The Prince of Asturias Awards All Years Untill 2014

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According to a study ordered by the FPA, 85% of the Spaniards consider that these awards "are very important for the country" and that "they have obtained a great international recognition and prestige".

The conclusions of this study are revealed in the year when the Prince of Asturias Foundation celebrates the XXV anniversary of its awards, under the auspices of UNESCO.
From Última Hora:

Di Stefano, Peels, Maradona, Cruyff and Beckenbauer are some of the candidates to the Prince of Asturias of Sports Award.


The members of the jury are the duke of Palm, Iñaki Urdangarín; the secretary of State for the Sport and president of the Top Council of Sports, Jaime Lissavetzky; the president of the Spanish Olympic Committee, Jose Maria Echevarría; the president of honor of the International Olympic Committee, who received the Prince of Asturias of Sports Award in1988; Juan Antonio Samaranch, and a member of the Spanish Olympic Committee Juan Antonio Samaranch Salisachs.


The Spanish Formula One pilot Fernando Alonso was awarded today with the Prize Prince of Asturias of Sports 2005, for being a "singular champion" and a world-wide "example" for youth, according to the jury.

Alonso already confirmed his attendance to the prize-giving ceremony of the awards that will be celebrated on October 21st, in the Campoamor theatre of Oviedo, under the presidency of TRH the Princes of Asturias.

The announcement of the award of Concord, which will take place next September 14th, will close this edition of the Prizes Prince of Asturias 2005, on its twenty fifth anniversary.
Each one of the eight personalities awarded with a Prince of Asturias Award will receive 50.000 € cash, along with the Joan Miró's sculpture that was specifically created for these awards, toguether with a diploma.
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The director Foundation Prince dedicates Medal Asturias Royal Family

The director of the Foundation Prince, Graciano García, which today will receive in Oviedo the Golden medal of the Autonomous Community, dedicated this distinction to the Royal Family for the whole support that has received of her to propitiate the development of an institution known today in the whole world.

The Foundation directed by Graciano García Prince of Asturias grants every year the Prizes.
García was got today in the Asturian Parliament by the chairwoman of this institution, Maria Jesus Alvarez, I join of distinguished personalities this year.
Before going to the Audience of Oviedo to receive his Medal of Gold, the director of the Foundation assured that Asturias has been a 'reference' all his life, and said that also it is a moment to agree him of all the persons that they have helped him.
First, García remembered the Kings for the support received in the whiteness of the Foundation, when the Prince ' still was a child, and highlighted the protagonism assumed later by Don Felipe up to doing of the institution ' a very important work for his life '.
He added that also he wants to share this distinction with his family, with that they have been presidents in the Foundation, Pedro Masaveu, Plácido Arango and Jose Ramon Alvarez Rendueles, and, finally with his 'colleagues' the journalists who have never left him only and ' they understood very well the message of what wanted to be this institution '.

The Golden medal of Asturias is not granted every year and only they are in possession of her the Prince Felipe, the Asturian Nobel prize Severo Ochoa, to the investigator Francisco Grande Covián, the ex-chief of the House of the King Sabino Fernandez Campo and the poets Carlos Bousoño and Angel Gonzalez.

Graciano García (Moreda, 1939), qualified for the Official School of Journalism of Madrid, is in possession of the Commission of the Order of the Civil Merit, granted by His Majesty the King and in May, 2004 he received the Commander's degree of the Order of Rio Branco, which grants the Government of Brazil.
On September 24, 1980, in presence of the Kings of Spain and of the Prince of Asturias, it started his idea and created, with a group of Asturians, the Foundation Prince of Asturias and the Prizes Prince of Asturias, destined to reward the scientific, technical, cultural, social and human labor realized by persons, equipments of work or institutions in the international area.

[font=verdana,Arial][/font][font=verdana,Arial]The Kings and the Princes congratulate to Fernando Alonso by their award [/font][font=verdana,Arial][/font]
[font=verdana,tahoma,arial]The Kings and the Princes have sent individual telegrams of congratulation to the pilot of Formula One Fernando Alonso by the concession today of the Prize Prince of Asturias of Deportes 2005. [/font]

[font=verdana,tahoma,arial]Don Felipe and Doña Letizia are outstanding the great professional trajectory of the awarded one and have assured that it is a model for present youth.

