Your reasons for loving the Grimaldi's

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Royal Highness
Dec 23, 2003
My reasons are :

Stephanie : She is the most beautiful woman alive :p ( yes, yes ... I'll watch out.... ) She's outgoing, open-hearted, sweet, nice and gentle + a fascinating person

Caroline: She's elegant, glamourous, generous and she has a very cool family.

Albert: He's top, just top. He's a clever guy - funny and intelligent.

Andrea, Charlotte and Pierre, Ernstie and Chris: They inherited all the good and a charming appearance ...

Louis, Pauline and Camille and Alexandra: Cool kiddos ....

The whole family rocks the house :cool::p
Hmmm...nice question Sebastian.

I like the Monacos because they don't display pretense. They exude compassion, genuineness, and approachability. Even though they must be driven crazy by the press and curious royal-watchers, they continue to live 'their' lives. They hold true to their convictions and passions all the while fulfilling their royal duties.
For me, it all started with Grace Kelly. Here was a well-to-do young woman who had to rebel against her family in order to follow her chosen career path. She created a life for herself when she could have just married well and lived a comfortable existence. Then once she had conquered the acting profession, she did it again. She created a different life for herself as Princess Grace of Monaco and as a mother. I think she was a fascinating person.

Then she and Prince Rainier had those three beautiful children... And I find it fascinating that Stephanie seems to mirror the young Grace Kelly, always striking out to find an identity. She is the rebel that Grace was. And Caroline seems to have picked up Grace's later, "royal" personality. Always presenting the correct image, appearances matter, etc... Interesting because it was that side of her mother that she rebelled against as a teen and young adult. I get the impression that she is more strict and judgemental in her dealings with her sister, though, than with her own children. I'm not sure who Albert is most like. I believe he spent most of his time with his father, if you can trust what you read. But he seems more sensitive than Prince Rainier, so perhaps he is a combination of the two.

Anyway, they are a charismatic bunch, including the new generation, so I don't see interest in them going away anytime soon!
Well mainly because there is hardly ever a dull moment with this family! But like others, it started when I found out about Grace Kelly and things went from there. As I was saying, the reason why i love this family is because of the never ending sagas!
They keep the news media busy. That family does not know the meaning of boring! They seem to be the Royal equivalent of what the Kennedy's are in the USA, something always happens that plasters their name on the news at any moment.
I like them becouse i think they are natural and very interesting...and they arent false people.
They are charming, beautiful, just lovely.
I like them because they are a beautiful family and caring people and I learned about Grace Kelly on tv and looked her up and been hooked on them since. Stephanie is my favorite always interesting she seems the least like a Princess you can tell she really cares.
I love the Monacos because their whole situation ( like Monaco doesn't have a legimate heir and Andrea ight be taking in the role..but he's all like this playboy role) it's really interesting!!!...Plus they're all beautiful people too!
I started liking and admiring Caro, and from her I started liking and being interested in the whole family, in particular Princess Grace (and Andrea lately...I'm a girl after all).
I like them because they are fascinating, for their looks and personalities, and they live rollercoaster lives.

Well, besides all the things that were already said: we shared good times and bad times with them, shared their laughter and their tears, they all have become some kind of beloved family-members in some way :)
iceflower said:
Well, besides all the things that were already said: we shared good times and bad times with them, shared their laughter and their tears, they all have become some kind of beloved family-members in some way :)

I couldn't agree more...when Prince Rainier died I felt almost as if I had lost an old nice uncle (well, not exactly, but sort of)
Grace said:
I couldn't agree more...when Prince Rainier died I felt almost as if I had lost an old nice uncle (well, not exactly, but sort of)

That's cute :)
Yeah, it could almost sound weird, but when you read about some people constantly you start to feel for them, when they are happy or sad, and when they pass away you sort of miss them as if you knew them this family has gone through so much, that you can't but wish them some happy times (and on top of that Ernst was very ill in those days, and that seemed really too much to bear for Caro).

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Reasons...hmmm... they're people... with ups and downs... people with a good heart...they go through life with their eyes open....
The reasons??? Many!!!

First the fairy tale, Grace & Rainier !!!!
Caroline, stunning !!! and now Charlotte !!!

Stéphanie, a poor girl, fitting to find hapiness, making wrong choices, a wonderful mother, so touchy, makes you feel affection for her !!!

Prince Rainier, close like an uncle !!

Grace Kelly, !!! A dream person, a dream who turned in nightmare!

Caroline and Stefano ? The absolute drama!

Young generation ???? Beauty, beauty & beauty again !!

