps that's not surprising as since Oprah I don't believe a word she says about anything - an opinion I am entitled to have and based on fact.

On a humorous note, there was one quite amusing moment when the interviewer referred to MM touching PH's hand "for support" when she was actually grasping his knee (as per the ESPYs). I don't think PH was playing, even when the interviewer pointedly referred to it and gave him his cue, he didn't budge; unlike the Beatles, PH most definitely didn't want to hold MM's hand! I think this threw the interviewer slightly, and then at one point PH definitely has to force himself to pay attention to what MM is saying. Much of the time he looked as if he didn't want to be there, and after the interview off he would have gone, most likely to his naughty step 🤣

To conclude on a more serious note, the families gave an intelligent and moving insight into their genuine grief and trauma. I applaud them for doing this, but I fear they are being used by H&M in their own quest for relevance and publicity; I would have preferred to have seen other celebrities on board, who have experienced their scale of loss or have a genuine level of understanding of the issues involved (I can think of a few). My only hope is that these families do genuinely get something positive out of The Parents Network.

And on that note, I'm off now to enjoy a pleasant afternoon. Have a good day everyone!
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I sincerely hope H&M will seize this opportunity to enhance their reputation and at the same time do something good.
Because they need not really know what they are talking about, that's something I'm sure royals are sometimes familiar with. But what H&M can do is to help ensure that those who should be heard are heard.

From the description I get the feeling that Harry at least hasn't fully, shall we say, grasped, what it is all about. But with Meghan there may be hope. So who knows? Perhaps they will finally do something really meaningful and end up being (deservedly) praised for doing something good. Something that for once is not about themselves.

Let's hope so, because that could stop that downward spiral they are descending. Because it is well known that a good therapy is to do something good for others. It makes you feel you make a difference and it helps you to stop brooding about yourself and your own (in your own eyes huge) problems.

I won't hold my breath, that's for sure! But the hope is there. - If for no other reason that it will be beneficial for H&M, not to mention those they actually could help, given their public platform, if they really wanted to.
There are facts and there are opinions. What a reach we sometimes take to get from one to the other.

Factually speaking a new initiative was started for parents by parents and those parents are clearly very satisfied with Harry and Meghan’s involvement and their charity’s sponsorship. Clearly and factually Meghan addressed eloquently when asked about her experience of suicide ideation that she could see why it was brought up. Her answer was again, sensitive and sensible. Mental Health conditions remain highly stigmatised so Sussex usp of advocacy in this sector is commendable. Both can speak with knowledge both on a personal level and on a level of expertise as they are involved with the experts in the field and have been for many, many years. Meghan is a highly educated woman herself and her intelligence, insights and the platform she brings shines a light where it is very much needed.
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Shady Lady: “Perhaps it was just as well the whole thing morphed into an opportunity for MM to talk about herself as per, and I'm not convinced she didn't know the subject of her own "experience" was going to be brought up, despite it being presented otherwise, especially as they inserted a clip of her talking to Oprah - are we seriously to believe she didn't know about this? Come on! If nothing else, we know that MM has to be in control of everything she does!”

Thank you for saying this so clearly. It seems there is always that ‘extra layer’ in her statements which gives one pause.
I watched the interview, and I am glad that the bereaved parents were the focus of it. Sadly, the “simple” solution of staying off of the internet or social media would have been easier 10-20 years, but now it’s so intrinsic to everything we do that it’s almost impossible to do that without becoming a hermit.

I’m sure that there are many programs like the Parents Network out there doing just as much good work, but being backed by Archewell draws to it attention that those programs won’t receive, especially if Harry and Meghan are willing to publicly speak about it.

Many have asked Harry and Meghan to move on from the Royal Family and focus on their own personal endeavors, and this program reflects their strives to do so. In actuality, the Duchess has done so for nearly two years, and I believe the Duke will get to that point as well.
I watched the interview, and I am glad that the bereaved parents were the focus of it. Sadly, the “simple” solution of staying off of the internet or social media would have been easier 10-20 years, but now it’s so intrinsic to everything we do that it’s almost impossible to do that without becoming a hermit.

I’m sure that there are many programs like the Parents Network out there doing just as much good work, but being backed by Archewell draws to it attention that those programs won’t receive, especially if Harry and Meghan are willing to publicly speak about it.

Many have asked Harry and Meghan to move on from the Royal Family and focus on their own personal endeavors, and this program reflects their strives to do so. In actuality, the Duchess has done so for nearly two years, and I believe the Duke will get to that point as well.
Members of the rf do best when shining a light on others so I agree with your sentiment. We shall see what happens going forward.
In my view it was not an interview in the journalistic sense but an opportunity to highlight the project they are supporting. Pauley did not ask any challenging questions, not even ones related to why the Sussex's have not condemned the Sussex Squad's online abuse of the BRF. If Pauley had been acting as a journalist, surely this would have been a topic if inquiry, especially since it relates directly to the project. I can't decide if the question about Meghan's personal experience was pre-approved or not. On one hand it keeps the narrative of Meghan's unhappiness and so-called mistreatment alive; on the other hand, she didn't look too pleased when it was posed.

