Princess of Wales Undergoing Cancer Treatment

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The timeline of her diagnosis is irrelevant to us and goes against her repeated expressed wish for her medical information and history to remain private. How they have announced and handled her absence and illness is fair, and interesting, to discuss from my perspective. The Princess of Wales has an immense amount of sympathy directed towards her, and quite right, I think she is one of the best things to have happened to William and the BRF. However, the conversation on this forum proves that simply asking for privacy doesn't guarantee it. I do wish the Wales's team is paying attention and quickly learning, and adjusting, their tactics so the same mess doesn't repeat itself in her extended absence. They cannot control social media, and the public, but they can influence and manage expectations.
The timeline of her diagnosis is irrelevant to us and goes against her repeated expressed wish for her medical information and history to remain private. How they have announced and handled her absence and illness is fair, and interesting, to discuss from my perspective. The Princess of Wales has an immense amount of sympathy directed towards her, and quite right, I think she is one of the best things to have happened to William and the BRF. However, the conversation on this forum proves that simply asking for privacy doesn't guarantee it. I do wish the Wales's team is paying attention and quickly learning, and adjusting, their tactics so the same mess doesn't repeat itself in her extended absence. They cannot control social media, and the public, but they can influence and manage expectations.
Wonder why she appeared personally instead of just publishing a written communique.
I agree with most of the posters that it's distasteful to focus on the timeline of diagnosis. Even if modern medicine could find out if tissue is cancerous within 24 hours, it doesn't mean the Princess of Wales is obliged to disclose it to the public immediately! Like many of you here, I also have family members with cancer. It takes time for patients and their closed loved ones to be emotionally ready to share with others. The Princess of Wales never disclosed when the diagnosis was revealed or when the tissue was sent to the lab for testing. And I don't think any members of the public are required to know these details. It has nothing to do with public interest
I wholeheartedly agree with your statement.
I do wish the Wales's team is paying attention and quickly learning, and adjusting, their tactics so the same mess doesn't repeat itself in her extended absence. They cannot control social media, and the public, but they can influence and manage expectations.

I really hope Kate has a peaceful recovery.
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Wonder why she appeared personally instead of just publishing a written communique.
Because speculations won’t be quelled otherwise. People were clamoring to see her. If it were just a statement that they found cancer cells, they’d assume she was at death’s door, no matter the reassurance in the statement that she’s okay.
I do wish the Wales's team is paying attention and quickly learning, and adjusting, their tactics so the same mess doesn't repeat itself in her extended absence. They cannot control social media, and the public, but they can influence and manage expectations.


I really hope Kate has a peaceful recovery.
They have a mountain to climb to recover from the mess and generated even greater scrutiny( if that was possible) its a terrible situation to learn it in.
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Wonder why she appeared personally instead of just publishing a written communique.

Does it matter? She and William probably thought given all the furor over the Mother's Day photo and the two paparazzi shots of her, it would be best to make the statement in person rather than through a press release.

I don't see how that's an issue worth debating.
From my perspective, bad faith actors are bad faith actors, horrible people are horrible people. Many times they are hidden behind a veneer of decency or professionalism but in certain situations or crisis, the veneer drops and they reveal their true character.

Knowing what we now know, there was absolutely nothing, in my view, that KP could have done differently while respecting the wishes of the PPoW. It is not their responsibility to stop horrible people from exposing themselves on social media or spewing out the fantasies of their twisted minds. That mess lies with the people that indulged and facilitated that not with those that rose above it and did not acknowledge it. Their responsibility is to give out information and make statements as and when their bosses require them to do so. This they did clearly with the information they had at hand. If this were to happen again. I don't see that they would or need to do anything differently. The only thing that would have been done differently might have been restricting the MD picture to their social media pages or not releasing it at all.

I have been deeply moved by Catherine's personal statement and the overwhemingly positive response to it and have been reminded that, eventually, good overcomes evil. Bad faith actors will always exist and are often loud but the decent people, while often silent and going about their business, are in the majority. Catherine's video was not in response to the loud bad-faith actors but to the decent majority who offered support and well wishes, and always knew that at the right time, more information would be given. Even while going through a difficult time, she thought of and chose a personal way to connect with and reassure the decent majority.

What that video showed was that there was no 'KP PR strategy' but a couple who, though public figures, are first and foremost a devoted husband and wife, and devoted parents. At a time of personal/family crisis, their first thought and reaction was not as public figures but as parents, as a wife, as a husband. The sequence of their actions flowed from that. Their focus was not on managing their image but on ensuring they process and manage this as a family firstly. If people behaving indecently on social and mainstream media is a consequence of that decision, then that's fine. They haven't complained or even acknowledged that bad behaviour themselves. They made their choice and, I imagine, would repeat it in a heartbeat if faced with a similar choice. Their staff do not create a PR strategy in their private lives which they front. They live authentically according to their values and bring in their staff when they want to share something private with the public. When things go wrong, they do not throw their staff under the bus but take any blowback on the chin without veering off course.