The jury of the Prizes Prince of Asturias granted to this east morning award to Alonso and emphasized of him who "has been able to arrive at the summit from his sport specialty after years from great sacrifices and resignations with the only support from his family in the beginnings from his race, and is today an example for Spanish and world-wide youth".

The present leader of the Championship of the World of Formula One, been born in Oviedo the 29 of 1981 July, dominated itself the Russian saltadora of pole Yelena Isinbayeva by nineteen votes to four in the last meeting of celebrated the jury this morning.

Samaranch assures that the Prize to Fernando Alonso "is very deserved"

President of life honor of the Olympic Committee Internacional, Juan Antonio Samaranch, said that the Prize Prince of Asturias granted to the pilot of Formula One Fernando Alonso "is very deserved".

Thus he indicated Juan Antonio Samaranch to the journalists after making public, like president of the jury, the failure.

Samaranch clarified that Alonso is not promising, but "a reality" and remembered that "is on the verge of proclaiming champion of the world".

It added that "it is impressive a mediatic phenomenon not only in Asturias, but also in Spain and anywhere in the world", reason why considered that "the prize very has been deserved".

With respect to the deliberations of the jury it indicated that "always there is discussion and each one presents/displays its particular opinion", but "the election of Alonso has been practically unanimous, because of the 23 votes there have only been four in favor of another candidate".

Samaranch showed its hope in which it stops the delivery of the prizes in October or champion of the world.

It remembered that the last test is five days before the delivery of the prizes and "if Fernando Alonso can come to Oviedo to gather it as champion of the world is something very special for this ceremony".

Urdangarín emphasizes that Alonso are broken molds in a difficult sport

The Duke of Palm, Iñaki Urdangarín, honored of the pilot of Formula One Fernando Alonso, Prize Prince of Asturias of Deportes, "the rupture of molds that have obtained in a sport" with "special difficulties".

To thus the jury said it to Urdangarín to the journalists after, of whom he comprised, made public the failure in Oviedo.

Iñaki Urdangarín commented that "there have been conditioners in this edition that put certain complexity for the election" and made specific that there was a great dispute with the candidacy of the finalist, the pertiguista saltadora Russian Yelena Isinbayeva.

He considered that "it is important to of course understand the prize by the person to whom is given to him, Fernando Alonso, but also by the arguments of the jury".

He commented that "there are the most important aspects, knowing that at level of attainment of titles she is not the person that are more fertile, but in the trajectory and the rupture of molds that have been able in a sport" with "special difficulties to arrive at all the levels".

For Urgangarín he is "a referring one for the children, youth and other countries, that see that it is possible that a nation that does not have a great trajectory in sport motoring it can obtain that a person tears that wall and is able to put to a possible champion of the world to the doors of the international sport".

Areces: "the prize to Alonso is the great news for Asturian and the Spanish sport

The president of the Principality of Asturias, Vicente Alvarez Areces, affirmed that the concession of the Prize Prince of Asturias of Deportes 2005 to the pilot of Formula One Fernando Alonso, been born in Oviedo for 24 years, "has been meaning the great news for the Asturian ones and for the Spanish sport".

In telephone conversation with EFE, Areces, that returns to Asturias coming from Paris, commented that the president of the jury called to him, Juan Antonio Samaranch, to notify to him.

"the figure of Alonso, in spite of its youth, has a trajectory of many years that is wrought in the personal effort; she is a person who has practiced the sport from her childhood and has obtained all her successes with extraordinary a personal effort ", declared.

The head of the regional Executive also emphasized that the pilot "symbolizes like anybody what means the sport as stimulus and like reference for million people anywhere in the world in the most difficult modality like is Formula One, in which without a doubt will achieve great immediate successes and in the future".

Corbalán: "Alonso has marked a landmark in the history of our sport"

The ex- player of basketball Juan Antonio Corbalán said that the pilot of Formula One Fernando Alonso, who obtained the Prize Prince of Asturias of Deportes, "has marked a landmark in the history of our sport".

To thus Juan Antonio Corbalán said it to the journalists after becoming the failure public of the jury, of whom he comprised. "In this case a sportsman has reigned who has marked a landmark in the history of our sport, a sport so specific and so difficult to accede, which has been valued very many", pointed Corbalán.

It considered that "in this case in addition it agrees in which is a very precocious person who has obtained almost everything in a time almost record".

Corbalán commented that "in addition it is made agree the spirit of the prize with the sour cherry of a pie that is to award to somebody in its earth, thing that is frankly difficult".