They have little expertise in the area, and are essentially lending their names and offering a bit of Archewell support to someone else's project. Actually, I see that as a better role for them, as I don't think they really understand how to effectively mobilize expertise to solve a problem. Good on them for highlighting the suffering of parents/victims.
Why would they go to Colombia?
The specific reason somehow eludes me.
Unless of course it turns out that Meghan is 12½ % Colombian... (Sorry, couldn't resist.)
Seriously it puzzles me.

The only reasons coming to mind is that the Colombian VP for whatever reason believe it would a good PR stunt to have H&M around. And H&M will be happy to accept the invitation, any invitation, and get an official semi-royal treatment.

Anyway, despite some heavily armed drugs cartels and a few rebels (I believe they have made peace with the government - right now...) and a habit of kidnappings I don't believe H&M are in any particular danger. With the exception of the odd independent kidnap-gang I doubt anyone in Colombia are interested in rocking the boat.
Certainly not enough danger to cause concerns in comparison to the obvious risks of living in Montecito.
Let's do multiple choice, just like in school:
  1. For free publicity to keep themselves on the news, any news.

  2. To promote something they will be profiting for, either in the tax haven nonprofit or the other one, the private for-profit company. I can't never tell them apart.

  3. Maybe we will see in 2025 a Montecito Colombian Coffee line with Meg on the label holding a cup of coffee? One of the weeding guests, George Clooney, has his own product line.
    For the Montecitos, imagine the names, Windsor Latte for Work? Cappuccino Meghacinno? Irish Cream Harry? Peachy Cream Affogato AffordHouso? Caramel Cloudburst Crownburst?

    If she ran out of ideas here is the Coffee Drink Name Generator to help them out

  4. Meghan plans to pitch herself into a possible ambassador job or something like that. Remember she's friends with a friend of the female politician running for a big Washington DC job.
Whatever it is, they will get lots of free press so congrats on having someone's government budget paying the tab.
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Let's do multiple choice, just like in school:
  1. For free publicity to keep themselves on the news, any news.

  2. To promote something they will be profiting for, either in the tax haven nonprofit or the other one, the private for-profit company. I can't never tell them apart.

  3. Maybe we will see in 2025 a Montecito Colombian Coffee line with Meg on the label holding a cup of coffee? Imagine the names, Windsor Latte for Work? Cappuccino Meghacinno? Irish Cream Harry?
    If she ran out of ideas here is the Coffee Drink Name Generator to help them out

  4. Meghan plans to pitch herself into a possible ambassador job or something like that, remember she's friends with a friend of the female politician running for a big Washington DC job.
Whatever it is, they will get lots of free press so congrats on someone's government budget paying the tab.
I'd say all four personally.
I'd say all four personally.
I hope it's the start of a coffee business start-up and they are going to explore venues, farms and production to start a business and keep Harry occupied (as a barista?). Like a Starbuck's coffee shop chain, Charlesbuck$?

And if they are lucky during the tour, they will get to meet or encounter the famous Pablo Escobar escaped hippos as part of Vice-Presidente' sightseeing tour.
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Can I just say that this thread can be very very funny sometimes.

I've said this before but I'll say it again. - Netflix would make an absolute fortune using H&M in a mockumentary.

And the couple might actually become popular again!
I tried to stay away from this [....] interview but the fury is chocking me. Seriously, the ones who included Bouzy in their [documentary] are speaking about online abuse? The ones who picked an award for fighting racism only to say a few weeks later that there’s no racism are speaking about misinformation? The ones who are not there to coddle people are speaking about bullying?
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I think its easy to call out the Sussexes for not condemning the Sussex squad since it is a group of "fans" and easy to name. Without dwelling on all of the "fans" of celebrities, sports figures and royalty because there are quite a few vile people in these fanbases. We are losing sight of what really matters and that is cyberbullying. We can all point fingers but it has to begin somewhere and giving parents and children the resources is what counts.
I think its easy to call out the Sussexes for not condemning the Sussex squad since it is a group of "fans" and easy to name. Without dwelling on all of the "fans" of celebrities, sports figures and royalty because there are quite a few vile people in these fanbases. We are losing sight of what really matters and that is cyberbullying. We can all point fingers but it has to begin somewhere and giving parents and children the resources is what counts.
You make a very good point Maryrose about not losing focus on cyberbullying, but I would say that unfortunately that is what is going to happen while the squad and others like Bouzy continue to do what they are doing. It would be very easy for H&M to challenge the squad and word it in such a way that their fans would engage, which would help to lift the cloud of the squad's activities overshadowing their own efforts. It would also be seen as a significant step in the fight against cyberbullying. What would H&M have to lose by choosing to do this?
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