In my view, a sleekly-run PR strategy would not have brought the returns their authenticity brought. The simple and wholesome video of a mother stating with dignity, grace and poise why she and her husband put their children first at a hugely difficult time and offering reassurance to the public, set against the backdrop of the deplorable madness of the past few weeks (which she did not acknowledge or make reference to) really cut through to the public and press rooms worldwide. What was meant to harm their image has strengthened it. She demonstrated what it means to rise above ill and repay evil with good. The video was broadcast on tv channels all over the world and generated a surge of support from the public and global public figures. It has over 500k likes and 100m views on KP twitter, 4.8m likes and over 93m views on KP instagram. This is unprecedented. Authenticity always trumps PR, in the long run.

While praying for the speediest of recoveries for the princess, I also pray that as they go through this challenging time, they remain true to their values and are strengthened as a family. They will be fine. In due course, their strength and values will continue to underpin their service to the nation.
They have a mountain to climb to recover from the mess and generated even greater scrutiny( if that was possible) its a terrible situation to learn it in.
No they don't. The mess was created by foolish individuals behind their screens around the World who just can't control themselves.

It's a collective guilt speaking volumes about our humanity, or lack of for that matter.
Wonder why she appeared personally instead of just publishing a written communique.

Because of all the insanity surrounding her absence over the last 2 months. A written message wouldn’t have accomplished the goals- telling the public what was going on and trying to get people to back off, shut up, and stop peddling nonsense on the internet.
Because of all the insanity surrounding her absence over the last 2 months. A written message wouldn’t have accomplished the goals- telling the public what was going on and trying to get people to back off, shut up, and stop peddling nonsense on the internet.
IMO if they had announced that she had major abdominal surgery without adding that it was no cancer they could' ve avoided conspiracy theories. Instead they should have added that there will be further information in due course.
People of course believed that it was no cancer. None knew that they DIDN' T KNOW yet whether it is cancer.
And to say that the surgery was successfull is even more confusing by announcing that it' s cancer at the same time.
Same with Charles: Chopping and changing
Did the Princess use a teleprompter when she was speaking ?
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When the first announcement was made at the time of her surgery -which of course was necessary as it impacted their official work schedule- the minimum necessary information (surgery in abdominal area with expected recovery time) was shared and unofficially they made it known that it was non-cancerous as that was what her doctors had told them. It is not untruthful to share what you know to be the case.

Later the doctors informed her that unfortunately additional analyses showed that it had been cancerous after all. As Catherine was still within the indicated period of recovery there was no need to update the public just yet. Two days ago they did and like Charles decided not to provide too many details on which type as that information is not for public consumption.
Did the Princess use a teleprompter when she was speaking ?
Since she was outside it’s a bit less likely than in a studio but it’s not impossible. But she has a lot of experience or public speaking by this point, so I don’t think she would need one.
IMO if they had announced that she had major abdominal surgery without adding that it was no cancer they could' ve avoided conspiracy theories. Instead they should have added that there will be further information in due course.
People of course believed that it was no cancer. None knew that they DIDN' T KNOW yet whether it is cancer.
And to say that the surgery was successfull is even more confusing by announcing that it' s cancer at the same time.

If they had simply announced she had major surgery then of course there would have been endless public speculation about whether she had cancer. They were attempting to cut (at the time utterly needless) gossip off.

Interesting that someone who believes they couldn’t communicate clearly can’t see that.
Did the Princess use a teleprompter when she was speaking ?
I don’t think that matters.

My mother died of cancer when she was Kate’s age. At that time I was one year older than Prince George is now. I then lost my great grandmother to cancer 2 years later, and my grandmother was found to have cancer a year after that. It is a ghastly disease, treatment can be very hard on the patient. With that background all I care about is that Kate gets good treatment and is able to recover and take care of her family in peace.

As for criticism of the PR strategy— has anyone considered that the Wales’s staff might have been upset about this news too? Also, there’s no PR strategy that I know of that will stop Internet trolls from trolling. If anyone does know of one, hang out a shingle. You will have more clients than you can handle.
The timeline of her diagnosis is irrelevant to us and goes against her repeated expressed wish for her medical information and history to remain private. How they have announced and handled her absence and illness is fair, and interesting, to discuss from my perspective. The Princess of Wales has an immense amount of sympathy directed towards her, and quite right, I think she is one of the best things to have happened to William and the BRF. However, the conversation on this forum proves that simply asking for privacy doesn't guarantee it. I do wish the Wales's team is paying attention and quickly learning, and adjusting, their tactics so the same mess doesn't repeat itself in her extended absence. They cannot control social media, and the public, but they can influence and manage expectations.
IMO they were managing expectations, right from the beginning , they provided an outline of information and timeframes.
The public were not entitled to be told why William did not attend the Thanksgiving service, it was a family affair not a public duty. Catherine is the patient but the rest of her family are affected as well.
The Mothers Day photograph was unfortunate but Catherine has taken responsibility, rightly or wrongly.
We have now been made aware that the family will not be attending church on Easter Sunday and will be living quietly for some time.
We have been told a week in advance rather than 10 minutes before the service.
So they have kept to the original statement that they would provide further updates if and when circumstances change. They were IMO entitled to hold back on the update until they were ready to do so.

