King Philippe, Current Events, Part 3 (January 2021 - present)

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An Ard Ri

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Jun 30, 2009
An Iarmhí


Arms of King Philippe

Welcome to the King Philippe, Current Events, Part 3 (January 2021 - present)

Commencing January 19th,2021

The previous thread can be found here

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King Philippe received the President of Georgia Salome Zourabichvili for a meeting at the Royal Palace today, January 21:

** Pic ** rex gallery **
King Philippe virtually attended the panel discussions "Green transition of Europe" and "Building a net emission-free and nature-positive economy" as part of the virtual Davos meeting 2021:

** Pic 1 ** Pic 2 **
King Philippe received Christine Lagarde, President of the European Central Bank, today, February 8:

** Pic **
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Today, February 9, King Philippe received Michel Bernard Barnier, European Commission's Head of Task Force for Relations with the United Kingdom:

** Pic **
The Professor Maarten Vansteenkiste was received in audience by the King today. Vansteenkiste is a motivational psychologist and also a member of GEMS, the Covid-19 Crisis Strategy Expert Group that advises the government in the fight against coronavirus.

The coordinator of “Belgian Biodiversity Platform” dr. Hilde Eggermont, was received in audience by the King today.
The “Belgian Biodiversity Platform” provides services to Belgian scientists engaged in research on biodiversity and ecosystem services.

King Philippe had a conversation today with Joelle Yana, founder of @LaTricoterie in Saint-Gilles. "Contact factory" La Tricoterie is a meeting place where disciplines and audience meet in an atmosphere of exchange and encouragement.


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King Philippe had a video conversations with students from Hasselt University and the University of Namur. The students explain how the corona crisis affects both their student life and life on campus. Their experiences with distance learning and the impact of the crisis on their mental health are also discussed.


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Today, March 11, King Philippe virtually met with young people guided by Youth At Risk (YAR Flanders) and their coaches:

** monarchie gallery **
King Philippe received Executive Vice-President of the European Commission Margrethe Vestager today, March 23:

** Pic **
A train trip for the King Philippe to Ottignies station for a SNCB tour and Infrabel FR . Meeting with guides, drivers, ticket clerks and cleaners. A Thank you to SNCB employees who work on a daily basis to allow passengers to take the train in complete safety
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Today, March 30, King Philippe virtually talked to Prof. Dewatripont, Doctor of Economics and Chairman of the "Get Up Wallonia" Strategic Council:

** Pic 1 ** Pic 2 **

Later today the King visited the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine production site in Puurs:

** Pic ** rex gallery ** gettyimages gallery ** ppe gallery **
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Today, April 22, King Philippe spoke to Professor Paul De Grauwe, Doctor of Economics, about his latest book and "the impact of the pandemic on the Belgian economy and the recovery efforts":

** Pic 1 ** Pic 2 ** monarchie gallery **
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Chairman of Parliament, Rachid Madrane, was received in audience by the King Philippe this morning on the occasion of the Iris Feest

King Philippe receive the new ambassadors of Algeria , Singapore ,Cyprus and Zimbabwe this morning.⁣

King Philippe with Pupils of the 5th primary of schools in the City of Brussels as discover the biodiversity of the Royal Domain of Laeken during guided walks.


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