Generally speaking, I think that we like the Monacos' because they are wonderful dream people, but in the meantime they are human !!! We all have been admiring them ! a beauty royal Caroline, a HRH!!!, ..... but we all have so much cried with them !!! we felt their hapiness and also their dramas. We wondered for mourning Caroline in the same way like we would have wonder for our sister or cousin ! And Prince Rainier's image, being destroyed by his wife's lost was into our hearts!
No one other royal family managed to be so close to the whole world like the Monaco's. Their life has been a long theatrical act, with all us being watching.
Hope that the representation will have a happy end !!!
I like the fact that their lifes are better than any soap opera, the things that happen to the Grimaldi only happen to them!!! :D
crisiñaki said:
I like the fact that their lifes are better than any soap opera, the things that happen to the Grimaldi only happen to them!!! :D

their life is a royal soap opera and so much better than the rest of them:D

I just love this family as someone´s already said we laugh and cry with them. It´s like they live a fairly tale but a real one!
Grace said:
Yeah, it could almost sound weird, but when you read about some people constantly you start to feel for them, when they are happy or sad, and when they pass away you sort of miss them as if you knew them this family has gone through so much, that you can't but wish them some happy times (and on top of that Ernst was very ill in those days, and that seemed really too much to bear for Caro).

I get what you mean after reading about their family so much you feel like you sorta know them.
First of all i really like Caroline,i admire her caracter.Then they are my favourite royal familly because they live in FRANCE so i can read about them almost every week,they have done mistakes and they had never denied them pretending they are the perfect familly,they are beautiful and photogenic and my favourite fashionista Charlotte lives somewhere in Paris but i haven't seen her yet.. :(
I like them because I feel they seem "real" to me, not stuffy and uptight; they are not putting on a phony, controlled face for the public. When they have public duties, they relate to their public and show appreciation for them in one of the most positive ways - they put themselves among them, include them (National Day and Enthronment events are great examples). I grew up watching Grace Kelly movies, and adored her when I was young - she always "seemed" like a Princess, so I'm sure there was immediate warmth when Prince Rainier married her and introduced her to Monaco. I like that Prince Albert and Pss Caroline and Stephanie have the same frailties the rest of us do - no one is perfect, and I like that they are allowing their children to experience life as normal citizens and not trotting them out into the public like show pieces. Of all the "royal" familes, I feel the Grimaldis are the only ones worth knowing, if you ever had a chance - I bet they are a lot of fun off camera.
Monaco Royals most popular on the TRF?

I been a member of the TRF for a couple of months. I noticed that the most viewers are always in the Monaco threads. For such a small city -state this country gets alot of our attention. The royal family is quite small but the camera lenses love the women of the family!

Is the fascination due to Grace? Caroline? Albert? Rainier?
For me, I love rooting for the under dog. I love how Grace and Rainier transformed this relatively unknown place into the modern principality it is today! I guess that royal family is half Philadelphian makes t an added plus for me!
it`s both glory and tragedy that makes this family so special.
many times i think it`s also because the people are in love not only by it`s past and members but the location: Monaco, a symbol of la dolce vita. The living style of Char, Caro... it`s what the majority aspire to.
just thinking for example at Norvegian royalty makes me think Norvegia, cold, boring, snowy, rainy, little monden life ... thanks not
Thankfully to the Princess Caroline, the most glamourous and elegant princess :)
Incontestably Princess Caroline for her charme and energy, her strong personality .
Different strokes for different folks as they say... it probably makes a difference whether one is considering a foreign monarchy as opposed to ones own. And ever since Princess Grace came into the picture I've felt that the Grimaldis were partly ours' as well. But regardless of that, when it is "your" monarchy, it seems to me to be alot like your family. You cannot pick favorites (though you might) and you love them no matter what they do, whether or not they impress or disappoint you etc, but you love them simply because they are your own and that's enough.
:monacostandard: :monacoflag:
All posts of DuedePhiladelphia's new thread have been
moved to this already existing thread, as the topic and
content are basically the same.

Thanks for your understanding,

Monaco Forum Moderator
I agree with your sentiments, although there are times when I could get my hackles up about the way some members of the family behave, I still find myself following their every move. I feel I've grown up with Caroline & Stephanie & Grace has become an example of everything I admire about Royalty. I'm also enjoying watching Charlotte grow up. I guess if I'm honest Albert doesn't hold the same fascination for me - perhaps if he were produce an "official" family of his own ....
I have always found the people who live and work in Monaco to be very friendly and welcoming. Once when I parked my car in the wrong place a policeman came over to tell I couldn't park there, and when he found out I was from Philadelphia he found a spot for me to park and guided me there!!!! Where else on earth can you find that kind of friendly atmosphere!!!
I think that my heart belongs to Princess Grace and Princess Caroline.
I have always appreciated Princess Grace's contribution, it's simply priceless.
it`s both glory and tragedy that makes this family so special.
many times i think it`s also because the people are in love not only by it`s past and members but the location: Monaco, a symbol of la dolce vita. The living style of Char, Caro... it`s what the majority aspire to.
just thinking for example at Norvegian royalty makes me think Norvegia, cold, boring, snowy, rainy, little monden life ... thanks not
I guess I can say I completely agree with you about the Grimaldis.:flowers:
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