The Daughters of San Vicente's Charity of Paúl, Reward Prince of Asturias of the Concord

OVIEDO. - The religious congregation Daughters of San Vicente's Charity of Paúl there has been rewarded by the Prize Prince of Asturias of the Concord 2005. Together with them they were choosing to the prize as finalists Organización Nacional of Transplants and the International Organization of the Work.
The Daughters of San Vicente's Charity of Paúl it is an international company composed by more than 23.000 nuns who are employed at 93 countries at projects of cooperation to the development and of help to isolated persons.
It was founded in the XVIIth century by San Vicente of Paúl and Holy Luisa de Marillac. Both have gone on to the posterity as Universal Bosses of the Christian Works. Nowadays the Father Gregory G. Gay and the Mother Mother Evelyne Franck continue the role initiated by San Vicente and Holy Luisa 300 years ago.
The mission of the Daughters of the Charity centres on trying to improve the situation of the most disadvantaged social groups, as the patients, the elders, the immigrants, the displaced ones or the imprisoned ones.

The Asturian locality of Porrúa, in Llanes, was awarded with the Prize for the Exemplary Town of Asturias that is granted by the Prince of Asturias Foundation. The decision was announced today in Oviedo.
Porrúa is an eminently cattle town, located in the coast of Eastern Asturias, on the mountain range of Cuera.
The jury emphasized its "capacity to maintain values and customs that the new generations have known to assimilate and to develop in multiple activities and initiatives".

The Foundation Prince of Asturias confused to the Daughters of the
Charity with another congregation

Some average news published yesterday that the Prize Prince of
Asturias of the Concord had fallen on the Daughters of the Charity of
San Vicente de Paúl, but they confused them with another different religious congregation, when calling to them "Sisters of the Poor men". The error was in the note of press of the own Foundation, that it announced the concession of the award to the Daughters of the Charity, "known - the text in many parts of the world like Sisters of the poor men indicated". The "Hermanitas of the Poor men" is a different congregation, that it is dedicated specifically to the care of old and have asylums by all Spain and in 36 countries of the world. The error can be verified in the page Web of the Foundation.

Friday, 16 of September of 2005

The Foundation Prince of Asturias, considered by the UN like a " world example " in the education of the music


The International Council of the Music (IMC), organism) dependent on the Organization of United Nations , Prince of Asturias has selected to the Foundation to take part in the first World Forum of the Music for being a " world example " in the promotion of the musical education.
This institution will present his activities of support to the music before more than 1.000 representatives of organismsand cultural institutions of the whole world. The meeting will be celebrated in Los Angeles (United States) between the 1st and 5th of October and will be presented by the secretary general of the UN, Kofi Annan.
The World Forum of the Music has as aim turn into a platform of global knowledge concerning this activity and the importance into the international area as tool of culture and concord.
This meeting is the first one of these characteristics that organizes the international Council of the Music, organism created by the Organization of United Nations for the Education, the Science and the Culture (UNESCO). In future this forum will have character bianual and in it there will be analyzed aspects related to the power of the music and there will appear to the international community models of good practices.
The Foundation Prince of Asturias has been selected by its didactic labor during the last 25 years, which have formed of the creation of the School Coral, where there are integrated the Choirs of the Foundation and the International School of the Music, as well as for its labor in the recovery and impulse of the oral and musical tradition of Asturias.


The Foundation Prince of Asturias created in the year 1983 the Musical Area from which the Adults' Choir arose one year later, a group that with the passage of time has reached a great national and international prestige. In 1988 the foundation created the Young Choir and the Infantile Choir in 1990. Three formations have used as platform to form to hundreds of voices and to keep alive the narrow relation that Asturias has had always with the music.
Now, on the occasion of the celebration of the Anniversary XXV of the Prizes Prince of Asturias, the foundation has assumed completely the organization of the International School of the Music Young Oviedo, there happening to be named International School of Music of the Foundation A Prince of Asturias. All this inside its determination for contributing to the promotion of the culture.

Porrúa, dona Letizia's slope

The acts of the day of delivery of the prize " Exemplary village " will suffer changes depending on which she represents or not the Princess of Asturias

Porrúa, the village llanisco that has obtained this year the prize to the exemplary village of Asturias, already has initiated the account behind. On the 22nd it will receive the hand award of the Prince of Asturias, don Felipe de Borbón. It is necessary for knowing if there will come also the Princess, dona Letizia Ortiz, an end that still has not been confirmed. Good part of the acts foreseen for the day they will suffer changes depending on which the Princess is or does not present.

