"Königskinder" (2007-2009) - ZDF Documentaries on Europe's Heirs

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Moderator Emeritus
May 10, 2006
German channel ZDF will show docus about Europe's next Royal generation.

Next Tuesday (July 17) they'll show the first part:
It will be a docu about Crown Princess Victoria, the next Queen of Sweden.
Great! What about if you wanted to see in the states livestream through this website? I went on the website but didn't understand much just that there will be many series coming up.
I don't know if there'll be a livestream of the show in the internet. It is unfortunatley not a common thing in Germany. Maybe you can see the video later on the webpage, like on the next day. But as far as I know the ZDF they just do it with talkshows and famous guests.

Maybe someone can record and upload it? Unfortunately I don't have a DVD-Recorder.

Edit: I found something more: In the upper right corner, in the grey box, there is the word "ZDFmediathek" written. If you click on that button you'll be leaded to some videos and on the bottom it says "Live-Videos". Maybe they'll have a livestream. Let's hope for our foreign royal-fans;-)
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What a pity that there is no section about Prince Philipp of Belgium and Princess Mathilde of Belgium! It would be nice to hear about them!
What a pity that there is no section about Prince Philipp of Belgium and Princess Mathilde of Belgium! It would be nice to hear about them!

Since when is Mathilde a Königskind?

Since when is Mathilde a Königskind?

Mette-Marit, Letizia, Mary and Máxima aren't "Königskinder" either... but they could show a docu about Prince Philip.
Well, sadly they don't.
Mette-Marit, Letizia, Mary and Máxima aren't "Königskinder" either... but they could show a docu about Prince Philip.
Well, sadly they don't.

That is true. Apparently ZDF thinks there is nothing worth mentioning about the Duke and Duchess of Brabant.

They also miss other royal families like Luxembourg or Jordan or Japan, etc.

I'm happy they haven't included Monaco. Rightly so: neither Andrea nor Pierre nore Charlotte Casiraghi are Königskinder.
According to the OP, it's a series about Europe's next generation of royals, which is probably why they aren't including Jordan or Japan.
Mittsommermärchen Victoria von Schweden und ihr Daniel - The video of the first programme. I believe it's the complete one, since it's 42min. long

The others will be:

- July 24th, Tulpen und Tango - Willem-Alexander und Máxima von Holland

- July 31st, Das Aschenputtel und der Prinz Mette-Marit und Haakon von Norwegen

- August 7th, Der Kronprinz und die Journalistin Letizia und Felipe von Spanien

- August 14th, Schatz des Wikingers Mary und Frederik von Dänemark

- August 28th, Prinz und Rebell William von England
- August 28th, Prinz und Rebell William von England

Prinz und Rebell William von England???

Looks like some creative marketing going on. :ermm:
Lazy TV evening saved! Hurray! What else can someone do when the thermometer says 30,6 C - INSIDE !!! I always liked the ZDF's specials on Royalty. They are good with that.
Sunday night i could watch the first part ( a kind of summary ) from the TV docu ´Königskinder´. I´m sorry to say that the part about the British Royals ( specially about the Princes William and Harry ) was really miserable.
Nothing new, but much old stuff and the repeat of the same Diana - Camilla stories we all know for long, and some gossip i would expect in tabloids but not in a TV docu.
I have to say, Guido Knopp doesn´t make a good job here, i would always prefer TV docus from Rolf Seelmann- Eggebert, he is a real expert of the British Monarchy!
( But i can´t judge the docus of Knopp about other Royal Houses)
i see the docu too and i think the title is not good refined. the docu is only about the crown princess and prince.but about this we know all. when i hear the first time about the docu i hope it is about all real princess and prince ( madeleine, christina, elena, märtha louise and other).
I am looking for the part of tomorrow. I ask me, if they will show new pictures of Princess Ariane.
OMG I had to cry so much. Maxima and WA are such a strong couple. And the wedding... and the tango that was played during the ceremony,...so many details I haven't heard before. It was all a bit much for my sensitve soul.
The tv docu about Maxima and WA was great!
Same for me, little pumpkin pie! ;) I was having dinner with my husband when they showed the famous wedding tango... Well, i know it sounds stupid, but I got tears in my eyes. My husband wanted to know a bit about the couple (he's not a royal-watcher at all), so I had to make a brief explanation of W&M.

It was funny when they showed Maxima chatting with some older people (it was in 2006 in New Zealand, if I remember correctly) and introducing herself as "de vrouw van de kroonprins" ("the crown prince's wife") and joking about her pregnancy ("Ik ben een beetje zwanger" - "I'm a bit pregnant"). She's cool! :D

OMG I had to cry so much. Maxima and WA are such a strong couple. And the wedding... and the tango that was played during the ceremony,...so many details I haven't heard before. It was all a bit much for my sensitve soul.
It was funny when they showed Maxima chatting with some older people (it was in 2006 in New Zealand, if I remember correctly) and introducing herself as "de vrouw van de kroonprins" ("the crown prince's wife") and joking about her pregnancy ("Ik ben een beetje zwanger" - "I'm a bit pregnant"). She's cool! :D
Yes, that was funny. I'm now a big fan of Maxima :flowers:. She is very natural and has a beautiful and warm smile.

Here is the video:

ZDFmediathek - Willem-Alexander und Máxima von Holland
It's great to have the possibility to watch the videos in the Mediathek, because I missed the first one! Thank you, ZDF! :lol:
At about 30:00 minutes there is the part with the: "Ik ben een beetje zwanger". It's cute, very naturall.
Maxima is just WOW! For me the best possible role model of a modern consort. And I still get goose bumps when I see the part of their wedding when the tango music sets in ... so much emotion. I am sure they will have a very successful future as King & Queen of the Netherlands (or whatever Maxima's title will be :rolleyes:)!!!
Maxima is just WOW! For me the best
possible role model of a modern consort. And I still get goose bumps when I see the part of their wedding when the tango music sets in ... so much emotion. I am sure they will have a very successful future as King & Queen of the Netherlands (or whatever Maxima's title will be :rolleyes:)!!!
I have to agree, she really is great. I think photos does not do her justice, they tend to maker her look a bit looney or crazy with some of her poses and gestures and hair all over the place, but when you see her moving and interacting and how everyone around her just responds to her with smile and laughter it is really something else. And of course the Tango is just fantastic and so emoitional when you see them just after at the funeral of Prince Claus. And I also very much like her confidence, all the way from the start at the engagement, and her quick answers.
Thank you so much for this link, I loved watching the video on Maxima. Does anyone no how I can go about purchasing this series as it is not a very good picture on the internet and I can't read German on the website? Your help would be very much appreciated. Thanks Nicole
Thanks so much for the link. I've seen the tango portion of the wedding before and like that time I had to get a tissue because I got teary.
I am looking forwart to Tuesday and the part about the Norwegian Königskinder.
Thank you so much for this link, I loved watching the video on Maxima. Does anyone no how I can go about purchasing this series as it is not a very good picture on the internet and I can't read German on the website? Your help would be very much appreciated. Thanks Nicole
You can't purchase, unfortunately, there is a book though, but only in German. It's the same procedure as with "Majestät", the docu about the parent generation.
Can anyone tell me what she is saying about her father at the press conference that make them all laugh??
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