The BBC has now agreed that it will conduct an investigation, following Earl Spencer's demands.
A lot of people have been besmirched by the claims made by the BBC.
It must be awful for them ... unless they are also as outraged as Charles Spencer and want the whole thing cleared up.
Although some were only said to be friends of Diana ... passing on information at a London restaurant etc ... others were serious professionals and named, and then accused of outrageous things. And in most cases for money.
A real can of worms is opening up.
I think the Earl has the bit between his teeth and has no reason to let go, especially now.
The BBC has already admitted it had one of it's graphic-designers create some false documents, so the wall of denial is starting to crumble.
Agree though, that although the Earl was able to see the falseness by the end of the first meeting in the friend's South Kensington flat ... and thought Diana did too ... it suited the Princess to use the offer to get her side out to the public.
She wanted out of the marriage, her freedom and the chance for a second life and more children.
But the behaviour of the tax-payer funded BBC in it's claims about Ms Legge-Bourke, Patrick Jephson, Commander Aylard etc., was outrageous.