Porrúa (Llanes), Daniel BARBARIAN

Porrúa, prize " exemplary Village " of Asturias 2005, works from the Sun to the Sun to prepare the awaited visit of the Princes of Asturias on the 22nd. From the reception up to the farewell, every step is organized meticulously, with effort and enthusiasm. The itinerary that the Princes will follow raises quebraderos of head. They are analyzed up to five possible tours. Everything depends on the Princess, dona Letizia Ortiz, whose presence still is not sure, in view of outpost of her pregnancy. But also there depend the decisions of the meteorology, of the televisions and, certainly, about what decide the safety persons in charge of the Royal House.
If the time accompanies, the tour will be the longest. The entry in the village will be done by Celoriu's highway. The first one of the stops will be the House Council, where the Princes will discover a commemorative plate. In the same place there is foreseen that carries out one of the most significant acts for the major ones of the zone, a public "conceyu". In the list of attendees already more than sixty persons appear. The intention is that it informs the set of the neighbors of the village; if it is possible, a representative for family. Again, everything depends on the safety. And of the protocol. Later, in the estate Llacín, under a centenary avocado, there will take place the interventions of the authorities, the speech of the mayoralty of neighborhood and other official acts, included the delivery of the prize to Porrúa.
Later, the Princes will approach the most typical corners of the locality. They will cross the narrow streets of the village and will be able to see the rural houses decorated with flowers. They will pass for the park of the village, for the "bebederu" and will rise up to the deposit of the water, where they will enjoy a few precious sights towards the Mañanga de Porrúa, a mount that often the villagers cross for his cattle housekeeping or for the enjoyment of the nature. Without moving of the place, they will be able to observe the Cantabrian one.
Of turned again to Llacín, they will visit the zone of the Mazuga, where they will be able to perceive the tranquility of the pastizales where it removes to the cattle. They will finish the tour passing for the cheese shop of the village, in the Llacín, where the food will take place, like espicha. The local band of bagpipes "Llacín" and the regional dances amenizarán the acts for enjoyment of the Princes, who will be dismissed by the thousand-year-old prime dance. As soon as the Princes leave the locality porruana, the neighbors, who during these days, adorn, clean and prepare the village, they will celebrate a holiday to close the day most expected from the recent local history.

Photos of Porrúa:


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Honoring dances and colloquium with Alonso among activities rewarded

An action of the ballerinas Tamara Rojo and Maya Plisetskaya and a colloquium with the champion of the world of Formula 1 Fernando Alonso they will be some of the activities programmed around the ceremony of delivery of the Prizes Prince of Asturias, who will take place next October 21 in the Theatre Campoamor.
Both activities will be celebrated in the Audience of Oviedo one day after Don Felipe de Borbón does delivery of the awards to distinguished in eight categories of the Prizes Prince of Asturias, which they reach this year twenty-fifth edition.
The Foundation Prince of Asturias will put at the disposal of the public entered from next 18th to be present at the colloquium with Alonso, who obtained the award of the Sports, and the Audience will receive also an exhibition with recollections of the pilot ovetense and the R25 with the one that achieved the world championship.
Alonso's presence in his natal city, where thousands of persons feasted in the streets the attainment of the title last September 25, is waited expectantly and, to the margin of this colloquium, a more multitudinous meeting is prepared betweenthe champion of the world and his followers ovetenses.
Some hours later, the Audience of the Asturian capital will receive a qualified spectacle ' Honoring to the Dance ' that will rely on the action of both ballerinas that they obtained the Prize of the Arts, with which for the first time it was differing to this discipline.
These activities are added to those of the Classroom Prince of Asturias, a set of conferences at the expense of the awardwinners with which one tries to offer the opportunity about which the society knows more closely to the personalities of the world of the investigation and of the culture distinguished in every edition of the Prizes.
This way, on Wednesday, the 19th of October the Brazilian writer Nélida Piñón, which obtained the award of the Letters, and the Portuguese neurologist Antonio Damasio (Scientific and Technical Investigation) will offer paths you confer in the Auditorium of the University of Oviedo and in the Cultural Center Cajastur respectively.
The following day, the Italian thinker Giovanni Sartori (Social Sciences) will discourse in the library of the University of Oviedo upon the influence of the television in the current society whereas the General Meeting of the Principality there will receive a chat of the ex-chairwoman of the European Parliament Simone Veil (International Cooperation).
For this day also a round table is foreseen by the persons in charge of the cultural institutes Alliance Francaise, Dante Alighieri, British Council, Goethe, Cervantes and Camoes that achieved the Prize of Communication and Humanities, and a presentation in the Former Institute Jovellanos of Gijon of the Daughters of San Vicente's Charity Paul, that they obtained that of the Concord.