The press office cannot be held to account for trolls on SM or unscrupulous journalists, nor should they pamper to them by responding to wild theories.
Poor Catherine. A hellish and scary health situation compounded by ghoulish and offensive speculation, that was WAY BEYOND invasive and sensationalized. Beyond the pale.

A painful surgery. A grueling recuperation and THEN hit with the Cancer diagnosis.
She has obviously lost weight, my heart went out to her while watching that Video.
And William, the Kids too. The Middleton Family and Charles and extended Windsor Family that love her.

What a class act Catherine is. A treasure.
Chemotherapy cannot usually be started until at least six weeks after major surgery. The wound from the operation needs time to heal before the patient is ready to start the next stage of their treatment.

Receiving a cancer diagnosis is a terrible shock, especially if you have previously thought that whatever symptoms you were experiencing were due to a non-cancerous condition, as was evidently the case with the Princess. Most people struggle even to tell family and close friends, never mind sharing it with the world. The timeline is no-one's business but Catherine's.

Most people who have chemotherapy after surgery also have to have radiotherapy, and it takes a fair while to get over chemotherapy. I wouldn't be surprised if Catherine is out of action until Christmas. That's going to be challenging, especially with the King also unwell, but illness happens and everyone'll have to work round it.
As for criticism of the PR strategy— has anyone considered that the Wales’s staff might have been upset about this news too? Also, there’s no PR strategy that I know of that will stop Internet trolls from trolling. If anyone does know of one, hang out a shingle. You will have more clients than you can handle.
If the staff was too upset to perform their job professionally, they should find a new line of work. PR people have to deal with difficult situations all the time. That's part of the job.

I happen to think they did OK, although they erred in not releasing more updates. When you compare the way the Buckingham Palace press office has very successfully managed speculation about Charles -- and never let it get out of hand -- as compared to the Kensington Palace effort, you can see that they did have options that would have avoided the tsunami of crazy speculation.

It may be that William and Kate refused to allow more coverage -- even very controlled coverage -- and that's their right. But that position doesn't work too well in today's media environment.
Chemotherapy cannot usually be started until at least six weeks after major surgery. The wound from the operation needs time to heal before the patient is ready to start the next stage of their treatment.

Receiving a cancer diagnosis is a terrible shock, especially if you have previously thought that whatever symptoms you were experiencing were due to a non-cancerous condition, as was evidently the case with the Princess. Most people struggle even to tell family and close friends, never mind sharing it with the world. The timeline is no-one's business but Catherine's.

Most people who have chemotherapy after surgery also have to have radiotherapy, and it takes a fair while to get over chemotherapy. I wouldn't be surprised if Catherine is out of action until Christmas. That's going to be challenging, especially with the King also unwell, but illness happens and everyone'll have to work round it.
I know and after 3 months the controle of all it .
I happen to think they did OK, although they erred in not releasing more updates. When you compare the way the Buckingham Palace press office has very successfully managed speculation about Charles -- and never let it get out of hand -- as compared to the Kensington Palace effort, you can see that they did have options that would have avoided the tsunami of crazy speculation.

It may be that William and Kate refused to allow more coverage -- even very controlled coverage -- and that's their right. But that position doesn't work too well in today's media environment.

I don't agree that anything BP did influenced speculation. Charles is not a figure of fascination the way Catherine is, particularly in the US. Social media was just not interested in speculating about Charles. He does not generate clicks that make it worth the effort. SM cannot create any interesting Gone Girl fan fiction about him. He is also seen as old and transitional. At 75, pretty much everything about his life is already in the public domain. He could be as open as he wanted, he did not have young children to consider.

KP could have released, word for word, exactly the information released by BP and still the speculation will happen the way it happened. Catherine generates way more interest and far more coverage. It is neither her responsibility or KP's responsibility to service the 'royal watching' industry or bored randos on social media by providing entertaining updates or blow-by-blow account of her health journey while undergoing a health crisis with a young family - oh, you're recovering from surgery, reeling from the shock of a new diagnosis and processing with your husband how you break the news to your young children but wait, let's get a video of you reading cards from the public to put on SM. That's got to be a priority. That will fill the vacuum. Such an inhumane way of looking at things.

Funnily enough, in spite of being in this exact position, she attempted to put out a family picture for Mother's day as they usually do and we all know how that panned out. Bad faith actors are bad faith actors.There was absolutely nothing KP could have done differently that would have stopped the lunacy.
I think its worth considering posting about the PR strategy but maybe in another thread or a specific thread for it.
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