Both formations corals, which will act together for the first time, will interpret Verdi's Réquiem.
Jesus Lopez Cobos, Prize Prince of Asturias of the Arts 1981 will direct the concert of closing of the Week XIV of Cajastur's Music, at the head of the Symphonic Orchestra of the Principality and with the voices of the Choir of the Foundation Prince of Asturias, of whom the teacher Lopez Cobos is the honorific director, and of the Chorus Native of San Sebastian, who also received the award of the Arts in 1984.
Both formations corals, which will act together for the first time, will interpret, accompanied by the Symphonic Orchestra of the Asturias, Verdi's Réquiem. The distribution will bring together in addition four of the best voices of the current importance as Luciana D'Intino, Indra Thomas, René Pape and Roberto Aronica. The concert there will take place next October 20 in the Audience Prince Felipe of Oviedo, at 20:00. The access to this concert will be exclusively by means of invitation.


This concert will be presided by the Princes.

Foundation receives 12.600 requests for act delivery of prizes

A whole of 12.600 requests has been presented to be present at the act of delivery of the Prizes Prince of Asturias next 21st in Oviedo.
This way the Foundation informed it in a communique in the one that indicates that there remains closed the term of admission of requests on having multiplied almost by nine the appraisal of the Theatre Campoamor.
The Foundation explains that still closed the term, when less than two weeks stay for the ceremony, there continue coming requests of personalities of the social, political and cultural Spanish and international life to come to the act.
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Inauguration with the Princes and alertness against the "graffiti"

The exhibition " The Meninas " will be installed in the center of Oviedo until the next December 15. The pretension of the promoters is that the above mentioned sample is inaugurated by the Princes of Asturias, during their stay in the city on the occasion of the delivery of the prizes of the Foundation, between the 20th, 21 and 22 of the present October.

The Principes of Asturais will preside at the concert of closing of the Week of Music of the Foundation


Jesus Lopez Cobos, I Reward Prince of Asturias of the Arts 1981,he will direct the concert of closing of the Week of Music organized by the Foundation Prince of Asturias and Cajastur.
The concert there will be celebrated in the Audience Prince Philip on Thursday, the 20th of October and Prince of Asturias will traverse at the expense of the Symphonic Orchestra of the Asturias (OSPA), accompanied by the Choir of the Foundation, the Chorus Native of San Sebastian (Reward Prince of Asturias of the Arts 1984), the soprano Indra Thomas, the mezzo-soprano Luciana D'Intino, the tenor Roberto. In the concert inerpretará Messa I gave Requiem, of Giuseppe Verdi.

Elsa M. said:

Stephen Hawking arrived today in Oviedo, to pronounce the inaugural conference for the commemorative acts of the XXV Anniversary of the Prizes Prince of Asturias, supported by UNESCO. The act will take place Tuesday, April 12th, at the Auditorium Prince Felipe of Oviedo, at 7.00 p.m., and will be presided over by TRH Princes of Asturias. Among the assistants, there will be outstanding personalities of the scientific scope and great part of the personalities awarded with the Prize Prince of Asturias for Scientific and Technology Investigation.
With this conference, the Prince of Asturias Foundation initiates the commemorations for the XXV Anniversary of its Prizes, that will extend until the end of 2006. For this celebration, a series of musical acts is predicted, as well as exhibitions, meetings and debates, with some of the awarded personalities throughout its history.

poor letizia and felipe, I'm sorry for them they'll have to be around that creepy stephen hawkings. he is so awful.
pollyemma said:
poor letizia and felipe, I'm sorry for them they'll have to be around that creepy stephen hawkings. he is so awful.
:mad: :mad: :mad:
First of all he is a really great person, a genues. He is very ill, and what? Does it really make matters? In my opinion, you should read some of his great books or other works.:mad: :mad: :mad:
I didn't mean his illness. I meant some of his life choices and some of the things he's said about other people.

I am sorry that his own suffering hasn't made him more compassionate towards others.

Nélida Piñon, Giovanni Sartori and Evelyne Franc, respectively the awarded Prince of Asturias of Literature, Social Sciences and Concord, will be the ones who will pronounce this year's speeches, during the prize-giving ceremony of next day 21, in Oviedo. The ceremony will count on a service of simultaneous translation for the whole audience of the Campoamor Theater, which, for the first time in the history of the Awards, will include seven languages.
pollyemma said:
I didn't mean his illness. I meant some of his life choices and some of the things he's said about other people.

I am sorry that his own suffering hasn't made him more compassionate towards others.
:) I understand what you are saying Pollyemma, but I think the Princes are "professionals" and they can distinguish the value of the "head" from the value of the heart.

In the same line Elsa stated then: "Funny how Hawking mentions the Marquis De Laplace (who formulated his determinist hypotheses of the world being formed at the margin of God) and, shortly after, the Prince begins his speech evoking the Pope and his influence over the thought and conscience of millions of people… :p"

And we all know that not always the most brilliant genious of humankind are brilliant as human beings.

Last year they seemed to enjoy meeting SH

Thank you for bumping this thread;) . I realised I had forgoten how thin Letizia was without the baby bely:D .

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Two coins commemorate 25 years of the Prizes

On the occasion of The anniversary XXV of the prizes Prince of Asturias, the National Factory of Mint and Royal Stamp Mint has realized a commemorative collection formed by two coins, one of gold with metrics of 4 shields and other one of silver with metrics of 8 royal ones, which continue the numismatical Spanish tradition.
In the obverse of two coins there has been recorded the image of the Prince Felipe. To the left side, on a wavy band, the shield of the Foundation appears. In the back there appears an image of the front of the theatre Campoamor of Oviedo. To the left side, the sculptural symbol of the Prizes Prince, Joan's Miro work.

Nélida Piñon, Sartori and Eveline Franc are the winning ones who will speak in the Campoamor
The Princes of Asturias will preside next 21st at the ceremony of delivery of the prizes that take the name of his title, which is celebrated in the theatre Campoamor of Oviedo. Three of the awardwinners will declare speeches, besides the president of the Foundation Prince of Asturias, Jose Ramon Álvarez Rendueles, and of donFelipe. They will be the Brazilian writer Nélida Piñon (Letters), the Italian political scientist Giovanni Sartori (Social Sciences) and Eveline Franc, superiora general of the Daughters of San Vicente's Charity of Paúl (Concord).

The rest of the awardwinners in the edition of this year are: Simone Veil (International Cooperation); big cultural European institutes (Communication and Humanities); the neurocientífico Antonio Damasio (Scientific and Technical Investigation); the ballerinas Maya Plisetskaya and Tamara Rojo (Arts) and Fernando Alonso (Deport).
To the act, since already it is habitual, also the Queen will represent. The Government of Jose Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, Miguel Ángel Moratinos and Maria Jesus San Segundo has confirmed the presence of the first vice-president, Maria Teresa Fernandez of the Vega, and the ministers of Exteriors and Education and Science, respectively.
Though still there is no official agenda, it is believed that don Felipe de Borbón and dona Letizia will come to Asturias on Thursday morning. In spite of the outpost been of gestation of the Princess - she is in her eighth month of pregnancy-, has expressed her desire to take part in all the acts, providing that her condition allows it to her. On Thursday night they will be present in the audience of Oviedo at the concert of closing of the Week XIV of Music, organized by the Foundation Prince of Asturias in collaboration with Cajastur.
The Symphonic Orchestra of the Asturias (OSPA), the choirs of the Foundation Prince of Asturias and the " Chorus Native of San Sebastian " they will interpret, under Jesus Lopez Cobos's direction, Verdi's "Réquiem". Since soloists there will actuate Indra Thomas, Luciana D'Intino, René Pape and Roberto Aronica.
It is probable that, since already it happened last Sunday, dona Letizia is not present at the receipt that continues to the delivery of the awards in the Campoamor, in the hotel of the Reconquest. The Princess wants to be present also, on the following day, at the delivery of the prize the exemplary village, which this year has granted to the village llanisco of Porrúa.
The Princess travels with a medical equipment but, since it is habitual in the displacements of high representatives of the State, there will be a sanitary prepared device for if any contingency arises.
Most of the awardwinners will come to Oviedo between Wednesday and Thursday. Only Tamara Rojo will do it on the same Friday, due to the fact that the previous day dances in London.
There is not known still the day of the arrival to his natal land of Fernando Alonso, flaming champion of the world of Formula I. Lo that yes has come out is that he will greet by the first time to the interest to his arrival to the theatre Campoamor. On the following day he will lead a colloquium opened the public in the Audience.

More than a thousand of journalists and one hundred mass media will cover, next Friday October 21st, the prize-giving ceremony the Prince of Asturias Awards, which will take place at the Campoamor theatre of Oviedo.

The ceremony will be transmitted live by the channels TVE1, 24 Horas, Internacional and CNN+. Besides, it will be transmitted almost completely by Euronews, whereas the meetings of the Princes of Asturias with the awarded are going to be transmitted live by TVE and CNN+.
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The Princess Letizia will realize to Asturias her last official trip before being a mother

The Princes might advance one day their arrival, but their official program will not begin up to Thursday midday

Oviedo, P. R.
The trip of the Princess of Asturias to Oviedo, her natal city, to represent together with her husband, don Felipe, to the delivery of the prizes "Prince" will be her last official displacement out of Madrid. On the verge of expiring her ninth month of pregnancy, dona Letizia wants to take part in the whole program of the awards, included the delivery of the prize to the Exemplary Village, which this year has granted to Porrúa (Llanes), providing that the doctors do not dissuade it to her. The birth of the first son of the Princes is waited for November.
Don Felipe and dona Letizia will close the program of their visit in the first days of this week. Up to the moment, the only thing that has come out is that their arrival is foreseen for the Thursday midday, though maybe they advance it to Wednesday to do it with more tranquility. It is possible that on Thursday they are present at the conference that the Italian political scientist and I reward " Prince of Asturias " of Social Sciences, Giovanni Sartori, will declare at 12 a.m. in the hotel of the Reconquest. Advanced the evening, at 20 hours, there will be celebrated in the Audience of Oviedo the concert of closing of the Week of Music that Cajastur organizes in collaboration with the Foundation. The concert will be recorded by the chain RNE's Classic Radio.
Don Felipe and dona Letizia will preside on the 21st, in the theatre Campoamor of Oviedo, at the delivery of the awards. It will be the ceremony of the celebration of twenty-five years of the institution and the second one to which the Princess comes as colitigant. The previous years, dona Letizia did it as journalist of TVE.
The awardwinners this year are: Simone Veil (International Cooperation), the Big Cultural European Institutes (Communication and Humanities), Giovanni Sartori (Social Sciences), Nélida Piñón (Letters), Antonio Damasio (Scientific and Technical Investigation), Maya Plisetskaya and Tamara Rojo (Arts), Fernando Alonso (Sports) and the Daughters of San Vicente's Charity of Paúl (Concord). All the prizes are endowed with 50.000 Euros and Joan's Miro sculptural reproduction.
Since already it is traditional, don Felipe will declare forthwith, which also the Queen of Spain will attend, which is considered to be his more important speech of the year. In the Campoamor, they will go also to the public Jose Ramon Álvarez Rendueles, president of the Foundation, and three of the awardwinners: the Brazilian Nélida Piñón, the Italian Sartori and the French Evelyne Franc, superiora general of the Daughters of San Vicente's Charity of Paúl.
The ceremony will rely on a service of simultaneous translation that, for the first time in the history of the prizes, it will include seven languages. The Foundation will distribute between the public 1.600 recipients.

It will be the doctors who decide if Mrs Letizia travels or not to Oviedo

Don Felipe and his wife will be present at the end of this week at his last act out of Madrid before the special date so that the real baby is born.

17 of October, 2005. The Princes of Asturias will realize at the end of this week the one that will be his last official trip out of Madrid before the happy birth of the first son of Mrs Letizia and of Don Felipe.

By chance the trip that will realize the marriage will be to the native ground of the ex-journalist, to Oviedo. Up to there they will move to be present at the ceremony of the Awards the Prince of Asturias.

Next 21st Don Felipe and Mrs Letizia will preside in the theater Campoamor of Oviedo at the delivery of the awards. It will be a ceremony of the most emotive thing, since also there are celebrated twenty-five years of this Institution and the second occasion in which Princess comes as spouse.

In spite of the advanced state of gestation of Mrs Letizia, who, on the verge of expiring nine months, has already entered the final straight line of his pregnancy, it does not want to be absent to the due agenda.

The Princess of Asturias has asked to assist to the whole program of the awards, included the delivery of the award to the Model People, granted this year to Porrúa, Llanes.

Nevertheless, his presence in the totality of the act is still dependent on the approval of the doctors who control at all times his pregnancy and who dissuade the excesses when it remains so small for the birth of the future shoot.
There has not been needed yet if the arrival of the Princes to Asturias is foreseen for Thursday or Wednesday evening, with the intention of realizing the trip with major calmness.

The awarded personalities of the Prince of Asturias Awards have started arriving in Oviedo. Nélida Piñon (Prize Prince of Asturias of Literature) has arrived to the hotel Reconquista at the beginning of the afternoon. Piñon will inaugurate tomorrow, along with the neurologist António Damásio (prize Prince of Asturias of Scientific and Technical Investigation) the acts at the Aula Príncipe de Asturias. The hall of Cajastur, in Oviedo, will be the scene, tomorrow at 7:00 p.m., to the conference of the Portuguese neurologist, whereas the Brazilian writer offers her conference, also at 7:00 p.m., at the historical building of the University of Oviedo.

The Foundation Prince of Asturias waits for Don Felipe and Dona Letizia for the acts of the Prizes

The Royal House has not communicated changes of plans with regard to the assistance of the Princess, in outpost been of gestation


The Princes of Asturias have foreseen to initiate in Oviedo on Thursday, in the first hour of the morning, the hearings with personalities and groups, organized for for the Foundation Prince of Asturias on the occasion of the delivery of the Prizes next Friday. The Foundation informed that, at the moment, nobody of the Royal House has reported to them that Dona Letizia should not be going to represent after the false alarm of childbirth that forced her yesterday to join for a few hours the clinic Ruber of Madrid.

The Foundation still has not confirmed if Don Felipeand Dona Letizia will come to Asturias on the same Thursday or tomorrow Wednesday, due to the early hour to which the hearings are foreseen. Sources of the Delegation of Government assured, on his part, that the initial forecast was that the Princes were coming tomorrow to Asturias though this end still has not been a confirmee for the RoyalHouse.

The Foundation has not also been necessary if finally the Princess of Asturias will come, due to her outpost been of gestation, the acts, though sources of the entity assured that, up to the moment, nobody has communicated to them the opposite.


If the anticipated agenda is fulfilled, the Princes will initiate in the morning to ten of Thursday tightened a program that will give beginning with the hearing to the awarded ones with the Medals of Asturias. Throughout Thursday and Friday they will also receive in hearing the students who have obtained Prizes Aim of Race 2004 of the University of Oviedo, to the School Santo Tomás de Avilés and to the protective members of the Foundation Prince of Asturias, as well as to the scholastic community of the Institute of Secondary Education ' River basin of the Nalón' of the Guelgue and to the Real Sporting de Gijón. In addition, they will take care of a representation of the Association Fiftieth anniversary of the Enlisted specialists training school of Ensidesa, to students of the Institute of Cangas de Narcea, to the school Santo Tomás de Aquino de Dominican Padres of Langreo and to the Laboratory Milk and Agro-alimentary Interprofesional of Asturias. The hearings will conclude Friday with the meeting of the presidents of the juries of the prizes and patronos of the Foundation Prince of Asturias.


The Princes also have including in their agenda of acts a visit to the street temporary exhibition ' the Meninas' located in the Stroll of Los Alamos and to the escultórico group of asturcones of Manolo Valdés. This exhibition will be has been organized by Cajastur in the occasion of its 125 Anniversary. Next, seven and the average one of afternoon of Thursday, they will attend the concert of closing of XIV the Week of Music, organized by the Foundation Prince of Asturias and Cajastur, in the Audience Prince Felipe of Oviedo, in charge of the Symphony orchestra of the principality of Asturias, the Orfeón Donostiarra (Prize Prince of Asturias of Arts 1984) and the Choir of the Foundation Prince of Asturias, under the direction of Jesus Lopez Cobos (Prize Prince of Asturias of Arts 1981). For Friday, the hearing of the Prizes is predicted Prince of Asturias with all the awarded ones in this edition. To six and the average one of afternoon it will give to beginning the ceremony of delivery to the Prizes. The visit of the Princes will conclude Saturday with the delivery to the Exemplary town of Asturias that this year has corresponded to the llanisca locality of Porrúa.


It will be necessary to wait up to tomorrow to know that it happens, it seems that the Royal House will not say anything definitive until the last hour.
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